For Honor
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Über das Spiel

In jedem Kampf können sich Spieler entscheiden, welchen Krieger sie verkörpern möchten, um gegen die einzigartigen Helden seines Pantheons anzutreten. Sie können individuelle Fähigkeiten und Waffen nutzen, um für das Land, die Menschen und ihre Ehre zu kämpfen und die Soldaten, Bogenschützen und gegnerischen Helden, die ihnen im Weg stehen, zu dezimieren.
For Honor beinhaltet sowohl einen aufregenden Mehrspieler-Modus als auch eine fesselnde Einzelspieler-Kampagne, sodass Spieler ihre Feinde alleine oder mit Freunden bezwingen können. Das packende Gameplay mischt die Fähigkeiten und die Rücksichtslosigkeit eines Shooters mit den schnellen Entscheidungen eines Team-basierten, taktischen Spiels in der Hitze des Gefechts.
Die Kunst des Krieges, das innovative Steuerungssystem von Sanctuary, erlaubt Spielern die vollständige Kontrolle über ihre Waffen und eine direkte Verbindung zwischen der Eingabe über den Kontroller und den Bewegungen auf dem Bildschirm. Spieler können präzise auswählen, an welchem Punkt sie blocken oder angreifen möchten und wie sie den Zugang zu jedem Kampf in Echtzeit anpassen möchten.
Zusatzinhalte zum Spiel
DLC Varangian Guard - Hero - For Honor | 01.02.2024 | 7,99€ |
- CPU: Intel Core i3-550 | AMD Phenom II X4 955 or equivalent
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX660/GTX750ti/GTX950/GTX1050 with 2 GB VRAM or more | AMD Radeon HD6970/HD7870/R9 270/R9 370/RX460 with 2 GB VRAM or more
- Software: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64-bit versions only)
- HD: 40 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectX-Compatible using the latest drivers
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- Peripherie: Mouse and Keyboard supported.
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch
- CPU: Intel Core i5-2500K | AMD FX-6350 or equivalent
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX680/GTX760/GTX970/GTX1060 with 2 GB VRAM or more | AMD Radeon R9 280X/R9 380/RX470 with 2 GB VRAM or more
- Software: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64-bit versions only)
- HD: 40 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectX-Compatible using the latest drivers
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- Peripherie: Mouse and Keyboard supported.
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
1769 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.22 19:18
36890 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.22 09:44
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14294 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.21 20:58
Die Idee hinter dem Spiel ist fabelhaft doch das balancing der Klassen, gerade im 1 vs 1 ist katastrophal.
Ich spiele dieses Spiel seit Anbeginn und es wird einfach immer schlimmer.
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3835 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.21 14:01
Grüße an Ubisoft, danke für nichts!
16777 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 15:47
If you ask me, the quetime is ok. The longest Time i ever waited was like 7 min but mostly you need to wait 2-3 min.
The matchmacking is another thing because it can happen that you need to fight an rep 200 player however personally I use this situation to learn new tech.
The new charakters are strong but I think its ok to fight against a wormonger. (Except Gryphon he is slightly unbalanced and will win every fight against Warmommy) :)
And yes I respect that the game is sometimes a little frustraiting but I like it. When the game is on sale, I would recommend it to buy and I think you should give it a try. Have a nice day everyone :)
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73866 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.20 17:13
Jetzt steht ingame dass ich ihn nicht gekauft habe.
Spiele dieses Spiel von Anfang an und das ist mir noch nie passiert.
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3451 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 15:29
-The community is objectively the most toxic out of every game
-Extremly unbalanced
-The game is dead, you cant find games in most gamemodes (even if it shows 3k players the barely working matchmaking makes it basically unplayable)
-servers are horrible
I promise you wont have fun.
