• EVE Online: EVE Online Spieler spenden über 100.000 US-Dollar
  • EVE Online: EVE Online Spieler spenden über 100.000 US-Dollar
  • EVE Online: Screenshots Dezember 14
  • EVE Online: Screenshots Dezember 14
  • EVE Online: Phoebe-Update zu EVE Online ist erschienen
  • EVE Online: Screenshots zeigen die Incarna v1.0 Erweiterung
  • EVE Online: Screenshots zeigen die Incarna v1.0 Erweiterung
  • EVE Online: Screenshots zeigen die Incarna v1.0 Erweiterung
  • EVE Online: Screenshots zeigen die Incarna v1.0 Erweiterung
  • EVE Online: Screenshots zeigen die Incarna v1.0 Erweiterung
  • EVE Online: Screenshots zeigen die Incarna v1.0 Erweiterung
  • EVE Online: Screenshots zeigen die Incarna v1.0 Erweiterung
  • EVE Online: EVE Online Spieler spenden über 100.000 US-Dollar
  • EVE Online: EVE Online Spieler spenden über 100.000 US-Dollar
  • EVE Online: Screenshots Dezember 14
  • EVE Online: Screenshots Dezember 14
  • EVE Online: Phoebe-Update zu EVE Online ist erschienen
  • EVE Online: Screenshots zeigen die Incarna v1.0 Erweiterung
  • EVE Online: Screenshots zeigen die Incarna v1.0 Erweiterung
  • EVE Online: Screenshots zeigen die Incarna v1.0 Erweiterung
  • EVE Online: Screenshots zeigen die Incarna v1.0 Erweiterung
  • EVE Online: Screenshots zeigen die Incarna v1.0 Erweiterung
  • EVE Online: Screenshots zeigen die Incarna v1.0 Erweiterung
  • EVE Online: Screenshots zeigen die Incarna v1.0 Erweiterung


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 06.05.2003
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Preis Update 20.05.22

Über das Spiel

Ein MMO-Universum wie kein anderes! Komm und werde Teil dieses einmaligen Abenteuers. Dein Schicksal liegt ganz allein in Deiner Hand. Schreibe Deine eigene Story und erlebe aufregende Abenteuer in der Welt von EVE Online.
Als Siedler dank der neu-entdeckten Warp-Technologie die dunklen und unbekannten Bereiche des Weltraums erforschten, fanden sie ein natürliches Wurmloch, das sie in ein wunderschönes und riesiges Sternensystem führte. Es war das Tor zu einem Reich, das sie "New Eden" nannten.
New Eden war reich an den verschiedensten Mineralien. Innerhalb kürzester Zeit zogen Massen von Piloten in das neue Gebiet. So fanden sich Kämpfer neben Piraten und Gesellschaften wieder - alle mit der gleichen Absicht, sich ihren eigenen Anteil an den Bodenschätzen zu sichern. Millionen badeten im Reichtum und viele Millionen fanden ihr Schicksal im Krieg.
Dann schloss sich das Wurmloch plötzlich und die Kolonien wurden von der Erde angeschnitten - für immer. Daraufhin brach für Tausende von Jahren ein Dunkles Zeitalter über New Eden herein, aus dem sich vier herrschende Völker erhoben: Amarr, Minmatar, Gallente und Caldari. Welchen Platz wirst Du in dieser neuen Welt einnehmen?

  • Mehrere PvP-Systeme – Lassen Sie sich im Fraktionenkrieg als Loyalist für eines der vier EVE-Völker anwerben. Umgehen Sie als Weltraumpirat das Gesetz oder greifen Sie im großangelegten Konflikt der Allianzen, in dem Tausende von Piloten im Kampf um die Vorherrschaft in den Sternen aufeinanderprallen, zu den Waffen. EVE Online überlässt Ihnen die Wahl des PvP, der Ihrem Spielstil entspricht.
  • Mehrspieler-Wirtschaft – Alles, was auf dem EVE Online-Markt angeboten und gekauft wird, stammt von Spielern und wird von ihnen vertrieben. Kauf- und Verkaufsorder, Verträge, Kurierabkommen und viele andere Handels-Tools stehen Spielern für den Aufbau ihres eigenen Wirtschaftsimperiums zur Verfügung. Bahnen Sie sich als gewiefter Geschäftsmann oder Mitglied einer der vielen Mega-Corporations in EVE den Weg an die Spitze.
  • Entdeckung, Bergbau, Missionen – EVE Online bietet eine Vielzahl an Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten. Spieler können sich als Händler, Fabrikanten, Politiker, Spione oder in einer großen Anzahl anderer Karrieren unbegrenzt weiterentwickeln. Hunderte von erlernbaren Skills und ein offener Spielverlauf sorgen dafür, dass Sie Ihre Rolle im virtuellen Universum selbst bestimmen können.
  • Freie Charakterentfaltung – Kein endloses Pauken von Skills mehr. Mithilfe des passiven Skill-Systems können Sie Ihre Skills auch dann ausbauen, wenn Sie offline sind.
  • Ein einziges Universum – Spielen Sie zusammen mit Tausenden von anderen Spielern im gleichen persistenten Universum, in dem Ruhm und Schande nicht nur auf eine Untergruppe von Spielern beschränkt sind.
  • Kostenlose Erweiterungen – EVE-Erweiterungen sind immer kostenlos und je größer das EVE-Universum, desto mehr profitieren Sie von Ihrem Abonnement.
  • KOSTENLOSES Spiel – Erfahrene Spieler können letztlich mit dem während des Spiels gewonnen Geld ihre Spielzeit bezahlen.


  • CPU: Intel Dual Core @ 2.0 GHz oder AMD Dual Core @ 2.0 GHz
  • GFX: AMD Radeon 2600 XT oder NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GTS
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • Software: Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10
  • LANG: Englisch , Deutsch
  • CPU: Intel i7 Series oder AMD X4 @ 2.0 GHz oder schneller
  • GFX: AMD Radeon 6790 oder NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 oder besser mit mindestens 1 GB VRAM
  • RAM: 4 GB oder mehr
  • Software: Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10
  • LANG: Englisch , Deutsch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

135 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
794 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 21:22
Was soll ich sagen... 13 Std. Spaß und innerhalb 3 Minuten wurde mein Schiff zerstört und der gesamte Fortschritt war futsch. Ein Schiff zu versichern bringt rein gar nichts. Ich müsste jetzt tatsächlich 13 Std. spielen, um wieder dort anzukommen, wo ich gerade von einem Payer abgeknallt wurde.

Müsst ihr wissen.
103 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1834 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.21 20:14
Du willst selbst ein Raumschiff steuern? Dann bist du hier falsch.
Du willst spannende Acion? Dann bist du hier flasch.
Du willst einen Einstieg ohne Veteranenfood zu sein? Dann bist du hier falsch.
Du willst dich frei im Unversum bewegen? Dann bist du hier falsch.

Du stehst auf Excelzabellen und Textboxen? Dann bist du hier richtig,
Du willst auf etwas Klicken und warten? Dann bist du hier richtig.
Du stehst auf Freemiumgames? Dann bist du hier richtig.
Du hast kein reales Leben? Dann bist du hier richtig.

Aufwendiges Browsergame, das komplett von der Spielerinteraktion lebt. Only PvP. Kein Savespace. Hartes einarbeiten darin Tabellen zu organisieren. Jeder der auf Gamplay steht ist hier einfach falsch.
62 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
42925 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 14:05
Also da ich immer mal wieder lese das es kein Pve gäbe usw. kann ich nur sagen das ist grundsätzlich richtig aber eben nicht die Warheit. das game ist etwas schwer also neuer spieler erst einmal sich zurecht zu finden, obwohl sie das inzwischen etwas verbesert haben. Jetzt hier genau zu erklären wie PVE geht würde mein rahmen jetzt sprengen... aber ich kann jedem der ein Weltraum MMO sucht mit unzahligen möglichkeiten an kariere pfaden usw dem kann ich das spiel nur ans herz legen. es gibt genug anfänger freundliche Corporation´s oder gar nur für anfänger...

Rechtschreibung ist für .....
13 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
39144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.21 06:23
Gut was soll ich sagen, seit ich EVE Online vor ca 12 Jahren, das erste mal Spielte hat sich NICHTS verändert, CCP ist immer noch auf der Abzock schiene unterwegs, warum ich das sage, ganz einfach, du hast keinerlei Chance als Neueinsteiger etwas Aufzubauen ohne Reales Geld, zu Investieren, hast du dann Reales Geld Investiert dann kommt die nächste größere Corp und Erklärt dir denn Krieg, und schon ist das Real Geld weg,
hat sich in Luft Aufgelöst, na das nenne ich wohl Perfektes Abzock System, CCP denkt wohl das jeder ein Kriegstreiber ist, nein es gibt genau so viele Leute dir nur Wirtschaft oder Mining betreiben wollen und das in Frieden, also warum schaft CCP nicht Sektoren da wo Krieg nicht erlaubt sind?
66 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
37 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 19:19
Krise sag ich euch
29 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.21 15:30
es gibt spiele die fesseln einen schon im tuturial und es gibt spiele die tun das gegenteil, nach 100 minuten hab ich aus gemacht. der grund: man steuert weder ein charakter den man im detail erschafen hat noch steuert man ein raumschiff, das schiff bewegt sich mit hilfe einer menüleiste die die ziele vor gibt, das heißt: menü sagt es gibt punkte von A bis Z wähle einen und drücke auf annähern, das war´s dann auch schon mit der steuerung. ok es ist ein free to play game, viel erwarte ich da nicht aber ein weltraum game ohne eigene kontrolle wie und wo ich hinfliegen will? das kampfsystem ist das selbe, ziel auswählen auf umkreisen drücken waffen aktivieren und das war´s, jetzt warten bis der kampf vorbei ist. was die grafik angeht ist das game aber nicht schlecht da hat man sich schon mühe gegeben. sorry aber das game gehört für mich in die selbe kategorie wie das handy game elvenar, nur gedrücke und gewarte was pasiert.
190 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
54823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 19:29
Macht fun vorallem für anfänger
172 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
12144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 07:12
Bei EVE gibt es kein einziges Gebiet in dem man als PVE-ler sicher ist. Man kann überall und jederzeit von PVP-lern angegriffen werden. Somit ist die Aussage, dass hier PVE betrieben werden kann, komplett falsch. EVE ist ein PVP-Spiel. Deshalb rate ich jedem PVE-Spieler, sich genau zu überlegen, ob er sich dies antun möchte.
145 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.21 17:04
Das Spiel könnte durchaus Spaß machen, jedoch muss man sich zwangsläufig auf das PvP einlassen. Auch wenn im Spiel genug PvE Elemente vorhanden sind und das auch mit anderen Spielern zusammen. Wird man zwangsläufig auf jemanden Stoßen dem alles egal ist und der irgend wo im Weltraum campt und nur wartet bis ein kleiner Spieler kommt, um diesen im Grund und Boden zu schießen, nur damit sich dieser am Ende das Tages für besser hält.

Für alle die das Universum einfach nur erkunden wollen und bisschen PvE machen wollen, ist von dieses Spiel abzuraten so lange es keine PvE Server gibt.
65 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.21 22:25
Interesting... great graphics, space and a spaceship...which are hidden underneath a myriad of windows that you have opend and through, which you have to click to complete your missions. The ship in the background is moving automatically in line with your commands, but this part is more like a screen saver rather than game play. The actual game is in the windows, sub-windows, notifications and buttons that litter your screen. And it feels more like making your taxes than actually playing a game. Taxes with a beautiful space background but taxes nonetheless.
93 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6072 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.21 10:20
Super Suchtfaktor
662 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
153676 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 14:27
Absolute Empfehlung, Lernwille vorrausgesetzt, Die Lernkurve in diesem Spiel ist sehr steil angelegt. Für jeden der es einmal Testen will reicht ein Alpha Account der unbegrenzt bespielt werden kann solange es die Skillpunkte zulassen. Grundsätzlich kann man im in dem Spiel alles machen was einem gefällt, von PVE , Handel, PVP, Erkundung, Industrie usw. die passenden Skills vorraus gesetzt bietet das spiel nahezu unbegrenzte Möglichkeiten und ist mit einer Simulation unserer realen Welt vergleichbar. Vorzugsweise sucht man sich eine Community die einen den Beginn leichter macht, Es gibt ingame auch etliche einsteigerfreundliche Cooperations in nahezu jeder Sprache.
140 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
11579 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 14:53
Das Spiel könnte so gut sein, aber leider ist es das nicht...

Ich verstehe es vollkommen, wenn jemand im LowSec (-0.x bis 0.4) einfach so rumfliegt und dann abgeschossen wir, ich habe aber kein Verständnis dafür, das man im HighSec (0,5 bis 1.0) einfach so easy abgeschossen werden kann und der Angreifer so gut wie Null Konsequenzen von Concord zu erfahren hat.

Das Problem hätte man schon längst im Griff, wenn man Concord endlich mal wie eine echte Polizei / Militär agieren lassen würde.

