Dungeons & Dragons Online
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Über das Spiel

Spiel Features
Einzigartig: Erschaffe ein einzigartiges Individuum mit Millionen von verschieden Kombinationen aus Aussehen, Fertigkeiten, Attributen, Features, Rassen und Klassen.
Wunderschön: Turbine's hoch fortgeschrittene Dritte Generation der 3D Spiel-Engine erweckt die Stadt Stormreach, die Charaktere, Dungeons und Monster zum Leben!
Gefährlich: Gebrauche Deine Muskeln, Deine Schläue und Deinen Verstand um in den Dungeons, welche voll von Monstern, Fallen, Rätseln und anderen interaktiven Herausforderungen sind, zu überleben.
Schnell: Komme mit dem exklusiven DDO Instaport Feature schnell zu Spass, da dieses Feature Schluss macht mit dem langwierigen Reisen und der Warterei.
Real: Elemente wie d20 und DM text machen es authentisch zu Dungeons & Dragons, liebevoll für eine Online Welt nachgebildet.
Geschickt: Erlange ohne endlose Kämpfe meisterliche Fähigkeiten und weltbeherrschende Kräfte mit dem auf Questen basierenden Erfahrungssystem von DDO!
Spaß: Maßgeschneiderte Abenteuer für Dich und Deine Gruppe bieten Instanzen, die Dich, oder ein Team, wie einen Helden dastehen lassen - ohne Behinderung durch andere Spieler. In der Öffentlichkeit statt findende Abenteuer bieten großen Gruppen die Gelegenheit, sogar noch größere Herausforderungen zu bewältigen.
- CPU: P4 1.6 GHz or AMD equivalent with SSE
- GFX: 64 MB Hardware T&L-compatible video card
- RAM: 512MB
- Software: Windows® XP,
- HD: 5GB
- SFX: DirectX® 9
- INET: 56.6 K modem
- CPU: P4 3 GHz or AMD equivalent with SSE
- GFX: 128MB GeForce FX or ATI Radeon 9800
- RAM: 1GB
- Software:
- HD: 5GB
- SFX: DirectX® 9
- INET: 2000 DSL
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
1793 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.21 22:28
Mittelmäßiges MMORPG, das nach gut 20/30 Stunden hinter einer Paywall verschwindet. Man könnte zwar auch so vorankommen, was aber tausendmal mehr Arbeit ist. Für seinen Preis (kostenlos) trotzdem okay.
44874 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.20 18:41
8806 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.22 07:56
Dungeons and Dragons Online is an old love of mine, but instead of it being an utterly toxic relationship, it feels like a marathon that I'll never finish because of the way it's structured. You can put your goal post where ever you want it to be. Do you just want to experience the game? That's fine. Do you want to be the best? There are thousands of things you can do for that. Not only do they put effort into having most dungeons be voiced (which is actually something you rarely see now), there's actually a lot of well-loved polish that comes with this game that you can see.
On the down side, it's such an old and clunky game. It can be laggy, difficult to control, and definitely has a high learning curve. So let me lay out the pros and cons for you:
-A VERY unique approach to MMOs.
-A lot of classes and archetypes/subclasses.
-A lot of systems to play with.
-Very in-depth class flexibility.
-Stylized visuals that age nicely.
-Every adventure has a story behind it.
-Dungeon/instance-based combat.
-Decent VIP benefits
-Familiar settings to DnD fans.
-Choose-your-own-difficulty settings on every dungeon.
-Very consistent updates!
-Constant sales to the premium shop
-A reincarnation system (Will explain further later)
-Years worth of content under its belt.
-Consistent Population.
-Dungeons are enjoyable to explore.
-A lot can be unlocked with 'favors'.*
-Get premium currency by playing the game.
-It has a REALLY good WIKI maintained by the playerbase.
-It is a VERY high learning curve. It is both complex and in-depth.
-The variety of choices can be overwhelming.
-Spreadsheet warrioring/Calculations.
-Gear tetris.
-Contents are locked behind paywall.**
-Highly inflated and ugly marketplace.
-Pay for convenience premium shop.
-Predatory premium currency pricing/packaging.
-For an old game, some things can be considered too expensive.
-Spaghetti coding.
-Soooo much bad stuttering and lag on the worst days.
-Cool races/classes locked behind paywall.
-A lot of premium things are time-sensitive, predatory by forcing sale scarcity.
-Horrible power creep.***
*Favors are basically 'faction reputations' in other games, and if you play through enough quests for a specific faction, they can unlock a lot of classes or skill trees for you.
