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Sovereignty Updates: Transition & Upgrades
EVE Online
26.06.24 16:24 Community Announcements
Pioneering capsuleers,

The transition to a new sovereignty system is about to begin, ushering in a new era with unprecedented topology for nullsec space. In light of feedback from experienced pilots and the CSM, updates have been made to ensure that systems’ value and output facilitate freedom and strategy in sovereignty upgrades. 

Power output from most stars has been increased to raise the floor of the weakest ones, adding more strategic options, ensuring that every system can install sovereignty upgrades, and adding increased flexibility. The lowest power stars now provide 500 power, and the highest ones remain unchanged at 1,000, the average coming in at 651 power. Additionally, the power requirements for strategic upgrades, such as Cynosural Suppression, have been reduced, allowing defensive postures to be adopted in all systems. Supercapital Construction Facilities and the Advanced Logistics Network have also seen slight adjustments in power, workforce, and reagents, as detailed in this list: 

[/tr] [/tr] [/tr] [/tr] [/tr] [/tr] [/tr] [/tr] [/tr] [/tr] [/tr] [/tr] [/tr] [/tr] [/tr] [/tr] [/tr] [/tr]
Upgrade Name  Power  Workforce  Superionic Ice / Hour  Magmatic Gas / Hour  
Supercapital Construction Facilities  1750  17500  145  0  
Advanced Logistics Network  1250  25000  40  0  
Cynosural Suppression  500  5000  0  2480  
Cynosural Navigation  250  1500  0  1095  
Minor Threat Detection Array 1  270  1890  0  0  
Minor Threat Detection Array 2  550  3850  0  0  
Minor Threat Detection Array 3  850  5950  0  0  
Major Threat Detection Array 1  450  2700  0  0  
Major Threat Detection Array 2  900  5400  0  0  
Major Threat Detection Array 3  1450  8700  0  0  
Tritanium Prospecting Array Lvl 1  1750  14000  0  0  
Pyerite Prospecting Array Lvl 1  1750  14000  0  0  
Mexallon Prospecting Array Lvl 1  1750  14000  0  0  
Isogen Prospecting Array Lvl 1  1750  14000  0  0  
Nocxium Prospecting Array Lvl 1  1750  14000  0  0  
Zydrine Prospecting Array Lvl 1  1750  14000  0  0  
Megacyte Prospecting Array Lvl 1  1750  14000  0  0  

Get the full spreadsheet here.


Upgrades require some combination of power, reagents, and workforce, each with distinct characteristics and logistics. Power is a local resource that cannot be transferred between systems. Reagents are valuable resources that can be transported manually to where they are needed. Workforce is a flexible resource that can be managed in several ways: import, export, and transit, all of which can be set in the sovereignty hub for a particular system. The workforce can be exported from its source system to another system, and that can be via several other star systems along the route. The destination system should be set to import workforce into the system. Other systems along the route can be set to transit mode where the hub facilitates the movement of workforce through that system without utilizing any of it locally, ensuring that it can efficiently reach systems where it is most required. Each system can only import workforce from three system at most, and it can only be transferred within an alliance. 


The new sovereignty system introduces a more flexible and rewarding upgrade path. Unlike the old system, where upgrades had to be installed sequentially from one level to the next, the new system allows you to directly install the upgrade level that suits your strategic needs. For example, the Major Threat Detection Array 3 can be installed without Major Threat Detection Array 2. This change grants greater control and customization over your infrastructure. Additionally, the new system features faster spawn rates for each signature, allowing groups to sustain in-space activities with less downtime. The escalation rates have also been accelerated, resulting in more dynamic and intense encounters. Moreover, the introduction of larger combat sites, such as the Forsaken Sanctums, provides significant challenges and rewards for larger ships like marauders. These enhancements are designed to create a more engaging and strategic environment in nullsec space, empowering you to make the most of your sovereignty and shape the future of New Eden. 

The Threat Detection Arrays will spawn anomalies based on the security status of the system, specifically spawning Hub to Forsaken Sanctum level combat sites. Minor Threat Detection Arrays can spawn Refuge to Rally Point level combat sites.

There may only be one Major and one Minor level Threat Detection Array online at any given time, and there is no longer a need to achieve certain levels of military and industrial indexes for the operation of upgrades. 

The number of spawns and the types of anomalies depend on security status. There are five different security bands and, keeping in mind that respawn rates have been increased as mentioned above, here is what you can expect from two of them with a Major Threat Detection Array: 

[/tr] [/tr] [/tr] [/tr] [/tr] [/tr]
Security Status Anomaly  Major 3 Major 2 Major 1 
-1 to -0.85 Forsaken Hub  
 Forlorn Hub  
 Forsaken Sanctum  0  

[/tr] [/tr] [/tr] [/tr] [/tr] [/tr] [/tr]
Security Status Anomaly  Major 3 Major 2 Major 1 
-0.45 to -0.25 Hub  
 Hidden Hub  
 Forsaken Hub  
 Forlorn Hub  


The new sovereignty upgrades give you the power to decide which types of ores will appear based on the upgrade you install. This added layer of control allows you to tailor your mining operations to better meet the strategic needs of your corporation or alliance. By selecting the ore types that best suit your objectives, you can optimize your resource extraction and ensure a steady supply of the materials you need. 

Similar to the combat anomalies, these new belts will spawn slightly faster. Only one of each type can be installed in a system at any given time, but a system with sufficient power output could install different Prospecting Arrays. Each upgrade also has the chance to spawn an additional Mercoxit anomaly. Additionally, mining anomalies from the Prospecting Array can trigger a mining escalation. 

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Upgrade Mining Anomaly Types of Ore 
Tritanium Prospecting Array Veldspar Veldspar, Scordite, Plagioclase 
Pyerite Prospecting Array Mordunium Deposit Mordunium, Scordite, Pyroxeres, Omber 
Mexallon Prospecting Array Kylixium Deposit Kylixium, Plagioclase, Gneiss 
Isogen Prospecting Array Griemeer Deposit Griemeer, Omber, Kernite 
Nocxium Prospecting Array Nocxite Deposit Nocxite, Hedbergite, Ochre, Crokite 
Zydrine Prospecting Array Hezorime Deposit Hezorime, Eifyrium, Bistot 
Megacyte Prospecting Array Ueganite Ueganite, Ducinium, Arkonor 


To support capsuleers during the transition period, a comprehensive reimbursement process will be implemented in stages over the next several months, similar to those executed for other major gameplay transitions in the past. Recognizing the considerable investments made in the previous system, this program will reimburse deprecated upgrades, TCUs, and blueprints through a combination of returning material input items, automatically converting some items into new types, and direct ISK refunds for others. This ensures that previous efforts and resources are not lost and can be redirected towards the opportunities the new sovereignty system provides. Additionally, the shift in power and resources necessitates changes in the places capsuleers call home. To ease this process, rigs can be removed from Upwell structures in sovereign nullsec space without being destroyed, allowing for the relocation of structures without incurring the typically substantial costs associated with rig removal and replacement. This will be available for structures deployed before 27 June, facilitating a smoother transition and enabling capsuleers to adapt their infrastructure to the new system without undue financial burden.

These measures, along with the advancements in sovereignty and mining capabilities, are designed to ensure a seamless transition and empower capsuleers to continue thriving and shaping the future of New Eden.
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Release:06.05.2003 Genre: Massively Multiplayer Online Entwickler: Crowd Control Productions Vertrieb: Atari Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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