News Liste Park Beyond

Park Beyond - Patch 3
Park Beyond
07.08.23 14:59 Community Announcements
Patch 1.4.0 includes a number of changes in response to various feedback voiced by the community about parks eventually becoming unprofitable and level of difficulty in missions. After some initial balancing changes in Patch 1.3.0 we have worked on additional balancing adjustments and systemic changes for this patch. Please note that for most of these changes to take effect, you will need to restart the mission in which you are facing issues. If you are playing in sandbox mode and want to keep your park - replace your flat rides and update your coasters (going into edit mode once).
  • Visitor's Ai has been revamp to make better usage of rides and shops. With this system, we are specifically addressing rides becoming under-utilized for no apparent reason. The system helps maintain the profitability of the rides in your park.
  • Visitors of your park are now able to run to their goals under certain conditions. This change addresses issues with long walking distances in larger parks as visitors will be able to reach their goals up to two times faster now, which resolves in Visitors being more spread out through the park. Visitors will run to their first ride visit in the park, to newly opened rides, to remote rides, and in very urgent cases to certain facilities.
  • We softened the impact of the cleanliness rating on the fun generation in your park which will make it easier to progress to higher park levels and reduce the overall progression difficulty.
  • Coasters and especially the Wide Coaster type received balancing changes which will now attract more visitors to your park.
  • We addressed and balanced the difficulty of specific missions and milestone goals for "Mission 5 - Duel at the Beaches" up to "Mission 8 - Top of the World".[/olist]
  • We look forward to receiving your feedback based on the changes and their impact on the financial success of your parks. Thank you! - Limbic Entertainment Game Design Team

    • Fixed a crash on connecting the exit path to a main path for Flat Rides
    • Fixed a crash on placing "Zombie Outbreak" flat ride and leaving it idle for a short time
    • Fixed a crash on hovering over the queue path near the prefab coaster "Highway Shuffle" in Mission 03 - The Dawn of Impossification
    • Fixed a crash on attempting to replace any prefab shops
    • Fixed a crash on adding two or more modules while editing a coaster prefab that has already been placed
    • Fixed a crash on selecting "No" in the save ride confirmation window for a transportation ride
    • Fixed a crash on hovering the preview of the flat ride "Clockwork Carousel" after loading into a saved game during milestone 3 in Mission 4 - An Eye For Details
    • Fixed a crash on placement preview for the facility "Luxury Toilet" while the game is paused
    • Fixed a crash on attempting to clone the 5 different park entrance prefabs simultaneously us-ing box select
    • Fixed a crash on navigating through the help center while viewing all the tips in an order from the beginning
    • Fixed a crash on performing "Undo" & "Redo" while impossifying a prefab shop using Mouse and Keyboard
    • Fixed a crash on leaving the game idle for more than 1 hour after a maintenance failure in "Ex-ploration Park"
    • Fixed a crash on performing undo redo after deleting the cannon module
    • Fixed a crash on attempting to delete the pre-placed porta-potties in Mission 03 - The Dawn of Impossification
    • Fixed a crash on running safety test for the preplaced coaster on the "Exploration Park" map
    • Fixed a crash on leaving the game idle for 45 minutes in the "Exploration Park" map
    • Fixed a crash on placing "Copper trash can"
    • Fixed a crash on leaving the game idle for 20 minutes with the coaster prefab panel active in the "Exploration park" map
    • Fixed a crash on loading an auto save game the "Abandoned Island" map
    • Fixed a crash on attempting to connect queue path of placed coaster prefab "Loop the Loop"
    • Fixed a crash on using the painting tool "Cherry Blossom" on the "Dragon Nest" map
    • Fixed a crash on building a small park and leaving the game idle for more than 10 hours on the "Welcome to Cloudstormer" sandbox map
    • Fixed a crash on attempting to select the Ferris Wheel in the "Welcome to Cloudstormer" sandbox map
    • Fixed a crash on selecting to connect the queue path of the "Wheel of Love" on the "Dragon Nest" sandbox map
    • Fixed a crash on placing more than 60 "Lollipop Fountain" scenery objects
    • Fixed a crash on attempting to place the flat ride "Pirate ship" in Mission 7 - A Tale of Two Theme Parks
    • Fixed a crash on leaving the game idle for 5 mins after choosing "Continue playing" in the con-gratulation pop-up window in Mission 3 - The Dawn of Impossification
    • Fixed a crash on pressing "Done" after constructing a transportation coaster
    • Fixed a crash on selecting "payoff' from the loans tab in the park management menu during milestone 5 in Mission 08- Top of the World
    • Fixed a crash on consecutively selecting "no" and confirming "yes" to the confirmation prompt undo changes in the coaster editor
    • Fixed a crash on attempting change the station size using "X" after performing undo redo ac-tion on gamepad
    • Fixed a crash while terraforming by using push terrain in the "Sounds of the Sea" sandbox map
    • Fixed a crash on attempting to paint the terrain using "Smooth Limestone" in the map "The Meander"
    • Fixed a crash on attempting to connect the entrance queue path to the main path during the milestone 02 in Mission 03 - The Dawn of Impossification
    • Fixed a crash on impossifing the "Gyrospin" flat ride during milestone 4 in Mission 7 - A Tale of Two Theme Parks
    • Fixed a crash on selecting the cannon module from in Mission 02 - Welcome to Cloudstormer
    • Fixed a crash on leaving the game idle after invoking the pause menu for more than 20 minutes in Mission 6 - Taken at the Flood
    • Fixed a crash on placing the entrance queue path of the "Wheel of Love" on the "Exploration Park" map
    • Fixed a crash on attempting to place the "Ring of Fire" during milestone 04 in Mission 8 - Top of the World
    • Fixed a crash on cloning multiple flat rides together that were placed one on top of another on the "A Tale of Two Theme Parks" sandbox map
    • Fixed a crash on placing a "candy apple" shop during milestone 4 in Mission 8 - Top of the World
    • Fixed a crash when using the node insertion widget in the coaster editor
    • Fixed a crash on height adjust while moving camera to ground
    • Fixed a crash in Mission 06 when hovering a shop over old Cannon Forge
    • Fixed a random crash relating to litter objects
    • Fixed a random crash when loading
    • Fixed many other random crashes