**As of the recent years, around 2020, DDO has started releasing all of its old, non-expansion content for free with a code. There will likely be one this year as well in 2022.
***Note that recently the game has been rebalanced to make things more fair to players in preparation for future content, but the playerbase consistently gets stronger the more gear they release for endgame. The numbers only go higher.
One of the most unique things about this game (and likely the very thing keeping them alive) is their reincarnation system. Once you've played through a life fully, but you're not ready to give up your character or your name, or put them to rest? You can reincarnate. So not only does this game fully support those of us with really bad alt-itis, this game will give you the option to replay your favorite character as a different class, race, and gender. To start a whole new life again at level 1 with 'memories' that you retain from your previous life. These memories are permanent buffs that stack on this character that give you trifling benefits, though en-masse, they can turn an ordinary adventurer into a very mean killing machine, making each reincarnation easier and easier. And there are multiple kinds of reincarnations that give you dozens of different benefits. All-in-all, a hamster wheel that any of us with completionist brains will gladly run through over and over for that sweet serotonin. Not only that, it opens up options for different insane builds that no one could think of because there's never the most 'optimal' path, but what you personally like to play the most.
That's also where the gear-tetris come in. For those of you who really enjoy crunching numbers to squeeze out everything, this is definitely a game for you. I can't tell you how many excel spreadsheets I have for this game just to keep track of my gear that I have across all characters, but also how I want to squeeze as much bang for my buck out of every single piece of equipment (since a lot of bonuses are unique and do not stack). So it truly is like playing tetris with numbers and playing around with limited slots.
There are dozens of sources of powers that are addicting to acquire, and the more you run through the hamsterwheel the game has, the more hilarious it is to watch your character demolish things. And yet, the game will constantly keep you on your toes by offering higher rewards for higher difficulties (If you willingly opt-in). But all of these systems is also what makes it insanely complex the more you play the game, though the playerbase are generally extremely helpful when it comes to assisting newer players. Not to mention the very in-depth wiki the game has that is maintained by the community.
In summary, Dungeons and Dragons is not a game that you can pick up in a single day and definitely requires more time investment the further in you dive into the rabbit hole, but on the surface, it truly is just playing dungeons and dragons. You pick your favorite class fantasy and you play with up to 6 people total in your party. You make your own journey through all the adventures at the difficulty you choose, and while they are linear in their own way, many of them are quirky and fun. There are dungeons that I've played years ago that I still remember today because of the amazing dungeon design and the theme of it. There are thousands of places to see and nooks and crannies to explore. There are puzzles, there are traps, and there are definitely dragons the further you go, and the game does not disappoint. You can have a drinking contest with beholders! You can experience the Forgotten Realms, and you can learn to hate Elminster's voice line just as much as the rest of us do when we have to wait for him in a dungeon to finish talking. Do you want to be in someone's dream? You can do that too!
All in all, I recommend this game not only because I enjoy it, but because it is truly one of the most unique experiences you can ever find. It keeps a striking balance between being an MMO and just being a dungeons and dragons game. It never loses that focus. If anything, you owe yourself the favor to at least give the game a chance and explore it. If it isn't for you, then it's alright, but there's definitely a reason that dozens of people like me keep coming back to this. Not just because we've sunk a lot of time into it, but also because there is nothing else out there like it.
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854 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.22 08:49
Fluid gameplay
Lots of build combinations to try ( but few methods to test )
Like any co-op, a static party will make it more fun
Runs well on a potatoe ( modern integrated GPU can output 60 frames)
DnD if you like it
Hard on new players
Boring for vet players
Ultra expensive if you want to be in the top 1%
Dev opinion > sensible and fun game elements
Sometimes good features removed or altered because devs had a different idea suddenly
Lagging, no EU servers
Grinds put the cosmos between players of the same level and same class
Community documented, ingame documentation leads to expensive mistakes
LFG/Matchmaking is manual, and commonly a bad experience, because players cannot signal their goals with the session
DnD if you dont like it
88060 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 22:17
540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 18:50
52572 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.22 11:57
The combat is very hit or miss, with its real time swinging and lack of cast bars it can create fast paced action sequences that feel incredible, but compared to a typical MMO with swing timers and more controlled combat it can also create sloppy messes of combat that make your head spin. I would say it hits more than misses.
Each quest is essentially a dungeon with optional objectives and one primary objective. Each dungeon has its own narration from a Dungeon Master (including a few special narrations by voices such as Gary Gygax and Will Wheaton). This leveling system is a head and a half above the monotony of WoW's fetch quest / dungeon spam or FF14's post story alt job grind. The base game has some great quests, but you really aren't experiencing the game unless you are playing through the content packs. The new Saltmarsh and newish Keep on the Borderlands quest hubs offer a great taste of what's to come compared to the traditional Coin Lords quests in the game's home city Stormreach. My first playthrough of Ravenloft and Sharn sealed this game for me as a staple to come back to.