Wer andere im HighSec angreift oder plündert, muss von Concord aus dem Pot gepellt werden, verhaftet und eingesperrt werden, Skillpoints entzogen bekommen, den zugefügte schaden ersetzten und ab diesem Zeitpunkt im HighSec von Concord bei jedem betreten gejagt werden (oder zumindest mal für eine längere Zeit), sofern Concord den oder die Piraten erwischt! (Sie sollen ja auch eine Changse haben zu entkommen)

So hätte der zerstörte im HighSec wenigstens mal eine Changse A. auch was zu reisen, B. sein Schaden ersetzt zu bekommen und C. die Assi Spieler würde schmerzlich erfahren, das es nicht mehr so einfach ist und würden sich einen Angriff in einem HighSec 10 mal überlegen!

Es ist ja kein Wunder, das immer wieder Spieler aufhören zu spielen oder es hier schlechte Rezensionen hagelt, wenn Angreifer in HightSec keine oder so gut wie keine Konsequenzen erleben müssen und es so extrem nur zum nachteil des Angegriffenen aussfällt.

Das Spiel bekommt eine Negative Bewertung von mir, weil dieses Problem nach der ganzen Zeit immer noch existiert und CCP sich ein scheiß darum kümmert, ansonsten ist das spielen super cool.

Ich ändere meine Rezension wenn das endlich angegangen wird.

290 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3929 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 21:33
Ich habe das Spiel schon seit 2015. Zuerst wahr ich begeistert das man es heute spielen kann, ohne ein Cent zu bezahlen. Dennoch als ich meinen alten Charakter spielen wollte, sind selbst die schon bereit erforschten Skills
gesperrt. Wenn man es Freischalten möchte, muss man schon 20€ für 500 Plex zahlen muss, welches 1 Monat Premium entspricht oder das 3 Monats
Packet für knapp 40€ (38,85€ Stand 2021 12,95€/M ). Ich finde es schade, dass selbst wenn man etwas Freigeschaltet hat es später nicht nutzen kann.
26 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1057 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.21 20:47
Das Spiel ist einfach super es gibt sogar einen integrierten taschenrechner.
Meine einzigen Verbesserungsvorschläge:
-Die First Person kamera sollte nochmal ein update bekommen das man da auch das gefühl bekommt das man
aus einem Fenster schaut und wenn man nach unten geht das mann dann da alle steuerelemente des schiffes
-Das man wenn man in einer Docking-Station ist so in sein Schlafzimmer und so gehen kann oder das man auf Planeten landen kann

Ich weiß der zweite vorschlag ist schwer aber man könnte das ja als DLC raus hauen
Und ansonsten bitte das mit der Ego-sicht.
852 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
11988 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 20:14
Super Game
20 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
137923 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.20 12:53
Früher hat es mal Spaß gemacht, jetzt bringt CCP nur noch nervs. Den Rattern, den Minern wird das Leben nur noch schwer gemacht, weil CCP angeblich ISK aus dem Spiel nehmen will. Es trifft aber nur die kleinen, die großen die nen großes ISK Konto haben, den juckt es überhaupt nicht. Mall soll nur noch Plexe für echt Geld kaufen. Die EES Einführung läst zu das man beklaut wird, und es wird auch noch öffendlich gemacht wann, wo und wieviel man klauen kann, so das man von weiten sehen kann ob es sich lohnt. Ok man soll es verteidigen können, ist aber auch ein aufgezwungender PVP. ich möchte selber entscheiden können wann und wie ich PVP machen möchte und nicht dazu gezwungen werden.
Wer ordendlich echt Geld in das Spiel stecken möchte, der ist hier richtig,-)
Ansonsten kann ich das Spiel mit der jetztigen Entwicklung nicht mehr empfehlen.
64 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
27 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 16:59
Wollte mir mal das Spiel ansehen um zu schauen ob das was für einige Zeit ist. Also die Anmeldung Versuche bis zu Registrierung war Frust pur. Nach 25 Minuten habe ich es aufgegeben und werde das Spiel wieder entfernen. So eine komplexe Registrierung ist mir noch nicht untergekommen. Das ist mehr als minderwertig. Andauernd wieder E-Mail angeben dann wieder Registrierung angefragt. Täglich grüßt das Murmeltier. Einmal dann doch im Programm und gleich auf eine Verkauf Seite. Aber um in das Spiel selber rein zu kommen kein Button in Sicht. Nach wiederholten 3 Versuchen aufgegeben. Wenn die Registrierung schon so minderwertig ist taugt das Spiel auch nichts.
83 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
85891 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 06:06
Wieder so ein Weltraumspiel habe ich gedacht als ich es installiert habe, ein wenig schießen ein wenig aufbauen und alles vernichten...

Aber ich habe mich geirrt. Schon das Tutorial zeigt hier ist mehr und man sollte das Tutorial auf jeden Fall spielen es zeigt einem die grundlegenden Bereiche des Spieles und man erhält seine ersten ISK (Geld im Spiel), Schiffe und Bauteile. Einige davon kann man nicht einmal gleich nutzen da man erst die Fähigkeiten dafür erlernen muss (Skills). Es gibt Unmengen davon - für die meisten muss man sicher erst einmal ein Skillbuch kaufen um den Skill (jeweils 5 Stufen) erlernen zu können. Es gibt 23 Lernbereich (von Schiffe, Waffen, Scannen, Produktion usw.) jeweils mit einigen Skills - man hat also genug Möglichkeiten hier die Fähigkeiten an seinen Spielstiel anzupassen.

EVE ist sehr komplex und hat sicher für jeden Spielen etwas dass ihm Spaß macht. Man kann sich im Bereich Rohstoffabbau (egal ob Erze, Gas, Eis oder Planetenabbau), im Bereich Produktion (fast alle Produkte - Schiffe, Waffen, Bauteile, Stationen... - die im Spiel benötigt / verkauft werden sind von Spielen produziert), im Scannen von Anomalien, in klassischen Agentenmissionen PVE (Kampf- Transport- oder Ressourcenabbau) aber natürlich auch im sehr beliebten PVP Segment verwirklichen. Um das ganze noch ein wenig spannender zu machen können diese Dinge in verschiedenen Weltraumbereichen durchgeführt werden (High-, Low-, Null und Wurmloch). Es ist also genug Platz und genug zu tun für alle!

Abschließen möchte ich sagen dass EVE ein Spiel ist mit dem man sich immer weiter beschäftigen muss. Man erlernt wieder einen neuen Skill damit man ein anderes Bauteil in seinem Schiff nutzen kann oder etwas neues Produzieren und verkaufen kann usw. Aber ist es für mich eines der wenigen Spielen die dadurch ein sehr lange Spielfreude aufrecht hält und auch nach einigen Pausen mich immer wieder fesselt. Kein leicht verdauliches Spiel - ein wenig lesen und sich damit beschäftigen ist schon Voraussetzung.

Einsteigen und spielen Ihr werdet eine Menge Spaß habe.

Fly save
130 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
8245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.20 06:43
Habe wirklich versucht mich in das Spiel einzufinden, aber ohne Omega Status und Hilfe ist EVE eines der anfänger-unfreundlichsten Spiele, die ich je gespielt habe.

Es gibt kaum eine Richtung in die man als Anfänger gelenkt wird,dies ist wiederum einer der größten Stärken des Spiels, da es sicherlich eine großartige Sandboxerfahrung ist, aber es ist unmöglich sich in irgendeiner Art und Weise durchzusetzen. Als Anfänger(vorallem ohne Omega) hat man keine Chance gegen die alteingesessenen Spieler wenn es um PvP geht. Zudem ist man nirgendswo, wirklich nirgendswo außer innerhalb einer Station sicher, was ziemlich stressig ist für einen Noob, der sich nicht mal selber verteidigen kann.
Der ISK-Grind ist auch unmöglich ohne Omega, da es Spieler gibt die Noobs wirklich nur zum Spaß erschiessen.
Missionen, die man in einer halbwegs angemessenen Zeit erreichen kann, in meinem Fall waren das Lvl 2 Missionen, sind es kaum wert in Anbetracht der Zeit, die aufgebracht werden muss.
Exploration als weitere Methode ISK zu machen ist genauso unmöglich, da man als Alpha-Klon nicht einmal einen Cloak haben kann, sich also nicht verstecken kann vor anderen Spielern während man scannt, was dazu führt, dass ich sehr oft aus meinem kleinen Erkundungsschiff geschossen wurde.
14 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.20 19:42
79 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
45677 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 22:50
Sehr vielseitig und Grafisch trotz des Alters recht ansehnlich
73 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
31029 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.20 07:35
Steile Lernkurve aber wenn man sich durcharbeitet, eröffnet sich ein immenses Online-Universum, in dem alles möglich ist. 1. Lektion: Fliege nichts, was du dir nicht leisten kannst zu verlieren.
164 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
57000 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.20 05:10
Knapp 1000 Stunden Spielzeit und nur 5% vom Spiel gelernt und gesehen , Geil !!!
46 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
109159 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.20 08:05
EVE ist ein Sandbox Open World PvP mmorpg, d.h niemand nimmt den Spieler an die Hand und führt ihn am roten Faden durch eine Story und es bedeutet, dass es überall PvP gibt.
Damit ist das Wesentlichste über EVE eigentlich schon gesagt, denn wenn einem diese beiden Punkte nicht zusagen, sollte man nicht einloggen, das erspart den Rage Quit und das Genöle, dass einem ein pöser, pöser Mensch das Schiffchen kaputt geschossen hat, welches man sich mühsam erarbeitet hat (seltsam, ich dachte immer in einem Spiel spielt man und arbeitet nicht).

Wenn ich hier in den Rezensionen etwas über Endgame Schiffe lese, dann muss ich doch lachen. Offensichtlich gibt es Menschen die hunderte Stunden in einem Spiel verbringen können, ohne dessen Kern zu erfassen.
Eine Sandbox hat kein Endgame, genauso wenig wie eine Story, sonst wärs ein Themepark!
Ja, EVE ist komplex und hat einen hohen Frustrationsfaktor, aber das hat Schach auch und so wie es im Schach keine IMBA Figur oder Zug gibt, gibt es auch in EVE kein solches Schiff oder Skill. Es gibt Angriffstaktikten und Verteidigungen dagegen. EVE ist etwas für Strategen, Tüftler und Spieler die einen gelegentlichen Adrenalinschub schätzen aber auch für Miner, Produzenten und Händler, wenn ihnen klar ist, dass sich alles dem PvP unterordnet.

EVE ist nichts für Themeparkliebhaber, Spieler die gerne einen Toon bespielen und folglich auch nur sehr eingeschränkt etwas für Rollenspieler. Es ist nichts für Freunde vertonter PVE Geschichten, instanzierter Dungeons mit Bosskills oder PvE Raids und es ist schon gar nichts für Blümchenpflücker und Baumkuschler, die Bäume sind recht rar in EVE.
Und keine Frage, EVE zieht durchaus Jungs (und wohl auch Mädels) an die sich gerne aufplustern und auf dicke Hose machen, aber wenn man clever ist kann man ihnen diese Hose auch abnehmen ….oder die ignore Liste benutzen.

Und last but not least...
Mit Alpha Status könne man nichts machen und wird nirgends aufgenommen ist schlicht gelogen. Es gibt sehr viele Corps (Gilden) die Alpha Clone aufnehmen und ausbilden. Es gibt Public Fleet Angebote für High Sec, Low-Sec und Wormhole Space in denen Anfänger und Alphas gern gesehen sind und es gibt einen deutschen ingame Hilfe Channel, der meistens kompetent weiter hilft.
36 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
48057 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.20 10:19
Komplexes Multiplayerspiel mit großartiger Community, super-steile Lernkurve, die aber durch die Spielergemeinschaft gemildert wird. Massive Schlachten - hat auch nach Jahren nichts von seinem Reiz verloren. VORSICHT: Timesink!!! BraveNewbies! 7o
13 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
404 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 13:23
Gutes Open World Spiel mit vielen Möglichkeiten. Möchte man unbedingt PvP oder doch nur etwas Mining betreiben? Diese hat man in diesem Spiel, was trotz des Alters immer noch sehr gut gepatcht wird und auch von der Grafik her nicht nachlässt!
Im Großen und Ganzen ein empfehlendes MMO!
97 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1717 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.20 07:59
Nach ca. 28 Stunden habe ich mich dazu entschieden das Spiel nicht mehr weiterzuspielen. Als Anfänger wird man mit Informationen erschlagen die einen sehr schnell Überfordern können. Es gibt keine richtige Story die einen Abholt und dich durchgehend in EVE begleitet. Über das Interface lassen sich zwar Quest-Reihen aktivieren die aber meistens in 10 Etappen eingeteilt sind und so wie man Sie startet, so Enden Sie auch. Das Skillsystem ist überfüllt von Möglichkeiten die erst mit Echtzeit freigeschaltet werden. Als nicht OMEGA-Status(Abo) sind sogar viele Skills und Funktionen nicht zugänglich. Das Abo ist ein paar Euro teurer als bei den meist anderen MMOs. Man bekommt bis auf die Tagesbelohnung (kleine Gimmicks wie Farben) und das die Skill-Forschung doppelt so schnell läuft, nichts zurück, wie Plex (Echtgeldwährung).
Zum Vergleich bei TESO bekommt man Tagesbelohnung (Gold, Haustiere, Reittiere, Boosts), Kronen (Echtgeldwährung) für den Shop und ein EP-Boost im Spiel für weniger Euros.
Was ich aber dem Spiel hochanrechne, ist die Community, diese ist sehr hilfsbereit und auch nötig, damit Neuling Fuß fassen können. Für mich hat es nicht gereicht.
40 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
11596 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.20 21:12
Ob ich das Spiel anderen empfehlen möchte? Nein, einfach nein. Dieses Spiel ist Frustration pur.