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493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.20 12:20
10851 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 16:05
646 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.20 17:13
ist ein gelungenes Nahkampf-Spiel, das ich an einem Tag intensiv gespielt habe. Es bietet ein interessantes Kampfsystem, in das man sich relativ schnell hineinarbeiten kann. Auch gegen erfahrene Spieler hat man, so war meine Erfahrung, noch eine gute Chance und wenn das Team gut zusammenarbeitet, kann man bereits nach kurzer Spielzeit die ersten Erfolge erzielen. Ich habe es damals zu einem Spottpreis ergattern können und kann es daher nur weiterempfehlen.
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15762 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.20 17:07
75079 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.20 13:41
10/10, horrible experience, I love it.
9422 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.20 00:02
1.Das Matchmaking ist absolut unbalanciert Spieler mit viel Erfahrung und Skill Spielen gegen Anfänger, weil sie einen anderen Charakter Spielen(und die Charakter Reputation niedrig ist)?!
2. Manche Charaktere sind im kampf gegen andere extrem unangenehm und Viel zu stark, so z.b. Nobushi (ihre zum sieg führende Kombi lautet Light-Light-Mausrad), Oroshi (Seine Kombi lautet Light-Light-Leehrtaste+light+W)
3. Das dritte Problem das ist Ansprechen möchte ist ein generelles Problem von Ubisoft Spielen den auch hier gibt es von dem Spiel eine Starter Edition (Enthält 3 Kostenlose Helden) eine Standard Edition (Enthält 11 Spielbare Helden) und einige weitere Saisonale und Eine Complete Edition Jeder der also das Angebot annimmt und für 15€ das Spielen beginnt kann seinen Persönlichen am besten Geeigneten Charakter nur mit großem Glück, sehr langer Wartezeit oder Echtgeld erhalten ich muss jedoch hinzufügen das jeder Charakter im Trainingsmodus (nur gegen einen Bot oder Freund Spielbar) testbar ist
4.Die Spielmodies sind teilweise Sehr Unbalanciert (auch wen dies Stetig verbessert wird) so ist die Chance auf einen Sieg im Spielmodus Breach als Verteidiger sehr viel höher als Angreifer. In Dominion bzw Herrschaft Matches ist auch das System dass Teamfight fair machen soll nicht immer zweckerfüllend und das Matchmaking trägt hier auch nicht bei!
Nun zum guten For Honor bietet eine Große Auswahl an Helden bei denen von Assisen über Tanks bis zu Hybrids alles vertreten ist und auch die Anfangs Helden werden nicht langweilig und sind noch in höheren Skillgruppen auffindbar Alle Helden sind erspielbar und können im Trainingsmodus wie bereits erwähnt getestet werden!
Durch das einzigartige Kampfsystem und Spielweise die für dieses Spiel genutzt wird ist ein hohes maß an Taktik gefragt den Nächsten schritt des Gegner vorhersehen und aufzuhalten wird hier eine Aufgabe einen Charakter und sein individuelles „Moveset“ zu erlernen und in den richtigen Momenten die richte Kombi zu verwenden grenzt an eine form von Kunst welche von vielen kosmetischen Items (erspielbar und oder Auswirkungslos) unterstützt wird ein paar coole Effekte hier eine neue Farbe für die Kleidung da und ein neues emote wäre auch nicht schlecht!
Wen man hier noch bereit ist etwas Geld (30€ rund) für ein DLC liegen zu lassen ist einem auch neben dem (Sehr Gut gemachten) Story Modus auch noch der Spielmodus Arkade offen hier gibt es wöchentlich neue Modi sowie ein paar Effekte für einen Charakter nach Wahl zu erspielen!
For Honor macht trotz seiner vielen kleinen Probleme einen Großen spaß! 7/10
59763 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.20 05:56
31439 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.22 22:24
You'll keep thinking about it while simultaneously hating it with the deppest parts of your being.
You'll love it...
You'll hate it...
And you'll play it until you feel the urge to jump out of the nearest window and land on your balls, while making sure you make it out alive, just so you can play it some more...
