Don't mind me, just mining my little space rocks...
Bug Fixes
- FIXED - Asteroids no longer become invisible when entering a Player Owned Hangar.
- FIXED - Notification Popups now respect the "Effect" volume setting in the PDA.
- FIXED - Completing a tutorial mission no longer plays a sound notification twice.
- FIXED - Points of interest on the Tactical Map now display properly.
- FIXED - Hand icon appears properly when hovering over Comm Record buttons on the PDA.
- FIXED - Fixed transactions not appearing correctly on the Wallet interface.
- FIXED - Fixed loan records not appearing correctly on the Wallet interface.
- FIXED - Music no longer loops when connection to a server fails.
- FIXED - Sound effects when closing the PDA or other chat windows now play correctly.
- FIXED - Asteroid Details no longer cover all incoming notifications.
- FIXED - Upload Avatar function now works correctly on the PDA.
- FIXED - The client no longer crashes when looking up sales data on random goods.
- FIXED - Couriers no longer spam their final approach intent.
- FIXED - Bookmark addresses can now be modified as well as their labels changed.
- FIXED - An issue keeping players from crafting in space has been resolved.
- The Attribute Icon gives a little more information about what it's about. It's a reminder that you have pending attribute points that have not yet been assigned.
- Default Music Volume has been set back to 100%.
- Default Voice Audio Volume has been set to 75%.
- Protip regarding Engine Life has been tweaked for readability.
- Notification popups now respect the "Effect" sound volume setting in the PDA.
- Tutorial Complete sound effect volume has been decreased by 75%.
- Increased the spacing for readability between crafting recipes on the crafting window.
- The crafting window now displays how many of each ingredient you have.
- Ingots have been replaced with the basic ores on the Marketplace.
- Get My Location has been added to the Bookmarks page on the PDA.
- Asteroids now appear on the compass and highlight when flying close.
New Items
- Glowing Titanium - Drops randomly from Titanium Asteroids.
- Glowing Cordite - Drops randomly from Cordite Asteroids.
- Pure Ice - Drops randomly from Ice Asteroids.
- Flawless Lurium - Drops randomly from Lurium Asteroids.
- Bright Aluminum - Drops randomly from Aluminum Asteroids.
- Alumina - Harvested from used ships.
Quick Missions
- ore filter options have been added to quick missions. Pilots can now filter between Combat, Mining, Courier, Transport, and Salvage Missions. Visit any of the main space stations to grab one.
Time to Arrival
- ookmarks and primary objectives now display an estimated time to arrival depending on your ship's velocity.
New Station Atrium
- he inner Atrium is a new area inside of Bradford and Hadfield Stations. Enter the Atrium from Port 2 or Port 4 and land at any of the docking pads inside.
Command Review
- ommand Review is this month. This is your only chance to gain command rank. Complete Flights to go up the chain of command.
- *Get extra XP each day for submitting feedback.** Click any of the blue "Feedback" buttons in game.
Alrighty, onto the 3 New Ships.
We've added a number of new mining ships to the game and tweaked 'some' things in support of them.
A very short range light mining ship. Its primary role is to harvest and quickly transport the yield to a cargo container. That can later be picked up by another ship.

The Tibern
A more advanced mining ship with improved cargo capacity. Just a little slower and less maneuverable.

The Aedellis
The best of the best. Can harvest more, much faster.

Perks for Epic Space Founders
Epic Space Founders always get free ships. If you joined Epic Space anytime before 2015, you're a Founder.
Verify your Founder Status
Visit http://EpicSpace.net/founders to verify your account status. If you are not listed as a Founder and feel that you should be, get into contact with us.
Important Links:
Forums / Help: [url]https://EpicSpace.net/forums/category/bug-reports-technical-support/1[/url]
Recent Updates (This will be going away soon): [url]https://EpicSpace.net/updates[/url]
Discord Server: [url]https://discord.gg/Kq8ABBX[/url]