Wünschst du dir ein schönes Spiel zur Bereicherung deiner freien Zeit? Zieh weiter, diese verschwendest du hier nur.
Bist du jemand, der gern Sachen aufbaut, sich an schönen Quests erfreut und sich gerne ansieht was man geschaffen hat? Zieh weiter, so etwas gibt es hier nicht. PVP ist allgegenwärtig und ihm ist nicht zu entkommen: Das große Manko dieses Spiels.

Das Spiel ist einfach zu punishing und frustrierend. Dabei bin ich jemand, der wirklich mit viel Ausdauer an Sachen drangeht (fast 200 Spielstunden. Ist nichtmal viel für das Spiel, aber die 200h waren verschwendet. Die Erfahrung bin ich aber reicher).
Das Spiel wirbt als Free to Play, aber ist es nicht wirklich. Man bekommt als Free to Play-Spieler einen trial-account (Alpha), der absolut krass limitiert ist, nur knapp 20% der im Spiel verfügbaren Schiffe fliegen kann, auch nur ca. 20% der Skills lernen kann und dem innerhalb der EvE community mit bezahlten Abonnements (Omega) mit Verachtung begegnet wird, weil diese es unmöglich finden, dass sie dafür zahlen und du nicht und meinen Alphas würden ihr Spiel kaputt machen.

Der wirkliche Knackpunkt ist aber, dass man ewig auf seine Ziele hinarbeitet, diese einem von irgendwelchen Leuten aber in Windeseile zerschossen werden. Einfach nur weil sie Bock drauf haben. Und davon gibt es viele in EvE online. Das Spiel ist voller Arschlöcher, eben weil das Spielprinzip zum Arschloch-Sein ermutigt und man genau damit Erfolg hat. Das merkt man am generellen schriftlichen Umgangston, das merkt man daran wie ein Großteil der Spieler, vor allem viele Veteranen, einfach jedes Schiff wegballern, das ihnen unter die Flinte kommt. Einfach weil sie es können und weil sie ansonsten nicht mehr viel in dem Spiel zu tun zu haben scheinen.

Wenn ihr euch die Zeit genommen habt diesen Kommentar zuende zu lesen und dies eure Entscheidung für oder gegen das Spiel beeinträchtigt hat, war es das wert. Es hat euch einige Stunden kostbarer Lebenszeit gespart.

46 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
53973 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 09:57
Ein Spiel voller A-löcher & Psychopathen

Ich zähle mal einfach die Punkte auf die mir nicht gefallen haben nach einigen hundert Stunden Spielzeit

- Die Pve Missionen sind der letzte langweilige Müll, es ist ohne Ausnahme immer das gleiche egal ob Miningmissionen, Handelsmissionen oder irgendwelche Npcs abschiessen. Da ist das Quest-System von WoW die totale Abwechslung dagegen!

-->einige Beispiele
1. flieg zu Asteroid A und bau Mineral X ab (abbauen bedeutet mit einen Laser auf einen Astroiden schiessen und schiessen bedeutet man klickt auf einen Skill der alle 10 Sekunden automatisch wiederholt wird...wie Autoattack bei WoW
2. fliegt nach sonstwo und und knallt die und die Gegner ab
Egal ob Level 1 oder Level 4 Missionen, es ist immer komplett austauschbar

- Der Alpha-Status ist einfach nur eine sehr beschränkte Demo und nichts weiter, ihr werdet es schon nach paar Tagen merken

- das Ziel von gefühlt 99% der älteren Eve-Spieler ist Neulinge zu jagen, da das Spiel einfach so komplex ist und man als Neuling noch nichtmal im Highsec sicher ist.

- ->hier mal ein Beispiel, ihr habt euch euer teures Traumschiff zusammengespart und fliegt im Highsec rum, dann kommen 10Highsec Ganker in billig Pötten, schiessen euch innerhalb einer Sekunde ab, ein am Kampf unbeteiligter sammelt die Beute ein und fertig
klar die Ganker werden von der Polizei gekillt aber die Rechnung geht für Sie dennnoch auf!
Diese Npc Polizei braucht einfach paar Sekunden um zu euch zu warpen und in der Zeit seid ihr Schrott und euer Wrack gelootet!

- Es gibt in dem Spiel kein Gebiet das für reine PVE Spieler sicher ist, ohne Ausnahme! Solange ihr Billige Schiffe fliegt werdet ihr nichts davon merken, aber sobald ihr was wertvolles fliegt werdet ihr sehr schnell merken wie unsicher der High-Security Space ist!
Die Ganker müssen nur ein paar 5-10 Millionen Schiffe an die NPC Polizei opfern um euren 500-2000Millionen Kreuzer zu zerlegen und zu looten...eine ganz einfache Rechnung oder? und vom Entwickler so gewollt sonst würde man Highsec wirklich hoch sicher machen!

- Ihr werdet in keinen anderen Online Spiel soviel menschlichen Abfall zu Gesicht bekommen wie in Eve, 99% nur Dreckssäcke die Noobs jagen, da die anderen Dreckssäcke die Tricks ja schon kennen

- und das ist nur im Highsec, im low-null sec werded ihr als Neuling zu 100% gekilled und selbst mit Erfahrung werdet ihr ständig das zeitliche segnen, es gibt soviel zu beachten und wenn man nur 1Sekunde pennt ist man dran.
-->ohne Covert Ops Schiff werdet ihr an fast jeden Low-Null Sec Gate abgefangen aber als Neuling kann man die Teile nicht fliegen geschweige denn bezahlen

- Eve ist ein reines PVP Spiel, der sehr abwechslungsreiche PVE-Teil(Achtung Ironie) dient höchstens dazu Isk für PVP-Schiffe zu beschaffen

- investiert bloß kein Echtgeld für Isk oder Injektoren weil ihr denkt ihr kommt dann schneller voran, darauf wartet der oben gennannte Abschaum nur um es euch wieder abzunehmen, früher oder später werdet ihr selbst im Highsec zu 100% geganked

- das Skillsystem ist ein Witz es besteht nur daraus zu warten, ja klar die ersten 4 Level gehen meist flott, aber die Level 5 Skills für die guten Schiffe, Waffensystem oder alles was dazu gehört um ein Endgame- Schiff auch effektiv zu fliegen dauern Wochen und Monate, man kann es mit nichts ausser Echtgeld beschleunigen
-> jetzt werden einige sagen die Injektoren kann man doch mit Isk kaufen, jaja zeigt mir mal ein Noob der 820 Millionen für einen Injektor farmt...selbst mit Erfahrung dauert es und so ein Injektor spart euch je nach Implantate 6-8 Tage Skillzeit

- dieses ganze System ist vom Entwickler so gewollt und unterstützt, denn wenn die Veteranen Mimimi machen und drohen aufzuhören kuscht CCP sofort, wie ein Fähnchen im Wind

- also falls ihr ein eine Menge Lebenszeit und Geld veschwenden wollt nur zu, ihr werdet euch von Tag zu Tag wundern was es für menschlichen Abfall so gibt...ich persöhnlich hätte es nach 20Jahren Online Gaming nicht für möglich gehalten!

o/ & hf
386 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
261 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.20 10:59
Pay to win garbage. 80% of the game is locked behind a paywall. Absurd to call it even free to play at this point.
54 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
603 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.20 08:40
Ein sehr tiefgreifendes Spiel. Es gibt Märkte die nach dem Prinzip Nachfrage/Angebot arbeiten und deshalb immer etwas schwanken. Auch gibt es zahlreiche Schiffe, die auch gut designt sind. Ebenso läuft alles flüssig bis auf ein paar Disconnects. Die Welt sieht auch nicht schlecht aus.

-Das Spiel ist wirklich schwer zu verstehen am Anfang, was nicht wirklich schlimm ist, da es genug Tutorials außerhalb des Spiels gibt.
-Die Steuerung ist etwas veraltet, was soviel heißt wie, dass sie total umständlich ist. Z.B. das Ausrüsten von Modulen am Schiff: Zuerst muss man das Modul runter ziehen, dann das andere rein ziehen. Wieso nicht gleich auswechseln? Solche Kleinigkeiten nerven etwas.
-Das Hauptspiel bietet ebenso viel Möglichkeiten wie Langeweile. Zwar ist das Spiel vielfältig, aber letzten Endes dauert alles ewig (Farmen, Ausrüsten, usw...). Die Agentenmissionen sind für mich mehr oder weniger eine Art schlechtes Tutorial, die hauptsächlich aus den gleichen Missionen bestehen, nur immer an anderen Orten und mit anderen Objekten (beim jeweiligen Agenten). Für den Anfang sind das jedoch gute Möglichkeiten gute Schiffe und Module für den Anfang zu bekommen.
-Der Omega Status! Ich meine selbstverständlich wollen die Entwickler auch etwas verdienen und selbstverständlich müssen die Server auch bezahlt werden. Aber 15€ im Monat, damit man wirklich spielen kann (ansonsten ist das eher eine Demo die man bekommt), sind zu viel. Man hat kaum Schiffe zur Auswahl, vor allem, wenn man in den Bergbau gehen will. Man kann die wirklich lukrativen Wirtschaftszweige gar nicht machen und zahlreiche Module können nicht verwendet werden, da ein Skill mit Omega Status fehlt. Gefühlt sind wirklich nur 25% ohne ein Abo zugänglich. Traurig, denn ansonsten würde man nicht so schnell an die Grenzen des Möglichen kommen.

Zusammengefasst: Wer wirklich ein tiefgreifendes Spiel spielen will, muss 15€ im Monat bezahlen. Die Steuerung sollte mal etwas erneuert werden, finde ich. Die Welt sieht jedoch super aus.

105 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.20 19:40
just throw this game on a kerim llike person and he´s gonna be paraliiysd for a couple monthss
75 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
15606 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.20 19:06
Nach 118 Stunden Spielzeit gebe ich nun auch mal ein Review für EVE ab. Natürlich auch, nach dem ich mir einige Negativ Reviews durch gelesen habe. Und genau hier will ich als erstes auch ansetzen. Man hat bei einigen, negativen Reviews das Gefühl, das sie sich entweder nicht mit dem Spiel wirklich beschäftigt haben oder einfach nur Blödsinn schreiben.
Wer nach knapp 2 Stunden ein Spielzeit ein Review verfasst den Unterstelle ich, das sie sich nicht mit dem Spiel wirklich beschäftigt haben.
Wenn ich sage, das ich Gegenstände nicht verkaufen kann, ist das einfach schlicht weg gelogen.
Man kann zu 99 Prozent alle Gegenstände verkaufen. Händler, wie in anderen Spielen gibt es sicherlich nicht, jedoch lassen sich fast alle Gegenstände mit einem Rechtsklick - Verkaufen - eben doch verkaufen.
Wenn ich einen Omegastatus im Shop käuflich erwerbe, ist es auch falsch das sich dort hinter ein ABO versteckt. Laufen diese 30 Tage ab, wird weder etwas abgebucht, noch verlängert sich das die Omegazeit automatisch. Das ist Schlich weg gelogen, es sei denn man hat ein ABO abgeschlossen. Kauft man den Omega Status im Shop ist er nach 30 Tagen wieder weg und man fällt auf den Alpha Status zurück.
Den Spieleinhalt als Arm zu bezeichnen zeigt mir auch, das Spiel weder verstanden noch wirklich gespielt.
Dass das Spiel Anfängerunfreundlich ist, ist genau so nicht wahr. Selbst meine Freundin, die keine Gamerin ist, hat die Einführung in dem Spiel, also die Grundlagen des Spiels verstanden.
Worum geht es in dem Spiel ... Diese Frage kann man kaum beantworten. Sicherlich kann man sagen, die anderen Fraktionen zu bekämpfen um so das Teretorium der eigenen Fraktion zu erweitern. Doch damit ist es wirklich nicht getan. In dem Spiel hat man so viele Möglichkeiten. Du kannst zum Beispiel ein Erfolgreicher Erzabbauer werden. Oder ein berüchtigter Pirat, ein Händler oder oder oder. Es gibt also viele Möglichkeiten EVE selbst zu gestalten.

Grafik: Die lässt nun wirklich keine Wünsche offen. Wenn man mit seinem Schiff im Universum steht, kann man wunderbar beobachten, wie die sich die Lichter und Schatten verändern. Ich will nicht sagen das man das Gefühl hat, man ist wirklich im Universum aber die Farben sind teilweise so intensiv das du einfach nur mit einem WOW vor dem Monitor sitzt.
Die einzelnen Raumschiffe sind einfach wunderbar Detaliert und es macht Spaß diese sich anzuschauen.

