Time to blow some aliens up! The Militia Update for Earthfall is now available on Steam. This includes the new grenade launcher which can let you destroy the incoming alien invasion. We have also added some new hunting and camo inspired outfits and weapon skins. All for free!

We really looked over what fans were suggesting, and a heavy weapon kept coming up in conversations and posts online. We wanted to do something a little different and were inspired by some new military weapons given Earthfall takes place in the near future. The grenade launcher has a punishing primary fire, but those wanting to do some extra fun damage you can use the alt-fire and drop a shell right in the middle of a group of aliens and watch it explode a second later. We feel it really add something to the arsenal in Earthfall and makes it worth going back and trying out each level!

We know the fans wanted more variety in the way they looked in-game. We started thinking where survivors would find weapons, and sporting goods stores kept coming up, which have tons of apparel including camo and hunting gear. So we figured let's add that to Earthfall. Each character has their own outfit with camo and warning orange. Additionally, we have included some camo inspired weapon skins for those wanting to change up the look of your weapon.
This update is a little smaller, but that has allowed us to really focus our efforts on next months Invasion Update, our most significant update to Earthfall.