The day is here. It has finally come. Corruption is upon the world and we need you to get rid of it. These are our Release Patch Notes. We might have missed a thing or two. It's a lot of Notes.
- THE STORY IS HERE! What happened in the world of Fade to Silence?
- Dream Sequences and the Dream Gallery: You will learn more about the world and what happened when you let Ash rest at a fire. The dreams he is having will be gathered in the Dream Gallery, where you can re-watch them in chronological order.
- We think you all have been getting a little bit too comfortable in Survival Mode with six lives. So we've cut it to THREE initial lives. Yes. Really.
- On the bright side, we have added Flames of Hope you can find scattered around in the world that will give you an extra life when picked up.
- We have completely reworked the tutorial of Fade to Silence to give you a better introduction to the world.
- Missed a hint? Not sure how that one thing you did an hour ago worked again? The Survival Book gathers all information you find out while you play and lets you re-read everything on the go.
- Reworked the fire barrels that both campfire and firewood can be used to light it
- Various localization fixes
- Improved follower AI behaviour and navigation
- Improved animation cancelling timings and weapon hit reactions
- Fixed cases where followers would spam acknowledgements to the player.
- Improved player, deer and monster collisions.
- Reworked tutorials
- Added Survival Book compendium and the Dream Gallery
- UI & HUD reworks for better accessibility and clarity
- Improved combat with fairer and more responsive actions / reactions.
- Improved game economy and overall balancing
From Your Reports:
• World
- Eclipse behaviour improved for a more engaging gameplay
- Improved the behaviour that monsters cannot pushed inside objects or terrain
- Follower should be no longer trapped under the ice bridge at the camp entry
• Crafting
- Equipped items can be used as resources for crafting now
• Graphics
- Snow shader terrain issues fixed
- Improved the lighting on ice during night time
• Crash
- Fixed a random crash in the physics system resulting from the Eclipse attacks
- Fixed a crash related to the interface (open / close map)
- Fixed a crash related to spawning a sled
• Misc
- Early Access achievements fixed to match the final release build’s unlock conditions
- General performance improvements
- Fixed issues where skipping a cutscene wasn’t always possible
• Player Character
- Fixed an issue that you can kill the input if you spawn a new sled via item whilst on the sled
- Fixed a rare case that after the PC was defeated, the spawn location was below the crypt
- Fixed rare cases where a knock-down can end up in a stuck character
- Fixed an issue that using a sled can block the tree interaction prompt if unmount it near tree gathering area
- Fixed an issue that the tree interaction prompt was not always displayed even if the character could cut a tree
- Fixed an issue that you can “run” close to a tornado
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to cleanse a totem or crystal and to trigger another action at the same time
- Fixed an issue that the “unequip” animation of the axe was blocking the player for several seconds from blocking
• Followers
- Fixed an issue that the follower behaviour was broken after entering the camp area and the follower was automatically removed from the sled / expedition
- Fixed an issue where follower can be stuck after a blizzard if they had any activity assigned outside the camp
- Fixed a rare case that follower can be stuck outside the camp if assigned to a task and a palisade was built
- Fixed an issue that follower can receive deprivation damage during tasks inside the camp area
- Fixed a rare case that a follower can be lost if the player is killed in a tornado on the sled
- Fixed an issue that follower can be stuck in environment after a knock-down
- Fixed an issue that follower can remain exhausted also after resting
- Fixed an issue that the follower could slide if assigned to an expedition during any activity
- Fixed an issue that the follower is sometimes incorrectly placed on the sled if the player is mounting the sled
• World
- Fixed issues where it wasn’t possible to pick up items (e.g. bad location)
- Fixed issues that the Ice Crusher can be stuck at environment / unresponsive
- Fixed a rare case where an empty loot container can still be highlighted
- Fixed an issue that the last guardian in the Glare can be spawned outside the combat area
- Fixed an issue that outpost sled spawner can place the character or sled inside the ground
- Fixed an issue that some of the containers in the “the Wreck” outpost had 2 doors that did not open properly
- Fixed an issue where after the sled crashed, it kept moving on the ground and the “replace” function was impossible to use