4840 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 12:16
38357 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.21 13:18
10/10 wouldn't have it any other way, GOTY
Nicht Empfohlen
65251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.21 03:33
722 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 23:51
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After I Played For Honor:
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606 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.21 00:59
Nicht Empfohlen
3242 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 02:58
2412 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 06:43
For Honor is a game I wasnt really particularly interested in but started playing because a friend of mine wanted to play it with me. It was free for a time so I own it but not really. Lots of starter characters are locked so its basically just a demo mode. You can buy all characters trough ingame coins, farming them for one character only already takes probably around 10 hours.
Now there is a single player campaign and the multiplayer which probably most people get the game for anyways. But I found the main singleplayer a lot of fun especially in coop. Only it was a bit too easy except on the hardest difficulty which made enemies health just ridiculously big and worst of all it made the side where an enemy attacks disappear.
The whole combat system revolves around locking onto someone, and attacking a side he doesn’t block. A character can attack from three stances, left , right, or top. If someone is about to attack it will glow red making you able to block it, to correctly parry it you need to parry in the correct moment. My problem with this is that my gamer brain will try to parry directly when something is glowing red which is the wrong time to do so. You need to block when its blinking in red. A colour difference would have completely helped with this.
You can also guard break, which is janky as I feel it often doesn’t work when it should and vice versa. Its ment to screw mostly with people who dodge instead of block/parry. Which is often new players will do as the issue I mentioned earlier. Additionally weak attacks can be spammed a lot. While you have stamina to negate this its mostly easier to pick a class that has very fast weak attacks to kill people easier. Especially those with long reach like spears can be so punishing . There is no real counterplay except getting good at blocking attacks that can be spammed a lot in a consecutive order.
My favorite was playing the kensai, as he not only has okay fast attacks, he has a dodge attack with helps even against some experience players. You can feint attacks aswell making people get even more sweaty during a fight which is incredibly fun to try play out different moves. Now I dislike that there is no real matchmaking as I will be playing from the get go against people who play this game a lot. Additionally some characters are really good on some maps, some are better in duels or in teamfights.
In teamfights to prevent multiple people from ganging up on one person they make it easier for him to block things coming from behind by giving him only the left or right side to block despite the other person attacking from the top. If he blocks enough he can activate a rage mode, pushing pack attackers, giving a shield and so on. Its an okay system but can be abused easily by gangbangers and the gangbanged alike.
My biggest issue would be not the gameplay but rather the matchmaking system. As it has one but hasnt. It will still find really weak or way to strong players but you arent really allowed to leave. Even in casual non ranked matches. I usually dislike this immediately and therefore rarely play these games. Because it has no server browser finding a match can take forever.
There are also combos and various techniques you can use. Some I didn’t like as they have the usual press this button in after attack x but sometimes its too fast or too late and finding these spots just requires so much practice im not willing to put into the game.
On one hand the maps are really good designed on the other hand there arent that many. Game modes neither, generally most people only play duel or two team based gameplay modes.
Generally I found the combat to be quite easy to grasp at first. Its a lot fun to play against equally skilled people but its a chore to play against people who either abuse light spam attacks or just crush you by being completely better than you. If you are bad at a shooter you may land a lucky headshot, if you are bad at a fighting game spamming attacks and playing casually will only get you so far
There is also a story but that is the most mundane and forgettable nonsense story ive seen. And I found it weird that they put such an emphasis on the story as gameplay wise its a good coop mode.
The soundeffects enhance the general experience of being in the battlefield. Not only the background noises of the NPC soldies running around but also the characters own voicelines in their native language. Overall decent, soundtrack was forgettable tough.
Im always impressed if a game managed to have lots of multiple characters and animations going on during gameplay. Rain effects and gore look really good but also the details on the map ive found quite interestening as you can often see that there is a battle going on despite not being in that part of it. Can be highly demanding on higher settings tough, but worked with my 1060 on medium to low settings without any flaws.
