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Update 68 Release Notes
Dungeons & Dragons Online
12.06.24 17:00 Community Announcements

Update 68 Release Notes

Here are the release notes for Update 68, released on Wednesday, June 12th, 2024.

Of Special Note:

The Pre-Purchase for Magic of Myth Drannor begins Wednesday!

Venture into the heart of the Forgotten Realms and brave the perilous ruins of Myth Drannor. Harness the power of chaotic Wild Magic, navigate mysteries of the Forgotten Realms, and thwart the sinister Red Wizards of Thay in their quest for dark secrets. Join the adventure to restore the Elves' ancient capital—will you rise to the challenge? Dive into Magic of Myth Drannor and shape the future of the legendary Elven city!

Read more about the next expansion for Dungeons & Dragons Online on!

  • Myth Drannor's quests are level 13 on Heroic difficulty and level 35 on Legendary difficulty.
  • Play as a member of the Eladrin, elemental masters of the Feywild, adept in versatile combat and specialized seasonal magic.
  • Discover the Eladrin Chaosmancer Iconic Hero, where seasonal affinities transform elemental spellcasting into a spectacular display of unique, powerful magic. They start with one class level in the Wild Mage Archetype.
  • Access the new Wild Mage Archetype for the Sorcerer and unlock a new class Enhancement tree!
  • Some of the most renowned villains in Dungeons & Dragons lore have come to Myth Drannor! Followers of the lich Szass Tam, the Red Wizards of Thay, have come to the ancient Elven ruins. What secrets do they seek?
  • Venture through the lands of Myth Drannor with 13 new quests, an exciting new wilderness area, and raid (the raid content will be released after the release of the expansion in a subsequent game update).
  • The game's level cap will increase to 34 with the release of Myth Drannor.

News and Notes:

Wild Magic:

  • Wild Magic is a chaotic force that can be harnessed by some spell casters, or appears as an environmental effect that can be found where an extremely powerful magical event occurred. The casting of spells as a Wild Mage or in a Wild Magic Zone has a random chance to cause a Wild Magic Surge.
  • Wild Magic Surges are random magical effects that occur on or around the caster at the moment they cast a spell. The frequency of surges and chance of good or bad results can be manipulated by things in the Wild Mage Enhancement tree.
  • Wild Surges do not interact with snapshotting for persistent spell effects like Death Aura, Lantern Archon, or Wall of Fire. The only exception is the Enlightened Spirit's Aura. Because this aura is a Warlock blast shape toggle, each tick of the aura is considered a "cast" for the purposes of determining Wild Surges. This will only happen if the aura hits a target and the Warlock is in combat.
  • All Warlock Eldritch Blasts and spells can cause Surges, but free Warlock abilities like blasts will only cause a Surge when in active combat.
  • Wild Surge Luck has been added to the +Stats panel in your character's UI. This stat indicates you have a bonus on the table that is rolled to determine if you get good or bad surges. High rolls are better. Note that this bonus represents a random range so it will never make it impossible to get very bad surges, just less likely. The Rapid Surge and Action Boost enhancements in the Wild Mage tree feature this bonus as does the Iconic Eladrin Racial Tree.
  • Surges are divided into five categories:
  • Very Good (chance is very rare)​
  • Good​
  • Neutral​
  • Bad​
  • Very Bad (chance is very rare)​
  • ​Wild Magic Surge Rules:
  • The spell you are casting when you surge always resolves normally (the surge is an ADDITIONAL effect.)
  • Wild Magic Surges can only occur in dungeons.
  • Bad or Very Bad negative effects ONLY affect the caster but Good/Very Good effects will sometimes apply to allies/party members
  • Bad effects may debuff you but will not Crowd Control you.
  • Very Bad effects may Crowd Control you, making them very dangerous.
  • You will get a VFX/Sound warning a few seconds before you character becomes "hot" with a wild surge on your next cast, that will indicate if it is good or bad surge. Red means bad.
  • Monsters/Henchmen use this system as well but certain surges will not occur for them or will be different.