The problems that DDO faces are: The active playerbase is quite small compared to the titans of the genre, and while almost all of the game is playable solo - getting a group can be difficult. While the game is free to play, there is heavy incentive to subscribe. The game has many pay to win aspects to it, and certainly relies on whales purchasing from their shop. The shop prices are not very reasonable, however you can get good deals (if you are the kind of person who finds microtransactions valuable) every now and then. My only experience in raid content has been extremely laggy, however most other players did not seem to have the same issues I was having. Dying sucks in this game, if you don't have cash shop items, you have to run back to the dungeon after healing at a tavern - and then decide if you want to take an XP penalty for both leaving the instance and dying, or resetting the dungeon and trying again. And you will die, especially as a new and/or solo player.
There's so much more I could write about this game, it has so many positives and is truly an underrated gem in my opinion. They are still churning out new content too. The game has an insanely useful wiki I recommend using as a learning tool. I personally find all of the non-free content worth buying, but these are some great standouts (in my preferred order): Ravenloft, Sharn, Wheloon/Eveningstar, and Feywild. I'm unsure if the changes to the base game now include these, but some great stuff you get with the sub include: Ruins of Gianthold, Three Barrel Cove, Vault of Night and The Restless Isles (confusing but awesome).
101302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.22 02:34
That doesn't mean it's perfect, but it represents something unique, and it does things that I've never seen another MMO even TRY to do. The integration of social skills, platforming, puzzles, and the deepest character customization system of any MMO combine to make Dungeons and Dragons Online one of a kind.
It's old, and shows its age regularly with janky code, outdated systems, a dysfunctional tutorial, and passable-at-best graphics. It is badly optimized. It has an intrusive cash shop (that's not as predatory as it initially looks, and is getting better later this year).
But I've NEVER had the fun with another MMO that I've had with DDO. Been playing upwards of a decade, and don't regret it.
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300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.22 12:53
The only thing good about this game is the ability to customize your characters skills and stuff, there isnt any game that ive found with so many choices, but with the lag, horrid balance, no players, it should just be shut down. They just try to milk the last few people playing.
2104 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 17:30
6311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 15:24
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4923 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 07:23
6356 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.22 15:55
New company running things now since turbine sold off its stuff. This game has also had an absolute metric ton of updates over the years. It's old and the graphics show it but the core game, DnD 3.5e, makes it really fun to get into and make new characters over and over.
The only gripe is to play it with people. It's DnD at the end of the day and the whole fun is creating and playing through an adventure with others.
Good Luck Folks.
2023 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.22 11:33
7823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.22 02:48
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4493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 08:06
1390 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 17:01
With that little PSA out of the way, the game is alright. It's a bit dated and a tad clunky, but still offers a fun and rewarding experience that is much better with friends, and there is no better time to get into/get back into the game than right now, as all of the currently available adventure packs are being given away for free.
Enter the coupon code DDOQUESTS2021 in the DDO store between now and Dec 31st and a very long list of content will be added to your account forever. Happy dungeon crawling everyone.
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227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 13:28
don't download this game through steam, or install by it own launcher
find install wrapper in DDO forums
let's talk about this game i don't recommend this game because it's not D&D
it just normal MMORPG base lore or character design on D&D
you can find another better game (FFXIV, ESO) in store
in game bug still bug, meta still meta, balance is gone(or it's never has ?), lock race, lock style play, lock class
in game store broke the game too pay for more item storage, re-roll loot(i never saw anything like this in game before)
i only have single player experiences, i solo with my sorceress elf with no problem felt like play offline game (face palm pic) so i recommend you to play Pathfinder, Divinity Original Sin, Baldur's Gate, Pillars of Eternity ...
1847 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 10:07
Wish I could give it a neutral rating.
- Download game on Steam
-- Launch game, get vc redist errors, game launcher borked
- Restart PC
- Relaunch game, launcher runs, downloads patches, restarts numerous times
-- Eventually launcher errors out and crashes repeatedly no matter what you do
-- Quickly choose Repair and repair game data before it can crash
---- Redownloads 13+ GB of data
- Launcher now functions and you can login
- Game crashes if you try to change settings as it's stuck at 1024x768
-- Manually download 'DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010)' from Microsoft site (Google it)
-- Run the download, extract to an empty folder somewhere. Go to that folder and run the DirectX.exe
- Go to Documents folder, open UserPreferences.ini
-- Search for 'DisplayAdapter=0', change it to 'DisplayAdapter=1'
---- Launch the game again. It should give a popup about having DirectX11.
**** Finally you can play! ****
- Give a thumbs up if this worked, so more people can find this solution.
* BONUS ROUND * Try to figure out why the game gets 30FPS on a Ryzen 9+RTX 3060 on an NVME SSD, while using around 1% of CPU/GPU. Have fun!
Look, I am just glad the game is still around. I had an account over 10 years ago and enjoyed it. The game is archaic, and clearly running on piles of unoptimized patching, but there are some really good and enjoyable moments in this game. I especially like the voiceover on certain adventures, it's somewhat unique and this game is one of those that pioneered such on PC.
Whew lad.
17418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 16:01
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138 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.21 22:29
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3312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 16:54
2114 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.21 01:29
1) Lag. I would be walking and all of a sudden everything stops, mobs disappear, and then you find yourself with a few hitpoints less then what you have before you finish them off.
2) Finding matching gear in the beginning is very hard and even if you do none of it helps in the dungeon. Example. You have fire resistant gear and your getting hit with poison all day.
3) Health Potions - At first, health potion is no big deal but the further you get into the game the more you need. OMG, By the time you get out of a dungeon and spend money on the health potion, you might as well not make anything. Unless you sell all your useless junk. Then I guess.
4) Questing - You might as well face it, just do every dungeon in the area. Some quest solo and casual is not easy even at level. It would be nice if they put quest level up above the quest givers so you can be at level when you do a dungeon.
5) DDO store, Why can't they put the DDO store right on steam so we can use our steam account to buy stuff. If it is there, then how come I cannot find it on this page.
6) Always the wrong gear. Everytime a gear piece drop, it is alway the wrong gear for the area or dungeon. With so much wrong gear, you are burning though health potion like if it was no tomorrow.
I guest if you like D&D, then this is the game for you. My only real pet pea right now is the OCCASIONAL LAG!!!. And not having the DDO store on the steam site. Unless we can link our Steam account to it. Then ok. I would be fine with that.
Otherwise it is a good game. If they quit giving me the wrong gear.
10760 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.21 19:03
It keeps the spirit of a RPG - a thing tha WoW lost years ago. (I confess I came from WoW, disappointed with shadowlands).
I must remind that it's free to play quests are more for giving a taste to new players. The best content is paid. It's called VIP. 3 months subscription of U$29.97 (witch is U$ 9.99 for month), or for U$14.99 for one single month - a little more expensive than WoW, but for me is worth it.
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453 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.21 05:17
As a long-term player, I admit it. This game isn't perfect. Not even close. However, there are many things it does right. The character creation is fluid and fun. New levels actually feel like new levels, with more options, more gear, more dungeons.
However, there is one thing I say that each new player must understand. As is, it is not playable as a true FTP player. Correction: it is not realistically playable as a ftp player. You see, there's a massive content gap of ftp content, in particular, levels 14-16, and levels 18-20. The content at this level is either low experience, or just painful.
My highest recommendation for this game, is to play a few hours. One, two, it doesn't matter. Get a feel for the game. Try out some low level characters. Decide whether you think it's worth trying to see how deep the rabbit hole goes. If you decide to stay, **immediatly** sink 20 dollars into the game, and but two things. The Vale of Twilight adventure pack, and the Gianthold adventure pack.
These two packs are almost always run, give amazing exp, and more importantly, group quickly and give decent gear for their level. They're the perfect patches for the ftp leveling gaps. If you don't pick them up, you will hit the dead levels, and be forced to grind to purchase them.
Don't overthink things, and grab everything from the shop. Races, classes, none of them really matter for a new player. Focus on content, and on content that is actually run. There's so much old content that's floating around in the shop, that might seem enticing, but the goal is to open up new windows of opportunity.
Long story short, this game is a good experience, but it requires a specific mindset. It's complicated, requires actual strategy of real-world resource allocation, and it can sometimes be utterly unforgiving of poor choices, as I've learned many times over my ten years playing this game. It'll drive you to madness, make you quit several times, but sooner or later, you'll find yourself crawling back.
Would I recommend this game? No. There's a specific mindset you will need to enjoy this game - and as horrible as it sounds, you cannot find the people who would enjoy this game - they end up finding their way here, instead. If you're looking for a popular game, then this isn't it. This game is about customization, character building, and of course grinding.