Steuerung: Ja die Steuerung. Diese ist wirklich ziemlich einfach. Stern oder System anklicken, Kurs setzen, Autopilot an und das Raumschiff macht alles von alleine. Auch das Kampfsystem ist einfach gehalten. Problematisch wird es nur wenn dich plötzlich mehrere Schiffe angreifen. So ab 10 Schiffe als Angreifer kommt man ins Straucheln.
ABER - man kann sein Schiff auch selbst steuern ohne die vorherige Beschreibung. Sicherlich nicht mit den bekannten Tasten, sondern hier auch mit der Maus, aber du kannst es.

Einführung: Die Einführung in dem Spiel erklärt sich eigentlich von alleine. Man wird in die Steuerung eingeführt und alles wird auch super erklärt. Man macht, wie bei anderen Spielen auch ein Tutorial, wo einen alles erklärt wird.

EVE ist ein kostenloses Spiel wo man sich einige Vorteile erkaufen kann.
Wie zum Beispiel der Omegastatus. Hier kann man ein paar Schiffe mehr fliegen und man kann mit Doppelter Geschwindigkeit Skillen. Ansonsten kann man seinen Character neu einkleiden und einige Skins kaufen. Viele Vorteile hat man aber nicht wirklich. Man unterstützt mit dieser OmegaZeit hauptsächlich die Entwickler. Jeden Tag um 12 Uhr werden die Server neugestartet. Was in der Regel 15 bis 20 Minuten dauert. Man merkt, das sich die Entwickler um das Spiel kümmern.
Alleine kann man EVE spielen, was aber nicht ganz ratsam ist. Man sollte sich so früh wie möglich einer Corp, also Gilde, anschließen. Denn EVE hat eine Besonderheit. EVE ist ein reines PVP Game. Wer jetzt jedoch denkt das sich dort die Spieler jeden Tag auf die Sch... hauen, nein, der wird enttäuscht. Ich will nicht sagen das sich die Spieler aus dem Weg gehen, doch jeder Spieler weiß, greifst du einen Spieler an - hast du mehrere Spieler auf den Versen. Und jeder ist bemüht sein Schiff zu erhalten. Billig sind diese Schiffe in EVE nämlich nicht. Da zahlt man für ein gutes Schiff schon mal locker eine Milliarde Gamewährung. Und das muss dann auch erst einmal erwirtschaftet werden. Wird dein Schiff zerstört, ist es zerstört. Also nichts mit wieder beleben und am nächsten Wegpunkt wieder mit seinem Schiff anfangen. Zerstörst du also das Schiff einen anderen Spielers sind dir nicht nur andere Spieler auf den Versen, sondern dein Kopfgeld steigt auch. Somit hast du dann auch noch die Kopfgeldjäger auf den Versen.
Erze abbauen, Händler oder aber auch Kopfgeldjäger sind nur 3 Bereiche die das Spiel bietet.
EVE kann man also nicht wirklich einschätzen. Denn es verändert sich mit den Handlungen der Spieler und auch mit den Events die es immer wieder gibt. Dass das Spiel nicht nur Umfangreich ist, sondern das man auch viel Zeit investieren muss, macht EVE zu einer Herausforderung.
Denn die Skillungen können schon einmal 14 Tage dauern um etwas zu erlernen.
Man könnte daher auch sagen Echtzeit lernen. Erfolge sind daher nicht auf die schnelle zu erreichen, sondern es braucht seine Zeit.

Spielt das Spiel einfach und macht euch selbst ein Bild. Ich kann EVE für Spieler empfehlen die keinen Wert auf schnelle Erfolge lege, sondern ein gemütliches Spiel suchen wo es zwar so keinen Nervenkitzel gibt, aber doch spannende Schlachten.
679 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
655 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.22 02:27
It's free-to-start not free-to-play
87 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
27921 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 13:53
Tryhards who have been playing game for years will steam roll u just to get on leader boards for kills.

There is no fun in playing this game u just waste your money for subscription to suffer in it.

People say this game is complicated. It is not it just has a lot of junk that makes it look complicated and trash UI.
It has fake illusion that it is open world etc. Each system is a map to enter other system u have to go through gate. If its low sec or 0 sec It is very likely that some apes are camping on it. I hate that I cant pick random direction and fly until I ran out of juice

Game turns to second job real fast. In order to do anything in it u need to make money ( ISK ). U end up working to cover loses to pvp or just lost mining ships in low sec to mentioned tryhards... In general it is just shit experience not to mention gameplay is like in old trash MMORPGS. If u like action combat like me u are better of playing anything else then this...
6 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 08:12
yea! lets customize some character who you will not see again :D
213 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
75085 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.22 19:46
I still have no idea how to play...
313 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
42701 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.22 19:37
EVE was once a legendary game. I was young when the Goons vs BoB war was raging. News articles and entire books have been written about it from observations of its player-driven economy, wars, and industry.

That was the game that was. That is not the game that is now.

CCP has no idea how to design a game anymore. They now only know three things:
1. How to nerf
2. How to monetize
3. How to ignore the feedback of the elected player representative council.

Do you like industry and mining? CCP will nerf it to the ground and then try to sell you badly-kitted mining ships. They pull it back, but they poorly hide their intent to do it again.

Do you like PVE? Virtually worthless outside of nullsec. Have fun being fodder for suicide gankers when they get bored from all the miners leaving since their chosen career has been nerfed to oblivion.

Do you like PVP? That's all the game has to offer in mainly three flavors - wormhole fleets, ganking, and big bloc alliances. Except CCP keeps nerfing industry and income, so eventually you might find yourself starved for cash or for powerful late-game ships.

Lo and behold your corporate overlords will descend from on high and offer you the shiny new billion-ty plex pack complete with supercarrier (amateurly fit of course because the developers obviously don't play their own game).

Don't believe me? Keep watching. I'll happily eat my words if CCP manages to clean up their act and start designing a game again rather than a gatcha game with pewpew spaceships tacked on.

Don't waste your time. The developers don't respect it.
432 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
1839 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.22 18:07
Not much to say about EVE anymore, if you're going to have fun here, you probably know that by now.

For the truly uninitiated, avoid the Omega upgrade until you've learned how to play the game. It can feel like you bump up against a paywall in the first couple days... like being unable to train your skills from lvl 4 to 5 (you do NOT need to do that to be continue progressing and learning the game). But don't be under any allusions that this is f2p, it's not. It's free-to-start. If you stick with the game, you will need to upgrade... or grind like this is your full time job.

Other than that, you may find EVE a lonely and toxic environment if you commit to playing solo. It is highly advised that you find yourself a friendly corporation and learn the ropes with the help of others... it will improve your experience DRAMATICALLY, and for more reasons than simple protection and wisdom.
351 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
608695 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.22 19:56
I think I understand the basics now
2 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
9248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.22 11:34
Wide opportunities. Can be played like a tycoon or just casual since the economy here is good.
219 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
16203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.22 21:41
This is either watching paint dry or virtual fentanyl depending on your personality.
327 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
20927 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 16:17
They finally broken the seal, and as of Mar 2022, they are now selling ships that materialize from nowhere for real cash.

So much for that player-run economy that is supposedly the point of your game.
218 Produkte im Account
87 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
73 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 15:22
They're selling NFTs. This game is SCAM!
105 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
903 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.22 22:01
it was the best game of all time, but recent years has been destroyed sadly. horrible game now
281 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
35735 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.22 04:19
Ultimately, a disappointment. The PVE needs much work- so many options that would make it far more interesting have been overlooked for more than a decade.
343 Produkte im Account
122 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4760 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.22 06:59
Do. Not. Waste. Your. Time.

Of all the super-deep UI engrained convoluted buried-in-menus beyond the horizon, it's an immensely wide and shallow game.

You can transport, which consists of picking up cargo, clicking to jump a few systems and drop off. Rinse, repeat.
You can mine, which consists of clicking on an asteroid and watch slack-jawed as your ship pulls out rocks and do nothing else for 10 minutes.
You can do security, which consists of warping to a spot, fighting bad guys (is not nearly as cool or exciting as it sounds), you just target, click attack, and hopefully your fit works for the encounter, and if it doesn't, you have two choices: warp out or die.
You can do industry, which consists of blueprints and building stuff, as if this game didn't have enough windows and spreadsheets and data.
You can do bounties, which means hunting down other players. Sounds like fun? Maybe, I didn't do it. I kept plugging away at the grind hoping to find something fun, interesting and engaging. That's the neat part, it's not there.

..unless you love min-maxing cookie-cutter ship builds for specific minutia that does actually require spreadsheeds.

If you want an interesting, engaging and fun spaceship game, go play Avorion, Stellaris or if you gotta have an MMO play Elite Dangerous (get Horizons, avoid Odyssee).

This game has had 20 years to make things interesting to do. It's a chill game, yes, but it's not engaging, it feels more like work than a game.

It's free to play so you might as well give it a try. But in all honesty, if you play for 5-10 hours and it hasn't hooked you by then, it never will.
76 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
9776 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.22 14:00
i love this game and been playing it off and on for years for the reason i want friends to play with but once i do i cant let this game down there is so many things to do with it and different paths to take makes it so much fun build destroy and explore at your own will and pace so try it out work your way to battleship and if you cant get into it by then then try a dif role in the game
61 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
119475 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.22 02:11
Almost 2k hours into the game and I never did a review?! Blasphemy!! Alright, let's just put everything on the table!

-Amazing payoff for your patience
-The more you put into the game (forum groups, studying, making friends etc) the better the payoffs
-Can be an absolutely relaxing game in some cases like mining. Start the process and then read a book
-If you really invest, there is a great community that wants to help and nurture you
-To rank up in corporations you will acquire speaking, negotiation, patience, and tactical skills as well as general knowledge that can be applied to real life skills and help you be more confident
And so much more!

The cost for a yearly sub is about the same as some MMO's on the market so it seems intimidating but it comes off about the same or cheaper in some cases.
-There will be cases of betrayal and espionage. You never really know someone, even if you meet them IRL. Maybe they were loyal and then something changed down the line. It's literally a reflection of life so no surprises there. Just be aware it may happen to you or you may be the one doing it. Either way, it's your story to make. Just like life.

Cons (these hurt like a SOB):
-Devs will ignore just about everything you have to say and give you corp speak if they do talk. And what little they reply to is mostly in the trash later.
-Recently I've heard about NFT implementations (even though they're crashing and burning nowadays) but I can see them succeeding here simply because of how invested a lot of players are.
-Any time an update is given about changes to the game, you just end up praying something you like isn't nurfed to dirt.
-Skills take forever. After your 3rd level up, prepare to wait weeks and sometimes months for the skills needed to fly a ship you want. Your talking years worth of time and money invested to really start opening up a lot of ships.
-Due to the nature of the game and how it was made, it's pay to win.
Lots of smaller ones but I feel those are the big ones the average joe should know.
83 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
718 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.22 14:32
MS Excel spreadsheet simulator
340 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
50334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.22 12:04
they're selling nfts, run.
348 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.22 03:39
wanted to get into it. a way too over complicated tutorial system. there is a tutorial for the tutorial.
47 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2864 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.22 14:02
I have never seen a game that requires so little interaction to play. You click to move and wait. You click to mine and wait. You click to attack and wait. Also if you are trying the game free to play you will be disappointed. Most cool ships and skills are behind the paywall. And if you stop paying and your avatar dies, you will lose access to any premium ships you bought. This game is also impossible to enjoy as a single player. Playing in a group is required, community has to make the game fun, because the game is not fun. It takes forever to train up skills. A lot of players on forum say the game isn't fun for two, three, six months or even a year. The company that makes the game famously does not play it, makes fun of players, and mismanages the game. The ads of big space battles with capital ships are essentially lies. That can happen but you are SO far away from anything like that as a new player and will likely never see it. This is genuinely the worst, most grindy MMO I have ever seen.
267 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 11:22
Was interested in messing around with this game again but the devs are selling nfts and discussing implementing them into gameplay. I'm not going to be a guinea pig for crypto scams thanks.
253 Produkte im Account
180 Reviews
233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 16:35
Game is meh, look at this instead.
165 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
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112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.22 21:18
NFT: No.
32 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
2419 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.22 20:07
I still don't have a boyfriend and am severely depressed, but at least I'm above average at this game.
0 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
35 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 02:00
Who is Eve, and why is she online?
110 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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24241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 08:03
Came back after 3 years played for a week think ill wait another 3 years before i come back again. Bounty scam in high sec took one of my big ships that was the end for me if you cant be safe in safe space whats the point of playing. Spend all that time getting the ship making the money for a few players just to pop you when you leave the station for no reason in safe space. then for them to raz you after and ask for more isk to leave you alone. I See why the player field went from 80000 to 20000 in 3 years. Fix your game its broken.
33 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
61730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 12:12
wife left me
5 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
24232 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.21 22:42
If you dont want a social life anymore then eve is perfect for you!
18 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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64316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.21 21:33
The developers of this game have recently made tremendous efforts to attempt to integrate NFT (non-fungible token) technology into the game. They have been handed out to participants of in-game events and their adoption has been heavily incentivised, below is an extract from a recent announcement:

