Another free update, "the Game Faction Update," is scheduled for release on April 9th for all Distant World 2 players.

It marks the beginning of updating the base game factions to match the gameplay standards of the new factions introduced in post-release DLCs.

This update will include a refresh of the Human and Mortalen factions as well as many other changes, including improved border graphics and a new visualization for Fleet Engagement ranges. Future updates will cover the remaining base game factions until all are refreshed.

It will include additional Fleet Engagement ranges and a new map overlay for engagement range visualization to help you plan your fleet home bases, engagement ranges and targets.

This update, along with many other news and events, will be included in the free Game Faction Update, launching on April 9th.
That’s not all!
There will be a special streaming event with Erik Rutins, producer and co-designer of Distant Worlds 2, on March 26th at 13:00 PM GMT on our Twitch channel where he will pre-show the Game Faction update.
Be sure to tune in and join us for this special event.
The Galaxy lives on