News Liste Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine

Tooth and Tail is now available for pre-order for $19.99!
Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine
18.07.17 16:05 Community Announcements

Pre-order on Steam (10% off for Monaco owners), game launches on Sept 12:

We’re as excited as you to get the game out there… help us spread the word and make our launch community packed with players like you!

Other Questions:

Q: Do I get anything with the pre-order?

A: You mean, aside from the discount? We’re working on some stuff, but we don’t have anything set in stone and ready to announce. No promises, okay?

Q: A 2-month pre-order? Why so long?

A: Wanna hear a secret? Come a little closer. OK, here it is. We were slated to launch on August 15th, and then a little company called Blizzard announced that Starcraft Remastered was launching on August 14th. We didn’t want to destroy Blizzard too badly, so we decided to give them a little breathing room. Gotta look out for the little guy, ya know?

Q: I’m so excited to play!

A: Me too. Me too.

If you’ve got any more questions, drop by our Discord channel ( and chat with us!
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Release:24.04.2020 Genre:keine Infos Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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