Let's go FASTER! Ain't nobody got time for the grind, right? RIGHT! This weekend, level up faster, earn more coins and challenge all the mobs to stop you!
We've sped up xp gains and money drops for participating in the following activities this weekend, from Friday to Wednesday!
- Normal Dungeons[/*]
- ArchDevil Dungeons[/*]
- Transcendent Dungeons[/*]
- Raid Dungeons[/*]
- Field Mobs[/*]
- Abyssal Tower Creatures[/*]
But wait, there's MORE! Just for logging in during this event with a level 30+ character, you'll get ALL of the following:
- 20x Vallonde Emerald Box (Health Potion, Archgemstones, Magic Stones)[/*]
- 20x Instant Potion Concentrate (used to create potions and resists)[/*]
- 10x Grand Enchanting Stone Supply Crate (random Grand Enchanting Stones)[/*]
- 5x Kavel's Tears Supply Crate (containing 10+ Kavel's Tears)[/*]
As usual, one grant will be made per account!
This event runs from Friday, November 17th (9:00 AM PDT/1600 UTC) to Wednesday, November 22nd (9:00 AM PDT/1600 UTC)