Changes and New Features
???? indicates changes due to community feedback!
- Wrest control of Titan, one sector at at time in this exciting new game mode
- Each sector will have a different scenario for you to overcome
- Each victory will reveal more of Titan to explore and conquer
- Earn Council Favor from victories that you can use to access powerful bonuses
- The higher the victory tier, the more Council Favor you will earn
- Conquer two of the special highlighted sectors to claim ultimate victory and earn a seat on the Council
- Please note that the Campaign victory sequence is still being worked on and features some placeholder elements right now
- Kennar Ruari - A generalist with an industrial goal set
- Tiann Garra - An aggressor with a military goal set
- Orenna Kierke - A Pacifist with a political goal set (Currently only available in Scenario mode)
- Ryn Kierke - An aggressor with a military goal set (Currently only available in Scenario mode)
- Rival corporation logos are currently placeholder and will change in the future
- Rival ships now have unique colours to help differentiate them from the player's ships
- You will now be able to assign and unassign employees to employee modules from anywhere using the employee management panel.
- You will be able to start researching new technology from the very beginning of the game
- Building and staffing science labs will still increase your overall research speed
- The time it takes to complete the first few techs has been increased slightly to make up for being able to start research immediately
- This should improve the repairs made by crew aboard ships with default priorities and help make employees operate devices more consistently after the ship has taken heavy damage
- This change will only affect ships built after this patch is applied
- Fixed missing turntable images for Auto-shield and Employee module devices
- Fixed an issue with manually targeted lasers not keeping their target positions after save/load
- Fixed an issue where ships could get stuck in a dismantling state
- Fixed an issue with activated tanks appearing empty after save/load
- Fixed resource tooltip showing incorrect next resource tier to switch to when Tier 3 was selected
- Fixed issue where input modules could appear stuck if they had resources inside when the processor they were attached to got changed for a different level
- Resources will now be automatically discarded if a different level of processor is connected
- Fixed attacking rebel ships becoming idle if they manage to defeat the Rival's city
- Fixed an issue with priority list for ship crews not always being followed correctly by crew
- Fixed default "repair at" value for Generator-L requiring 2 tiles of the device to be damaged before crew started repairing
- Fixed crew not repairing a device if the first tiles to get damaged on it were inaccessible
- Fixed patrolling rival ships so that they will no longer intercept rebel ships that are targeting the player's city
- Fixed a crash that could happen if the mouse was hovered over certain elements of the ship management panel when a ship was destroyed
- Fixed no tooltip displaying when hovering over the "copy" button when it is not available
- Fixed an issue that caused the "Fully Staffed" achievement to not unlock right away
- Fixed the "Armed to the Teeth" achievement not unlocking until after a ship with full weapons has re-docked and un-docked again
- Fixed "Mineral Monarchy" and "Isotope so!" achievements not tracking resources mined from resource nodes
- Fixed Header overflowing in the Game Over screen when the player loses from lack of storage