518405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 00:15
7483 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 22:16
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1167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 23:02
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538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 21:08
Update: D & D lags worse than Lotro! I play any other game and I don't lag just games from SSG. Hmm...looking like an issue.
14630 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 10:52
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105143 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.21 01:02
It is also a pay to win cash grab. There are micro transactions for just about everything in the game. Gear, consumables, hirelings, repairs, skill and ability upgrades, cosmetics, and pretty much anything else in the game you can pay real money for. If you don't feel like going to the casino, DDO has you covered in the form of re-rolling chest loot or your daily prize, for real money.
Free to play access is so limited I cannot imagine one would last more than a few days before having to repeat quests. The amount of races/classes available to the FTP model is also gimped. Even if you do pony up for VIP in the form of a monthly subscription, which allows access to many of the game's areas, there are still other areas that you will have to purchase (not talking about expansions here), with more real money.
If you are searching for an MMO that offers the Holy Trinity, this isn't it. Perhaps in a dedicated group where the idea is maintained by the members it can work. But inside of any pug or raid or even a guild group it is all about DPS with self-healing,
Developers prefer to make computation tweaks over just replacing their antiquated hardware. The lag here is so fierce it will drive you to blood pressure issues. The biggest of the experience payouts is at the end of a successful quest, so you can imagine what it is like having a lag death toward the end of an hour-long run and having to re-start because you didn't get squat. A raid I was in required the entire crew to re-route because the lag was so bad that 2/3 of the group could not make some simple jumps.
I found the customer service to be slow and unhelpful. A couple of days to respond to a ticket and blanket NO's, with no explanation, appear to be modus operandi.
Given the amount of options available in this genre, I would advise steering clear of this one.
9496 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 07:49
Would recommend playing to experience, and hopefully you love it like I do! If not though, it is still free.
(combat and spells and puzzles and exploration oh my!)
325 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.21 01:22
5476 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 14:27
If you're looking to get into the game I highly recommend going the VIP route at $10/month. This will get you all races/classes and adventures (but not expansions). It's made a little bit easier in a group as only 1 person needs to own VIP or expansions to give the entire party access to the content, so find a friend in game who has access to the stuff and level up with him, or if you're coming in with a group of friends you can pool some cash and buy the content on a single account so all 6 of you can get access to it.
19460 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 12:19
Basically no grinding you jump into dungeons and outside areas and only get xp from completing them.
The most complex character generation and progress out of any MMO the sheer amount of class combinations and enhancements is mind boggling.
Graphics are aged but acceptable and actually add to the charm of the game.
Endgame is rubbish but take it as a blessing nobody is in a rush to become uber everything is done at you pace so for the casual player this game is a must have.
F2p is perfectly viable in fact one of the most powerful classes the Sorcerer is f2p.
Another thing the game is very money oriented but the beauty is you can buy little chunks of the game at a time.
Over all im have a blast with this game its a hidden gem its free so why not try it.
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5589 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 03:38
Mechanics: This is not D&D. There is a time it was much closer, but now power creep and pay-to-win mechanics have taken it way off the rails. Many spells/abilities/feats have the same name as D&D, but operate in fundamentally different ways, but the only way to know that is by taking that feat and then seeing that, or researching every choice you make.
Quality of Life: QoL is so low that is must be intentional. If you purchase anything through the store, you can't even directly verify what you've purchased, which feels like a way to get people to pay more. This is much, MUCH worse on free players, who have trouble even figuring out what quests they can do without having to research it. The game isn't exactly pay-to-win, but people who can spend some cash have objectively better choices. That said, even subscribing to the game doesn't unlock all the content. You can expect to pay $100+ for that on top of subscription fees.
Player Base: I know every game gets this complaint, but my interactions with others tend to be pretty disappointing. You are expected to know everything about what is needed on a quest on your own before going in. There is a minimal sense of teamwork; everyone is typically expected to do their own thing, keep themselves alive, and be able to do everything. If you enjoy playing dedicated healers or tanks, this is not the game for you, because those are seen as a waste. It's all about the DPS, and the game doesn't have much to balance that, except perhaps in the raids.
35517 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.21 17:39
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60936 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 16:50
The server hardware is so awful now that playing without debilitating lag is the exception not the rule.
The expansions have bloated so much that the new player experience is awful unless you spend about $150 unlocking content.
The game sucessfully extracts $$$ from players better than any other game in what used to be daybreak's portfolio (according to earnings reports).
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561 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.21 09:53
the game is fine, the graphics are not fantastic, used to be amazing years ago, now is not free to play anymore, just so you can have an idea of how greedy this is.... THERES A CAP ON YOUR MONEY, you can only have certain amount of money with you, you cannot put on the bank either, it just goes to waste, and the paywall just keeps going for long, 80% of the classes/races are VIP exclusive (60 bucks) , if you want to multi-class enchantments as you level thats also paid, several instances are paid too.
