We also felt like we've had a lot of reports in the game that just notified the player that some resources were gained, resulting in a bit of a spam of reports. We wanted to put more emphasis on the reports that require the player to make a choice, so we introduced the option for report nodes, or even entire reports, to run invisibly in the background. Instead of having to click through a report to gain resources, the player will now just receive a notification, leaving only the important reports to be visible.
- Added modding to the game, you can now create your own mods at https://derelictvoid.com/editor
- Mods now require you to enter a key to unlock their experimental versions
- Now updating and loading only mods that are actually enabled
- Reworked reports to be able to run invisible nodes in an attempt to reduce meaningless reports and only showing the ones that require choices to be made.
- Added report effect that spawns a notification
- Also added the option to have report resource effect display a notification