New Race: Eladrin:

  • The Eladrin is a Feywild denizen attuned to Seasonal magic. They are fey creatures in the form of elves. Mechanically, they are an elemental generalist, great at most forms of combat, with the ability to specialize into their seasonal abilities to further customize their combat prowess. The Iconic is a Wild Mage Sorcerer, whose seasonal affinity lends a unique bend to their elemental spell casting.
  • Racial Traits:
  • +2 Dexterity
  • Fey Ancestry: You have Immunity to Sleep spells and effects, gain a +2 Saving Throw bonus against Enchantment spells or effects, and have a +2 racial bonus to Listen, Search, and Spot.
  • Seasonal Affinity: At level 1, gain access to 4 Seasonal feats. You may switch Seasonal affinity once every 12 seconds.
  • Spring Affinity: You gain +1 Charisma.
  • Summer Affinity: You gain +1 Strength.
  • Autumn Affinity: You gain +1 Wisdom.
  • Winter Affinity: You gain +1 Intelligence.
  • Racial Past Lives:
  • +1 Listen
  • +1 Dexterity
  • +1 Racial Action Point
  • Eladrin Enhancement Tree
  • Cores
  • Elven Accuracy I: You gain +2% to hit with all attacks. Your Point Blank Shot and Ranged Sneak Attack range is increased by 2 meters for each Core Ability you possess from this tree.
  • Multiselector: Gain +1 to Dexterity, Intelligence, or Charisma.
  • Elven Accuracy II: You gain +2% to hit with all attacks.
  • Multiselector: Gain +1 to Dexterity, Intelligence, or Charisma.
  • Elven Accuracy III: You gain +2% to hit with all attacks.
  • Tier 1
  • Nothing Is Hidden: Your senses are so acute that you no longer need to spend time searching for the obvious. You will automatically perform a Search check to locate traps and secret doors when you are in range to Spot them, although this Search check occurs at a -12/-8/-4 penalty. From Elf. Requires Keen Senses as a Prerequisite.
  • Keen Senses: +1/2/3 Search, Spot, and Listen.
  • Fey Step: Disappear and reappear some distance ahead. You start with 2 charges per Rest. Cooldown: 10 seconds. Based on your season, this has an additional effect:
  • Spring: You gain a temporary +20% bonus to dodge, +1% per 2 character levels, for 10 seconds.
  • Summer: You gain a +3 bonus to weapon damage, +1 per 5 character levels, for 10 seconds.
  • Autumn: You gain a +3 bonus to Sneak Attack Dice, +1 per 5 character levels, for 10 seconds.
  • Winter: You gain a +3 bonus to Tactics DCs, +1 per 5 character levels, for 10 seconds.
  • Step Through The Fade: +1/2/3 charges of Fey Step. Requires Fey Step as a Prerequisite.
  • Arcane Fluidity: -5/10/15% Arcane Spell Failure
  • Tier 2
  • Minor Spring Attunement: +1/2/3% Dodge chance. Your Spring Attunement grants you an additional +1/2/3 Reflex Saving Throws.
  • Minor Summer Attunement: +1/2/3 critical hit confirmation. Your Summer Attunement grants you an additional +1/2/3 Fortitude Saving Throws.
  • Arcanum: +25/50/100 Spell Points and +1/2/3 Spell Penetration.
  • Minor Autumn Attunement: +1/2/3 to hit with Sneak Attacks. Your Autumn Attunement grants you an additional +1/2/3 Will Saving Throws.
  • Minor Winter Attunement: +1/2/3 to hit. Your Winter Attunement grants you an additional +1/2/3 Physical and Magical Resistance Rating.
  • Tier 3
  • Major Spring Attunement: +1/2/3% Doublestrike and Doubleshot. Your Spring Affinity grants an additional +1 Charisma.
  • Major Summer Attunement: +1/2/3 to weapon damage. Your Summer Affinity grants an additional +1 Strength.
  • Fey Sight: While you have more than 100 Spell Points, you can see things as they truly are. You are able to see invisible creatures and pierce illusions. Requires Arcanum as a prerequisite.
  • Major Autumn Attunement: +1/2/3 Sneak Attack damage. Your Autumn Affinity grants an additional +1 Wisdom.
  • Major Winter Attunement: +1/2/3 Fortitude saves. Your Winter Affinity grants an additional +1 Intelligence.
  • Tier 4
  • Spring Spell: SLA: Vigor (Spell Point cost: 5, Cooldown: 6 seconds)
  • Summer Spell: SLA: Fire Shield Hot (Spell Point cost: 3, Cooldown: 3 seconds)
  • Skill: +3% Doublestrike, +3% Doubleshot, +3% dodge, and bypass 3% of enemy Dodge.
  • Autumn Spell: SLA: Night Shield (Spell Point cost: 3, Cooldown: 10 seconds)
  • Winter Spell: SLA: Displacement (Spell Point cost: 15, cooldown: 10 seconds)

