For this new Warrior’s Den we were thrilled to go over the new Hero and everything Y7S2 Vengeance TU2! TU2 is set to launch on July 27th.
In this Warrior’s Den recap article, we will go over all of the Title Update 2 goodies: New Hero, new Armor Variations, Hero Fests, Console performance mode, Patch Notes and much more. For detailed discussions, be sure to check out the Warrior's Den Y7S2 TU2 VOD.

For a quick recap of what was covered in TU1, check out our December 8th article here
This time around, we’re also going to have a reactivation program, meaning that from July 27th to September 14th if you refer a friend, you gain rewards. The invitee gain rewards as well.
A referrer is an active player who has played in the last calendar year after Y6S2 TU2. First session date is after the 27th of July 2022.
An Invitee is a player who has not played since before Y6s2 TU2. Last session date is before 28th of July 2022. An invitee can also become a referrer. New players cannot participate in the Reactivation Program.

New Hero: The Ocelotl
"The prey should hear nothing but its own scream.”
The Ocelotl hail from the great Aztec Empire. Master hunters, their name means “Jaguar Warrior” in their native tongue of Nahuatl. The Ocelotl stalks their enemies with predator patience -- only to tear them to shreds in moments. Efficient and calculating, they wield a macuahuitl club and tepoztopilli spear to maul their prey as the situation warrants. They are ferocious fighters who never forget a grudge.
With the Cataclysm leaving much of Mesoamerica altered, the Ocelotl came to occupy a tropical jungle while maintaining their historic seat of power in Tenochtitlán. They interpreted the Cataclysm as a mass sacrifice -- a divine condemnation for their wastefulness of energy, which had not properly circulated to the gods with enough blood rites and penance. In answer, the Ocelotl adopted an intensely ascetic way of life so their conserved energy might prevent another Cataclysm.
The exceptions to their austerity were their magnificent cities of gold, meant to pay tribute to the many deities in their pantheon. Although originally having little gold, the Aztec empire seized the wealth of neighboring civilizations that were destroyed. They peacefully traded some surplus with passing merchant ships and pirates -- until the empire was invaded by Horkos, who decimated the land and people to steal the Aztec treasure. Having learned seafaring from pirates, the Ocelotl now set sail for Heathmoor. They come to exact vengeance.
The Hero will come with two sets and will be exclusively available for purchase starting July 27th for 7.99$ as a bundle that includes the Hero, one Ornament, one Elite Outfit, seven days of Champion Status and three scavenger crates. Players will also be able to unlock the hero starting August 10th for 15 000 Steel in-game.
In addition to the Ocelotl and TU2 release, a free Event Pass: Hunt of the Ocelotl, will be available from February 2nd to February 23rd. Exclusive, limited-time rewards will be available during this time such as an ornament, effect, and more.
In this Warrior's Den, we presented to you some of the changes that are going live at the launch of Y7S2 TU2, such as changes to Centurion, Jormungandr and Nuxia. We suggest you watch this segment of the show in the VOD. An article for the Patch Notes will be available on July 27th.
Players can now “Group Dismantle” Gear in both the Reward and Scavenger Gear screens. This is a quality-of-life improvement that allows you to mark all the Gear, and then Dismantle them all at once (rather than individually as before)
That’s it for this recap! Have fun with the release of Ocelotl and Y7S2 TU2 on July 27th, and we’ll see you next time for another recap!