We have released a corrective PC patch (1.1) to address some of the commonly-reported issues. Please find a summary of the changes below.
We'd like to thank the community for all of their feedback which made this update possible.
Developer Comments: We noted that the game had too many animals. So we made some changes to lower the amount of animals in Free Hunt and in Campaign.
- Added a ‘choose your difficulty’ prompt on startup of the game.
- Added a new third-person camera angle for players to choose from.
- Added an animal category to the mission screen, providing more insight of what game players can hunt.
- Added extra keybinds for Drone control.
- Added extra loading tips.
- Added more sounds to the game.
- Added tents to multiplayer missions, allowing for players to change weapons and restock ammunition.
- Added Steam cloud save support.
- Adjusted sound effects depending on the time of day, for example, there will be less ambient sounds at night.
- Adjusted the distribution of points in missions
- Extended the shooting range competition timer from 45 seconds to 60 seconds.
- Improved loading time rate.
- Increased sprint duration, so players can now sprint for longer.
- Modified the mission result screen, adding icons of each animal claimed and their respective points.
- Modified rendering distance for grass.
- Updated minimap legends so that they are now displayed by default.
- Updated loadout camera, allowing for more detail on the weapons a player can select.
- Improvements to performance.
- Level design adjustments made to improve animal navigation.
- Optimization improvements.
- Players will no longer rotate when sprinting and will now strafe instead.
- UI is now disabled during the ‘bullet time’ sequence for a more immersive experience.
Developer Comments: We’ve made some adjustments to animal senses, which, for example, now cause them to flee at the sound of gunshots. We’ve also made changes to animal animations so they’ll run smoother and more fluid than before.
- Added birds, fish and insects to all levels.
- Adjusted animal animations (including birds) so that they are now smoother and more fluid.
- Adjusted senses of several animals, whom are now more aware of their surroundings.
- Changed the distribution of animal habitats.
- Changed the model of The Charger, the legendary Moose.
- Decreased the rate in which animals spawn, lowering the amount of animals players will encounter.
- Decreased the rate in which dead animals despawn.
- Modified animal sense system.
- Modified animal AI so animals now run off when bullets land near to them.
- Modified the movement speeds of several animals.
- Modified the sound effects of several animals to more authentically and better match their real-world counterparts.
- Modified the behaviours of several animals, who may now sometimes return to their grazing areas.
- Gunshots cause animals to run off more often.
- Improved bird AI.
Developer Comments: Taking down deer, and rabbits, is now easier. We were aware that, sometimes, rabbits would take more than one shot to take down, so we’ve addressed this issue.
- Added different bullets, depending on the caliber of weapon used. Different bullets will now also be visible in the ‘bullet time’ sequence.
- Added more starting ammo for all weapons.
- Improved weapon sounds.
- Modified the damage amount for each weapon.
Developer Comments: We received complaints about bullet drop, so we’ve now added a visible project of the bullet, which allows players to see the bullet fly. This will also make long distance shots easier to follow.
- Added ‘bullet trail’, allowing players to see the trajectory of their bullets.
- Changes in lighting are now less visually harsh.
- Revamped ‘bullet time’ sequence for a smoother and more spectacular experience.
- UI modifications: icons are sharper and clearer.
Developer Comments: We noticed that Hard mode still featured too many animals. So, we made adjustments to the difficulty settings in Hunting Simulator, which now allow Hard mode to simulate a more authentic hunting experience.
- Animal habitats will now change depending on what difficulty is set. Players playing on Easy mode will discover more animal habitats than those playing on Hard mode. This includes the number of animals players will encounter, depending on which difficulty they have chosen.
- Animal tracks will no longer appear through binoculars on Hard mode.
- Certain features have been removed from the map on Hard mode, such as: possible tracks, uninspected tracks and animal locations.
- The effectiveness of animal callers will now change depending on what difficulty is set. Animal callers will attract animals more often on Easy mode, and less on Hard mode.
- The visibility of animal sound markers will now change depending on what difficulty is set. Players on Hard mode won’t be able to see animal sound markers, while those on Easy mode will be able to.
Bug Fixes
Developer Comments: Random collisions and floating issues have been addressed.
- Fixed a bug involving achievements.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the use of specific hotkeys.
- Fixed a bug that caused a ‘???’ notification to appear when losing focus on an animal.
- Fixed a UI bug that caused the ‘sense triangle’ to appear in the ‘bullet time’ sequence.
- Fixed a bug where players collided with, or floated on, invisible rocks.
- Fixed a bug which prevented moving when the map was opened.