Iconic Hero: Eladrin Chaosmancer

  • Iconic Traits:
  • 1st level in Wild Mage Sorcerer
  • +2 Charisma
  • Fey Ancestry: You have Immunity to Sleep spells and effects, gain a +2 Saving Throw bonus against Enchantment spells or effects, and have a +2 racial bonus to Listen, Search, and Spot.
  • Wild Magic: Being an Eladrin who is exceptionally attuned to the chaos of the Feywild, your spells always have Wild Magic active. When you cast spells, you have a small chance to have additional strange effects occur around you. These effects very greatly from helpful, dangerous to just silly. Grants a +5% chance of gaining a Wild Surge every time you cast a spell. Wild Surges will also manifest over time passively. Wild Surges do not occur in public spaces.
  • Seasonal Affinity: At level 1, gain access to 4 Seasonal feats. You may switch Seasonal affinity once every 10 minutes.
  • Spring Affinity: You gain +1 Charisma.
  • Summer Affinity: You gain +1 Strength.
  • Autumn Affinity: You gain +1 Wisdom.
  • Winter Affinity: You gain +1 Intelligence.
  • Iconic Past Life Active: Fey Step: Disappear and reappear several feet in front of you. You have maximum charges equal to your number of Eladrin Wild Mage past lives. These charges stack with other sources of Fey Step.
  • Iconic Eladrin Chaosmancer Racial Enhancement Tree:
  • Cores
  • Core 1: Wild Magic I: You gain a +2 bonus to Wild Magic Luck that increases your odds of a positive result when you surge.
  • Core 2: +1 Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma
  • Core 3: Wild Magic II: Your Wild Magic Luck bonus increases to 3.
  • Core 4: +1 Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma
  • Core 5: Wild Magic III: Your Wild Magic Luck bonus increases to 6.
  • Tier 1
  • Nothing Is Hidden: Your senses are so acute that you no longer need to spend time searching for the obvious. You will automatically perform a Search check to locate traps and secret doors when you are in range to Spot them, although this Search check occurs at a -12/-8/-4 penalty. Requires Keen Senses as a Prerequisite.
  • Keen Senses: +1/2/3 Search, Spot, and Listen
  • Fey Step: Disappear and reappear some distance ahead. You start with 2 charges per Rest. Cooldown: 10 seconds. You start with 2 charges per Rest. Based on your season, this has an additional effect:
  • Spring: You gain a +3 bonus to Universal Spell Power per Character Level for 10 seconds.
  • Summer: You gain a +20% bonus to Spell Cost Reduction for 10 seconds.
  • Autumn: You gain +5 bonus to Magical Resistance Rating and Magical Resistance Rating Cap, +1 per Character Levels for 10 seconds.
  • Winter: You gain a +2 bonus to Spell Penetration, with an additional +1 per 5 Character Levels, for 10 seconds.
  • Chaos Control I: Antireq with Wild Mage version. Very Bad surges become bad surges instead.
  • Step Through The Fade: +1/2/3 charges of Fey Step. Requires Fey Step as a prerequisite.
  • Tier 2
  • Minor Spring Attunement: +3/5/10 Electric and Sonic Spell Power. Your Spring Affinity grants you an additional +3/5/10 Electric and Sonic Spell Power.
  • Minor Summer Attunement: +3/5/10 Fire and Light Spell Power. Your Summer Affinity grants you an additional +3/5/10 Fire and Light Spell Power.
  • Arcanum: +25/50/100 Spell Points and +1/2/3 Spell Penetration.
  • Minor Autumn Attunement: +3/5/10 Acid and Poison Spell Power. Your Autumn Affinity grants you an additional +3/5/10 Acid and Poison Spell Power.
  • Minor Winter Attunement: +3/5/10 Cold and Negative Spell Power. Your Winter Affinity grants you an additional +3/5/10 Cold and Negative Spell Power.
  • Tier 3
  • Major Spring Attunement: The Quicken Metamagic costs 1 Spell Point less. Your Spring Affinity grants an additional +1 Charisma.
  • Major Summer Attunement: The Maximize Metamagic costs 1 Spell Point less. Your Summer Affinity grants an additional +1 Strength.
  • Fey Sight: While you have more than 100 Spell Points, you can see things as they truly are. You are able to see invisible creatures and pierce illusions. Requires Arcanum as a prerequisite.
  • Major Autumn Attunement: The Empower Metamagic costs 1 Spell Point less. Your Autumn Affinity grants an additional +1 Wisdom.
  • Major Winter Attunement: The Heighten Metamagic costs 1 Spell Point less. Your Winter Affinity grants an additional +1 Intelligence.
  • Tier 4
  • Spring Storm: A Spell-Like Ability that creates a dark storm cloud over the target which blasts it and nearby enemies with lightning for 1 to 6 +2 Electric damage for every caster level. If targets are immune to Electric damage they become vulnerable to it for 15 seconds. Max caster level 20. Evocation DC 15 using the highest of Intelligence, Charisma or Wisdom. Can only be used if you have Spring Affinity Active.
  • Scorching Summer - A Spell-Like Ability that sends out a blast of fire from the caster striking nearby enemies for 1 to 6 +2 Fire damage for every caster level. If targets are immune to Fire damage they become vulnerable to it for 15 seconds. Max caster level 20. Evocation DC 15 using the highest of Intelligence, Charisma or Wisdom. Can only be used if you have Summer Affinity Active.
  • Chaos Control II: If you would get a Very Bad or Bad Wild Magic Surge, you get a Neutral Surge instead. Antirequisite with the Wild Mage version.
  • Autumn Decay: A Spell-Like Ability that sends out a wind of acidic decay from the caster striking nearby enemies for 1 to 6 +2 Acid damage for every caster level. If targets are immune to Acid damage they become vulnerable to it for 15 seconds. Max caster level 20. Evocation DC 15 using the highest of Intelligence, Charisma or Wisdom. Can only be used if you have Autumn Affinity Active.
  • Winter Hail: A Spell-Like Ability that pounds a location with hail causing 1 to 6 +2 Cold damage for every caster level. If targets are immune to Cold damage they become vulnerable to it for 15 seconds. Max caster level 20. Evocation DC 15 using the highest of Intelligence, Charisma or Wisdom. Can only be used if you have Winter Affinity Active.