    • Fixed an issue where the FPS dropped drastically after multiple thousand visitors entered the park on specific hardware setups
    • Optimized some fountain VFX
    • Setting up limitations for failures & outage VFX
    • Optimized animation shadow rendering on medium and high settings
    • Reworked group edit mode material to reduce GPU cost
    • View Distance now affects the voxel world LOD distances to reduce memory usage on lower graphics settings
    • Fixed AA quality being changed when the quality settings as a whole are changed
    • Simplified materials and reduced shader memory usage

    Save & Load
    • Fixed an issue where flat rides lost their custom name on save/load
    • Fixed an issue where visitors in the park remain on re-editing a transportation ride after save loading into the map
    • Fixed an issue where coasters remains stuck with visitors in it after loading a save game
    • Fixed an issue where "Entrance" and "Exit" paths of coasters were deformed on loading after using "Pull/Roughen Terrain" terraforming action around them in any map
    • Fixed an issue where struts of some flat rides disappeared after loading a saved game
    • Fixed an issue where grass was floating above the terraformed cavity after loading a saved game
    • Fixed an issue where the coaster status changed from Open to Closed on loading a saved game
    • Fixed some rides not getting visitors after loading a savegame

    • Tweaked experience reward values for paramedics' duties
    • Flattened the coaster costs so that their costs and upkeeps are more consistent
    • Added spawn waves for 2nd, 3rd, etc. roller coasters being opened
    • Adjusted default fee of flat rides so that they achieve 100% upkeep and 50% profitbaility goal on 75% utilization

    Mission 2 - Welcome to Cloudstormer
    • Fixed an issue where the goal "Connect the marked attractions and shops to the park entrance using paths" accomplishes incorrectly on deleting the placed path after loading a save game
    • Fixing small focus issue in the pitch meeting

    Mission 3 - The Dawn of Impossification
      Fixed an issue where visitors are not spawned upon deleting and reconnecting the entrance path

    Mission 4 - An Eye For Details
    • Changed LOD on some cliffs
    • Fixed some water planes
    • Added challenge "park entry fee"