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1817 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.21 00:27
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1823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.21 00:15
All of this is just made to get you frustrated enough to just pay for their products.
4816 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 22:20
I'll save you some time by keeping things point form.
The bad
- No direction, the game will not tell you where to explore and this can be confusing at low levels
- You can clearly see the game has aged
- No way to revive in a dungeon without paying real money
- Content can feel hard to find and sparse without investing a little cash
- Finding a good guild can be hard
- If you are impatient like me you will die a great deal because you ramp up the difficulty expecting 1CR to mean nothing wasting that hour you spent grinding solo and having to start over.
The Good
- Game feels great and dungeons are always unique/fun to run through
- Dungeons and Dragons fans will love the thematic areas in the game
- There really are dragons
- Iconic places like the Temple of Elemental Evil and White Plume Mountain FEEL like dangerous places.
- Players are easy to find and party with
- The community is happy to answer questions
- Core class design is not limited to just the levels you take in a class
- You don't have to pay more than $20.00 once to get to level 20 and call it quits while experiencing all content
I hope at the end of the day you will take the time to download this free gem of a game and give it ten hours of time. If not, i wont blame you but lets face it you want to try it at least once..right?
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31242 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 04:33
The step by step screen shots for how to enable VIP are from the Lord of the rings online game.... Whomever is managing this game now is slipping hard.
66363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 17:19
There is no need to have more than one character as you can reincarnate into a different race and class when you reach Level 20. Every past life of race and class (with some exceptions) stack so the more you play the stronger you get.
Game is instance based which is a plus in my opinion. You can build your character how ever you want and should have no issue playing solo (some quests require group) BUT it is much more fun in a group.
The game is quite different from your usual MMO in terms of mechanics. That said, speaking from personal experience most veteran players are more than happy to help you if you have any questions.
As F2P you are limited in terms of content you have access to but does not prevent you from reaching Level 20 (Level cap in Heroics) or from True Reincarnation. It's not recommended to go beyond Level 20 due to locked Epic Destinies (ED).
By doing quests you earn favour from patrons which reward you with DDO Points which in turn you spend to unlock more content (more areas, classes, races and ED).
There are guides on F2P and how to unlock content in the game, what to focus on first to unlock more content even faster.
One thing to add: before you commit to the server, do a little research first. Some are more populated than others depending on your time zone which makes finding a group easier.
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610 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 19:38
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262 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 04:49
Some time ago I played it, and it was MEH, however I took a long break due to the amount of Pay Wall micro-transactions that basically shut off 90% of the game
I installed it again today, and after several hours it would not let me create an account to play, just unknown errors and icons not loading.
1487 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 22:22
91739 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 22:38
185897 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 20:24
Been playing for years with friends across the country. I play, Hubby plays, Son Plays, Friends play and get other friends in to play now hubby's brother plays ... see what I mean.
Closest game to playing D&D. Pick class, Race, gear up - run through wilderness areas fighting wandering monsters - looking for rares and treasures or running through quests. ( It gets better once you get off Korthos island - that is the extended tutorial - only have to run it once)
Free to play is a good game - but joining as VIP opens perks, bank slots, boosts XP and moves good to great
Forgotten Realms is an expansion
Ravenloft ( half price from now through 12/31/2020) is great
Sharn with their technology
and now amazing FEYWILD !! Ride on Unicorns and fight displacer beasts
Is an older game and tricky to install - can search on internet for help or contact standing stone games. The initial download is YUGE ! cause is rich game with massive number of characters, gear, locations.
IF You like D&D - like building a character carefullly - this game is for you.
If you want to hack and slash badly with minimal thinking- probably wont like it.
Suggestions - Pick one server maybe 2 - can share materials between characters and Get in a good active guild.
22679 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 20:25
can grind out points to buy more quest packs for 'free' or buy points in-game with steam wallet funds (hint- wait for double bonus points)
official Microsoft site has visual basic runtime components for download, you maybe need to get if DDO doesn't work.
(Take a dwarf hireling through a minefield... its hilarious)
62171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 22:37
The basics of the game is create a character, play through quests to gain experience and level. Get to level 20 or 30 to reincarnate and gain more ability score points and a past life of whatever class you picked during character creation that provides small benefits that carry over to the next life. Rinse and repeat. There's also racial past lives that you can do for even more bonuses.
