All right, you little devils... err, Devilians! It's time for another fun event!
Some mystics say that five is the number of balance and the basis of the pentagram, that it symbolizes "hieros gamos," the Greek concept of marriage between heaven and earth. We say that five is the number of challenges to beat this coming weekend in Devilian!
Run, run, run, run, run! That's right, run five Archdevil dungeons from 9:00 AM PDT July 14th through to Monday, July 17th... and earn terrific rewards!
Characters level 54 or lower:
- 10 Enchanting Stone Supply Crates[/*]
- 20 Devilian Health Potions[/*]
Characters level 55 or higher:
- 20 Devilian Angelic Health Potions[/*]
- 150 Instant Potion Concentrate[/*]
- 40 Magic Stones[/*]
- 10 Grand Enchanting Stone Supply Crates[/*]
- 10 Kavel's Tears[/*]
A few important notes: the dungeons must be appropriate to your character's level - no slumming it! The reward will be granted once per account, after the event ends, and are based on your highest level character that completes the challenge.
Oh, you want more "fives" trivia? Earthworms have five hearts, and most starfish have five arms. There are five Olympic rings and five great lakes. Share yours with us, too!
High fives all round!