It’s hotter than Hell’s back kitchen out there, so we’re offering cool boosts and a bonus indoors!
How to beat the heat the Devilian way:
Fill a glass with ice, pour in a refreshing drink, sit by your AC and play with us in Nala this weekend. We’ll reward your chill choice with XP and Gold boosts throughout this event.
As a bonus, run a level-appropriate dungeon in a group of three during this event to earn a Potion Reward Pack! These will be awarded one per account after the event ends, one per account and based on your highest level character that participates!
For Devilians level 54 and under:
- 10 Enchanting Stone Supply crate (random standard Enchanting Stones)
- 20 Devilian Health Potions (level-appropriate healing goodness)
For Devilians level 55 and over:
See? No sweat!
Devilian & Chill runs from Friday, August 4th (9:00 AM PDT/16:00 UDT) to Tuesday, August 8th (9:00 AM PDT/16:00 UDT).