News Liste Park Beyond

Patch 4.0.0
Park Beyond
16.07.24 14:04 Community Announcements
Note from the Dev team
Beyond the Skies of Arabia - Theme World is coming to you along with Patch 4.0.0, a major patch with shiny new content and many bug fixes!
As a special treat a small set of Beyond the Skies of Arabia deco objects is coming to everyone for free and the scary Little Nightmares II Flat Ride Dreaded Classroom is now also available for everyone.
We have extended the prefab collection with Staff Lounge Prefabs for every major theme and created two ready-made coasters, one for the Monorail coaster and one special coaster that contains every free coaster module!
Thank you all for your ongoing support and feedback in the past year! We hope you enjoy Patch 4.0.0 and continue to enjoy your time in Park Beyond!

• New DLC: Beyond the Skies of Arabia – Theme World
• Two new Mission maps 'Science and Magic' and 'Sofia's Seventh Voyage'
• Sandbox variants of the above maps
• A new coaster type 'Spinning Coaster'
• A Spinning coaster prefab 'The Weave'
• A new module for the Spinning Coaster track type, the 'Spinning Lock'
• A new coaster module the 'Portal'
• A portal coaster prefab 'Teleportation Station'
• Scenery objects and modular objects
• New entertainer costumes
• New shop and facility prefabs
• Two new path textures
• Some of the Beyond the Skies of Arabia decorational objects are available for everyone
• The Little Nightmares II Flat ride ‘Dreaded Classroom’ is now available for everyone
• A new coaster prefab for everyone, the 'Into the Beyond'
• A new Monorail coaster prefab for everyone, the 'Tri-way Transport'
• Added an alternative camera rotation/panning setting that toggles the mouse buttons
• Visitors leaving the park due to unhappy now have dedicated animations
• Improved group color customization: when multi selecting objects, as many color channels are available based on the object with the highest amount of color channels in the group
• The Park Beyond base themes Western, Candyville, DaVinci and Alien Planet now have Staff Lounge prefabs
• The Beyond eXtreme – Theme world now has a Staff Lounge prefab

• Fixed a crash when pressing specific gamepad inputs at the same time while in ride camera
• Fixed a crash related to decorational objects and customization
• Fixed a crash related to undo and redo of the coaster station
• Fixed a rare crash related to module placement
• Fixed a rare crash related to modular ride simulation
• Fixed a rare crash during ride placement
• Fixed a rare crash related to path placement
• Fixed a rare crash on starting placement
• Fixed a rare crash related to staff impossifications
• Fixed a rare crash related to invalid visitor thoughts
• Fixed a rare crash on loading a save that contains the elevator module
• Fixed a rare crash during boot up sequence on launching the campaign activity cards on PS5
• Fixed a rare crash on toggling precision camera
• Fixed a rare crash related to invalid gate slots
• Fixed a rare crash on having the game run in the background without any input
• Fixed a rare crash related to visitors
• Fixed a rare crash related to the visitor simulation
• Fixed a rare crash related to visitor thoughts
• Fixed a crash related to scenery objects and selection
• Fixed a rare crash related to the camera
• Fixed a freeze when continuously moving the station module

• Improved an issue with audio stuttering on console
• Fixed a frame drop on placing and destroying prefabs on specific maps
• Fixed frame drops when selecting ‘replace’ for shop cores and navigating to different prefabs shops
• Fixed frame drops when using undo and redo on Mission 08 after deleting multiple rides at once
• Improved frame rate when selecting and trying to interact with an object group with over 1000 objects
• Improved frame rate when performing undo after deleting preplaced park entrances
• Performance optimization related to ATMs and their timers
• Performance improvements related to coaster simulation and car collision
• Optimizations related to the ATM timer for visitors
• Optimizations for the amazement widget
• Fixed a momentary freeze when selecting or placing the Beyond the Depths Park entrance prefab

Exploration Park
• Fixed the challenge stand ‘Place at least 3 trash cans’ is updated when trash cars are placed before reaching the milestone
• Fixed that no challenge updates or can be completed after loading a save during the first milestone

