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Über das Spiel

Background story
In the not-too-distant future, a strange anomaly opens the gates of the universe for humans. With this new technology, energy, information and atomic size objects can be transported to anywhere in space.
The most intriguing of all new discoveries is an Earth-like planet, where humanity discovers a new source of energy, vital to its unbroken advancement. However, this planet is inhabited by a synthetic, robot-like life form. Their technology and resources are the goal of humanity's new conquest.
Players may take part in various areas of the project. They may fight on the front lines for new territories, develop the already established infrastructure, trade goods or services, or even set their own goals and set up their own coprorations.
- CPU: 2 GHz processor
- GFX: DirectX 9-class ATI or NVIDIA 3D graphics card
- RAM: 1.5 GB
- Software: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7
- HD: 700 MB
- SFX: keine besonderen Voraussetzungen
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- DX: DirectX 9.0
- LANG: Englisch
- CPU: 2 GHz multi-core processor
- GFX: DirectX 10-class ATI or NVIDIA 3D graphics card
- RAM: 2 GB
- Software: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7
- HD: 1 GB
- SFX: keine besonderen Voraussetzungen
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- DX: DirectX 10
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
760 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.20 16:12
Clips und Screenies sind unzureichend.
Man verbringt seine Zeit lediglich damit, seitenweise Infos zu lesen und studenlang in der Gegen rumzukurven. Die Mechanik des Spiels ist unausgereift und bietet keinerlei Rückmeldungen. Kein Klick tut irgendwas und oft kommt einfach eine Fehlermeldung. Es gibt keine Erklärungen, das Tutorial ist zu lang und unverständlich, und es wird nie ganz klar was man tut, oder wie man was tut. oder warum überhaupt.
Der Client ist bestenfalls in Alpha Qualität und das Alter zeigt sich.
Wer mal sehen will, wie man's nicht macht, sollte Perpetuum ausprobieren, und aus seinem Fehler lernen.
Nicht Empfohlen
499 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.16 19:54
Nicht Empfohlen
1255 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.16 18:24
Also ich bin wahrlich überfordert, und kann das Game solchen die einfach nur simpel ein Spiel spielen wollen ohne grossartig dabei nachdenken zu wollen, nicht empfehlen ....
Vielleicht wird das Game mal etwas einfacher in der Benutzerführung, dann probier ichs gerne wieder.
Das Tutorial ist auch viel zu lang, und ich kam mir nicht nur einmal immens blöd vor, als ich versucht habe zu entschlüsseln was genau nun gemeint war, das geht sicherlich einfacher ...
Also ich kanns nicht empfehlen, ganz ehrlich ....
11033 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.15 15:38
Egal ob du als Warlord dich durch kämpfst oder Industrie Mogul - Wirtschafts Wunder oder eigene Siedlungen errichtest liegt an dir und das ist nur nen Bruchteil von der Speerspitze ich hab nur am Spiel angekratzt und habe weit aus noch lange nicht alles entdeckt daher nur meine 4.5 Spielstunden Review.
Dazu kommt noch, das man nicht ständig an der Kiste hängen muss um EP zuerhalten.
und die Spieler sind sehr Freundlich und gewillt zuhelfen sehen dich nicht gleich als Konkurrent´an wenn man eine eigene corporation hat.
Das Spiel sieht auf denn erstenblick optisch nicht so Grafisch hochwärtig aus, Perpetuum´s Stärke liegt wirklich an der Entscheidungsfreiheit und an dem Riesgen Pool an fähigkeiten.
man Kann PvE oder PvP betreiben das kann man selbst entscheiden.
Das Spiel am anfang ist ein Wenig Komplex vorallem das Tutorial wo alles erklärt wird wenn man gerade neu ist denkt man sich was hab ich mir Gehollt, aber lasst euch nicht abschrecken wenn man denn Dreh raus hat wird man es Lieben.
Das Einziege was ich eigentlich zu bemängeln habe das angeblich die Oberfläche in Deutsch wäre ist es aber nicht wirklich es sind einige wörter auch Satzbau steine vorhanden die auf Deutsch sind, aber es ist viel in Deutsch & Englisch vermischt beschrieben, ich hoffe das sie villeicht dran noch arbeiten, ich weiß auch nicht ob sich die Community dran hängen darf wenn ja wäre es Spitze.
Von mir eine Klare Kauf-Empfehlung.