Sorcerer Archetype: Wild Mage:

  • A new sorcerer Archetype is now available called the Wild Mage! The Wild Mage is included in your pre-purchase of Magic of Myth Drannor and is FREE to VIPs.
  • The Wild Mage has a new Enhancement tree in addition to the Sorcerer trees of Fire Savant, Water Savant, Air Savant, and Earth Savant.
  • Changes vs. Base Sorcerer:
  • Wild Mages gain the Wild Mage Feat at level 1.
  • The sorcerer's Eldritch Knight Enhancement tree is replaced with the Wild Mage Enhancement tree.
  • The Spell List differs as follows:
  • Wild Mages have access to Chaos Bolt (new) as a level 1 Sorcerer Spell.
  • Wild Mages have access to Chaos Ball (new) as a level 3 Sorcerer Spell.
  • Wild Mages have access to Chaos Hammer as a level 4 Sorcerer Spell.
  • Wild Mages have access to Greater Color Spray as a level 5 Sorcerer Spell.
  • New Feat: Wild Mage:
  • Automatically granted at Wild Mage class level 1: When you cast spells, you have a small chance to have additional strange effects occur around you. These effects very greatly from helpful, dangerous to just silly. Grants a +5% chance of gaining a Wild Surge every time you cast a spell. Wild Surges will also manifest over time passively. Wild Surges do not occur in public spaces.
  • Unless specifically listed, assume the class is otherwise identical to Sorcerer.
  • Wild Mage Enhancement Tree:
  • Cores
  • Core 1: Determination
  • +1 Will Saving Throw
  • +10 Chaos Spell Power. (Chaos Spell Power is part of Alignment Spell Power).
  • Core 2: Boldness
  • +1 Caster Level with Chaos Spells
  • +10 Chaos Spell Power
  • +10 Universal Spell Power
  • Core 3: Riches of Randomness:
  • Once per Rest, target an unopened chest and twist fate for a chance at better rewards for the entire party. Chests can only be improved in this way one time, and there is a chance of failure based on your Charisma. (There is no special drawback on failure.) Some chests cannot be improved in this manner. This effect does not stack with Treasure Finding from the Greater Dragonmark of Finding.
  • +10 Chaos Spell Power
  • Core 4: Entropic Energy
  • You gain +1 Caster Level and Max Caster Level when casting any spell.
  • +10 Chaos Spell Power, +10 Universal Spell Power, +1% chance of incurring a Wild Magic Surge when casting a spell, +1% Spell Critical Damage with all spells. You may use Riches of Randomness one additional time per Rest.
  • Core 5: Reject Limits
  • +1 Caster Level and Max Caster Level with all Spells. +10 Chaos Spell Power, +10 Universal Spell Power.
  • Core 6: Channel Entropy
  • SLA: A field of chaotic energy strikes the target and nearby enemies, dealing 19 to 24 Chaos damage per caster level (max 380 to 480). A successful Will save reduces the damage by half.
  • +4 CHA, +10 Chaos Spell Power, +10 Universal Spell Power, +1% chance of incurring a Wild Magic Surge when casting a spell,+1% Spell Critical Damage with all spells. You may use Riches of Randomness one additional time per Rest.
  • Tier 1
  • SLA: Chaos Bolt: Fires a small orb of Chaos at a target, doing 1d6+2 Chaos Damage per caster level (max 10d6+20 at caster level 10).
  • Chaos Control I: If you would get a Very Bad Wild Magic Surge, you get a Bad Surge instead.
  • Student of Chaos I: +1/2/3% chance of incurring a Wild Magic Surge when casting a spell and +1/2/3% Spell Critical Damage with all spells.
  • Tides of Chaos I: Once per minute, you gain a +1/2/3 bonus to one of Reflex, Fortitude, or Will Saving Throws for one minute.
  • Skills: +1/2/3 Spellcraft, Concentration, and Bluff.
  • Tier 2
  • Action Boost: Wild Magic: For the next 20 seconds, your chances of getting a Wild Magic Surge are improved by 5/10/15%. This also grants a +5/10/15 Wild Surge Luck Bonus increasing the chances of a positive surge result.
  • Chaos Control II: If you would get a Very Bad or Bad Wild Magic Surge, you get a Neutral one instead. (requires Chaos Control I).
  • Student of Chaos II: +1/2/3% chance of incurring a Wild Magic Surge when casting a spell and +1/2/3% Spell Critical Damage with all spells.
