Dead Age
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Über das Spiel

Nach dem Ausbruch der Zombieseuche konntest du zum Glück andere Überlebende finden und dich in einem Camp verbarrikadieren.
Doch deshalb bist du noch lange nicht in Sicherheit. Das Essen geht zur Neige, Verletzte müssen versorgt und Vorräte müssen beschafft werden.
Die Bedrohung von Untoten, aber auch menschlichen Banden steigt stetig an und du musst dein Camp vor Angriffen verteidigen.
Jeder Überlebende sollte beschützt werden, sonst werden euch die Horden an Untoten und menschlichen Gefahren jagen und ausschalten.
Sammle Items in der von Zombies verseuchten Gegend, crafte, kaufe und verkaufe Ausrüstung, um deine Truppe am Leben zu erhalten und im Überlebenskampf zu trainieren.
Der Rundenkampf ist an klassische Rollenspiele angelehnt. Du kannst strategisch vorgehen, verschiedene Waffentypen erlernen oder sogar Fallen und Bomben legen.
Solltest du dennoch einmal sterben, kannst du mittels erfüllter Herausforderungen Upgrades kaufen, um beim erneuten Spielen deinen Charakter direkt zu Beginn zu stärken.
Freigeschaltete berufliche Vergangenheiten deines Protagonisten erlauben es dir dich auf bestimmte Jobs zu spezialisieren.
Ein Neustart sorgt für veränderte Quests und andere Überlebende.
Eine Stärke von Dead Age ist die nichtlineare Story mit zahlreichen Konsequenzen, je nachdem wie du dich bei den Konflikten entscheidest.
Du kannst Überlebende heldenhaft retten, aber auch stümperhaft sterben lassen. Du kannst Romanzen zu einigen weiblichen Überlebenden aufbauen, oder aber auch Überlebende verärgern, was zu katastrophalen Kettenreaktionen führen kann.
Events sorgen jeden Tag für neue Gefahren und Situationen, in denen du versuchen musst, deine Truppe am Leben zu erhalten und die richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen. Solltest du es schaffen viele Wochen zu überleben, hast du die Möglichkeit bis zu 6 Enden der Storyline freizuschalten.
- CPU: Intel CPU Core i5 3 GHz / AMD CPU 3 GHZ
- GFX: Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 660 / AMD GPU Radeon HD 7870
- Software: Windows 7, Windows 8 (8.1), Windows 10
- HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Polnisch, Französisch, Spanisch
- CPU: Intel CPU Core i7 2.5 GHz / AMD CPU 3,5 GHz
- GFX: Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 770 / AMD GPU Radeon R9 290
- Software: Windows 7, Windows 8 (8.1), Windows 10
- HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Polnisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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1968 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 19:55
Die erste Mission in der Stadt (City [Day]) stürzt regelmäßig ab. Das Spiel kann daher ab diesem Spielstand nicht mehr weitergespielt werden! (Habe diese Mission mehrfach gespielt - jedes Mal Absturz)
Vom Kauf wird abgeraten.
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117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.20 10:33
The premise is an old one - a zombie apocalpyse started and you're a random survivor who has to deal with hordes of zombies and other survivors (some friendly, some hostile) and has to collect stuff so you can craft and uprgade gear and satisfy you're empty stomach.
The fact that this is a turn-based game is nice (as I'am glad about every turn-based game on the market) but it doesn't make up for the very underwhelming writing qualities and the subpar gameplay mechanics.
There is really nothing new here, and even that which is old, has been done better by other games before.
Here's an impression:
The enemy variety is really bad...yeah, I know it's about zombies so why the talk about variety? well even when it comes to zombies you could invent different enemy-designs and stats, I have encountered so far: nurses, cheerleaders, suit-wearers. That's it. So what a beautiful trio in front of you - zombies following their former instincts - a cheerleading zombie that cheers on the zombie nurses so that she treats the business-suit zombie with a little extra devotion.