Ich habe mir zu an beginn das Komplett Paket gekauft von Perpetuum (Premium & Superior Edition) und habe es nicht berreut.
Wer nicht auf Optik achtet und mehr vom Gameplay erwartet ist hier wirklich am richtigen Draht.
P.s. meine Erste Mio NIC hab ich mit Transport Missionen erreicht. :)
712 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.15 20:41
Das Spiel ist ein Sandbox MMORPG, in dem du selbst für die Legenden verantwortlich bist, über welche du mit deinen Freunden sprechen kannst.
Von dem was ich bisher zu sehen bekam, ist es optisch eher leider nicht wirklich ansprechend. Alles wirkt sehr grau in grau und kontrastlos.
Die Stärke von Perpetuum liegt definitv darin, dass man aus einem riesigen Pool an Fähigkeiten auswählen kann, um seinen Mech zu verbessern. Darüber hinaus gibt es generell 3 Spielstile. Du kannst durch die Welt ziehen und NPCs jagen oder PvP machen, deine Fähigkeiten auf die Coperation Führung (Gilde) auslegen oder dich mit dem Abbau und der Produktion von Ressourcen und Gegenständen beschäftigen.
Cool ist auch, dass man auch dann Erfahrungspunkte bekommt, wenn man gerade nicht online ist. So kann man auch leveln, ohne ständig am PC zu hängen.
Ein spannendes Spiel mit enorm vielen Möglichkeiten, welches optisch zwar nicht so hübsch ist, aber dafür einiges unter der Haube hat :)
7718 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.14 17:20
Dann noch: Alle negative Reviews welche weniger als 3 Stunden haben sind komplett irrelevant, da man dann das Spiel noch nicht mal angetestet hat, da das Tutorial 2 bis 3 Stunden dauert (diese allerdings effizient nutzt).
Zielgruppe: Spieler die Hardcore-Sandbox-MMO-games mögen (EVE Online ist ein solches).
Features: Eine umfangreiche Sandbox mit Mining, PvE, PvP, Basenbau und sehr guter Musik (sie motiviert einen zu spielen).
Im Grunde besteht das Spiel nur aus Grinden und PvP, macht das allerdings verdammt gut.
Generelles: Das Spiel wird konstant weiterentwickelt was man an vielen Hotfixes schnell bemerkt ^^'
Mein Fazit: Dafür würd' ich, da ich es nun kenne auch 100€ hinlegen ^^
13363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.14 20:08
Wie auch schon von von vielen anderen Mitspielern erwähnt hat es einige Parallelen zu EVE-Online, was wie ich finde sehr positiv ist.
Die grössten Unterschiede sind, dass man pro Minute Skillpunkte sammelt und die dann irgentwann nach belieben verteilen kann und dass man in den Kämpfen und in der normalen Bewegung selber mit WASD steuern kann.
Das einzige was noch ein wenig zu verbessern wäre ist die Grafik, amsonsten Top und hat Suchtpotential! ;)
3294 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.14 15:35
Combat is a lot more fun than in EVE, because you can actually move with WASD instead of doubleclicking or anchoring or so.
It is not completely finished yet, though, but the DEVs are actually hanging around in chat 24/7, babysitting the players. 10/10 just for that.
All in all, I'd recommend it to everyone that is searching an alternative for EVE.
636 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.22 00:48
Might be updating review while playing, slowly turning into a non-TL:DR list
--The piquing of interest stuff
- If you've played EVE: Online, you should know EXACTLY what to expect (for mechanics)
- Robots instead of ships, terrain instead of space, not much differences in combat
- Terraformable world(? I haven't gotten that far, playing industrial looks fun and immersive but have not experienced)
- Community seems extremely chill and quiet (No signs of griefing (yet)(Have not joined discord server))
- Tutorial takes about 20minutes (looks daunting, it really isn't if you aren't afraid of reading)
- No affiliation with Tencent/china (needing confirmation on this one, I did a rather quick check than a deep dive) (Unlike EVE: Online)
- What you equip for hardpoints is visible on the robot
--The Make-Or-Break side
-Clicking/activating things sometimes requires input spam to work, not game-breaking but a nuisance in engagements
-Game has died once already
-Small active playerbase
533 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.21 02:12
easy to progress while solo
easy to progress in groups
everything is rewarded
no real money trade
somewhat outdated graphics
new content planned
10739 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.21 14:46
8796 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.21 18:04
11855 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 10:37
PVE is a bit rinse and repeat, but combat assignments are tiered so you can adjust your risk and there is plenty to do outside of assignments. You can mine and harvest the resources you need, farm (battle) NPC robots to get ammo and components or do transport assignments to get cash. You can manufacture components for your robots, or to sell on the market. Or you can just earn cash to buy what you want.