• Combat
- Fixed a rare case that the PC still get damaged even when the attack was parried
- Fixed an issue that the block / counterattack animation can be broken in a specific situation
- Fixed an issue that follower tries to attack through solid objects
- Fixed an issue that monsters do not react correctly if hit by a fire arrow
- Fixed an issue that followers do not attack during a raid
- Fixed an issue that the Stalker’s death animation wasn’t playing correctly
- Fixed an issue that event monsters can be stuck if they followed the player too far away
- Fixed an issue that monster in the wilderness sometimes did not see / attack the player on the sled
- Fixed an issue that monsters can glitch through camp defenses during raids
- Fixed an issue that the Maw can grab the player character from an unfair height
• Event
- Fixed an issue where you can break events if you “finish” an event step before it was triggered (e.g. kill a monster)
- Fixed an issue that character can slide during dialogues if you skip a dialogue line
- Fixed an issue that the blizzard animation was triggered during a dialogue while the blizzard was going on
- Fixed an issue that follower from a recruitment event not correctly reset if you leave the area and come back later
• Camp
- Fixed an issue that the wrong colour for building state can be displayed as blueprint
- Fixed a rare case where manual task assignment isn’t working / ignored via camp overview
- Fixed an issue that follower morale wasn’t increasing / decreasing correctly
- Fixed an issue that not always the correct or required proficiency was checked if a crafting task was assigned
- Fixed an issue that the construction part (ground; buildings etc.) was hard to see during different weather events or at night time
• Interface
- Fixed an issue that the icons from the in-game menu can disappear after minimizing the game
- Fixed an issue that a wrong radial menu (wilderness instead camp state) can be shown if you teleport to an outpost
- Fixed an issue that it was possible to be stuck in the confirmation message in the skill tree / Circle of Torment (new game)
- Fixed incorrect item icons for some of the resources displayed in the camp overview
- Fixed wrong icon for some recipes and resources
• Crash
- Fixed an issue that the game can crash during an event (e.g. dialogue trigger)
- Fixed a crash that can happen during the cutscene with Alice after the camp crystal was cleansed
- Fixed various other crash fixes
• Save And Load
- Fixed an issue that in rare cases it was possible to break the savegame if you kill the game while the player character was defeated
- Fixed an issue that a dead follower can be placed in an inaccessible area after Continue (loading a savegame)
- Implemented that the sled position is saved now at shelter checkpoints upon “Continue” game
- Wolf now added to the camp if you kill the game during wolf recruitment cutscene
• Misc
- Fixed an issue where the game can be frozen if the game was minimized during a loading screen (e.g. teleportation)
- Fixed an issue that the follower acknowledgements can be heard far away
Multiplayer (Co-op):
- Fixed a bunch of transition issues if you join / leave a Multiplayer session
- Fixed a rare case that the Guest can be disconnected from the Multiplayer session during teleport to an outpost
- Fixed several rare cases where the Host can end up in a frozen game state after the Guest left the Multiplayer session
- Fixed a rare case where the Guest can be stuck if using a fire barrel directly after a cutscene
- Fixed an issue where the Guest can be stuck if an interface was open (e.g. in-game menu) and the Host is triggering the resurrection cutscene
- Fixed an issue that character can still have the weapon / items in the hand during dialogue on the Guest side
- Improved the synchronization between Host / Guest to reduce the asynchronous / wrong Guest character movement
- Improved the synchronization between Host / Guest to reduce monster movement glitches on Guest
- Fixed an issue that trees can be invisible on Guest
- Fixed an issue that the Guest player can be invisible if at a specific location behind the Host character
- Fixed an issue that on the Host / Guest the cleansing bar wasn’t correct or not displayed
- Fixed an issue that the camp buildings sometimes not correct displayed on Guest (e.g. destroyed buildings)
- Improved the sled camera on Guest to be more stable
- Fixed an issue where some of the event cutscenes can be broken on Guest (e.g. follower banishment)
- Fixed an issue that after the sled crashed, the Guest Player character orientation was wrong
- Fixed an issue that a duplicated fake follower can be created if the Guest Player died via deprivation
- Fixed an issue that the tornado wasn’t always visible for the Guest Player
Thank you. Sincerely. Each and every one of you.