The dialogue options in the game are the most superficial smalltalk you could probably engage in:
you meet anonther survivor who you saved together with her husband (who wanted to save her because he basically thinks a woman does not know what a gun is) and she want's to go with you on a date outside the camp, you fight another cheerleader and business zombie on the way, you then meet her in the middle of nowhere and she says she wants to go to a diner with you. Another 5 waves of the same zombies later, you reach the empty diner pick up another burger (at every location and after every fight there is always only one item to be obtained - and they're nearly always the same except of some clothes) you then have 3 dialogue options to go through: you say that your sister died, you state that you had a really happy family life with your parents before the outbreak' and then you finally say you had a girlfriend that left you for another man. She then states that she will do the same thing with you, she caresses your cheek and you can choose to do so, too. That will be the first and the last interaction with her, there won't be a jealous husband when you return to camp and probably no conclusion to your 'one hour-relationship'.
There is nothing more to the characters than one-liners that could be said about nearly everybody. It is an as profound experience as the first-grade English lesson in Germany where you state what your name is, where you come from and if you have pets and siblings. So don't come here for the dialogue...
And don't come here for the camping and the crafting mechanics, neither.
They are extremely bad thought-through. Again no variety and the amount of bullets and medicine you can craft are never enough for the repetitive zombie-waves that befall you. One job at a time...and the first quest I got 'craft linen trousers' I could not complete - I had two characters in the camp one of them -me- can't do a job without the passing of a day and the other one had to collect food. So there was absolutely no possibility to finish that quest in time.
And that is only one example of nonsensical quest design.
I could go on and say something about the skills, but in fact, they are exactly as superficial as the rest of the mechanics, you get the idea, it's a game I just can not recommend. There are so many better games out there...
1596 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.20 18:58
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1331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.17 10:52
Vorweg: Es ist schon klar, das hinter Dead Age ein nur sehr kleines Team steht, welchen vermutlich nur geringe Mittel zur Verfügung steht. Trotzdem ist es Schade wie viel Potential hier verschenkt wurde. Mit einfachen Mitteln hätte man schon viel verbessern können, daher möchte ich, neben für die Aspekten die Schlecht Lösungsvorschläge machen, die mir sinnvoll erscheinen und das Spiel besser gemacht hätten.
Dies ist der Schwächste Punkt an Dead Age, denn jede Mission in diesem Spiel unterliegt argen game-play-Sünden. Dies äußert sich u.a. wie folgt:
- jede Mission unterliegt einem Zeitlimit welches ich in den meisten Situationen immer als unangemessen kurz empfunden habe. Es ist mir schon klar, dass das Spannung erzeugen soll, aber das wirkt so dermaßen künstlich und nervig, dass das viel zur Minderung des Spielspaßes beiträgt.
Wenn man schon mit einem Zeitlimit arbeitet, dann bitte nur sehr dosiert.
- Es gibt Missionen der Marke: Entscheide dich wen du retten willst, denn wir haben nur kurze Zeit, der andere stirbt.
Ich hasse solche Missionen, denn sie lassen den Spieler immer verlieren, weil zwangsläufig ein Charakter stirbt. Wenn man so eine Mission schon einfügen muss, dann so, dass der Spieler nicht verliert. Er sollte immer die Möglichkeit haben, das Geschehen positiv zu beeinflussen. Ein negativer Spielverlauf sollte nur auf schlechte Entscheidungen des Spielers zurückzuführen sein, sollte aber kein Automatismus sein.
- Im späteren Abschnitt des Spieles gibt es eine Mission in der gesagt wird, dass es einen Mörder innerhalb der eigenen Gruppe gibt. Man hat keinerlei Anhaltspunkte wer der Mörder ist, man darf keine Ermittlungen anstellen. Man bekommt nur gesagt, das es einen Mörder gibt und man eine Person des Camps verbannen muss. Wenn man falsch wählt, dann verliert der Spieler erst einmal den Charakter den man fälschlicherweise verbannt hat und der Mörder wird nochmal zuschlagen, nur mit dem Unterschied, dass der Mörder diesmal einen Party-Charakter tötet. Also verliert der Spieler hier DREI Party-Mitglieder, den zu unrecht Verbannten, den Mörder und das Opfer. Außerdem verliert man die Ausrüstung dieses Charaktere.
Entweder sollte diese Mission besser gestaltet werden oder sie sollte ganz gestrichen werden.
Generell wären mehr Nebenmissionen schön gewesen.
Persönlich kann ich mit der Grafik leben, obwohl diese sehr grob ist.
Allerdings wäre es schön gewesen, wenn die Ausrüstung die ein Charakter trägt auch dargestellt würde, leider gibt es nur ein Standard-Skin-Modell.
Es gibt Crafting und rudimentäre Elemente zur Verwaltung des Camps.
Es wäre schön gewesen, wenn der Umfang in der Camp-Verwaltung vielfältiger ausgefallen wäre. Hier könnte man z.B. Missionen einfügen, die zum Camp-Ausbau generell beitragen. Denn das fehlt komplett und würde deutlich positiv zum Umfang beitragen.
Wie eingangs gesagt, bei diesem Spiel wurde so viel Potential verschenkt, daher wirkt es oft Rudimentär und lieblos. Ich hätte mich auf mehr gefreut. Daher kann ich dieses Spiel erst mal nicht empfehlen.
2556 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.17 12:55
Du gegen die Apokalpyse!
Ok, das Spiel muss mir ja gefallen, sonst hätte ich ja nicht so viele Stunden. Warum das so ist, erfahrt ihr im Folgenden!
“Dead Age” ist eine Mischung zwischen einem Strategiespiel, einem RPG und einem Roguelite. Das Spiel gliedert sich in Spieltage und für jeden Spieltag können wir auswählen, wen wir wie einsetzen. Das Kampfteam kann aus 3 Leuten, inklusive der eigenen Spielfigur, bestehen und andere Mitstreiter, welche man zufällig bekommt, können Jobs im Lager verrichten. Dazu gehört zum Beispiel das Jagen, das Craften von Munition und Ausrüstung, sowie auch die Funktion eines Wächters zu übernehmen. Dabei verfügt jeder Charakter über 2 Skillbäume: Einmal kann man an jeder Waffe, sowie als Techniker und Sanitäter ausgebildet werden und im anderen Skillbaum kann man den Charakter für die Berufe ausbilden. Dort gibt es 4 Kategorien und so muss man gut durchplanen, wen man wie ausbildet, wer für den Kampf trainiert wird und wer für den Beruf. Weiterhin muss man auch auf seinen Vorrat an Nahrung, Werkzeuge und Materialien, quasi die Währung, aufpassen. Nachdem man die Aufgaben im Lager verteilt hat, kann man nun mit zwei seinen Begleitern loslaufen und sich ein Gebiet aussuchen, in dem man vorstoßen will und hat nun theoretisch 20 Gebiete vor sich, bei dem jedes Gebiet einen Kampf darstellt. Die Kämpfe selber werden Rundenbasiert ausgetragen und erinnern ein wenig an die alten Final Fantasy Teile. Dabei ist mir allerdings aufgefallen, dass manche Skills wesentlich besser sind als andere, auch die höherwertigen, Fähigkeiten. Oft kommt es nach jedem Kampf zu einem Event, indem man sich entscheiden kann, ob man Risiken eingehen will oder lieber nicht. Zum Beispiel, ob man den Krankenwagen untersuchen will, die Hirsche im Wald jagd oder ob man versucht, ein Schloss zu knacken. Dabei erhöht sich die Chance oft durch einen Fortschritt in den Job Berufen. Meistens richtet sich man nach den Quests, aber man hat oft auch einen Leerlauf, indem man nur Sachen sammelt.
Das Spiel spielt sich grundsätzlich sehr simpel, jedoch kommt es oft zu neuen Entdeckungen und man muss trotzdem gründlich durchplanen. Durch die neuen Situationen, andere Enden und die Charaktere, die nicht in jedem Spieldurchlauf überhaupt erscheinen, bietet sich ein hoher Wiederspielwert. Außerdem sammeln wir durch Errungenschaften im Spiel bzw. die Steam Achievements Medaillen, mit denen wir nach einen Spieldurchlauf unseren Charakter ein paar bessere Eigenschaften für den Anlauf verpassen können.