I was pretty surprised how much I enjoyed this game despite being pissed off how many gameplay mechanics were that beginner unfriendly. The combat system when everything clicks and you find the right opponent or situation it can be incredibly fun. Generally tough you will find the issue that you get destroyed a lot, cant leave due to penalty and finding another match after leaving the lobby will take a lot of patience from someone.
6.5/10 Above average Game
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21179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 22:06
The game is addictive, but it's like nicotine. Good at first, bad for you after, can't knock it.
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27875 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.21 08:01
Ranging from the borderline broken mechanics and heroes, a vulcano of random cosmetics that break whatever artstyle this game has left, that erupts every 3 months, to the septic tank of toxicty that is 70% of this game's playerbase.
Getting good at the game is hard when every character has the option of just playing like you have the mental capacity of moldy drywall, trying fancy combos and complex moves to outmatch your opponet is easily stopped dead in its tracks, by said opponent, with some poopity scoopity attack or bash. And getting stuck as the victim of such a combo, if you yourself don't interrupt it, isn't very enjoyable either.
I will probably not stop playing this game, it still gives of some satisfaction when doing well, but for anyone else, its not worth the money (even I got it for free on some sale).
TL;DR: Artsyle is gone, community is toxic, mechanics are broken, balancing is a foreign concept.
6550 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 12:01
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⣷⣶⣮⣭⣽⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠇
33193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.21 03:14
[Prince_KSA] : Wow!
[Prince_KSA] : Wow!
[WeebLightSpamLoli] : Good Fight!
[WeebLightSpamLoli] : Good Fight!
[WeebLightSpamLoli] : Sorry!
[JimmyNerfGryphons] : Sorry!
[Prince_KSA] : Wow!
[Prince_KSA] : Wow!
[Prince_KSA] : Wow!
You will not find more toxic game.
Don't play if you have ADHD, anxiety or high levels of stress.
After 500h of playing on Steam and 600h on PS4 I had to take 20 hours of anger management therapy.
Not lying.
Nicht Empfohlen
6754 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.21 17:04
Nicht Empfohlen
38816 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.21 17:22
2587 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 16:52
273360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 17:09
-Addicting gameplay
-Fast or Slow paced combat depending on the situation
-Always good looking. This game in terms of looks is mint.
-Customization, let me just say that the fashion is something worth grinding for. You can suck at this game and still play for the fashion. And it continues to get updated.
-EZ entry into matchmaking when your MMR is low. It'd take either a flawless record or many many hours to see higher MMR.
-High skill ceiling
-Insensitive for coordination with teammates.
-In game currency can get you just about anything in game.
-Lots of external information like on Reddit or Youtube or even discords to help you get acclimated to this game.
-Inconsistency due to connections and reused code. All it takes to ruin this game is someone with McDonald's wifi.
-A lackluster story with an antagonist that had potential but was short lived.
-MMR separation. Separating the players due to skill levels is a good idea for a game like this. It's almost never fun to get your ass kicked because you see it unfold in front of you as someone distillates you. This makes the game really hard to play with friends that are significantly better or worse than you because it can completely mess with who you should be getting match up with. Take a low level friend in and you might have to watch as they lose all sanity. Or the other way around where you get put into a lobby of people on their first day. MMR might just be the most flawed part of the game.
-Ranked, there is almost no reason to play ranked due to the rewards being very rare and its a duel gamemode. Duels are extremely matchup dependent due to imbalance to characters in 1v1.
-Balancing updates are only once every few months so adapt to the state of the game and learn to be content with it.
-As frustrating as it sounds you'll have to practice a lot to get better at this game. Fast reactions will determine the ease of the game for sure but still learning the matchups and characters so that you can make reads is essential to progressing as a player. If someone spams you, adjust. Trust me there is a way to beat just about everything. Learn it.