    Mission 5 - Duel at the Beaches
    • Adjusted milestone reward for difficulty balancing
    • Added staff impossification hint after received impossification charges
    • Added "transportation ride" challenge to the 1st group of unlocked challenges

    Mission 6 - Taken at the Flood
    • Hiding clouds in the intro and outro
    • Staff Endurance is set to two times instead of three times

    Mission 7 - A Tale of Two Theme Parks
    • Fixed an issue where the HUD disappeared after hemlock's cutscene when the mission was completed
    • Adjusted milestone reward for difficulty balancing
    • Added shop impossification hint after received pencil charges
    • Added a better subsidy for the case that the player chooses the rebate option in the pitch meeting
    • Requiring 6 lab expansions instead of 7 in milestone 4 to reduce difficulty

    Mission 8 - Top of the World
    • Fixed an issue where visitors are stuck near the park entrance
    • Fixed an issue where the milestone 4 reward "Free Lab Expansions" is not available to unlock after completing it
    • Minor notification fix: Sofia's first comment about platform being built won't be shown if a platform has already been built once
    • Milestone 3: reduced check from 95% happiness to 90% to reduce difficulty
    • Milestone 5: reduced check from $10,000 to $5,000 monthly income to reduce difficulty

    Exploration Park
    • Now incrementally enables theme research collections over milestone progress
    • Replaced some path segments that were causing pathfinder issues for visitors and staff

    Sandbox Maps
    • Fixed water issue on "Canvas of Creativity"
    • Background cliff material changes and some foliage fixes on "Sounds of the Sea" and "The Peninsula"
    • Fixes to background bugs on "Mountain Village"
    • Fixed visual bugs in "The Oasis" background
    • Disabled contact shadows on the background meshs on "Wind Sculpted Colossus" to avoid black splotches
    • Fixed ocean plane in "Sounds of the Sea"
    • Fixed black objects on "Emerald of the Ocean"

    • Fixed an issue where multiselect mode was activated during path placement preview mode via gamepad
    • Fixed and issue where it was not possible to place structures in precision camera mode via gamepad correctly
    • Fixed and issue where the game freezes for a few seconds and FPS drops drastically on navi-gating between tabs under coaster selection panel via gamepad
    • Fixed and issue with being unable to select the track icon in the coaster editor with a gamepad
    • Fixed an issue where "Reasons To Leave" info in the Visitors tab does not update dynamically while hovering over it in Park Management screen via gamepad
    • Fixed an issue where the functionality of D-pad buttons are inverted while accessing visitor's thoughts under Park Management
    • Fixed an issue with being unable to select an asset in an object group consisting using Gamepad

    • Improved path height adjustment to match the same UX as in the coaster builder by hiding cur-sor and adding moving up and down arrows
    • Added "Follow Terrain" setting, replacing it with "Tunnling" setting
    • Fixed an issue where path shortening was not working
    • Improved path input handling on mouse and gamepad
    • Fixed path height adjustment not working on top of water
    • Improved path bounding box calculation
    • Fixed grid snapping not working on idle path operation
    • Fixed path height adjustment arrows now animating in build
    • Improvement to paths below overhangs
    • Increased path height adjustment speed
    • Fixed offset between mouse cursor and path endpoint on inclined terrain
    • Fixed accumulated height adjustment offset issue
    • Fixed height adjustment arrows on paths remaining after undoing a path placement
    • Fixed path segments disappearing after cancelling a path operation while height adjusting
    • Fixed path segments disappearing when spamming Shift
    • Fixed minimum path length being applied on path segments below low suspended paths caus-ing issues
    • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to connect a path towards the path of the park entrance