“This year, as previously mentioned bonus prizes, tokenized CONCORD killmail certificates have been minted on the energy-efficient Tezos blockchain for each kill during ATXVII and distributed to the pilots who took the final shot for each one. Each holder is free to keep or sell their kill NFT as they please – however, the first 10 pilots to sell theirs will receive a bonus of 20 tez on top of the kill token’s sale value!” (https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/victors-and-spoils)

It has been shown in the past that NFTs have the potential to be very harmful and exploitative, especially towards younger players, of which there will be plenty due to the game’s 12+ rating. Steam has changed its guidelines and has disallowed “Applications built on blockchain technology that issue or allow exchange of cryptocurrencies or NFTs”.
I would therefore like to know why this product, which is obviously pushing for integration of NFT technology, is still available on the steam store, and why there have been no consequences for the developers.
218 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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48007 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.21 20:50
Best never-able to-do-anything-in-game-at-all-because-every-player-kills-you-anywhere-you-go-and-never-able-to-affor-
d-better-ships-to-compete-with-gankers-< simulator. 10/10 would never play again.
85 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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40708 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 15:25
If you like pain, stress, everlasting feeling of disappointment, and if you have no life by all means play/pay this game.
4000hrs of my life I will never get back...
25 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
41671 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.21 01:38
To anyone that never played do not skip the tutorial
113 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
44408 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 02:12
I have quit but always seem to come back. It will engulf your life after you get it down.
308 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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12819 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.21 01:02
There is a lot going for this game. I played briefly back in 2012 and just began again within the last dew days. It is a great sci-fi game with a lot of amazing elements. The overall execution of the game is great. My one interaction with the GM's was courteous and professional and the problem was easily solved. What I am not interested in what so ever and have not initiated once since I began playing again is PVP. Yet I have Lost 3 ships, 2 cruisers and 1 battle cruiser, while minding my own business. I like to causally play solo so that represents a considerable amount of play time for me. Something I lost and will have to risk again every time I undock, because PVP is unavoidable. Iv'e spent more time searching, traveling, buying, re-fitting ships and equipment than I have on missions. The last ship was lost right next to a gate in a high security system while about to travel to another high security system doing my best to mind my own business so people who engage and enjoy PVP leave me alone. If you are social, I imagine this will have less of an impact as you can easily join a guild or whatever this game calls them and receive support and resources to help out. I am fairly positive that is how I built up enough to have afforded what little I briefly had back in 2012. To sum up this long-winded rant, I do not recommend this game to casual or solo players,
160 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.21 09:13
THIS GAME IS NOT FREE. You can enjoy a very complicated and overwhelming intro to EVE with a very basic and lack lustre tutorial that you can struggle through. Then you can play for hours and hours and get the basic ships but all the best ships and all the best skills are behind a pay wall. If you want to succeed in this game its not only pay to play it is play to win where you can use real money to buy enhancers for your skills and ships.
355 Produkte im Account
76 Reviews
432 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.21 01:01
48 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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328326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.21 23:25
Stay away from this game. I have wasted so much time and money on this game but CCP don't address glaring issues that cause ppl to quit the game. For starters, Null Security Space (the place where you can make your own little empire) is ruled by the 5-6 MegaCorps that have the big wars you hear about in the news. You might think you want to be part of that but you don't. The only way the game can handle these mega brawls is to slow time to a crawl. You'll spend 8-12 hours doing what would normally take 20-30 minutes to do otherwise. These corps are full of spies, so you cannot fly very safe on your own. If you try to take a piece of this space without paying these corps a rental fee, then they will just crush you. No fair fights, they will simply destroy everything you built.

Then there is Highsec, where the bots and griefers live. You might think you want to live here but you don't. You try to be a miner, fly to a site to mine high value ice or something like that only for 1 person flying 20+ accounts multiboxed with input broadcasting (1 key press commands all the accounts at once, and is technically banned in the ToS but CCP do nothing to stop them). These 1 man armadas will strip mine the whole belt and you will be lucky to get fill up your hold before they take it all. If you try to fly any mining ships except the tanky ones (Procurer/Skiff) then the gankers will come and destroy you. Even in high sec, they can kill you and whats worse is if you try to defend yourself the NPC police kill you instead. These gankers will declare war on you if you build any structures and keep you from entering the major trade hubs.

This game, in a nutshell, is a scam. Its a giant FOMO generator designed to get you to purchase PLEX to convert to in-game currency. The skill system is time based and flying anything but the most basic ships can take literally years to complete. You don't just have to train the skills for the ship, but all the equipment you want on it as well. If you are willing to spend a few THOUSAND dollars on PLEX then you can accelerate your training with skill injectors, but without the experience or group of ppl to fly with you will find that all you are is a loot pinata.
73 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
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11579 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.21 14:54
Nerfed to the ground and made to pay to play. Coming from veteran with 2005 character.
533 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
26996 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.21 02:20
so I won EVE about 10 years ago but recently i came back and loved it for some reason. I blame Lockdown starving me of social interaction.
105 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
44175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 10:10
slow burn no themeparked mmo
8 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
65943 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 05:06
Make sure you don't play alone - this game is a place to make new friends and meet new people. Don't be shy, and explore the wide universe.
427 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
215331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 17:26
... ok I think I started grasping the game now ...
167 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
43022 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 07:42
Game is great. Don't let the negative reviews stop you from downloading it. I have 600+ hours these last 3 months and still have not joined a corp or know anyone that plays .so don't think you need people to enjoy some of the game. You will spend a lot of time researching ships and careers . Mining, exploring wormholes and ratting are good ways to start out. Game has so much too offer. . Do not skip tutorial missions. Good info and it gives lots of free ships and isk. This game is the only game I know where it levels for you . I get a lot of people don't like that the skills take so long but at the end of the day it is not bad at all. Look at it this way . Traditional MMORPGS progression is level up to max level in a couple months, kill stuff in dungeons and raids to get gear,New XPAC comes out 2 years later and all your gear progression is thrown out the window and you got to waste time leveling again. In eve you skill to fly ships and if you got the isk then you will never lose the ability to fly that ship.

Tips for newplayers

- get a recruit a friend link from someone ( free 1 million skill points from doing this ) I missed out on that

-make account through eves website .Steam stinks for logging into eves test server. Server is great for testing out ships not on the main server and risk losing it .

-DO NOT SKIP TUTORIAL MISSIONS!!!! . Free ships and easy isk.
627 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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13741 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.21 15:10
WARNING - CCP can chose at any given time to ban your account, destroying all of your hard work, money and time invested in the game based on false accusation and they wont ever let you prove them wrong even if they did it by mistake... Have fun wasting your time and money...

i used to be a supporter to the game but they did this to a friend of mine and ignored any attempts to communicate with them about the misunderstanding... I also requested them to look into the issue and they just closed all the tickets that where opened without a single word of explanation. i was running with 3 Omega accounts and was a supporter... your lose CCP... Have fun bullying CareBears... I will never support CCP ever again what they did is similar to to theft, they just destroyed every efforts and dedication my friend put into the game... If that is how you treat your dedicated active player... good luck keeping your players and your game alive.

Also now the game feels like a money grab and pay to win, cause they added lots of money transaction... the game feels more about taking your money now then having fun... but you judge by yourselves... but you have been warned. CCP can do that to you or your friends...
203 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
51742 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 20:22
Stole 50 billion out of corpo wallet because they threatened to kick me out :)
143 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
1848 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 23:10
been playing for 10 years on and off, this is a PAIN simulator. YOU WILL SUFFER. the adrenaline is real.
634 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
106306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 19:37
it's ok. you can save asteroids from filthy miners. that's pretty much the whole game.
127 Produkte im Account
235 Reviews
5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 08:47
Nobody reads the reviews for sure, so I'll say I'm gay
162 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
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973 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.21 07:12
WIth a free account you cant do very much... all you can do is the basic starter stuff and that's it.

If you want to play it for free, dont bother. Either you pay money for a premium acc or you suffer.
17 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
789 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 19:21
A vast universe with tens of thousands of players all on the same server. Highly complex, and enthralling game play with a plethora of mechanics. It says 3 hours but I played eve for months before I started using steam If your looking for an easy fortnite style game, this is simply not for you. If you even think you might be interested in this game, install it immediately then buy omega and start queing new training jobs, because their is a time gate on training new ships and skills. Your better off buying a year of omega and queing a ton of skills then leaving and coming back after a few months. Omega trains skills faster and lets you que a longer list of skill training. Also support is literally top notch, I played dozens upon dozens of games and this game has the best support of any game i've played bar none.
6 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 09:04
369 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
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207796 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 06:42
This game used to be hellafun. You could play it your way, do exploring, mining, pve missions, scamming... all you liked to do to make a living. Joining a big alliance as a new player, was daunting but somehow manageable. This game was great fun if you had some friends to fight alongside. And don't get me wrong, in EVE you will definitely make friends, this is not a game for solo players. Joining a big Alliance in this vast universe is one of the biggest advantages of this game.

Coming to cosns, this game has devoloped into a pay to win path. Whereas 2 years ago living in your own pocket of dangerous space could make you enough money just to pay for your subscription with in game currency, CCP made sure, that this is no longer an option. And with a lot less of disposable income to use for new ships you can throw at your adversaries - remember this thing is a full loot no safe zone PvP game - this ultimately comes down to who can afford more supers and this is a wallet thing, or super high ingame investment.

Coming to new player friendlyness:
First: you are broke. This limits your options.
Second: You dont have any skills, which makes you deal no damage and die faster.
Third: Whan you die, this costs you ingame money. And CCP made sure you can't really compensate for that and you have to pay up real money.
Forth: There are entire Troll-Corporations that take pride in making the life of newbros miserable.

I used to love this game, I have been playing eve for almost 2 decades now. There have been great times flying titans in big fleets and fighting battles worthy of song (to quote Worf). You can build your own Empires, be devastated by your adversaries. But the direction this game has taken in past couple of years will put monetizing above all, and if it continues this way, battles for System Control will no loner be fought by wits and strategy but with credit cards and wallet size.
88 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
85861 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.21 01:50
Don't play it alone, get some friend or a corp. The best ship in eve is friendship.
431 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
154754 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 13:39
I don't think I've played enough to write a proper review, but's an okay game I guess.
379 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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22518 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 04:58
This game took a turn. I have played this game off again on again since before I even had Steam. I wish the developers didn't make the game much less profitable, and thus ruin a big chunk of what I used to do to make any currency. Player driven used to be true, but as you saw in their trailer, how many large events occurred after 2015? Not that many, not compared to years and years ago. I used to go to CCP meet ups, we would do ship giveaways, we used to play as a corporation, but then it became too expensive to operate, to keep up funding, and thus, we all drifted away from the game. Hate to say it, I loved the game for years, but I didn't leave the game, it left me.
78 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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3155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 13:19
I don't really care for a game that basically requires you to have multiple accounts to get any decent progress in a specific area when it comes to the skills. It's like you gotta have a character for industry and a character for combat. But then your still not very good at those things because that's still too broad so you need a character for manufacturing and a character for exploring and a character for research and one for mining and multiple characters for each of the different factions to be any good with their ships. It's impossible to be good at everything with one character without either spending years of training and skill injecting or spending tens of thousands of dollars. oh and to add to the skill grind you have to buy the multi training certificate in order to train multiple characters on the same account. In short its either have a dozen accounts or be stuck waiting 30 days for skills to train to use a specific ship that's only good at a specific thing. oh? don't wanna do that anymore? spend another 30 days waiting to use another ship that's only good at a specific thing. Don't wanna wait 30 days? looks like your gonna be grinding for skill injectors or get a job to fund buying plex for omega/mutli skill training for the characters on that account. for your 20 accounts you need for this game. Your better off getting a second job to dump money into the game for ISK than grinding in the game for isk. Elite Dangerous did it right by leaving the micro-transactions in the cosmetic department. I don't leave many reviews but this I just had to get off my chest about eve.
259 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
9202 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 10:07
Big brain game. Playing for month's and still only know what I'm doing half the time. Good though
116 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
201 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 08:19
I recently re-activated and logged onto my account and my main character. (Born: School of Applied Knowledge 2004.09.11 22:27). Nearly 16 years ago... Even then, Eve was in full swing with now legendary acts of violence, subterfuge and heroics on a galactic scale.

This has never been a just 'game'. It is a connected experience that other MMOs have never matched. If you let it, it will suck you in, chew you up, and spit you out - but you WILL experience something that you will not forget in a hurry.

As some heroic villain, from another world once cautioned.


(P.S. Eve Support was excellent with helping to re-activate my account after a long absence and lost details. I really like good support. Props to GM Kurisu. ;-) )
43 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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4982 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.21 20:25
After playing for a while and noticing that a large portion of the game is locked behind a pay wall (subscription) is quickly disappointing and discouraging after being bombarded by the ads.
54 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
59198 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.21 20:11
Game is good. It is definitely not for everyone but I recommend giving it a shot. If it's not for you then it's fine, but if it is, you'll know, and you'll have a good time.
57 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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86477 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.21 13:22
I've played EVE on and off for many years and as a lover of Space Scifi I really tried to like it.

