It’s been a while since I or one of my fellow Council members have been able to directly update you on the advancements here on Titan, but that is merely because we have been busy getting things in line for your biggest venture yet. The business landscape has changed and more competitors have emerged, so we’re here to equip you with new technology and strategies for you to employ to ensure your enterprise’s success.
Campaign Mode

Firstly, we’ve developed a system that will allow you to expand your empire even further than was previously feasible, one sector at a time. Once you’ve accomplished your goals in your starting sector, you can then set up your headquarters in an adjacent zone, conquer that one, and so on. However, not every area of Titan will present the same resources and challenges. Sectors will vary in terms of their environment, degree of rebel activity, Rivals you may encounter, and victory conditions, giving you a new scenario to tackle each time.
Therefore, you need to stay on your toes and utilize different tactics in order to overcome various obstacles and thwart the competition. To aid you in this, you will be provided with Council Favor for every sector you wrest control of which will grant you significant advantages going forward. The better your performance, the more Favor you will earn. Once you conquer two of the special sectors that we have highlighted as being particularly vital, you will achieve the ultimate form of victory, thus earning yourself a seat on this very Council–right next to me, if you’re lucky.
Hospitals, Parks, & Livability

Though the well-being of one’s citizens can be an afterthought when building your city-corporation, there are increasingly more places on Titan that migrants may deem more desirable to start their life in. We supposed it was time to encourage the construction of buildings that will increase your city’s placement on the livability index: hospitals, which will also improve the health regeneration of nearby citizens (should you care about that sort of thing), and parks, which will give your citizens a taste of vibrant and very nearly realistic nature to while away their leisure hours in. Other aspects of city-corporation life may positively or negatively impact livability as well, such as a citizen’s proximity to their workplace or the presence of certain other types of buildings near their residence.
Admittedly, the motivations behind the implementation of these buildings are not entirely altruistic. Word spreads fast, and the more livable your current citizens find their environment, the more migrants will be enticed to move in and help you rake in more of that ever-important currency.
New Starting Bonuses & Tech
With all of this change comes the need for technology that can keep up with it, so Dr. Braxton Daw has been hard at work developing a total of 11 brand new techs for you to research in your Science Lab, including upgrades to your hospitals, reductions to the power requirements for various buildings, and faster construction times for buildings or devices. We can also now offer you 4 new Starting Bonuses to choose from when founding your city-corporation (all of which come with their own drawbacks, of course):
- Experimental Fuel Tanks - Fuel Silos that are built next to crevices will automatically fill up, but Fuel Silos have less health and create a bigger explosion when destroyed.
- Super Highways - Trucks travel much faster, but roads grant negative livability.
- Bypass Structural Standards - Buildings take less time to build, but have less health.
- Slumlord - Residential buildings can house more citizens, but citizens generate more waste.
New Rivals

As I stated earlier, some new faces have arrived on Titan who may just give you a run for your money–Kennar Ruari, Tiann Garra, Kota Tendo, Orenna Kierke, and Ryn Kierke, to be precise. These potential rivals have a colorful range of personalities, each with their own set of goals and level of aggression that they will use against you to achieve those goals. Don’t fret, however, as the Council will be sure to keep you briefed on each competitor you choose to take on… in whatever way you choose to take them on.
I look forward to seeing your empire flourish, Founder.
- Demi, Council Representative