    • Add/remove and invert now also work with box selection.
    • Added the ability to start placement actions like Move and Clone immediately in Precision Placement mode
    • Added Grid Opening Styling for Placeables
    • Added remember scale setting
    • Added a scale randomizer functionality
    • Fixed object scale reverting back to 100% on moving and cloning
    • Removed non-working options from foliage
    • Enabled the placement options Object Stacking, Surface Angle by default
    • Added functionality to retain chosen filter settings when closing placement menus (until the end of a game session)
    • Fixed an issue with being unable to select some structures after placement while in precision camera mode
    • Fixed an issue with being unable to elevate objects in "Precision camera" via gamepad
    • Fixed an issue where modular structures fail to snap to each other on the map "Nature Heav-ens"
    • Fixed an issue where "Path Width" option is greyed out in placement settings for exit paths af-ter placing entrance queues of rides
    • Fixed a graphical corruption during placement preview of some modular structures and scen-ery objects
    • Fixed an issue where the "Object Collision" error message is displayed on attempting to place any object group with "Scenery object" or "Modular Structures"
    • Fixed an issue where grid width lines are not displayed properly for assets
    • Fixed an issue where all "Archway" Scenery Objects incorrectly snaps to paths
    • Fixed an issue where some assets disappear while performing the undo/redo action during its preview
    • Fixed an issue where prefab shops multiply after multiselecting one and cloning them
    • Precision gizmo components are now always aligned towards the camera
    • Fixed a bug where structures are placed when short pressing on the precision widget
    • Fixed precision widget highlight bug
    • Fixed terrain deformation under various buildings on placement

    Groups & Prefabs
    • Fixed an issue where objects and visitors were incorrectly displayed as object group
    • Fixed modular structures becoming greyscale when changing materials while in group edit mode
    • Added an Object Group Content Limit of 2500
    • Fix for translation gizmo not being available in edit mode
    • Fixed placement gizmos appearing black and white in group edit mode

    • Fixed an issue where the cannon module was visually deformed after performing undo func-tion
    • Fixed an issue where the undo/redo function is not available after entering the ride camera mode while in coaster editor
    • Fixed an issue where object group assets revert back to single asset on performing undo/redo after demolishing the object group
    • Fixed an issue where terraformed land does not restore after performing undo/redo while in track placement
    • Fixed an issue where incorrect cash amount is added on performing undo/redo for a coaster prefab
    • Fixed an issue where the last track segment is missing after changing the station size below 5 and performing undo/redo
    • Fixed an issue where the camera snaps on to the tracks in precision mode on performing Un-do/Redo
    • Fixed an issue where undoing the demolish of a coaster would not make it accessible for visi-tors again
    • Fixed undo/redo failing to function after demolishing any DLC asset followed by undo/redo

    • Changed the default and max train size of the wide coaster so that there are less cars in the train to improve profitability of wider coasters in general
    • Fixed an issue with being unable to navigate and select certain settings of some modules via gamepad
    • Fixed an issue where wide coasters went under the terrain during placement preview on select-ing move/clone option after save/load
    • Fixed an issue where track placement mode exits when ghost train test fails during track placement preview
    • Fixed an issue where Off-Rail tracks were not reverting back to "Normal Tracks" on raising height
    • Fixed an issue where cannon tracks are not properly connected
    • Fixed an issue where the tracks of the coasters are visually broken in the preview while chang-ing the height
    • Fixed an issue where the station is deformed after performing undo redo while in change sta-tion size preview
    • Fixed an issue where the test ride of the prefab coaster "Highway Shuffle" fails on toggling the "Supports"
    • Fixed an issue where cloning a coaster does not reset the cloned coaster’s maintenance to de-fault (100%)
    • Fixed an issue where the tracks connected to the cannon module is visually misaligned in coaster movement preview
    • Fixed an issue where visitors get stuck in the queue of the a coaster on exiting the "Coaster Ed-itor" mode while visitors are onboard
    • Fixed an issue where the "Out of Order" hook gets fulfilled on using "Off-rail" tracks
    • Fixed an issue where the track fails to snap to the station after placing the last node at a high elevation from the station
    • Fixed a bug where the motorcycle car style on the wide and wild mouse coaster wasn't using the right visitor animations
    • Fixed the highlighter in the place prefab panel disappearing after selecting any prefab in the coaster editor
    • Fixed cases of visitors standing in seats of coasters
    • Fixed an issue where transportation rides with multiple coaster stations would incorrectly open
    • Fixed multiple exploits when modifying existing coasters
    • Fixed an issue with the elevator module turning negative when it is placed close to the terrain
    • Improved first person coaster ride camera
    • Fixed an issue around visitors getting stuck after adjusting transportation rides
    • All wide coasters will have the duck cars by default in celebration of the Bloody Quackers community coaster

