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Cormyr Arrives with the Lanterns in the Mists Event! 
Dungeons & Dragons Online
22.10.24 21:55 Community Announcements

Cormyr Arrives with the Lanterns in the Mists Event! 

Cormyr arrives at 1pm Eastern (-4 GMT) on Wednesday, October 23rd! 

A new fresh start world awaits! 

Cormyr is the first 64 bit server for Dungeons & Dragons Online, offering technological improvements including a smoother gameplay experience. This world is also a great place to start fresh with friends!  

Cormyr is a VIP access server. Character transfers to or from Cormyr are not available. Be a part of this exciting server’s launch! 

Lanterns in the Mists 

A group of strangers appear from the mists bearing curious magical lanterns....

The Mists of Ravenloft have begun to appear with greater frequency across the planes, and there are reports of mysterious humanoid or snake-like shapes whispering in these mists. Too many are disappearing across Faerun and Eberron, falling prey to these “Mist Stalkers”. There are even rumors of a great serpent seen in the mists. Lantern-bearing strangers calling themselves the Order of the Guardians claim to have a solution to this threat. Are you ready to heed their call? 

Get Started: 

To start the Lanterns in the Mists event, first enter the mists (labeled "Lanterns in the Mists") located in the Eberron Hall of Heroes. The mists are next to the fountain in the far Western wing. There is also an additional mists entrance outside the exit of the tutorial dungeon in Korthos village. 

Go into the mists and play the quest, "The Curse of the Five Fangs." Once you're done, exit the quest, then speak to the NPCs that have appeared next to the mists you used to enter to obtain a lantern. Note that these NPCs will not appear until after you've completed the quest! If you entered the quest through the mists on Korthos Island, you can either use the waypoint that appears inside the quest to exit to the Eberron Hall of Heroes or simply presss Recall to exit out back to Korthos. 

There are two NPCs: Zuria Velamont and Barston Gelminedes. Valamont and Gelminedes offer magical Lanterns which slot into your Cosmetic Shield slot and allow you to see Mist Stalkers in any content outside of raids. You must have a Lantern equipped in order to see these enemies! Note that you can take multiple lanterns, but only the one that you currently have equipped will get charged as you play. As you defeat Mist Stalkers your chosen Lantern's Durability will increase. Once full, the Lantern can be turned into a Guardian for various cosmetic rewards which are then granted to your game account! 

The Lanterns

There are five regular Lanterns and five Skull Lanterns available to acquire and fill. Regular Lanterns are Bound to Character and can be placed into your Character Bank, but not into your Shared Bank. These Lanterns also cannot be traded, auctioned, or mailed.  

The five regular Lanterns are: 
  • Lantern of the Pledge - Easy to Fill. Reward - Cosmetic Half Cloak of the Order of the Guardian 
  • Lantern of the Order - Long to Fill. Only Advances on Reaper Difficulty. Reward - Cosmetic Full Cloak of the Order of the Guardian 
  • Lantern of the Shield - Medium length to fill. Reward - Cosmetic Shield of the Order 
  • Lantern of the Seeker - Very Long to Fill. Reward - Mist Stalker Sabertooth  Mount 
  • Lantern of the Keepers - Medium length to fill. Reward - Magical Lantern Cosmetic Pet 

The five Skull Lanterns operate the same as the five regular Lanterns above, but Skull Lanterns are destroyed upon character death whether they are equipped or not. Additionally, Skull Lanterns can ONLY be acquired at character level 1. Skull Lanterns cannot be placed into your Character Bank. Turning in a Skull Lantern provides a special "skull badged" version of the above rewards! 

While playing, Lanterns have the ability to "Shine the Light" three times per rest. This ability offers a crowd control effect on Mist Stalkers and cures and removes certain Mist Stalker effects. Using this ability may be vital to defeating more difficult Mist Stalkers. 

Lanterns in the Mists Notes:

  • The amount of Lantern progress rewarded for killing a Mist Stalker is relative to the quest's difficulty and the type of Mist Stalker that is spawned. 
  • No Lantern progress is awarded if the character's level is three above the dungeon's base level. 
  • Lanterns may stop progressing if the player character's level does not keep up with the Lantern's power level as it gains Durability. If the player levels the character they will resume progress. You can see what level is required by examining a Lantern.  
  • Mist Stalkers only attack if someone in the party has a Lantern equipped. 
  • Mist Stalkers typically only attack a player group once per quest. 
  • Mist Stalkers may not appear on particularly short quests. 
  • Only Lanterns within 45 meters of a defeated Mist Stalker will benefit from the defeat. 
  • Some Mist Stalkers have disposable minions that do not count for Lantern rewards, Mist Stalkers always have a title stating Mist Stalker.  
  • Lanterns and their progress will persist through all types of reincarnation. 
  • Known Issue: Using an offering to Onatar might make your Lantern appear to be repaired briefly (but it's not!) 

Frequently Asked Questions: 

Do I need to be a VIP in order to access Cormyr? 

Yes, a subscription is required for access. 

Do I have access to the expansions and other account-wide purchases I have made? 

Yes. Any account-wide purchases that grant content or other things accessible on every game world will be available on Cormyr.  

If my subscription ends can I still access Cormyr? 

No, but your characters and progress will remain for when you decide to subscribe again.  

Can I transfer a character to Cormyr? 

No. Character transfers to or from Cormyr are not available. 

Can I play on Cormyr and not take part in the Lanterns in the Mists event? 

Yes! If you are grouping with other people who have Lanterns equipped then you will face the threat of Mist Stalkers, however. 

Can I acquire more than one Lantern from the NPCs? 

Yes! However, only one Lantern can be equipped at one time. Please remember that Skull Lanterns are destroyed if your character is ever killed. 

If I earn a reward on Cormyr can I get it on a different game world? 

Yes, but you need to turn in your completed Lantern on Cormyr first to earn the reward. Once earned, you will be able to speak to the NPCs on the non-Cormyr world to acquire your items. You may need to log out and back into your game account in order for the reward to be reflected on other game worlds. 

Is the Lanterns in the Mists event temporary? 

Yes, the Lanterns in the Mists event will eventually end and the event no longer be available on Cormyr. This first season does not have a formal end date, although we intend to keep it available through at least the end of 2024. We will announce further timing ahead of the end of the event. 

Where do I equip a Lantern?

Once you equip a Lantern it will go into your Cosmetic Shield slot. Make sure to drag the Lantern into one of your hotbar slots so you can activate the "Shine the Light" ability while adventuring!

Are events and bonuses going to be available on Cormyr? 

Yes, we intend to offer most festivals, events, and bonuses on Cormyr. There may be some exceptions; initially we will not be offering the Night Revels event for launch even though this event is underway on the other game worlds.  

Do you plan to release additional 64 bit servers? 

Yes. We will have more information about these worlds in the future. At this time we have no ETA to announce.  

Can I continue to play on my previous game world? 

Yes! All of our regular game worlds remain available. 

Where can I ask questions and talk about Cormyr? 

We encourage you to visit us in the Official DDO Discord and in the Cormyr Forum and let us know how things are going!
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Release:21.03.2006 Genre: Massively Multiplayer Online Entwickler: Turbine Entertainment Vertrieb: Codemasters Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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