• Fixed some goals accomplishing based on the sales of an item done in a previous milestone instead of the current one
• Fixed that some goals requiring the fulfilment of a specific hook do not work for water rides
• Fixed that the progress status is not displayed for challenges that display multiple goals at once
• Fixed an issue where Team Goals didn’t reset after selecting one while the condition of multiple ones are fulfilled
• Fixed that active Team Goal remain after completing all milestones and selecting ‘Stay on Map’
• Fixed that the tracking text for the Team Goal ‘Mechanical Stunt’ does not update correctly for impossified mechanics
• Fixed that the tracking text for the Team Goal ‘No fun for Families’ updates incorrectly after placing coasters loved by Families
• Fixed multiple balloon assets not being selectable on the ‘The Sky’s the Limit’ map
• Fixed a case where undo/redo loses its functionality after destroying or cloning scenery platforms on the ‘The Sky’s the Limit’ map
• Beyond Extreme – Theme World
• Fixed an incorrect milestone text displayed after selecting ‘Restart from Checkpoint’ for the Multiples of Mayhem map
• Fixed that the animation of the 'Medusa Temple' Flat Ride can sometimes show with misaligned fire VFX on the Multiples of Mayhem map
• Fixed that the goal ‘Let x visitors throw up’ does not progress if visitors throw up in toilets on the Festival of Fearless map
• Fixed that the hook 'Newton's Law of Motion' cannot be completed since the ramp module isn't available on the Festival of Fearless map

Mission 04 – An Eye For Detail
• Fixed that a tiny model of Alex can be seen floating in the sky

Mission 05 – Duel at the Beaches
• Adjusted a challenge to make it clear that rides need to be impossified and open for it to be fulfilled
• Fixed the incorrect icon of the 'Cracked Soil' painting texture

Mission 06 – Taken at the Flood
• Fixed the Team Goal ‘Trashfest’ accomplishing while the park cleanliness is not calculated yet

Mission 07 – A Tale of Two Theme Parks
• Fixed that the Team Goal ‘Trial by Turnstiles’ reverts to 0 after save and load
• Fixed that the challenge 'User a launcher module to tunnle through the mountain' does not accomplish if the station is placed on a different land extension than the challenge itself
• Fixed a visual issue on Hemlocks Park wall

Mission 08 – Top of the World
• Fixed that certain mission specific visitor thoughts are being spammed after placing Anti-Gravity Platforms
• Fixed an issue that resulted in flat rides being on top of parking lots when relocating the ride and using undo
• Fixed that impossified Flat rides for the Team Goal ‘Six impossified Flat Rides before Breakfast’ counting regardless of if the rides are opened or not

• Fixed a case where visitors could get stuck in the coaster queue and no longer board the ride
• Fixed that visitors can hold balloons while riding a modular ride
• Fixed staff equipment being misaligned when they are exhausted
• Fixed staff equipment being missing once they enter their exhausted state and have fully rested
• Fixed the mechanics tools being misaligned after they enter their exhausted state
• Fixed staff equipment missing their color when standing idle while exhausted after placing a staff lounge
• Fixed staff member status not being correct after firing and re-hiring multiple staff members at once
• Fixed that the headgear of entertainers disappears after they use a staff lounge
• Fixed an issue of an extra operator appearing on coasters after impossifying an existing prefab
• Fixed that visitors could get stuck in a queue after relocating a ride while it is still running
• Fixed that the overview panel of object groups not displaying modular structure assets present in the object group
• Fixed that the Yeti entertainer costume slides heavily
• Fixed that visitor status effects are being displayed for too long
• Fixed that the ride operator can be clipping through the decoration of impossified coaster stations
• Fixed that visitors teleport to the wrong Flat ride or coaster exit path after deletion under certain conditions
• Fixed visitors leaving the queue of water rides after impossifying the coaster
• Fixed an issue where visitors would get stuck on a path after performing undo and redo
• Fixed that visitors and staff can both get stuck under certain conditions