-Your fun in this game will be EXTREMELY dependent at how good you are at it.
Now I Know the cons are high but overall this game has come a LONG way and is very unique. It's worth a shot at playing but just know you will eventually get tilted and know that its usually the players fault in performance. The game is 100% worth the buy when it's like 15 or even 20 bucks. You can't expect too much from a game that was basically condemned at launch. But it's survived this long for a reason. You like a unique fighting game that mechanically feels like you can always progress. This is it.
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9505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.20 13:19
The Good:
-Arena fighter goodness
-Executions are the most satisfying things to land
-Tons of variety in play style
-Real bada$$ looking characters
-Team based gamemodes to play with friends
-Arcade mode to get exclusive gear (Locked behind a paywall but overall not bad)
-Dedicated community
-Fun combat loop (Advanced rock paper scissors but making it feel epic in scale)
-Story mode with 18 chapters of enjoyment with rewards for completing them on various difficulties
-well made training mode
The Bad:
-Unbalanced combat (some characters being borderline useless like Peacekeeper's toothpicks compared to Orochi players surgically removing their right click/right trigger.
-Multiple paywalls (can get in game but are needlessly grindy and normally apply to executions and cosmetics)
-Reflect guard makes assassins more of a hindrance to play then other members of the cast
-Poorly constructed online battles
-Community's toxicity
-Unbalanced team combat (2 players and 2 bots vs 4 players, pretty unfair)
-Join in progress unfair resulting in being tied to a broken ship
-Takes way too long to level up, took 2 hours for one rep, it goes to 70.
-XP boosts increase in price as using them (why? That is genuinely stupid)
-EXTREMELY spammy characters- Orochi, Hitokiri, Kensei, Nobushi, Highlander, Warmonger, etc (I have a lot of trouble with my friend's nobushi)
-HYPER ARMOUR being borderline unwinnable if your opponent has the wrong character (70% of the cast)
-Guardbreak mechanic (GB) sometimes lag makes this difficult. PLUS WHY DO MY GB'S FAIL WHEN THEY DO A HUGE WIND UP HEAVY, LIKE HELLO???!
-Fast unblockables make combat feel unbalanced
-Story mode is not fun and not well rewarded for breaking your back for realistic (trust me, I just wanted the moth embossing and that's it)
-I didn't get the Dragoncite Growth during Tales of Rebellion 1 because I was ill at the time. I REALLY WANNA GET IT AND I HAVE A FEELING THEY WILL N E V E R BRING IT BACK.
-Failure to listen to the community
-Constant spam
The Ugly:
-No Wu Lin minions
-No Wu Lin Faction
-Overpriced aesthetics
-Developers do not care- want a buff for your character? Have a elite skin that looks terrible or give that character SANS EYES
-Arcade is fundamentally broken with almost INTENTIONAL UNWINNABLE fights.
-Gear system, though cool, is stupid, needs a rework.
-Executions and Emotes that are limited. I wanted the wolf or sheep one. never got it :(
In conclusion, I want this game to be great, everyone does, but Ubisoft WANTS it to die, its upsetting as it is genuinely fun sometimes. S O M E T I M E S
Verdict? 2/10.
When it works, it really does, easily a 9/10 game. But its faults really fall through the more you dive into it
Would recommend buying to have fun with friends. But that's it.
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7773 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 16:59
The Dominion mode could be argued to be the main mode in this game, but it has to be one of the most frustrating to play. Players constantly teamup, single out, and gank players. This makes the games last much longer and achieves nothing other than allowing shit players to get some kills here and there. I have had games where teams did exactly that and my team won regardless because even though at times we got caught capturing a zone alone then got gang banged by 4 the rest of the team was capturing the 2 other zones and boosting them for points. Another issue is this mechanic called revenge but I could have an entire paragraph on that I would just suggest looking it up.