  • Tides of Chaos II: Once per minute, when you incur a Wild Magic Surge, you gain a defensive buff that scales with Wild Mage level.
  • Lucky Dodge: +1/2/3 Dodge while wearing no armor. Rank 3: While wearing no armor, you gain +1d6 Dodge Cap. The die is rerolled once per minute.
  • Tier 3
  • SLA: Chaos Sphere: Launch a chaotic orb that explodes on impact, dealing 1d6+3 Chaos Damage per caster level (up to a max of 10d6+30 Chaos Damage at caster level 10) to targets in the area. A successful Will save reduces the damage by half.
  • Power in Chaos: Toggle: You gain +2 Caster Level and Max Caster Level with all spells, but are able to receive Very Bad and Bad Wild Surges.
  • Student of Chaos III: +1/2/3% chance of incurring a Wild Magic Surge when casting a spell and +1/2/3% Spell Critical Damage with all spells.
  • Prismatic Mind:
  • Rank 1: Color Spray now deals 1d6 Chaos Damage per Caster Level in addition to its other effects. A successful Will save reduces this damage by half.
  • Rank 1: Color Spray, Greater Color Spray, and Prismatic Ray now deal 1d6 Chaos Damage per Caster Level in addition to their other effects. A successful Will save reduces this damage by half.
  • Rank 1: Color Spray, Greater Color Spray, Prismatic Ray, Prismatic Strike, and Prismatic Spray now deal 1d6 Chaos Damage per Caster Level in addition to their other effects. A successful Will save reduces this damage by half.
  • Ability Score: Multiselector:
  • Intelligence
  • Wisdom
  • Charisma
  • Tier 4
  • Unpredictable Consequences: Your Chaos Bolt, Chaos Sphere, Chaos Hammer, and Channel Entropy spells and SLAs now add additional damage, debuff, or crowd control effects when cast. If the target saves for half damage on Chaos Sphere, the additional effects are negated.
  • Multiselector:
  • Unstable Sorcery: While wearing no armor, you gain 2% Spell Critical Damage.
  • Mixed Magics: Your Caster Level with spells is now equal to your Character Level instead of individual class levels (max 20). This does not change the caster level of Rune Arms, Wands, Scrolls, or other Items.
  • Student of Chaos IV: +1/2/3% chance of incurring a Wild Magic Surge when casting a spell and +1/2/3% Spell Critical Damage with all spells. Once per minute, when you incur a Wild Magic Surge, gain (one from a list of buffs).
  • Tides of Chaos III: +2/4/6% Chaos Spell Crit Chance.
  • Ability Score: Multiselector:
  • Intelligence
  • Wisdom
  • Charisma
  • Tier 5
  • SLA: Wildstrike: Surround target adversary with rainbows, dealing dealing 1d6+10 Chaos Damage per caster level (Maximum damage 10d6+100). They take a random (but powerful) effect, and every 2 seconds, they take another random effect.
  • Bend Luck: You gain Bend Luck: Whenever you fail a Saving Throw, you reroll that Saving Throw and take the second result. This stacks with Slippery Mind, but does not stack with other sources of Bend Luck.
  • Rapid Surge: Active: Trigger a short session where you get a lot of surges very quickly. This also grants a +15 Wild Surge Luck Bonus increasing the chances of a positive surge result.
  • Random Deflector: While wearing no armor, you gain +1d100 Magical Resistance Rating Cap. This die is rerolled once per minute.
  • Tides of Chaos IV: -2 to all Spell DCs. Whenever you cast a spell with a DC, you gain +1d6 to the DC of that spell.
  • Past Life: Wild Mage: +3 Universal Spell Power per stack of this Past Life.
  • Supporting Changes for Wild Mage:
  • The spell power tool tip in the character sheet has been updated to reveal new spell powers (Chaos, Evil, Lawful).
  • The book spells Prismatic Spray and Prismatic Ray have had their random damage effects boosted to 1d6+7 per caster level.
  • Maximize, Empower, and Intensify now apply to Color Spray and Greater Color Spray.
  • The Destiny feat "Epic Spell Power: Light" has been renamed "Epic Spell Power; Light and Alignment" and now reads "+20 Light and Alignment Spell Power, +10% Light and Alignment Spell Crit Damage, +5% Universal Spell Crit Damage". Please note that it already had this updated functionality, the only change is to the text to make it reflect the existing functionality.

Bug Fixes:

  • Stormsinger Core 18 and 20 should now have the correct maximum caster level.
  • Quest: Fred's First Date - It should be easier for Hirelings to move around ropes and plants during your date.
  • A string table error has been fixed in the 2nd Water Savant Enhancement tree Core and in Earth Savant's Melf's Acid Arrow spell description.
  • Blightcaster's Everything Decays buff no longer displays an icon on the player's buff bar since it is a permanent passive ability.
  • Tabaxi Females will no longer fall through their Mount when feather falling.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Embolden II and Efficient Metamagic: Intensify II when appearing on loot now properly reduce the Spell Point cost of Emboldened or Intensified spells.
  • An issue has been corrected when filtering by double-digit numbers in the Adventure Compendium.
  • Trip and Improved Trip are now a Reflex Saving Throw with a recurring Fortitude Saving Throw to get back up. This is a significant increase in these feat's effective DCs. To compensate, the duration of these effects now match Stunning Blow, which is a reduction in duration. So, enemies will Trip more easily, but stay down for a shorter period of time.
  • The spell Web now has a line of sight check to prevent it from being cast at targets behind doors.
  • Violet Peregrine the VIP NPC vendor in the Eberron Hall of Heroes now has a map icon.
  • Some voice over nodes in Temple of Elemental Evil now play properly.
  • The Clearwater Diamond Augment now heals at its proper rate and value of one Hit Point per minute.
  • Corrected an issue where some quest panel tooltips improperly report Legendary quests as Epic.
  • We have attempted to correct an issue that caused in-game Voice Chat to not function properly.

Engineering Changes:

  • Fixed an issue where the game client would fail to initialize/disappear after the player entered their login information.
  • Decreased frame rate drops when mousing over targets.

Known Issues:

  • Wild Mage's Wildstrike tool tip says it does 1d6+6 damage when it is actually 1d6+10 damage.
  • Eladrin Chaosmancer Iconic Hero: Iconic Eladrin's Stat pickers should be Wis/Int/Cha not Dex/Int/Cha.
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Release:21.03.2006 Genre: Massively Multiplayer Online Entwickler: Turbine Entertainment Vertrieb: Codemasters Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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