• Added video tooltips to the water track modifiers
• It is now possible to change the pitch and roll for the Forks and Filter module for any non-water track type
• Added the ‘Connectivity’ section for coaster so they display if the ride is unreachable or not
• Fixed that cars visually remain stuck on the ride after leaving the first person cam running for a few minutes
• Fixed ride prefabs losing their name after deletion and performing undo
• Fixed that tracks snap to scenery objects
• Fixed the coaster track preview being displayed incorrectly after waiving placement multiple times via gamepad
• Fixed that the first segment of the Off-Rail track fails to push the boats in the Log Flume coaster
• Fixed that nodes are occasionally displayed double in both forward and backward direction for water rides
• Fixed that on multiple occasions for water rides, the term ‘Train’ is used instead of ‘Boats’
• Fixed that visitors do not board the first boat of a water rides if the hold time is set to a high number and the ride is being reset
• Fixed that boats accelerate and derail during their second round when they enter a sharp curved track segment
• Fixed boats getting stuck before reaching the turntable after placing a rocket module before it
• Fixed multiple issues where split cars would get stuck on the turntable module under specific conditions
• Fixed that cars get stuck in the turntable module when two modules are build close to each other
• Fixed that the safety test is stuck in an infinite loop when using the turntable module with specific settings
• Fixed an issue that the train climbs inclined tracks without using a chain lift on connecting to the 'Turntable' with the secondary direction set to 'Reverse'
• Fixed that all nodes of the turntable module can be used as in-nodes for the train on non-water rides
• Fixed the parachute animation not disappearing after existing the turntable module if the launch direction is set to backwards
• Fixed that the water texture of the waterfall module starts to flicker after changing the graphics quality settings to low or medium
• Fixed that selecting a track that is not the front track makes the node behind the station the active node
• Fixed stuts not updating correctly when performing undo after moving them
• Fixed that it is possible to place paraglider tracks onto and under water surfaces
• Fixed that the ‘insert node’ option does not appear for longer track segments after selecting the shortest possible track segment before
• Fixed that elevators take only one boat at a time regardless of the selected setting
• Fixed cars teleporting to the end node of an elevator under certain conditions
• Fixed that it is possible to place the elevator with a height of 0
• Fixed an issue with navigating between tabs in the ride editor after selecting a node while in ‘Place Coaster Elements’ panel
• Fixed that no safety test fail message is displayed when few of split cars get stuck on the track while others have already reached the station
• Fixed that the ‘Adjust car colors individually’ option disappears after changing the car style multiple times
• Fixed that trains are not derailing when trying to dock from the wrong side of the station
• Fixed that split cars collide at the station during the safety test when arriving with specific speed
• Fixed an issue where only track modifiers are displayed when two open track nodes are being connected which are not connected to the main station
• Fixed an issue with the cannon module deforming after moving the coaster
• Fixed that trains derail on exiting the cannon module if a reversed module is placed close to the end receiver
• Fixed an issue with split cars getting stuck at the spring module when using specific settings on fork modules
• Fixed that transportation rides can be opened without connecting the entrance path of the secondary station
• Fixed a duplicate failure message when cars of the same train stop at different station modules
• Fixed that cars decelerate just before reaching the elevator module regardless of their speed when the launch direction is set to backward
• Fixed that cars do not crash and can get stuck on the waterwheel end node
• Fixed that the fun rating of the coaster prefab 'Jumpy Castle' displays an incorrect value during impossification
• Fixed that offrail tracks are sometimes difficult to place while using gamepad
• Fixed that offrail track nodes cannot be snapped to
• Beyond eXtreme – Theme world
• Fixed Flying coaster carts snapping when jumping through the drop connector
• Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget – Theme world
• Fixed the missing track section for end node of the catapult module
• Fixed an issue with the ‘Chicken Escape’ Prefab that resulted in the safety test failing
• Beyond the Depths – Theme world
• Fixed that the geyser module can make cars and boats teleport into the sky and drop again when entering the module with a specific speed
• Fixed that split cars fail to collide with the remaining cars when passing throuhg the geyser module
• Fixed that tracks can be connected from the wrong node to the geyser module resulting in broken tracks
• Added bobbing to the geyser module
• Fixed a graphical corruption on PS5 on the ‘Sea Vessel’ car style

• Fixed that duplicate theme tags are sometimes displayed during prefab creation
• Fixed the thumbnail of prefabs not updating dynamically on rotating and overwriting the prefab
• Fixed that the options ‘Move’, ‘Clone’ and ‘Rotate’ not being available for specific park Entrances, prefabs, and preplaced scenery objects in the
• Fixed that prefabs that have been overwritten reappear upon starting a new gameplay session in a different map
• Fixed that placement options fail to work after selecting any attraction from the object group overview panel
• Fixed an issue where undo and redo lose their functionality under certain conditions
• Fixed undo/redo being accessible using gamepad without the usual input after performing undo and redo after placing any Flat ride
• Fixed automated paths being invisible when loading community content parks containing any unowned DLC path textures
• Fixed an issue with placing flat rides, shops and facilities right on top of water bodies
• Fixed that the Park Beyond themed Seafood shop prefab could not be moved or cloned
• Fixed that changing the materal of a structure module object group does not automatically update the color customization
• Fixed that the name of assets do not get updated dynamically after renaming
• Fixed an issue where flat rides would take a long time to appear after being selected under certain conditions
• Fixed that the error message 'Out of Bounds!' is displayed while moving coaster blueprints within the owned land
• Fixed that certain Flat rides with round platforms terraform too much of their surrounding terrain

