???? Big news for the House Flipper 2 CO-OP fans!
Today we're starting the second phase of House Flipper 2 CO-OP playtesting, as we'd love to see more people trying out the current state of this upcoming feature!
We have recently gone through a very small phase of CO-OP playtesting where we allowed a real tiny portion of our playerbase to access the feature. We verified that it works in an acceptable way, so here goes phase 2! ????
The biggest change is that this time, everyone who'd like to have a chance to get access to the CO-OP feature playtest can sign up for it through Steam!
???? How to apply for access?
No 3rd party websites - just a straightforward "Request Access" button on the House Flipper 2 Steam Store Page, go check it out:
Remember that signing up for the CO-OP feature doesn't instantly mean that you'll be granted access! Closed alpha or beta tests in the world of gaming are closed for a reason, and especially with online features like CO-OP, making it a process based on expanding phases is crucial for the development path of the feature. For now, it's even more important, as we're specifically focusing on how different server load levels influence the feature and its stability.
???? We'd love to allow you all to hop in, but that would in fact prolong the development process! ????
Also, keep in mind that even though this feature is one of our main focuses regarding the future of the game, it is currently nowhere near being finished, so expect bugs, crashes, and other pesky occurrences that might take away from the fun!
Have a wonderful week y'all! ????