Gone Home makes Edge Magazine's list of "The 12 Games that Defined the 2010s!"

2019 is coming to a close, and with it the end of a decade. Edge Magazine is closing out the year with a very special edition: their "12 Games that Defined the Decade," each given its own unique variant cover of the print edition-- and Gone Home made the list!
We're incredibly honored to share space with unforgettable games like Spelunky, The Walking Dead, Dark Souls, Breath of the Wild, and more. To celebrate the occasion, we've put Gone Home on a special discount this weekend, along with our second game, Tacoma, for Gone Home fans who haven't taken the plunge with us into the depths of space. Check out the specials on our Developer Page on Steam!
Thank you, Edge, for including Gone Home in this special issue-- and thanks to everyone who's played!