Dear Survivors & Dear Jasons,

Again and again we have the situation that players are upset about the permadeath, especially if the player dies first, for example, after 30-40 hours, it is frustrating. And I admit it honestly, I wouldn't feel any different after playing for so long.
For the next new Dead Age, we came up with a new idea that lowers the frustration, but you still remain mortal. Now we thought we'd offer the same option for Dead Age 2 Version 1.1.7
It works like this, when the player dies for the first time, a Revival Set is activated. this heals the player by 40%. Now comes a warning that says you need a new kit.
In Dead Age 2 you can buy such high-tech kits only once in each U.S. Army base for a lot of dollars. (500 dollars)
If you still die you can increase the healing rate of the revival set by upgrading the medicine and increase the amount by 1.
The first death is the worst, because many players were completely shocked by it, not even knowing that the game has a permadeath feature. So after the first death you are warned and the thrill remains.
The idea was that you need to raise a lot of money to ensure the safety of a Revival set and this will need hard work for this.
But be warned that the story characters like Sarah, Tessa, Isa, Lance, Fernando can still die forever when they die. Here, however, we had thought of some characters that will later come to your camp when one of the story characters dies, but they no longer have a story. So be careful!
I hope that this will eliminate the frustration for you and still keep the survival thrill.
For veterans, let's say that they can also sell the sets if they hate them, plus the veteran mode in the start options is a perfect way to set the game harder.
I hope that 99.99 percent of players will be satisfied with this. :)
If you want to support us now, please write a review, so that we also survive on our huge quest. It's really hardcore difficulty level for developers to survive with masses of indie games on Steam.
You can always visit us in discord: DISCORD
Have fun and stay healthy!
Rayk (HolyAvatar in Steam Forum) & the Silent Dreams Team