Today we take a deeper look at some of the new abyssal species and the tricky challenges associated with looking after them.
The perfect habitat
In Deep Freeze you gain access to a new style of tank: The abyssal tank!
These tanks are designed to recreate the conditions found in the abyssal zone so that your creatures feel right at home.
The cost of science
But there's a catch. For the first time in Megaquarium history, these tanks consume science points.
But remember, science points are also used to unlock new equipment. Build too many abyssal tanks and you'll find your research progressing at a sea snail's pace!
Observe closely
Another Megaquarium first! Many abyssal creatures require observation, some as often as every single day.
This means some animals need to be fed, observed and given a supplement in a single day. Thankfully there are some accessories that can help with this - more on that another time!
Filter feeders
On the bottom of the ocean, under 3000m of water, there's not enough light for plants to survive. In this region, carnivorous corals thrive, lending crucial aquascaping and decoration to your tanks.
The monstrous Bubblegum Coral grows to 3m tall and needs a constant supply of live mysis shrimp to keep it fed!
Burdensome beasts
You'll only have access to abyssal animals in limited numbers, and that might be a good thing! They need high water quality, have awkward compatibility issues, tricky tank requirements and many eat nothing but live food!
However, if you manage to build a collection and look after them well, they'll reward you and your guests with a show like no other!
Until next time,
Tim Twice Circled