News Liste Junkyard Simulator

Hotfix v.2.2.1B
Junkyard Simulator
20.10.23 16:33 Community Announcements
  • Improve cursor centering for all mechanics such as eye view, vehicle renovation, and tool work
  • Fix bug with Mercury and not being able to transport it to the workshop
  • Fixed an error reported by a player regarding the possible overlap of two Sign Editions at once and the character being blocked as a result
  • Correct the overlap appearing of the tape over the entrance road to Bob's zone, when viewed from the area of ​​the entrance to the Lot
  • Increase the interval for Fees, Employee Experience, Payouts, Happiness - from 40 minutes to 4 hours
  • Change the German translation for the plot of the following words:
  • "Aktie" to those suggested by the player "Lagerbestand" "Loscomputer" to those suggested by the player "Parzellen Computer" "zu voll" to those suggested by the player "bis voll"

Please continue supporting us by sharing your thoughts and ideas. Your activity is crucial for game development, and we look forward to further feedback from our fantastic community!ːsteamhappyː

If you like our game let us to know ːsteamthumbsupːːsteamhappyː
Logo for Junkyard Simulator
Release:13.10.2021 Genre: Simulation Entwickler: Rebelia Games Vertrieb: PlayWay S.A. Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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Hotfix ???????? Update v.3.3.11 ????????
Junkyard Simulator
20.12.24 17:56 Community Announcements
Performance improvements & new settings
Junkyard Simulator
19.12.24 16:08 Community Announcements
Nominate Us!
Junkyard Simulator
27.11.24 18:20 Community Announcements
Hotfix update v.3.2.14 Bug fixes reported by players
Junkyard Simulator
25.10.24 10:17 Community Announcements
Hotfix update v.3.2.12 Storage (Shed), Minimap, Optimization
Junkyard Simulator
18.10.24 11:55 Community Announcements
Hotfix update v.3.2.12 Minimap - improve navigation
Junkyard Simulator
14.10.24 11:34 Community Announcements
Update v.3.2.12 Minimap - improve navigation
Junkyard Simulator
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Junkyard Simulator
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Hotfix update v.3.1.11
Junkyard Simulator
03.09.24 06:16 Community Announcements
Update v.3.1.10 Pickup1950 renovation & Mud system
Junkyard Simulator
29.08.24 14:39 Community Announcements
Update v.2.2.10
Junkyard Simulator
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Update v.2.2.9
Junkyard Simulator
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Update v.2.2.8
Junkyard Simulator
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????60% Discount Summer Sale!????
Junkyard Simulator
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Update v.2.2.7E
Junkyard Simulator
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Hotfix v.2.2.7D
Junkyard Simulator
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Hotfix v.2.2.7C
Junkyard Simulator
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Hotfix v.2.2.7B
Junkyard Simulator
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Hotfix v.2.2.7
Junkyard Simulator
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Hotfix v.2.2.6B
Junkyard Simulator
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Hotfix v.2.2.6A
Junkyard Simulator
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Changes in mechanics & new content
Junkyard Simulator
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Hotfix 2.2.5B
Junkyard Simulator
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Hotfix 2.2.5
Junkyard Simulator
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Hotfix 2.2.4D
Junkyard Simulator
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Hotfix 2.2.4C
Junkyard Simulator
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Hotfix v.2.2.4B
Junkyard Simulator
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Hotfix v.2.2.4
Junkyard Simulator
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Sandbox mode and keybind
Junkyard Simulator
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Steam Spring! -60%!
Junkyard Simulator
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Quests and tutorial changes - Big Update!
Junkyard Simulator
18.01.24 16:41 Community Announcements
Quests and tutorial changes - Big Update!
Junkyard Simulator
18.01.24 16:40 Community Announcements
30% discount NOW!
Junkyard Simulator
15.01.24 18:28 Community Announcements
Hotfix v.2.2.2
Junkyard Simulator
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New Delivery mechanics for Junkyard Lots
Junkyard Simulator
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Hotfix v.2.2.1D
Junkyard Simulator
03.11.23 14:22 Community Announcements
Hotfix v.2.2.1C
Junkyard Simulator
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Hotfix v.2.2.1B
Junkyard Simulator
20.10.23 16:33 Community Announcements
Hotfix v.2.2.1
Junkyard Simulator
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New mechanics - Junkyard business!
Junkyard Simulator
13.10.23 17:00 Community Announcements
Hotfix v.2.1.5
Junkyard Simulator
25.01.23 14:08 Community Announcements
The new car is available!
Junkyard Simulator
11.01.23 15:05 Community Announcements
Hotfix v.2.1.3 - Update
Junkyard Simulator
29.11.22 15:15 Community Announcements
Hotfix v.2.1.2 - Blurry textures
Junkyard Simulator
19.11.22 19:15 Community Announcements
Hotfix for v.2.1
Junkyard Simulator
16.11.22 15:00 Community Announcements
Junkyard Simulator 2.1 is on Unreal Engine 5!
Junkyard Simulator
07.11.22 14:40 Community Announcements
Patch 1.2
Junkyard Simulator
25.02.22 16:27 Community Announcements
Patch 1.2
Junkyard Simulator
25.02.22 16:17 Community Announcements
Patch 1.1
Junkyard Simulator
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New Year's Memo
Junkyard Simulator
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