Unfortunately it's just rubbish. And the community is now so toxic and hateful I wouldn't recommend it anyone.
2 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4970 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.21 08:01
پشماتون از بزرگی بازی میریزه. کسی هم تاکسیک نیست مقل بعضی بازیا (دوتا2) همه به تازه واردا کمک میکنن. :D
35 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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623 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 01:53
Played from 2009 to 2014 and went back today... I can tell you they have really ruined this game - all my ships were pay to fly and my skill points were all locked out. Years of building and paying my monthly subscription lost. So sad...
119 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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33759 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 19:51
I've tried on multiple occasions to like this game. As you can see by my hours, it was successful for a bit, but unfortunately, like 95% of games today, it was ruined by greed. This was a game I used to think about 24/7, enjoy for DAYS on end. Now all it does is make me angry. RIP Eve. You didn't deserve this. Fuck you Pearl Abyss.
166 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
42143 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 18:05
In the beginning it might seem like the learning curve is very steep but after a while you'll realize that it is much much steeper than that.
621 Produkte im Account
171 Reviews
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1895 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.21 04:05
Sooooooooo BORING.
I tried. I really tried to like it.
I have friends who like EVE.
So I try and try again.
For 31 hours of my LIFE...
I tried.
52 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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143971 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.21 23:30
After over 13 years of playing EVE I am calling it quits. EVE is no longer a player ran sandbox and the economy is no longer ran by the players. CCP Rattati and Pearl Abyss are turning the game into a pay to win scam. I held on for a year because of all the lies told by the developers of EVE online but I am done paying to be lied too. CCP Rattati has turned EVE into a scam to milk the customers of money. This started a year ago in the middle of a pandemic, CCP Rattati and the rest of the DEVS started their attack on the customers of EVE online. CCP Rattati and Pearl Abyss began nerfing every money making opportunity in the game and turning the game into a nightmare for %99 of the customers. Even after mass public outcry, CCP Rattati and Pearl Abyss did nothing for the customers. CCP Rattati publicly told the customers that were upset to quit the game. Treating loyal customers that have over 10 years or more playing EVE online with absolute disrespect. CCP Rattati continued stringing the customer along with lies such as its only temporary and that it would go back to normal soon. That was over a year ago and now CCP Rattati has drop the bomb shell that none of nerfs added a year ago will revert back to normal. Pearl Abyss is going to start scaming the new players with a new system of rent a skill, yup RENT not own but RENT the new player a chance to use the skill. The new player will be scammed to pay Pearl Abyss 2, 3, 4, or even 5 times before charging them one more time to train the skill for good. Peal Abyss is a scam and all the games they sell are created to nickle and dime the customer for mass profits. Pearl Abyss and CCP Rattati did all of this in the middle of a pandemic when people turned to EVE as an escape. CCP Rattati and Pearl Abyss's greed is disgusting and the way they treat customers that have been loyal to them for over a decade should be a giant red flag to anyone thinking about trying EVE online for the first time. Steam need to remove EVE from its list of game because of the advertisement fraud. Pearl Abyss sells EVE as a player ran sandbox game and a player driven market. Both are lies and false advertisement which is against the law in the United States.
17 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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32279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.21 21:43
The game could be good but it is full of people who are psychopaths and closet serial killers. In short everyone is out to kill you. That means trying to complete PVE content is nearly impossible because of the PVP aspect of the game. You also have no real support from the Corporations and they want you to dump everything you have into their Corp so it grows and drain you dry. This game was a HUGE waste of time and is a huge money sink.
25 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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32820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 07:23
EVE Online admins will be stealing from you. As a precedent, I can testify that CCP Nemesis (senior director) has stolen 17 billions ISK (ingame currency equivalent to $250) from my account and falsely accused me of using trade bot. Game support did not listen to what was said in my defense.
Do not invest your time and money to this fraudulent enterprise!
153 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
37931 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.21 03:37
The game has a lot to offer; asteroid mining, ice mining, planet mining, destroyed ship mining, and even gas mining. The main goal of the game is selling what you mine for more money. This money is used to buy more technological mining techniques.

I'm pretty sure I covered everything.
61 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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18 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 22:09
i dont even have to play the game to know its toxic just look at the comments from the devs
34 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1069 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.21 19:02
Who is Eve?
Why is she online?
276 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
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2224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.21 17:38
Interesting game and looking very good, actually pretty unique.
Unfortunately, this is not a free game as advertised. You can play for a while but will soon be very limited on development speed and, more important, on features without the so called omega registration. And if you stop paying all the good stuff you developed is deactivated.
As I don't want to pay permanent fees on games, bye bye Eve.
218 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
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936 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.21 07:14
Toxic Cancer Community
30 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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36898 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 19:35
too many trolls and ass hats
52 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
601184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.21 21:18
no wife no life this the game for you
119 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
6155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.21 21:15
This game is a containment zone. It must be kept alive at all costs so that its level IV biohazard playerbase are kept out of other games.

Exposing yourself to the sort of people who enjoy this game will:
-Shorten your lifespan expectancy
-Cause rapid hair loss
-Indirectly hurt your friends and loved ones
-Destroy your livelihood

And this is not even actually playing the game yourself. Buy a subscription, but do not install the game. Do NOT play the game. Your life is worth so much more, and not playing is not very different from what you would be doing in the game anyways.
236 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
124795 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.21 22:21
There are enough things to do actively and passively, that it's worth installing and giving a shot.

That being said, the biggest draw to this game is immersion. It has several ways of doing this, but the two that I appreciate the most are difficulty and the (much celebrated) economy.

The difficulty comes with doing anything, from undocking safely to making a living. Going into dangerous space feels dangerous no matter how many times you do it, and the rewards are always great enough to keep you going back.

The economy has been explored thoroughly in many different ways, but my simple favorites are the concepts of supply, demand, and region. Without going to far into it, it's simple to figure out how to contribute or make money from the economy by understanding those three things to some degree, and that alone is pretty fun for someone like me.

I enjoy it because I get a Han Solo style of gameplay, complete with Hutts, Imperials, and Rebels but can switch between those factions at will. The more the merrier, so give it a shot.
53 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
18764 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 08:39
Played for years then stopped. I've recently returned to a PILE OF C R A P.

1. Bots everywhere.
2. High-sec Ganking Multiboxer squads EVERYWHERE who warp in 20 multibox accounts in small ships and pop and pod you while you mission. Then abuse you from all 20 accounts at once.
3. Spammers and scammers everywhere around trade hubs.
4. Game is now... join a gang and go to that gangs place, hang out with that gang, do what that gang does, give your time and resources for no real reason other than to have a bit of space to do what your gang does.
5. There is no open table of options as a pilot.. Its pvp... pvp..pvp and if you don't pvp ALL the time and cant make isk because of pvp in high sec.. you're called a care bear.

Personally i like to do a lot of things in a game, depending on my gaming time that day and how i feel i like having the option to not pvp sometimes..Eve is no longer a sandbox, its a globular mess off assholes against assholes, because anyone with much integrity is pushed out by Aholes in every direction.
679 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
23164 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 21:35
pew pew lazers
144 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
24145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 05:43
one of the best games i have ever played, but if you cant afford omega then dont start playing.
alot of people are complaining about it being pay to win but it was never meant to be free, but some of the points i agree on.

there is too much good in the game to not at least try it, it does have a steep learning curve, and reminds me a little of WoW even though they are very different games.
263 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
16027 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.20 01:12
Okay, so this isn't my first review or product that I have a problem with.

First off, Eve online's description on the steam store is that you can choose your own path from 'countless options' but here's the reality.

As a new player, you cannot immediately jump into a mining ship or a bomber and start doing things. To start off, you have to select the place on the skill tree you want to go before going to it, and usually what you can 'hop into' at level one is a rickety low budget spacecraft in which you can maybe earn 1-5m an hour, when ships on the tree itself past level 3 cost tens or hundreds of millions for anything outside of basic stuff.

And as for Eve being 'free?' Really. An income per hour gate is 'free'. The inability to achieve the same results as a paying player is by its definition (And I hate using this phrase because it's demeaning) pay to win. In short, if you want to make any form of income that is decent enough to replace what you've spent on a ship you need to expect to spend multiple hours to gain it back should something happen to it.

As for 'risk/reward' Hmm..I can earn probably in high sec 40-50m an hour with the best premium stuff and never risk death (Or very rarely). I can triple that in low sec for 150-300m+ per hour with stuff that costs about that much X3 or more to setup. The 'freedom' of this game is a complete illusion in which players are expected to become part of a hiveminded corporation in order to excel at all. If you want to play solo or less than ten people, you will need thousands of hours to do that. The 'learning curve' as explained by people is nothing more than an excuse not to make the game more user friendly. For those of us who have social anxiety or issues around huge groups of people it's a terrible environment. In most MMOs you can access the content of the game in some sense in your own way, but the endgame in Eve requires more friends than you could ever make in your life without joining a copy/paste corporation and assuming the identity they give to you. Don't even think about making your own corporation, because at the end of the day no one will join it if you don't know everything about Eve. For those of us who are leaders and not followers it makes it difficult to enjoy if at all possible.

I don't see anything at all cool about endorsing scamming in a videogame either. Promoting negative attitudes and ways of being is simply not a good way to foster a 'community'. It's how to get a bunch of jackasses in one place doing the same thing for 'fun' at the expense of all the rest of the players.

'Freedom' is such an illusion here it's not even funny. You might as well say that Eve is a city of gangsters and you have to choose which gang to join to go anywhere. Wanna go past highsec areas? 90% chance you'll get killed in a basic ship for no reason (Even one that costs 5 seconds to make and obviously has no value) Want to do something other than highsec stuff, the fun stuff that actually progresses the game? 90% chance you'll come across a huge group of people already doing it that will simply turn their guns on you instead, because there's no penalties for doing that in 'nullsec'. Risk/reward shouldn't be interpretted as 'lose all 200 hours of your game time because a group of assholes decided you needed to start over'. The ratio of Risk to reward is incorrect and does NOT help the immersion of being in a living world at all, in fact it takes you out of it. The reality is you can't go anywhere (You can, but you'll just die to campers. You know those guys that camp spawns in Halo or CSGO in deathmatch? It's that, with hundreds of hours of work) Or do anything (You can, but again a gigantic sun-blotting cloud of bullies will come and steal it from you after you set it up for 5 days, they destroy it in 5 minutes) or have fun (You can, but once again 'having fun' will be you riding a bicycle because you wanted to play the game differently from everyone else, while everyone who joins the 'cool kidz' gets a ferrari in five minutes.) Fun? Group. Profit? Group. Adventure? Group. If group is removed from any of those sentences the game is designed, it is fundamentally designed to make your progress slower. It doesn't incentivize you to work together aside from 'tougher enemies' but in reality it's 'work together because we want to force our players to talk to people they don't care about to succeed' I'm sorry, I can't be friends with 100 other people, the human brain is limited in this way and you can't form a lasting connection to people who's only point and purpose is to be a worker bee because that's the only way to get ahead in the game. You CANNOT and will not be able to access all content at the end of the game with less than 50 people. You ever tried talking to 50 people in one room? Do you think it's necessary to force gameplay to be based around this volume of people? You don't GET countless options, because your first enemy is a wallet. You get access to ships as long as you're subscribed and once it ends they're locked until you do again. If that's not a problem for you and you 'want' to support the game (Supporting it because you need to not because you want to) then fine. First enemy defeated. Second enemy, groups. You wanna be a miner and collect massive amounts of ore? COOL! Throw in your hat to the thousands of other hats doing the EXACT same thing as you, probably better than you because of how the skill system works. You're a grain of sand in a desert, it's not freedom it's illusionary. You don't 'make a difference' on your own unless you know exactly where to go what to do and how to do it. Otherwise you'll be fodder and a number that the CEO of the corp you're in gets money from. There's no freedom in being enslaved to a corporation and having a chain connected to your free will that reads the Corp's name.

Yes, I know. I don't have 4000 hours of experience and I haven't been 'there' or stuff like that. I get that. I don't want to anymore. I wanted to, I wanted to make a difference and make a change. But the reality is? Most can't. This is because the system of the game itself is your enemy. I want to play with the people I want to, to get where I want to go. I'm sorry, I can't find 100 friends to play this game with that I know personally and care to talk to. I'm here to 'socialize' not talk to a livestream chat room. This is the first lie of 'freedom'. The second is being able to do what you want, when in reality you have to join a corporation and do what 'they' want. If you make your own, you won't have the manpower to do anything. There comes a point when 'massively multiplayer' becomes too massive. Friendships don't come out of this, only co-workers. I come to play a game, not a job.

Thank you for taking the time to read this review, it's long I know. But I just don't feel that this is a 'game' anymore than it is a river, and newcomers are raindrops. Farewell.
99 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 20:29
Eve was good once... A whole Universe where I lived and died for many years... Then its soul was sold to koreans, and turned into mindless space shooter, drifting heavily to pay-to-win concept.
107 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
255731 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.20 16:32
If your a masochist then this is the game for you. Lol. Nothing like massive 1000+ player fights that takes literal hours.

