We're continuing the release of new Syndicate robots. This time we're introducing two mech-class robots: the Echelon, a combat mech, and the Daidalos, a mech-class transport.
Both are now available for purchase for a combination of faction tokens and NIC in the Syndicate Supplies store. For more information on Syndicate robots check out our relevant blog posts:
Wave 1
Wave 2.

Class: Mech specialized in firearms
"The big brother of the Locust in every way, employing the same self-adjusting armor plating technology and stabilized machine guns. Syndicate generals usually like to put the Echelon where it belongs: to the forefront of intense battles."

Class: Mech specialized in transportation
"We call it 'the hauler with a punch'. The Daidalos is a curious experiment in our efforts aimed to create a versatile transport robot that's more than just a sitting duck when ambushed.
Capacity-wise it fits right between the assault and heavy mech class transports, and while it's not as tough as the Lithus, when aided by a few combat escorts it is more than capable of helping out with some damage-dealing on its own."
The patch includes a few other fixes and balance changes as well.
ːrepairshopː The full patch notes are available here.