There is a huge range of weapons, armour and equipment for you to research-build, or to buy from the market. Weapons are varied, tiered and utilise varied combat styles. Robot types vary from lean and fast to slow heavily armoured heavy hitters. You can't carry everything, you have to create you own mix of CPU capacity, power supply, sensors, armour and weapons to create your Super Robot if that is what you want, or you can grab a standard robot chuck on some weapons and AMMO (you can run out) and go kill NPC robots for their bits.
PVP, can't comment, there are plenty of big robots even as NPC that can pulp your starting level equipment so I haven't gone there yet.
There is a lot to learn and a lot to do, 185 hours in I have barely scratched the surface. BUT the game can be played from day one knowing nothing, and you can have a great time blowing stuff up.
It's free to play, it's worth the time
10530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 17:04
The combat and skill system in the game are both reminiscent of EVE Online, but with several differences. The skill layout is very similar to EVE, but the points used to level those can be gained both over time and by playing the game. The combat and gear systems also appear similar to EVE, but they are played, largely, in different ways. The terrain for instance is a massive distinction and lends itself to a variety of tactical choices.
The industry and economy in Open Perpetuum are also big draws for me and are quite rewarding at even the lowest tiers. The OP server does seed a lot of goods on to the market currently, but an industrialist can easily undercut those prices for a high profit margin. Industry also requires some high end goods that can only be obtained via the PVP areas as well as through exploration which helps give players a multi-faceted approach to their gameplay and rewards them heavily for risky playstyles and less, seemingly, focused playstyles.
10532 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.21 02:56
I had a lovely chat with one of the developers, and he shed a lot of light on the game's developement process. The game is currently run entirely by the community, as the original developers had shut down the game back in 2018.
For its current price, the game is fantastic. HIGHLY recommend
14820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 19:40
990 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.20 02:33
PVP is where the real appeal is at but you can still play PVE easily with the ability to run multiple accounts for free. Go make a toon set him up for combat and join a group, go on roams and pvp. Make a second free account to mine your ass off or build stuff or do whatever, it;s free...
In terms of the amount of time you can get out of just the alpha islands 5 dollars is a pittance and worth every penny, even if it just to support ongoing development by the team...
67838 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.20 20:55
Robots are poping left and right so there is pvp action for people interested.
Plus, new class of bots is coming!
13398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.20 05:19
Players can join corporations or found their own. Corporations are basically guilds in Perpetuum and help players connect with new people and get assistance as needed. Each corporation has their own goals and own rules. Some corporations are purely industrial, others are ruthlessly pursuing every PVP fight they can find.
The game world is split up into several types of islands: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Omega. The benefits of each island differ. For example, Beta islands have better facilities for players to use than Alpha islands, allowing the player to get the most out of recycling and refining.
Alpha islands are the lowest risk islands, with no PVP unless the PVP flag is turned off, and players can attack each other. Lower risk means lower reward though, as resources are not as abundant as they are on Beta islands, missions do not pay out as much, and the facilities on the Alpha islands are the weakest in the whole game. There are two Alpha islands, the first being New Virginia and the second being Hershfield, with five main terminals for players to dock in on the former, and only one on the latter.
Beta islands are PVP zones where anyone can be attacked any time, by any player. Beta islands are also where the resources and rewards ramp up exponentially. There is drastically more ore to mine and plants to harvest, and missions pay out way higher than they do on Alpha islands. The facilities of Beta islands are exponentially better than Alpha islands, allowing the player more efficiency when recycling, refining and producing. There are two resources that can only be found on Beta islands; a plant called Noralgis, and a liquid called Epriton, both of which are used to make higher end gear and robots. PVP is incredibly fun on Beta islands, as there are so many different robots, and different combinations of gear you can run on each robot, every encounter is different. The terrain is another factor in PVP, as you cannot shoot through some plants and terrain. Highly recommend PVP regardless of what route you take in game.
Omega islands are essentially dungeon islands for players to go PVE for high end loot. Enemies fully respawn after approximately 6 hours of real time. The Omega island is a group activity for players to fight strong enemies and get rewarded appropriately for their efforts.
