It’s a brand new year, and we’ve lined up bonus events for you from 9 Jan - 8 February 2359HRS(CET)!
Come celebrate with us and hone those deadly fighting skills!
Event 1: EXP Rate Up Event

Enjoy 100% Monster EXP and 100% Stage Clear EXP!
Event Duration: 9 January 0000Hrs – 27 January 2359Hrs (CET)
Drop Rate Event
Enjoy 100% Double Drop Rate Increase!
Event Duration:
19 January 0000Hrs – 20 January 2359Hrs (CET)
02 February 0000Hrs – 03 February 2359Hrs (CET)
Event 2: Blessing Point Potion and Fission Core Nest Entry Ticket Giveaway!

Check out your special storage and receive Fissive Vortex x1 and 300 Blessing Points Potion x2 during this event period!
Event Duration:
12 January 0000Hrs – 13 January 2359Hrs
26 January 0000Hrs – 27 January 2359Hrs
2 February 0000Hrs – 3 February 2359Hrs
- Rewards will be sent at 1200HRS (CET).
- Rewards will be given to each character via Special Storage.
- Additional un-use blessing points will be reset on the next day 0900HRS(CET)
Event 3: Let’s Get Slayin’!

During the event period, the monsters in the following dungeon will have their stats reduced. Take this chance to go slayin’!
Event Duration:
9 January 0000Hrs – 27 January 2359Hrs (CET)
Dungeon Affected
- Green Dragon Nest
- Forest Dragon Nest
Debuff Stats
HP: -10%
Attk: -10%
Event 4: Login Event

Make a date with us during our Login Event! Rewards are given on the following dates below via Special Storage. You will have 24hrs to collect your rewards each day.
Terms and Conditions
•The bonus events will start on 09 January 0000HRS and end on 8 February 2359HRS.
•Rewards are credited via Special Storage.
•Rewards that are not collected and have expired will not be reimbursed.
•All timings stated are in the CET time zone.
•Any character that has been banned due to infringement of game abuse policies during the event or reward period will not be compensated
•Any disputes will not be entertained 1 month after the date of accreditation of event rewards.
•Terms and conditions are subjected to change without prior notice.