All in all, I did everything I wanted to do. Highsec, Lowsec, C5 Spoopy Space, and Nullsec. Hope there will be an update that brings me back in =)
11 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
6465 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 21:29
Great game :)
#1 Space MMO
An open world,
a huge galaxy to explore.
Love it
22 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
4031 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 19:36
I sold everything I had and joined a corp in nullsec within my first 3 days.

My journey to nullsec felt like 300 jumps.

My new corp told me to be careful, be careful they said, all I had to do was be careful.

I ventured into nullsec and was held captive by pirates, I told them that I am noob and I am requestion safe transit to my new corp.

The pirates told me that if I made them laugh at least once a minute they would protect me through nullsec towards my new corp.

Little did they know I am a master of ALT-tabbing between my Google search for 'funny jokes' and Eve.

I began to dive further into nullsec with my pirate buddies, sweating profusely, awaiting my imminent death at the hands of my pirate buddies.

Something happened though, they started to like me, I felt like one of them and they wanted me to join them on their adventures through space and time.

I was almost at my corp, flying safely with my pirate friends, who batted off every attack we faced along the way with me hiding behind them like a kid behind a sofa to stay safe.

The next gate was where my new life began, my new corp, the place where I would call home for the foreseeable future... I was home.

I approached the gate, I thanked my pirate buddies, waiting for them to kill me at any moment for the lulz but they didn't they escorted me through the gate and on the other side something I will never forget happened...

My new corp immediately destroyed all of my pirate buddies upon entering the system, destroying their ships and leaving them floating through space in nothing but their capsules.

I began to feel sad, we had come so far together, we had so much fun and they became my good friends.

They are still my friends, I am a pirate undercover in a nullsec corp, I feed them intelligence about my every corps movements and siphen ISK to fund their pirating.

I've been working undercover as a spy for my pirate buddies all of this time and I hope that one day I can break free of my corps shackles and support my pirate buddies throughout space.

11/10 would recommend this game if you know how to tell a few jokes from Google.
30 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.20 13:29
Note: Steam says I have barely played this game but I have played it very actively for over 2 years now. I only recently reinstalled it through Steam.

There are many good things about this game: the sci-fi aesthetic, the lore, the visuals, the sounds, the friendships to make, and most of all the immense complexity available to consider and plan around.

However, the reality is that this game is not worth playing. Giving it a serious go requires purchasing Omega status every month, or inputting a huge amount of time doing boring repetitive tasks to be able to afford Omega with in-game currency. And what will you do with Omega? Probably sit around planning stuff or doing more boring, repetitive tasks. It is the complexity, strategy and friendships you make which will keep you addicted to this game, but apart from very short instances when you risk your ships for a low reward you will be wasting large amounts of time. When the best part of this game is found in thinking about it, I actually get similar amounts of enjoyment from not playing and just following developments!

It is also worth mentioning that this game is absolutely terrible for not explaining extremely important trivial stuff and is very difficult to handle with a bizarre user interface. It is also littered with buggy stuff, and is clearly a very old game. The game is extremely harsh on new players and solo players, and feels like you have been cheated most of the time you die. You will die a lot.

Gameplay does not at all look like the trailers and this game does not deserve to be as popular as it is any longer. I genuinely think most people who play this game hate their lives and suffer from addiction problems.
120 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
449 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.20 08:26
I have played EVE Online for around six years and experienced a significant number of negative changes to the core gameplay. It is now no longer a possibility to play this game without partaking in player versus player combat. The community of players in this game consists of bitter veterans such as myself and large player-built corporations with unrealistic expectations and toxic behaviour. All money-making activities in this game include mind-numbingly repetitive tasks which do not reward players in line with the risks associated.
153 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
52157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 09:22
ship go boom. me sad. cool lasers
3079 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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4890 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 00:10
I gave the game a try and enjoyed the complexity of the game. However, there is no way for you to avoid PvP. Exploring space peacefully and you will get jumped by other players looking for an easy kill. The game has a steep learning curve, but there is no protection for the new players, and you WILL get attacked by players who have years of experience. Losing multiple ships a day is comment. Cloaking is a pay only feature. Lost interest after a few days. Some said only 2.2% of new players still play after 90 days. I don't usually leave bad reviews, but this is such a bad experience for me that I thought I leave a warning.
55 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1732 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 10:34
Not so complicated as I thought all these years. A must for all space sim enthusiasts. Not making a career though, alpha casual plays ftw.

Plebeians will prevail
41 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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3715 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 07:18
Absolutely unforgiving to new and/or casual players. If you do not make this game your second life or second job, there is absolutely nothing here for you.
65 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
251329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 15:33
Best game of this era of gaming for the scifi space pilot genre hands down.
How many games of the mmorpg type run for 17 years? how many publish updates regularly over all the time they have been up and online? This one looks more amazing every time I return to it, I wish more of my old corpmates were still around, i never had such a metropolitan group of people who i grew so close to playing an online game. It helped me quit cocaine for ever many years ago now, so i will always have that to thank CCP for. cheers guys, keep up the amazing work you guys do. The c++ separation from the python layer was a solid design decision. One day perhaps WIS will become real, but I dont count on it, it dosent need to be things it isnt, because people love it already. just need mobile integrations to eve that work well and are games in themselves, imho. bless you all.
9 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
397 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 02:39
interface more cluttered than a synchrotron terminal, no objectives whatsoever and the tutorial can be failed midway. how this trash survived 2 decades is another mystery of the galaxy
32 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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252050 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 14:32
I wouldnt recommend this game anymore . It takes to long to get up and running and now with the up and coming nerfs . Well you cant get up on your feet without being forced into one of the big corps in the game . Then it's mostly do as your told . Also on a side note , make sure you have your auto sub checked off on both steam and the main CCP site so you will not get a surprise bill . I had both checked off and had been buying 30 day subs off of steam but yesterday had a surprise resub for 3 months and it didnt even give me the sales price with the MTCs . So on that note , keep checking both sites often making sure it didnt get rechecked .
14 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
146 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 12:24
I generally never bother to comment on games, but i feel i should with this one. I started playing eve online back in 2004 ( Not on steam) and had an active account for 15yrs. It was an amazing game back then, good strong player base that were helpful even if they just shot you in the face, they would offer advice and tips, now its blown up followed by derogatory comments and insults

I deleted all my account few months back and here's why.
Eve is a gank fest of ultimate proportions, and its actively encouraged by ccp as to them the more ships go pop, the more hard cash they earn. Even solo exploration in a small little frigate , scan a nice relic go in head to the can , cyno ship De-cloaks and bridges a black ops battleship in You're Screwed. < this is made even worse with the blackout,( no local) not saying happens all the time but it happens a lot.
I bought an Orca once, made it 5j before it was bumped off the gate by a mach so i self destructed it to deny them the kill mail. the big insult on this is when others shoot people in high sec they end up having an aggression timer and lose standings with the faction that controls that area of space, but having -10 does not prevent you from using station or the services like clone bays or markets, or in fact building their own citadel and anchoring it in the systemor they use an alt to drop a citadel, bit like shooting someone in the face in real life next to a police station and an officer coming out and asking id you wanna build a house next door. Seems bit dumb but its good for ccp plex sales.

And others have stated you will find the odd gem of a player in the game but for the most part the player base is as toxic as they come. The game is full of homophobia , racists, and politics. There is no place in a game for this and although eve views it as unacceptable the reality is for the most part people wont report it.

Also the gambling game is a massive breach of the Eula, this game states it suitable for 13yrs and above. Due to plex eve items basically have a real world money attachment to them. CCP love to brag about the real cash value of a big fight where 300k of ships were lost.so you can buy in game money with a credit card. you can them gamble that money. The definition of gambling is when you risk something of value (isk you just paid for with credit card) to win something of greater value. Hyperlink is gambling. Nuff said. So CCP are introducing minors to gambling ( yes like so many other games and loot boxes) does not make it right

I could go on and on to be honest 15yrs you see alot of crap in game. but i think the real bummer for me is i live a busy life. i work 12hr days and my days off i spent with my 3yr old so my play time is generally the evening for an hr or 2 depending on if have to get up at 4:30am, so i was supper happy when abyssal space came in to the game as it was aimed at the player base such as myself, and given the level of bellends in this game solo play was far better for me.
But this was also short lived. of course when you enter abyssal you leave a scanable signature in space. yes its a gank mechanic left in place to make sure you have a chance of being fucked over, even if you call concord by shooting one of theirs with an alt,or they have already drawn concord away but performing some illegal activity to prevent them showing up too soon so they have time to kill you.just exploiting the game mechanics, they will blap you within .5 second of moving you're ship. either way you will die.

Then you have the issue of d/c you're isp dropped you for whatever reason you log on you're dead, ccp do not give a crap, not the servers, and you're isp really isnt gonna care either so you get left holding the crap end of the stick.
Last nail for me and the one that made me finally delete all characters was being d/c and hour before 10k of people were ddos off the server, and ccp saying we were not experiencing any server issues at the time so cant reinburse you're ship was an insult and suddenly realized this game needed to go as the idea of buying plex to just to play a game i pay a sub for was a joke but this is the way ccp want it.

They want you to die, they don't want solo players as it brings very little to the sandbox so they try and change game mechanics to force you into alliances that have their own set of rules or requirment's for you to stay on, like 5 alliance ops per month or something, if you have ever been in a fleet fight with 1000's of players sounds great, reality is its the most mind numbing crap ever, a 1 hour fight turns into a 7 hr tidi ass numbing all night crap, where you can make a cuppa tea before you missle's have even fired. CCP want you to buy plex, wasn't such a bad thing before skill buying came into play.

Now the game has moved into the pay to win category, Sorry but it has, you will never compete with someone who is well off in real life, those that can afford to spend 3k on plex. Eve is heading to be a game full of gankers or alliances that have a mass of players yet over half of them are alts who are really playing solo and are constanlty chasing the plex dragon to make sure they can plex their accounts.
Even other alliance members will go out of their way to make it difficult for you if you encroach on their space as they see it to make isk and try and force you out. Like creating a neutral alt, put him in system to prevent you from doing anything, Its fucking sad.

My lossses
April 20th 5.5b high sec gank after coming out abyssal space, high sec not grt, but it was ass end of nowhere and unpopulated and the safe was 50 au from any celestial.
May 1st 3.2b loss d/c
May 2nd 2.1b loss d/c
May 3rd getting strapped for cash due to losses. 700m loss i just died in this one
may 4th 1.7b loss d/c
may 6th 900m loss- ship test-failed :p
may 12th 400m loss another failed test hehe
may 30th 600m loss d/c
july 1st 3.7b loss - DDos ccp refused to cover it as i was d/c 1 hr before 10k players were kicked from ddos
July 2nd 1.9b loss d/c

buy plex..nah just do one:)

If you have never played eve i would probly say go for it give it a try. but from a long time player of this game i actually cant help but think it was such a waste of time
Let the trolls begin
51 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
96663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.20 17:59
It's ok I guess.
1298 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
143203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 10:27
Yeah, not bad after a few hours
216 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
10753 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 08:06
Probably the best MMO you could ever play if you have the dedication.
105 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
69400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 01:20
if you want a challenge in an massive open MMO Galaxy, where everything is player created and a own vibrant economy perists and every ISK you make has value... where PVP is everything, where you may be shot down for travelling through the wrong neighbourhood... a game in which you can take part in huge regional wars or clan skirmishes...
A game in which you must struggle for every little piece of tech, isk and skill training takes years..
then this is the challenge for you

Good luck pilot and fly safe o7
29 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
277 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.20 18:54
Very complicated with rubbish tutorials. Controls are also pretty bad with multiple steps for simple things like looting .Account management is also annoying asking to verify email everytime i started the game up even though id already done it. Overall bad game, uninstalled.
315 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
214614 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.20 00:22
Don't do it. The game is a masterpiece and truly unique in the world of gaming. It's an MMO unlike any other MMO in existence.

Why shouldn’t you do it then? Well if you’re reading this you haven’t played it yet, in which case you will be nothing more than a minnow in a ocean full of sharks. The game has been around for so long now that empire are set in stone, and a game that already had the learning curve of a vertical line is just a brutal experience for a new player. Worse yet, the devs have kinda just given up the veil of pay to win and you can pay cash for skill points or in game currency. While not true pay to win, because player skill and allegiances count for a huge portion of success, it just give you as a new player an avenue to waste real money while those with skillfriends can capitalize on it’s use.

To be clear, you will not be paying $10-15 per month to play this game. If you get hooked expect hundreds to fall out of your wallet.

This all said, I give it a recommended because it was one of the most unique gaming experiences I’ve had. I still pop in now and then, but I have to warn others do not enter.

Quick note in reply to the Dev response:

That is terrible advice for a new player and kinda shows how out of touch the “devs” are. A newish player “riding around” Low Security space is going to get destroyed in about 5 minutes. Not a worthy battle, not an exciting experience, but rather getting tackled by a player (likely an alt) and obliterated by 2-3 others. Suggest rather that they hook up with a roaming fleet to show them the ropes. However, since everyone and their mother abuses Alpha accounts they will likely just think you are a spy.
37 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
181 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.20 20:12
Dont know wtf I'm doing, but I'm doing it.