It is free to play. You can get everything in this game besides certain expansion packs for free. It does require grinding but in this instance grinding helps you because A) you have to grind anyway to gain levels and B) every quest you complete you gain favor. Every 100 favor grants you 25 store points. Each life you can get up to 5000+ favor. There's currently about 170+ past lives that you can get.
Is it better to go VIP? Absolutely. Support the game and get 500 points a month plus a +10% xp bonus applied to anything that grants XP. Plus daily weekly gold rolls to get some pretty neat swag whether it be cosmetics, tomes, mounts, etc.
Does it get boring? Depends on you and how you go about the game. Play for fun. Join a guild and adventure with you guild mates. Solo is fine but playing with other folks is definitely going to enhance your experience. Go on the ddo forums and pick a build to play. You can handicap your build if you pick the wrong feats. Can you correct it? Yea, but it will cost you time and/or points depending on how quickly you want to change it.
Overall it's a great game. Old and with it's fair share of bugs but otherwise an enjoyable game. It has longevity. Plenty to do. Tons of content. Events that provide exclusive gear. Devs are active on the main forums and continue to provide new content. Community is helpful in game and on the forums.
1519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 13:13
- you can see quest givers on the minimap
- narrated quests [DM rocks]
- epic soundtrack
- great gameplay
- when u finish a quest u can instantly go back to ur base
- D&D style
- not all classes are unlockable
506187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 19:42
20031 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 23:35
All in all good and sweet but take note of the sour twists laced in the game.
As much there is to talk about the game, it is hard to surmise and summarise the whole game objectively in detail.
As a casual player, I am writing this review to provide would-be buyers insight into this game.
First of, take care to spend your time wisely in the game as much as you spend your real life money wisely. You will pay for in-game coins to purchase cosmetics, pets, classes and perks (mechanics that become more prominent later in the game). As a FTP (Free To Play) player, you can earn coins instead of buying them, however it can take weeks, month or years, depending on how much you put into the game.
If you have read about negative experiences or opinions, take them into consideration as testimonies from players. For instance, I had access to a Large area in the game, that I invested a lot of time and effort in. In recent months, a rollback occurred that wiped out character progression and stuck the area behind a pay wall.
I am not upset at the developers that spent years working on the game, but at how months of progress is now meaningless. I cannot say I feel ripped off, instead, I feel robbed of experience.
Even if it is just a game and a I had it for free, would it be greater loss if I spend real money in it than time?
There were claims of players that paid for features that they either lost due to an issue, though take this with a grain of salt due to my lack of in depth research and sourcing.
If you have any enquiries on the game, feel free to see the FAQ of the site or contact me. I will gladly share my thoughts, experience and opinions on this game with you.
Thank you for reading this Review.
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1066 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 19:24
So my advice, steer clear..way more MMO's out there that are up to date.
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492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 01:13
4342 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.20 02:08
If you start playing before August 31st 2020 you can get the vast majority of dungeons unlocked for free using the coupon code on their website (link provided above) They're also hosting a sale on their two major content packs through the ingame store. You can get each of them using the game's premium currency, but they give everyone enough on account creation to buy both.
There has never been a better time to get into this somewhat hidden gem of an MMO. Do yourself a favor and give it a shot
6389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.20 06:08
• Self resurrection anywhere and instantly
• More class and race options (some seem very odd behind a pay-wall, like half-orc, or druid)
• More than 3 characters per server
Granted there's actually a good amount that can be accessed with a SIGNIFICANT time investment, it seems like if you want to buy anything in this game, even something that seems small, such as a half-orc, you have to invest at least $10 into, which seems weird. There's also smaller things you can buy like a potion of healing for $2 in currency
A lot of the in-game store is really annoying with how often I'm reminded of it.
This is not an open-world game. As far as I've experienced, you travel between Town A and B for example with instant travel
You can sometimes leave a city to enter an open, outdoor area that is an instance, and everything that isn't a town is mechanically a dungeon.
Leveling is slow, but it doesn't FEEL dreadfully slow because between Level 1 and 2 for example, you get ranks, such as Rank 1, and Rank 2 (there are 5 ranks per level) At every rank you gain a point which you can invest in any one of a number of trees (1 race, 3+ class trees) for a small bonus to empower your character. Some bonuses cost multiple points, some bonuses are much stronger than others (like milestones). When you gain a level, you may level up in any class you have access to, so you may multi-class as a cleric/fighter for example. The maximum level in this game is 30, the maximum level per class is 20, so a max level character is multiclassed at least once.