    Shops & Facilities
    • Fixed the work mode being affected the the "Sync All" option
    • Fixed the upkeep cost of the PAC-MAN Souvenir Shop being zero

    Park Management
    • A system now ensures a more even distribution of visitors across the rides in the park depend-ing on visitor preferences and ride utilization
    • Improved cleanness fluctuations having a growing impact on the Appeal calculation
    • Removed most/least sold items info
    • Fixed critical happiness leave park visitor goal spam

    • Implemented "running" behavior on visitors who will now run to the first ride they visit, newly opened rides and depending on certain needs conditions
    • Improved cases of sliding visitors during transitions into and out of queues
    • Changed the wording of the ride queue full thought to be more precise on the fact that the queue path should be longer
    • Fixed an issue where rides were not being recognized by visitors under certain conditions
    • Fixed an issue where visitors were stuck on the entrance path of flat rides after attempting to replace it
    • Fixed an issue where visitors were stuck at random locations near shops or rides, preventing others from moving in the map
    • Fixed an issue where visitors enter the flat ride through the exit path upon deleting and placing a new flat ride connected to the deleted ride’s path
    • Fixed an issue where incorrect info on visitor needs is displayed on selecting any "Reasons" un-der the visitor's tab in the Park Management menu
    • Fixed an issue where visitors do not use the intersection path if the original path was deleted even though it looks visually connected
    • Fixed visitors walking to odd locations to enter a ride queue
    • Fixed visitors walking up and down on shop queues and ride exits and getting stuck
    • Fixed visitors considering a transportation ride only as a normal coaster
    • Fixed visitors occasionally puking shortly after entering the park
    • Fixed multiple instances in which visitor would spam the "cannot reach ... anymore!" and visi-tors getting stuck

    Team Goals
      Fixed an issue where team goals did not trigger after completing ones associated with any of the three characters

      Fixed an issue where impossified entertainers are stuck in the t-pose after swapping the staff while in the first person staff camera

    • Fixed an issue where the camera clips into the ground while panning down in certain maps
    • Improved precision rotation with mouse

    Help Center/Tutorialisation
    • Fixed an issue where the incorrect image was displayed in Help Center for "Entertainers" under "Staff"
    • Added tips regarding item trends, transportation ride and shop work modes

    Scenery Objects
    • Fixed an issue where some scenery objects are not selectable after placement
    • Fixed an issue where the animation for "Speaking Mirror" scenery object is missing

    Color Customization
    • Fixed an issue where color customization was not work for animatronics
    • Fixed an issue where customized colors on scenery objects and shops change to default color while in preview mode
    • Fixed prefab textures not being saved

    Impossification Mode
      Introduced different icon colors depending on the impossification items

    • Fixed an issue where the button callout for Up/Down was missing in precision mode
    • Fixed an issue where no confirmation pop-up is displayed when deleting objects via demolish mode
    • Added Icon for Teamgoals with High Five
    • Improved park level display
    • Improved time stats
    • Fixed name display in shops&rides screen
    • Updated coaster current accident
    • New Icon for Shop Attractor Tab in Detail Panel
    • Small alignment adjustment for Staff Impossification detail display
    • Button for choosing the entertainer's costume is properly clickable now
    • Added a Delete icon for savegame entries
    • Fixed the invert axis settings to work with gamepad

    • Fixed broken LODs on lower view distance settings
    • Added the level Up VFX for the entertainers
    • Added Impossification VFX for the staff members
    • Fixed positioning of items in the vending machines
    • Fixed flat ride placement preview's lights not reacting to the time of day
    • Adjusted puke cloud material to react correctly to the environment lighting

    • Fixed an issue where audio corruption occurs when multiple FRs encounter catastrophic failure
    • Fixed coaster SFX spamming
    • Adding fork module event
    • Fixed volcano VFX audio setup (correct loop behavior and spawn time of audio particle)
    • Optimised Voice limitations

    • Added the Bloody Quackers Community Coaster
    • Added several tags in preparation of the sharing feature

    • Updated credits
    • Localization update with miscellaneous localization fixes
    Logo for Park Beyond
    Release:15.06.2023 Genre: Gelegenheits-Spiel Entwickler: Limbic Entertainment Vertrieb: Namco Bandai Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
    Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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