No seriously, I have no idea what I'm doing....
338 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
9242 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.20 18:53
This game is magnificent. There's so many things to do, so many different routs to take. Yet it's not for everyone, for me, it was difficult to learn, asking questions for guidance made me the laughing stock of the Help channels. I worked my way to half a billion Isk in this game and lost it in hours to gate campers. The game doesn't prepare you for dealing with people, there's no safety net, there's nobody to help you, you're in it alone unless you're lucky enough to have someone teach you the ropes. I didn't have such luck, my requests were all ignored, and I lost all the hours I invested to people who have nothing better to do than sit at a gate and kill people who pass through. The game is toxic, and the people in it are worse.
601 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.20 14:39
I assumed it was obvious enough that, given EVE came out half a year or more (depending on where you live) than fukking STEAM AND the fact that STEAM didn't touch MMOs for years and years after it launched that, hours spent on EVE in STEAM do count fukk-all.
But I guess I was too generous with my assumption of people thinking before posting.
...so there you have it, a reluctant update since it otherwise will keep coming up and be an annoyance.

Been playing it on and off for over a decade now, love the universe, got dem books and all that jazz but the overpriced bookstoppers (which I probably would have bought as well if money just wasn't a concern at all).
I still cannot reccomend this game. And this is mostly from a principal and not gameplay standpoint.

I don't mind that it's spreadsheets with lazors or that combat is not overly engaging in a second-to-second gameplay. I liked that about EVE actually. I got ganked, for sure. First gate-campers when you don't do your autopilot due dilligences serves as a good lesson for everybody. First scammer too. While I kept singing praises for CCP's hands-off approach to crime in the game for years now I am arriving at a weird crossroads.

The reason?
CODE (you folks still call yourselves that? whatever it is)
I can get behind the idea of piracy, wars, scams or just plain rampages. I also acknowledge and kinda salute the effort and logistics required to keep this murderfest going from a logistical standpoint of managing people, timetables, resources, ships, etc.
But the thing is you folks are fucking with the one thing I hold sacred and that is the sanctity of High Sec.
Suicide Ganking was always a thing and sort of a small amount of comfort that if somebody really wanted you dead and they either had the money and friends or the money and the multibox accounts to do it, they could do it but it would cost them. But now that basically anybody can make a free account, get dumped into a destroyer and murder somebody's 200 mil exhumer having some monolith unifying and enabling that on such a scale just blows it all out of proportion.
Sure, call High Sec the teat for newbies all you like and helpful players carebears and whatever other colorful words you have going in that weird bible you all preach so much.
At the end of the day, my gaming experience and time spending on listening to some corny Johnny Cash songs while mining roids in High Sec is just as valuable as yours.
The issue is not that you kill me, the issue is that in HS it's supposed to be less lucrative and more safe on the flipside. Sometimes I just wanna farm some mats and build some frigs, destroyers and cruisers that, ironically, somebody like you might buy to kill people like me with. Issue is you are just too organized and also just too goddamn obnoxious.
You basically run a mafioso protection racket in EVE and prance around like you found the secret of eternal happiness and preach more than any stereotype of Amarr or pastor outside of EVE does.

So, I dunno. I applaud you for being good at what you do, but I ain't paying up to some assholes that get their kicks from ruining the fun of others. And I also don't pay a sub for a game where I have to deal with this. Just getting too old for this crap. If you feel like this is the future for EVE and you aim to crush all High Sec miners under your boot... be my guest I guess...?
At the end of the day, if you have fun at least that works out, you know?
Just don't be surprised if targets will be less and less frequent and ores and goods become more and more expensive (if that happens that is). Personally I can't see me playing this if I can't trust the rules of HS at all on my more valuable ships (which ofc need Omega). Unlike your cult leader, I am not made out of money and time so that Exhumer hurts, that Nightmare hurts, that Fenrir hurts, etc, when it gets blown up by a gaggle of suicide destroyers.

So yeah, not supporting that with my time and money, both real and ingame.
And stuff like that is also the reason I have stopped pointing people towards EVE. To me you are just trolls feeding off the misery and anger of others.
I fully expect the comments to be swamped by whatever insults you can vomit up and sure, keep them coming.
Not going to check in on this review after posting it so you are mostly interacting with other commenters.
Anyways, have fun with your crusade against miners. I bet this review will change nothing, least of all on the end of CODE members. If anything it will be delicious salty tears in your eyes. So come, gorge yourself on the salt. It's over 15 years old vintage salt. Lick it. It's the good stuff.
lol, okay I am done.
Ya'll have fun, whatever warps your ships. o7
24 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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72344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 01:52
It is a great game , i liked it , what drove me away was the toxic community and the griefers killing newbies in socalled high security area's..........
It just makes it very annoying to be blasted into pieces for something you worked a long time to achieve.......

i don't mind PvP , yet the punishment for being an a-hole is fairly non existant and there are actual groups priding themselves on being gankers and the game encourages this..........

Many might like it , also a sign of the time , yet i do not and i left to where there is balance in such things...........
615 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
51367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 02:42
You like breaking other people's toys? This game is perfect for you.
58 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
350116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.20 09:36
Played awhile. Its alright. Quite Fun
117 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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9895 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.20 20:23
I’m surprised the devs still haven’t issued a statement for gawking and multiboxing.

This game isn’t for everyone. It’s a complicated game. Visually, it’s beautiful, and that’s why I got roped into starting. But the learning curve is insane. It’s so complicated when you start, they kinda just throw you in with very little instruction. Guidance in some sort is needed or else you’ll be constantly lost. It took me one whole year to teach and convince myself that this game was any good, and a huge part of it was meeting very experienced players that were willing to help me. Not every new player has this luck. Plus, you risk being destroyed when grouping with higher ranking players (aka potential gawkers/multiboxers). I’ve heard waay too many stories from this community about how their ship got destroyed from taking their eyes off the screen for 3 minutes. The devs seem to encourage pvp but fail to send anything out having to do with gawkers. No doubt in my mind that they encourage it. It’s why advanced players have stayed for so long.

You also only get half the ships and weapons as a free player. It’s play to win. And the community can get rude, political and unwelcoming. If you’re looking for a space MMO, give this a shot, but expect a lot of bull.
83 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
5594 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.20 12:22
So I gave up and installed it. Launched the game just for 15 minutes, to see what's how.
These were the shortest 4 hours in my life.
587 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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11027 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.20 08:21
I started playing Eve in 2004, back then I was really into PvP. Now I'm in my 40's and I have other priorities- I don't have the time to sit on a warp gate, or get embroiled into alliance drama.
There really isn't a play style that is really fun for me, perhaps it never was and I just lacked for other options. The sandbox nature of this game hasn't changed, I've changed and that is really my criticism. It still is pointed at 20 somethings who derive enjoyment from making others suffer.
I still go back every once in a while to see if there is a compelling reason to stick around. There isn't.
488 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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7235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.20 14:40
PvP-focused MMO with emphasis on ganking. The developer even actively encourages ganking. Ganking leads to toxic community and experience.

If there is a tiny bit of pacifist in you, give this game a hard pass. If you are just curious and don't mind being bullied by sweating multiboxers, go ahead. It's not like I'm your mom or anything.
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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6584 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.20 06:40
I want to enjoy this game SO MUCH! The concept is great and I was fine with the learning curve. After 100 hours of play (yes, you read that right) I was so tired of getting killed by Omega (those are the paid accounts) gankers that I'm just done. You spend 1M ISK (in game currency) on a new ship only to lose it a couple hours later. You load up a barge with 2M ISK worth of goods to take to market thinking this time you'll make it and be able to afford that destroyer, some NPC one-shots you in what you thought was a reasonably safe area. You go mining in your crappy boat to try to earn some money, some Omega kills you for giggles.

The learning curve isn't even an issue. It's the players and the seeming randomness of it all. You are never safe. You can never build up to a character or ship that will make you feel safe. There will always be someone hiding in the shadows ready to kill you before you even know they are there. Do yourself a favor: Don't install this game.
37 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
677 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.20 19:18
To be honest, this game is rather impressive to those who enjoy the Sci-Fi theme. Like many have said: This game is not for everyone. I repeat this game is not for everyone. I may not have too big of an experience, but I do know this: It's visually beautiful, and realistic in a sense. Some have complained about the dangerous environment when it comes to things like delivery, mining and etc., but that's the point. You're in space, surrounded by other people who have different ideals about how their time should be spent. Whether it be spending time in the economy or trading business of ores or, heck, galactic warfare.

PvP is expected in this game.

Overall, fun game.
72 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
109025 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.20 20:59
This game caused my marriage to fail so many college classes that I had to drop out. It is also the core cause of my whole marriage falling apart. I now work at McDonald's part time just to pay my rent, my subscription for my 7 alts and plex for all of them. I don't need food or water since I work at McDonald's I get it for free! It's a pretty sweet gig

Thank you CCP for ruining my life in the best possible way.
60 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
3664 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 06:03
The free part of this game is like a Demo, where very quickly you will run into a wall, a pay wall.
You can go at it, with not paying, but you will be at a overwhelming disadvantage and will most likely lose it all to some player/s camping at a jump gate. (As I did) This is where I stop playing, as now, I had no point in continuing and I was just about to buy some game currency. Joined a group, but didn't get any where with that, Help was not that helpful on the technical questions, seem you can play this game for year and still not know what is going on.
This game is old and one of the greats, Still look and plays fantastic, but the interfacing with menu windows, resizing and just trying to find the right sub-menu was half of my game experience.
The learning curve is steep, like ninety degrees steep, bents back on its self and it just going. Until you are back where you started, Knowing little more than you did before, just to attempt it all again.
I would say this is a very hard game to get into, But once you are in you are for life. There seem to be a class division of the veteran players not wanting new player in the game if, not subscribe and going to commit there live too the game.
Hard to sum up this game as it is a game like no other, It is a game made for hardcore players, and the community reflects that, not rude to new player, just they do not want to waste there time on some filthy casual.
I would definitely recommend the game, but know, it is not a game to pick up easily, Guides are often out of date and only the rare veteran player, how will take the time to guide you in game.
Risk to reward is all risk and little reward, not even worth it. The reward is from time and work you put into the game.
117 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
944 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.20 05:03
Very immersive, and a good way to spend time in quarantine.
54 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
5443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.20 06:18
Don't join one of the big ones. Find a smaller, niche corporation that enjoys playing and has corp members that are willing to show you the ropes. This is the best way to learn how to play, and become part of a community which is largely what this game is about.
126 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
181590 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.20 20:24
Played it a little bit. Flew spaceships, learned to make spreadsheets. Yeah, it's okay.
42 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
196041 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.20 07:34
Yeah it was alright
76 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
16551 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.20 00:51
I was always looking for a game where I suffer 24/7. I found it.

Recommend 10/10
17 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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4235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.20 17:24
Eve online is a fantastically fun idea where you get the chance to live a space fantasy buuuuutt... You have about a year and a half before you can fly that ship you want to be anything like the other players... twice that without paying for the subscription that whole time. If you have the money you can get a good start but since everything is destructible it might still not pay off. Entry into the game is complex because of the depth of the game but also because there are no safeguards for new players. Everything you get after 50 hours of play can just bet blown up and you have nothing again. If you like that its the game for you but I don't think many people love that feeling.
70 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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8237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.20 09:32
This sandbox has piles and piles of spreadsheets and then if you engage with those systems and do your best to try out something fun...you'll be mugged in the back alleys of the game for the jollies of some random internet troll.
It has loads of beautiful art that you generally won't get a chance to look at up close. Instead every distant ship is ^, like you're playing an ascii game from the 1970s.
Everything, both in time and in distance, is too far apart, making for a game where you spend just a little bit too much time doing absolutely nothing, no matter what you want to do.
When you're only coping with the computer this game is chill and actually kind of fun. The second the other humans get involved it's like you're trying to play teeball and then MLB players come onto the field...and they're allowed to hit YOU with their baseball bats.
102 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
30033 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.20 15:00
The ultimate big boys' toy. It's not like any game, it's probably not quite right to call it a game. It's an activity and it's a universe and it has more depth than anything. I've never had to pay to play but if ccp changed back to a subscription model I probably would. Someone with enough smarts and experience can kill any p2w punk.
The 'game' is hard work at the start, no argument there and if someone rich decides to harass you repeatedly you basically need a new character. I figure most people quit when they lose their first really nice ship but you need to be an adult and push through that. You'll have some amazing experiences but you have to work for them.
And if you decide to take your first step into this universe, get someone like me to buddy you in, you'll get a million skill points.
10/10. It's not comparable to any game, it just is what it is.
161 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
7971 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.20 01:03
407 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
14438 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.20 00:58
Ever since i jumped into my frigate i never left it until a random player in high-sec shot me down. I had no money to afford another combat ship so i turned to mining. where i was harassed on multiple occasions and ordered me to pay 10 million interStellar Kredits. Since i didn't have the money he wanted to know answer to some questions which i didn't knew and blew me up for not knowing how many apples a tree contains.... 10/10
115 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
38010 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.20 21:03
The only MMO I keep playing. Still have no clue what I am doing though.
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
75.05% 12461 4143
Release:06.05.2003 Genre: Massively Multiplayer Online Entwickler: Crowd Control Productions Vertrieb: Atari Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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