As promised, here is one more patch before the holidays! As always, a big thank you to all of you for your feedback and reporting any bugs and issues you encounter.
Please continue to let us know if you experience any issues!
Without further ado, let's get to what you're all here for: Loads and loads of bug fixes and improvements!
- Fixed recruitment events being triggered again when you already had the Follower in your camp
- Fixed memory leak caused by third-party software
- Fixed several crashes caused by teleportation
- Fixed crash related to the refuge stash
- Fixed crash caused by engine bug
- Fixed several cases where a monster could spawn or move underground
- Fixed several UI issues (like the mission UI)
- Fixed outpost teleport spots
- Fixed some missing German VO for different social events
- Fixed some wrong controller vibration events
- Fixed an AI issue where monsters would get stuck if they are too far from their spawn point
- Fixed several spots in the world where Ash got stuck
- Fixed saving issues where permanent unlocks and skill points could be unlocked more than once
- Fixed several issues with construction and buildings
- Fixed issue where it was possible to pick up items through solid walls and other objects
- Fixed an issue where the Crafting Queue would not display the current progress
- Fixed that the Stalker could get stuck during/after the rush attack
- Fixed issues where controller input may break the finishers and player states
- Fixed issues where some outpost strongboxes would spawn... tiny
- Fixed issues where monsters would not resume refuge attacks after destroying palisades
- Fixed an issue where the game would freeze when being shut down by using ALT+F4 during the teleportation loading screen
- Fixed an issue where voiceovers would continue playing when the game is paused
- Fixed Occult lab interface (construction state and health bar)
- Fixed issues where followers would not automatically resume their tasks after exhaustion or task completion
- Fixed an issue where crafting progress would be reset after switching working followers
- Fixed an issue where the wrong zone (camp/wilderness) would be displayed when entering/leaving the camp on a sled
- ...and many more small fixes
- Fixed several issues where the game would misbehave if a Guest joined the Host at different instances (e.g. during dialogue)
- Fixed issues where an outpost could still be shown as corrupted on the Guest side
- Fixed several cases where a fade-out or fade-in could lead to an infinite black screen
- Fixed the crystal on the Guest side that it’s always visible
- Fixed possibility to break the Guest if using Stop co-op function
- Fixed wrong camera/position of the Guest during/after a dialogue
- Fixed an issue where the Guest wasn´t able to do anything after the Host started resting and the Rest Menu was open
- Fixed issues where different types of chests were not correctly replicated on the Guest side
- Fixed crash during disconnecting/leaving a session
- Fixed incorrect sled mounting animation on the Guest side due to a player being teleported far away during mounting
- Fixed some broken highlights on Host/Guest side
- Performance optimization for different parts of the game (like particle effects or texture streaming)
- Added and reworked several icons for items
- Some of the weather conditions no longer block the construction mode view
- Tweaked wrong values for resting on bonus followers
- Rebalanced follower stats (e.g. healing) to match the improved follower behaviour
- Corrected erroneous firewood quantity for wood recycling recipe
- Updated localization in all languages
- Improved several transitions between different screens
- Improved Inventory- and Construction-Visuals
- Improved Cleansing Button Mash & Performance Feedback
- Reworked Gamepad screen layout
- General small adjustments to the HUD, notification messages, tutorials
- Several audio improvements
- Added double click (mouse) functionality for Inventory (e.g. use, transfer stash action)
- Expedition menu layout improvements
- General reworked of items present in the container
- Rework crafting menu handling (crafting station) for mouse and keyboard
- Rework the tutorial monster to be a bit easier
- Updated follower proficiency distribution to the final version
- Halved the firewood and food produced by Ash when recycling pristine materials to encourage crafting counterparts with Followers
- Updated the default items in the quick selection to include a torch and an axe
- Increased the follower morale gained from rest, eating and warmth to increase the chances of players raising a follower to expert (shorter timeframe of prosperity required)
- Increased the morale loss for freezing and starvation as some followers were dying before they became demoralized.
- Adjusted the max deprivation value to match the max HP value
- Reworked the general Stalker behaviour
- Reworked the behaviour if a building is damaged/destroyed during a raid
- Added a raid indicator to the HUD (upper right corner)
- Minor changes to the sled to prevent other bugs (e.g. speed)
- Monster loses agro during a finisher to avoid unfair hits
- Palisade gate HP increased with every upgrade now
- Proper raid balancing following misc. bugfixes to raids/structures
- Construction UI: hold and drag mouse to move construction pawn around + mouse wheel up/down to zoom in/out and buttons around the construction pawn can now be clicked
- Dead followers are now actually placed at the crystal
- Crafting queue is showing the finished items now
- Adjusted the resources inside a strongbox (outpost)
- Adjusted the raid intervals to less often
- ...and other minor improvements and changes
- Improved the Melee Combat for Guest
- Improved the teleport behaviour for the Guest
- Updated map behaviour and visuals for co-op
- Reworked the behaviour of the expedition menu as long as a co-op session is active
- Reworked the radial menu entries (wilderness) depending on which state the session is in(e.g. co-op active, second player joined)
- Added Spectator mode if one of the players is dead
- Guest can also cleanse dead followers now
- Possible that the Guest can be stuck if you leave/cancel the campfire in rare cases or a monster is triggering the “abort” state.
- Black screen after the resurrection sequence if the in-game menu was open during the Host was triggering the resurrection (both players are dead)
- Possible that game break if you minimize the game during teleport or loading screen (mainly AMD graphic cards)
- After sled crashed, it’s possible that the Guest character orientation is wrong. Workaround: Host has to mount/unmount the sled again.
- Possible that some objects not correct replicated on Guest side like destroyed buildings and such
- Possible that in dialogues the follower/NPC still have the weapon/item in the hand on Guest
- Some enemies still have broken behaviour during movement/attacking on Guest
- Various other small glitches during using the sled on Guest
- Possible that the HUD can be visible during dialogues on Guest
- Broken follower behaviour during banishment cutscene on Guest
- In rare cases, the game can crash after you cleansed the crystal in new game tutorial
- In rare cases, it’s possible that the game can still crash during running around in the world or use teleport and such.
- An object dropped by the Eclipse can fall through the ground
- The guardian from the Shuttle’s Outpost can be incorrectly positioned behind the corruption barriers (Workaround: Leave the wider area and go back so that it will be reloaded)
- Possible that an enemy can be stuck inside the ground if you start a recruitment event
- The container doors from the Shipland outpost are doubled blocking the enemies or the character to go in/outside
- Followers can show a broken behaviour if you assign them to an expedition or similar while they are busy with special animations like a sweep.
- Possible to have performance issues if you tab out of the game (e.g. windows key) on AMD graphic cards.
Phew! That was a lot! We hope you enjoy the latest Patch and as you're reading this, our busy team is already working hard again to give you all the game you deserve!