As for the other two modes (Duel and Brawl) I have had a lot of fun in them, but as of late the Match Making for some reason has been placing me against players who have twice the game time and experience if not more on just that character they main. I personally enjoy playing a multitude of characters learning how to play them and also counter them. I am sure over time I will amass the experience to fight these people on a equal playing field but until then I am just being seal clubbed over and over again not learning a thing other than the obvious they are clearly better than me as of right now. :)
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49330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 10:17
When you lose, you feel like this game is punishing you, very very much
If you are emotionally unstable, you are stressed out in life, or depressed it is definietly no game for you.
It's highly addictive, you are going to get back to it, even if you hate playing it and it's going to make you feel bad.
After 822 hours I uninstalled it. And that felt goddamn good.
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4155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 19:34
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18179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 02:14
63155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 23:50
TLDR; Game is amazing, if you're genuinely new to the game you'll have a rough time getting used to mechanics, but once you get past the rough spot of being a new player, you'll have a better time. Do the practice arena it's one of your best utilities as a new player other than experience (getting your ass beat.)
Amazing graphics
Amazing combat system
Amazing cosmetic items
Huge roster of heroes to choose from
No paywalled content other than early access heroes or battlepass (trust me you're not missing anything,) you can get all heroes simply by playing, along with their cosmetics.
Super cheap game for what it offers.
Not new player friendly (expect to get beaten up a lot)
Sometimes the devs do some stupid shit that they shouldn't do (they usually fix it once they receive a lot of negative reactions from the community)
Love hate relationship (depends on perception, I love the game and rarely hate it more than I hate my teammates)
Slow on adding new content (would be great to get a new roster of maps for dominion and stuff every now and then)
All chat is disabled by default (you can enable it easily from the UI settings)
It's hard to get in a match for anything besides Dominion, Breach, Duels, and Brawls
P.S. People don't trust people that don't allow comments on their reviews of games
133295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.20 05:42
25279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.20 03:59
127350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.20 16:28
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20803 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 08:36
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13746 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 00:45
Good things are:
- Many and all kind of characters to play with.
- Well thought and unique combat system.
- Execution animations are sick to look at!
- Nice graphics.
- Various multiplayer game modes.
Bad things are:
- Toxic community, thank God there is no actual voice chat that anyone would use like in CS:GO.
- Many characters are OP compared to others, especially characters coming from [spoiler] DLC[/spoiler] contents.
- With every major update some characters get completely nerfed while others get buffed like crazy thus making the game super umbalanced. The devs truly have no idea what they are doing with the characters. Don't be suprised to fight the same characters in 1v1 duels over and over, just people taking advantage of the buffed characters.
- Oh and matchmaking is pretty much inexistent.
- Some characters can win by just spamming a single type of attack.
- Not that many players thus meaning newcoming players will get absolutely rekt by veterans.
- DLCs are very expensive.
- Progression is quite slow and given the fact that the game doesn't give you many starting characters to play with, you're going to grind a lot to unlock everything.
- Story mode is garbage, it's more like a super elongated tutorial.
- Ubisoft servers are a joke.
- Microtransactions.
I got the game in 2018 when Ubisoft gave it away for free (wonder why...?), good thing I didn't spend a single penny on it since then. Yeah I played 200+ hours but that doesn't make it a good game. Otherwhise Subway Surfer must be an absolute masterpiece right? Anyways if you want to get this game, make sure you have friends to play with, otherwhise the game won't really give you any fun material.
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70331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.20 22:05
Now, why I've marked my review as bad - you may ask? Well, the main issue with the game is the developer, Ubisoft. The company is incredibly slow with changes that should have been out by the second year, only making them in now, in our fourth. Ubisoft is so incredibly lazy at releasing their changes it is genuinely heartbreaking.
The game will most likely be supported for another 5 more years, going the full 10 year plan like siege is, so it's a safe buy. You'll most likely end up like myself, loving the game but hating the development team.
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos