Hi, Legionaries!
We are excited to share that the second update for Last Train Home is now available, featuring numerous fixes inspired by your feedback and bug reports. We deeply appreciate your engagement and diligent reporting of issues in the game, and we are ever grateful that we can improve the gaming experience together. Thank you again for your contributions. Enjoy the update!
Update 2.0 - Patch Notes
Major fixes:
- Soldiers now die/desert only once, and multiple soldiers dying/deserting/leveling up at the same time are handled properly
- Research/upgrades (such as research for the Kitchen Car and soldier carry capacity) and crafting recipes (such as dismantling Artillery Shell Supplies) are now applied properly
- Resource gathering reports (at lakes, villages, etc.), quests (Mysterious Family), missions (Novonikolaevsk, Bajkalovo), and train stops are now properly accessible
- Soldier skills (Sprint, Camouflage) and traits (Ghost) now apply their effect correctly
- Achievements (Nobody Left Behind, The Real MVP, Druzhina, Historically Accurate, Finally Some Good Fricking Food, Slow and Steady) now trigger correctly
Balancing changes:
- The initial segments of the journey are now less punishing
- Soldiers who are downed inside the Exit Area can now be taken back to the train if at least one other soldier from the squad exits correctly
- Enemy behavior can now be made more aggressive by adjusting the ranges for Information Sharing, Proximity Awareness, and Loud Noise perception via the Mission Modifiers in the Options Menu
- Soldiers now lose silent mode only if they have been directly shot at
- Added a Train Depot guide with information about all train cars you can obtain
- Skill tooltips now mention actions that interrupt the skill (such as move commands interrupting the Medic’s Heal skill) or are forbidden by it (such as Machine Gunners being unable to move while having deployed their Focused Fire skill)
Other fixes and polishes:
Note: while mission-specific issues were fixed, we recommend that you replay such missions from the beginning and do not use in-mission save where you experienced the problem.
- Version number is now available in the Main Menu and Pause Menu
- Baikalovo now succeeds after all main objectives have been completed
- Loading a save now handles dead enemies correctly
- Numerous other fixes and polishes for performance, stability, gameplay, and audiovisuals
Enjoy & stay tuned!