We're excited to announce that at long last, we're updating the PC version of Gone Home with some extra features from our console release! First and foremost, Gone Home now includes official language support for:
Brazilian Portuguese
Simplified Chinese!
Of course, your favorite fan translations [url]https://fullbright.company/localization/[/url] will still work as well.
We've also added Steam Achievements, as well as Steam Cloud Saves, and a general engine upgrade to a newer version of Unity that should improve performance and compatibility. These updates, aside from specifically Steam-based features, will be coming to DRM-free platforms as well.
If you have any issues after applying the patch, please visit the Technical Support forum at [url]http://steamcommunity.com/app/232430/discussions/1/[/url] or email our partners at General Arcade at support@generalarcade.com
Known issues:
* Commentary subtitles and Achievements are not yet translated in Russian and Portuguese.
Thanks for playing!