Hello, community!
The Thespian Feast update is live on Steam:
- An Entangled ghost of yourself is now roaming the space station if you die, be careful!

- Deploying your shield at the right moment now gives you a massive boost in deflection (Parry)
- Emotes now don't auto-populate the menu in medium class
- Removed the mind cube reader as its dialogs were not intended for the demo, replaced it with a nice weapon
- Added Omnicube tutorials
- Added sound on weapon leveling up
- Removed a somewhat recurring leather sound from the player soundbank
- Added more obvious warning when energy is too low to perform an ability, fire a gun, or use the Omnicube
- Speeded up dialog while adding delay on discussion choices
- Stopped enemies' abilities when they die
- Fixed an issue with hitting crates filling up your energy and healing you
- Fixed the modules Greed Sacrifice and Leech
- Fixed an issue with removing or adding stat boosting module tinning the stats screen values green or red
- Fixed a number of melee and firearm passive unlockable abilities that would fail to provide a proper stat boost
- Fixed where the motion sensitivity wouldn't go down to the minimum
- Fixed a case where the Omnicube transposition could trigger an endless loading screen in some cases
- Fixed the Warrior Saber missing its upgrade chip effects
- Fixed the player unable to fall for a split second after getting off a ladder
- Fixed an issue where the world wouldn't load after the player would respawn in a very specific spot in a pit
- Fixed the Black Hole door beam being misaligned
- Fixed a few walls missing collisions
- Fixed a case with enemies freezing in place after losing sight of the player
- Fixed a bug where the player would perish again after dying from a fall in a pit
- Fixed the horde enemy not having their spawning effect
- Fixed enemies popping in an out of the world