Gamma islands are not currently in the game, however the developers are working hard to get them in soon. Gamma islands are blank slates that the player base terraforms and changes as they see fit. I have not personally seen the Gamma islands as I am a newer player, but it seems like every structure in every screenshot of a Gamma island are completely player built and maintained.
There are several different activities to do in Perpetuum's world. There is mining, harvesting, refining, production, PVE, and PVP. All of these activities feed into one another, as mining and harvesting go to refining, which moves to production of PVP bots which, ultimately, get destroyed in PVP and need to be bought again.
Mining - Scanning for ore deposits, first by locating the general area the deposit is in, then scanning with a tile scanner to see approximately how much ore is in each tile. Then, using mining charges for the mining modules specific to the ore being mined, you gather the ore.
Harvesting - Using harvesting modules and harvester charges, which are not specific to a plant, gather resources from plants found throughout the world.
Recycling - While mining or harvesting the player will come across items that are a pure form of the resource they are mining or harvesting, which can be recycled down to the base resource for additional resources. These are not commonly sold on the market as the raw resources are.
Refining - Mining and harvesting go hand in hand, and refining creates commodities used in production of equipment and robots, which can be very lucrative for the player. These commodities are used in production, seen below.
Production - Using ores and liquids found while mining, plants while harvesting, and commodities from combining the two, mass produce items to be sold on the market. You can produce pretty much anything in the game, from ammo and mining charges all the way up to super expensive robots. It's a long road to get there, but once there the money rolls in faster than you can spend it.
Player versus Enemy (PVE) - PVE can be done by either taking on combat assignments to go to a location and destroy the robots there, roaming around and finding a group of robots to fight, or going to what's called the Omega island, which is essentially a dungeon island with crazy good loot. The combat missions can get repetitive after a while. Luckily there are plenty more activities to do throughout the game.
Players versus Player (PVP) - The final leg of essentials in Perpetuum. PVP is arguably the most fun activity to do in Perpetuum. As a strictly industrial player, I have participated in a few PVP fights and Perpetuum has some of the most intense and entertaining PVP I have ever seen. There are so many robots and fits for each robot that you can customize, it would be impossible to list them all here. PVP also incorporates usage of cover, adding another layer to the battle. Using cover is essential for survival during PVP, and makes it more entertaining than watching two robots smack each other with bullets and lasers. PVP is as intense as it is rewarding.
This concludes my review of Perpetuum. I appreciate everyone taking the time to read my review, and giving Perpetuum a chance. I knew from the moment I first logged into the tutorial I was in for the ride of my life, and what a time it has been. I am so grateful I found Perpetuum when I did because this game is truly amazing.
38917 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.20 12:56
The biggest change for me was a move away from EVE style time based xp to move it to activity based, and a massive 25x (or 35x atm) bonus for new players to help them catch up.
30091 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.20 04:37
4393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.20 17:47
1724 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.20 11:13
IF MechWarrior could be adapted to this game and improved the land ownership factor I would give my pay check each month and i know i'm not alone.
351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.19 16:16
However, there are significant caveats. Some of which make it hard to recommend this unless you're the patient type and forgiving of some playability issues. First, there is the UI. I personally find it difficult to find the actionable flow, Lots of things to do to get to where you need to be. While I did eventually get the hang of it, some may give up.
Second, and this is one I have a real issue with - the font is way too small to make this anything other than a lean-in game. And I can only play for about 45-minutes before I have to stop. Hey Devs, if you're reading this, UI scaling PLEASE!
Finally, the content, while really neat looking and abundant there needs to be much more to do. Having towers and buildings and other environment is great, there needs to be more things to do with them. Just saying.
On the plus side, the keeper of the server is updating things and posting about it. It is not a dead player-base, and more importantly, there is from what I can see a certain love for this game and people have not let it simply disappear. And I like that.
I'll keep playing when I'm not loosing my ships in Eve Online or getting frustrated in WOW Classic.
484 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.19 16:46
How many people are playing minecraft version 1.7?
How many people play minecraft on bukkit only servers?
This is basically that, yes the official servers are shutdown but there is a community server, and you can spin one up and play with your friends... HOW MANY PEOPLE BASICALLY PLAY MMO GAMES SOLO?
You can do what ever you want solo, you can play with friends or start your own server... what ever...
I played this game solo for months at a time, maybe with 1 or two friends. the server runs on a pc with a single player with out an issue.
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