Are you ready to face your worst nightmare? Before you head to the battleground, here’s a sneak low-down of what you need to know about the all new Trial Granom Nest!
1. [Trial Granom Nest] and [Trial Chiron Nest] require separate entrance tickets. (you can buy one for each Nest once a week)
2. Lebrium Point rewards for each level in [Trial Granom Nest] is the same as that of [Trial Chiron Nest].
3. Crystal Point rewards for each level in [Trial Chiron Nest] has been cut by half but the other 50% can be obtained at [Trial Granom Nest].
4. From now on, [Trial Nest] gates will only open on certain days. (Trial Chiron Nest : Sunday, Wednesday, Friday / Trial Granom : Saturday, Tuesday, Friday)
Entry Information

New Trials Incoming!
Four new trials will appear in Trial Chiron/Granom Nest.

“Trial of Plague” has also become more powerful.
Nest Missions Added
[ Mission (L) – Nest ] now has new Trial Granom Nest Missions.

Missions and Titles
5 missions and 1 title have been added for Trial Granom Nest.
Newly added Missions and Titles are as follows:

Nest Ranking Added
- Nest ranking will be applied only for Trial Chiron Nest, Trial Granom Nest, Green Dragon Nest, and Forest Dragon Nest.
- Ranking will be based on the difficulty level and clear time for each map and will be calculated between 07:00AM to 09:00AM every morning.
- My Info’s My Ranking will be reflected when ranking is confirmed and personal best record will be reflected real time for difficulty level and clear time.
- Ranking of up to 1,000 players will be recorded for each map and you can use the View User menu to check the equipment used and skill information of the ranked users.
- Nest ranking record will be initialised when you change job.