Scenery Objects, Modular structures
• Fixed that the ‘Antique Archway’ and ‘Masonry Arch’ are lacking any snapping to paths
• Fixed multiple modular structures and scenery objects being positioned below the surface by default
• Fixed that the material type changes on hovering over different structures then waiving the panel without selecting the material
• Fixed the snapping of certain eaves not working
• Fixed that the trim name for ‘Corner’ and ‘Curved’ are not displayed for some support modules
• Fixed that the trim name ‘Corner’ is displayed instead of ‘Curved’ for some support modules
• Fixed that an incorrect tooltip ‘Ancient Stone’ is displayed for some pillar support modules
• Fixed some stone pillar height description not matching their ingame appearance
• Fixed the color customization on DaVinci balloons
• Beyond the Depths – Theme World
• Fixed that all Beyond the Depths modular structure materials are listed as ‘Castle Stone’ in the material selection panel

• Fixed that the 'Replace' function can cause the camera to jump or placement to lose focus
• Fixed that the free camera can snap above the ground for tunneled or terraformed terrain

• Fixed an issue with audio stuttering that can be heard during gameplay in a park with multiple coasters placed
• Fixed that sound effects are missing while using terraforming brushes

Park Management
• Corrected and added character broadcasts whenever specific Flat Rides are impossified
• Fixed that the ‘remaining payback time’ statistic in loans does not track correctly after fully paying back a loan
• Fixed that the loan amortization in the finances tab does not reflect the monthly repay rate correctly
• Fixed that 'Boost fun' and 'Boost amazement' is missing within the impossification panel during Shop Impossification
• Fixed that the 'Manage Prefabs' option has no functionality on selecting it shortly before the pitch meeting
• Fixed that refounded cash after demolition is counted for the achievement 'Worker', 'Middle Class' and 'Millionaire'
• Beyond the Depths – Theme World
• Fixed that the Beyond the Depths souvenir shop prefabs only unlock if the Western theme is also unlocked
• Fixed the Flat Ride 'Serpents Appetite' displaying a wrong image in the 'Shops and Rides' tab of the Park Management panel

• Fixed that the prefab thumbnails often have too dark shadows
• Added some additional words to the profanity filter
• Removed some words from the profanity filter that resulted in normal words being censored
• Fixed multiple typos
• Fixed a missing tooltip for the impossified hook ‘Gushing with Excitement’
• Fixed that the rides queueing time stat for specific rides can be displayed with negative values after impossification
• Fixed the ‘customer’ section in the overview panel for shops and rides not updating
• Fixed that occasionally there are multiple entries for the uniform color customization
• Fixed that the dynamic cursor is not immediately visible upon starting a new map
• Fixed that the dynamic cursor is not visible upon starting a new missing map
• Fixed an issue with gamepad where the ‘place module’ tab is triggered while changing the station size
• Fixed that the text and tooltip of cleanliness for toilets have the same description as rides
• Fixed that coaster editor menus and panels often overlap one another
• Fixed that sometimes the placement tooltips do not show the correct price of discounted objects
• Fixed the colour of staff lounge and toilet icons being the same as for food shops
• Fixed that the highlighter can get stuck while hovering over a downloading map in the campaign menu
• Adjusted the heatmap section for ‘Utilization’ to ‘Ride Utilization’
• Fixed some placeholders displayed in the Undo & Redo help screen for other languages than English
• Fixed that it is not possible to navigate the ‘Unsubscribe’ button under user account setting of community content while content is currently being downloaded using gamepad
• Fixed that there is a non-functional pop up is displayed when buying DLCs that are reflected ingame immediately
• Fixed that the focus fails to remain on the ‘reload map’ pop up after purchasing any DLC from the store while inside of the community content browser
• Fixed that the focus remains in the placement panel while a 'Milestone Accomplished' pop up appears
• Fixed an issue where it is not possible to navigate to the overview panel of a staff member with a DLC costume upon loading a save without DLCs enabled
• Fixed an issue with the ‘Buy Now’ Popup appearing on subscribed content consisting of overwritten DLC content
• Fixed that the dynamic cursor disappears on selecting the option 'change choice' during impossification when using gamepad
• Fixed that the description of the selected choice are not displayed on selecting and waiving the entertainers for impossfication
• Fixed that it is impossible to navigate to the 'Save' and 'Discard' options during color customization of specific coaster cars
• Fixed that it is not possible to select a track icon while in coaster editor after logging out of the community content multiple times

• Fixed that the total park entrance fee number reduces on loading into milestone saves
• Fixed that disabled option ‘impossified station’ automatically gets enabled after loading a save
• Fixed that when placing a ride and saving the visitor spawn wave is missing after load

Logo for Park Beyond
Release:15.06.2023 Genre: Gelegenheits-Spiel Entwickler: Limbic Entertainment Vertrieb: Namco Bandai Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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