Targeting is uncomfortable
Macros are non existant
It has the graphics of PS2
It will not do ultra-wide screen
Basic attacking (with your weapon) is boring
Fighters are boring, even if they have a lot of feats because of the above point
It's not a good role playing game or social game
DDO is still interesting as a game and fun if you can get past the premium currency reminding you it exists.
620 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.20 16:08
Bring A Rogue
Interesting leveling system, fun dungeon mechanics (you're going to want to spot traps) and DnD lore abound in the original Dungeons and Dragons MMORPG. Gameplay still holds up today and there are a metric shit tonne of things to do / level and zones to visit. A tolerance for classic mmo design is useful but not necessary as they've done an admirable job of keeping up the game all these years.
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11597 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 18:13
This game is fascinating, deep, immersive, and gives endless hours of repeatable enjoyment - WHEN IT ACTUALLY RUNS.
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97546 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 10:16
2674 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.20 20:03
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407 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.20 20:32
46844 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 16:56
If you don't feel like reincarnating your character, you can delve into the 'epic' levels beyond level 20. In these levels, your actual level matters much less than it does in heroic levels. What matters are your epic destinies. These are 12 sub classes in the game that you can switch between whenever you want. They allow for even more customization of your character throughout the epic levels. Epic levels include many adventures from the heroic levels, scaled up for a higher challenge, as well as a ton of new content. This game is truly amazing and has so much to offer. I would highly recommend it to anyone who likes this genre.
122533 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 20:55
I would compare it to the first Neverwinter Nights with greatly improved controls. If you loved NWN but can't stand point and click and tank controls anymore, you found what you were searching for. This game is all about character building, itemization and lots of puzzles.
I wouldn't tag it as an MMORPG. If you want to really enjoy DDO you should play it with a small reliable group. Trying to discover this diamond in the rough with public groups is a terrible idea and a sure way to never understand what makes it so great. You see, DDO never takes you by the hand and brute force is often insufficient to succeed, requiring you to be watchful of what is happening. That is... unless you play with peoples that already know the game like the back of their hands and already achieved power levels over 9000 that they can show off on their freshly reincarnated level 1 character. I would recommend that you avoid public group all together, chances are you don't want to discover this game running far behind some random dude and dying randomly having no idea what R10 even means.
But if you play it solo or with a group of dedicated friend, you'll have a great time !
4116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.20 17:07
8219 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.20 04:43
-Lack of information so you are left winging it
-Character creation is huge
-Story and Lore is pretty top notch if you are into d&d at all
-Music is decent considering the age
-Combat is decent
-You get a voice over for the DM which is sick. I think this is 100% why I have even played it this much so far.
-You can hire a guy to help you out so your solo play isnt that terrible
-in game voice chat (i think this is a pro? Idk who doesnt just use discord or something at this point though)
-in game currency for cash shop gained from playing
-While max level is lower than most mmorpgs ive played, there are tons of things to do for replay value.
-There are things to do past max level. Monster manuals, reaper levels, etc.
-Named farming for drops.
-Account bound items for alt and or starting your characters level over for some stat perks.
Cons (some of these are just limited to the age of the game and not really a deal breaker for me personally)
-The player base is pretty small
-Cost for expansions and the in game shop is a bit of a stretch
-There is so many things that have zero info you just get to figure out
-Horses and animations
-Subscription perks are pretty meh when comparing costs of products and in game cash shop prices
-shard exchange
-Dungeon loot/limit per week
-Daily dice for playing/rewards just are meh even as a bonus free thing why even waste resources on this
-The mercs you hire to assist you take up bag space and do not stack. They have to be bought in hour increments and each one is its own bag spot. Luckily with money I can expand it!~
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530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.20 01:58
Sadly, the game seems to suffer from either crashes to desktop, or random lag spikes, or suddenly just not letting me walk or move after talking to an NPC. I love D&D, but sadly it looks like this is not the game for me. Unfortunate, because I really wanted to have a good look at this one.
Graphics have not really aged well, but hey, this game is 8 years old, so I was more excited about content anyway. Its unfortunate the game did not even run for a friend of mine due to errors.
I got mixed feelings about it I guess. Happy this company is doing its bit to give people a place to hang out and do stuff, but sad that the game just feels so unpolished.
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188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.20 15:03
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231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.20 20:20
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4998 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.20 19:04
You are in Beta and buy original game full price, have mo subscription up until it goes free buy a few things like monk etc... Now go to play and see that you have to pay another 15.00 to get that class ohh and the warforge that were in the base game you payed 60.00 for...gone you can buy him for 15.00... this is some BS. I will play the free game from time, what I have spent I deserve to, sad what this game has been reduced to. Money grab.
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