We're thrilled to announce that Distant Worlds 2: Atuuk and Wekkarus, the third Faction DLC for the acclaimed 4X space strategy game Distant Worlds 2 is coming on the third of April. This new DLC brings two brand new playable factions: the naive and energetic Atuuk and the mysterious Wekkarus.
The Atuuk were one of the last races to develop faster-than-light technology and make their first steps into interstellar travel before the Cataclysm hit the galaxy. They are not a particularly smart race and were only able to develop faster-than-light technology after ships from a faction they call The Long-Ago Friends crashed on the Atuuk homeworld. The Atuuk make up for their diminished intellect with a great sense of wonder, excitement at trying new things, and an overall friendliness towards other factions. Although the Atuuk aren’t particularly great at anything, their strength comes from the ability of their society to unify and focus on a particular area for a limited time. This is encapsulated in their central feature of choosing a Great Direction every few years which provides a set of objectives and bonuses for their society. The Atuuk narrative centers around their desire to find these Long-Ago Friends who gave them faster-than-light travel and to take their place in the wider galaxy to show everyone and to prove to themselves how great they are. During this journey, they face difficult and challenging truths about the galaxy and who their friends really are.

The Wekkarus are the most alien faction to inhabit the galaxy. Some among them even say they did not originate in this galaxy. Their legends speak of a timeless, ancient war that left them far diminished from what they once were. As such, they keep to themselves and live in the deepest darkest caverns of ocean planets, preserving what remains of Wekkarus society. Their story centers around rediscovering lost artifacts, outposts, and ruins to learn of their origins and the secrets of their ancient war with a dangerous enemy. The Wekkarus highlight feature is their mysterious connection with their ancient ancestors – a manifested collective memory of the Wekkarus. This ability can trigger whenever Wekkarus find themselves under heightened stress. In such times they connect with the echoes and vestiges of their ancestors for both guidance and direct support.

Each of these new factions also comes with their own special storyline and unique story locations, adding to the possible exploration events and to your knowledge of galactic lore. The Atuuk will take you on a path of discovery and revelation as the Atuuk are introduced to the wonders of starfaring and realize who their friends are, while the history of the Wekkarus will take you on a quest to find powerful ancient artifacts that will lead to earth-shattering truths about their origins and a terrifying connection to the greatest threats to the galaxy!
But that’s not all, we have some other exciting news for you the Control update is coming soon.

Control Update Highlights:
- Boskara and Zenox factions refreshed with new gameplay and improved ship and station textures
- Queued Mission support added for Ships and Fleets to help with manual playstyles
- Galaxy Search added to allow players to easily find any star, planet, moon, station, ship or any other item on the galactic map
- UI improvements to help with information management: [list]
- Exploration now tracks pinged locations in the Special Locations section
- Improvements to top header bar
- Additional sort and filter options for various lists
- Improvements to Migration and Tourism map overlays
- Additional tooltips

Keep an eye on our channel because there will be a lot of special streaming event with Erik Rutins, producer and co-designer of Distant Worlds 2. Get a reminder here.