They say it’s the season of giving… we say why not give yourself a challenge? From 5 Dec – 31 Dec 2359HRS (CET), celebrate the joy of Christmas with the 4 challenges stated below and snag special rewards for yourself upon successful completion of the whole event
Rewards for completing all 4 of the missions

Mission 1: Storm and Time Challenge
Date: 5 December 0000HRS to 16 December 2359HRS
Crediting Date: 18 December before 2359HRS
Complete Storm of Time and Space x20 times to be eligible for the reward.

Mission 2: Nest Challenge
Date: 5 December 0000HRS to 16 December 2359HRS
Crediting Date: 18 December before 2359HRS
Players are to complete the stated nest 4 times each to be eligible for the rewards.
*Note: Any difficulty mode
Complete Chiron Nest x4
Complete Mist Nest x4
Complete Guardian Nest x4
Complete Volcano Nest x4

Mission 3: Fission Core Challenge
Date: 17 December 0000HRS to 31 December 2359HRS
Crediting Date: 3 January before 2359HRS
Players are to complete the stated nest 3 times each to be eligible for the rewards.
*Note: Any difficulty mode
Complete Fission Core Nest x3

Mission 4: Green Dragon Challenge
Date: 17 December 0000HRS to 31 December 2359HRS
Crediting Date: 3 January before 2359HRS
Players are to complete the stated nest 1 time to be eligible for the rewards.
Green Dragon Nest x1

Terms and Conditions
• The event will start on 5 December and end on 31 December 2359HRS.
• Required Mission must be completed by the same character (You cannot use different characters to run and combine them together).
• Rewards are given per character basis.
• Rewards will be given based on the mission completed.
• Rewards will be credited on 18 December and 3 January
• Rewards are credited via Special Storage.
• Rewards that are not collected and have expired will not be reimbursed.
• All timings stated are in the CET time zone.
• Any character that has been banned due to infringement of game abuse policies during the event or reward period will not be compensated
• Any disputes will not be entertained 1 month after the date of accreditation of event rewards.