Die Anfangsgeschichte ist immer gleich: Die Zombieapokalypse bricht aus und wir verlieren zu Beginn unsere Schwester. Dabei stoßen wir auf Trish und den Sheriff, welche eine Art Camp aufbauen wollen. Ab Beginn des eigentlichen Spieles sind die Begegnungen und Ereignisse immer verschieden und treten bei jedem Spieldurchlauf zu anderen Zeitpunkten oder überhaupt nicht auf. So kann man ein Teammitglied am dritten Tag bekommen, weil er einfach ins Lager gelaufen kam oder man findet ihn an Tag 15, weil man die Frau eines anderen Teammitglieds sucht. Es gibt für fast jedes Mitglied 2 Möglichkeiten, ihn kennenzulernen. Manche haben dann noch Eigenschaften, auf die man eingehen muss. Wenn man richtig Mist baut, sind die Mitglieder nicht ansprechbar oder verlassen sogar das Camp. Trotz der vielen Variablen bleibt jedoch die Hauptgeschichte immer dieselbe und kann lediglich an verschiedenen Stellen zuende gehen. Das früheste Ende ist am Tag 20 und das späteste an Tag 42. Allerdings dauert so ein vernünftig gespielter Durchlauf auch schon mal an die 20 Stunden.
Meiner Meinung nach hätte man mehr aus den Charakteren rausholen können und einfach noch mehr Variablen und Charaktere einbauen können. Die Unterhaltungen wirken ein bisschen platt, sind aber gut gehalten und ich würde mir einfach mehr davon wünschen. Ähnlich wie das Gameplay hätte ich einfach mehr von derselben Medizin gehabt. Besonders gefallen hat mir der Erzählstil, da ein nettes Bild aufleuchtet und dann der Infotext steht: „Ihr habt einen Krankenwagen entdeckt…“ oder „Deine Gruppe findet einen verletzten Hund…“
Die Porträts und viele Bilder sind in dem Spiel sehr schön gezeichnet. Nur die Kämpfe werden in 3D dargestellt und dabei kann man die Grafik schon ein wenig kritisieren. Das Spiel sieht jetzt nicht so besonders gut aus und gerade die Animationen sehen teilweise echt beknackt aus. Aber ich finde, damit kann man bei diesem Spiel leben und es betrifft ja auch „nur“ die Kämpfe.
Die Sounds sind nichts Besonders. Ein wenig Musik, die am Anfang noch Spaß macht. Aber wenn man das Spiel so viel gespielt hat wie ich, dann macht man sich schon irgendwann ne Serie dazu an.
Ich bin ein ziemlicher Fan von Zombies und daher konnte ich mich dem Spiel einfach nicht verwehren. Zudem wollte ich schon lange mal ein Spiel spielen, indem man seine Leute so delegieren kann. Das Gameplay macht Spaß, auf Dauer können die Kämpfe jedoch etwas langweilig werden. Der größte Pluspunkt ist für mich die hohe Variabilität, mit der das Spiel den Spieler doch immer wieder ein wenig überrascht. Auch der Erzählstil hat mir besonders gut gefallen, wo hingegen mir die Animationen etwas merkwürdig vorkamen und das Spiel generell einfach ein bisschen zu wenig Inhalt hat. Ich habe viele Stunden in dem Spiel verbracht und hätte mir einfach noch ein wenig mehr gewünscht. Für den derzeitigen Preis von 15 € kann man zwar zuschlagen, aber ich würde es für unter 10 € empfehlen.
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4157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.17 19:20
Das Spielprinzip schließt auch das Scheitern ein. Man bekommt durch Erfolge die man erzielt Medallien die man für ein neues Spiel einsetzen kann, um bessere Bedingungen zu erhalten.
Kurzfazit: Für Zombie-Fans und Indiespielefreunde ein guter Griff für ein paar Wochen Spaß. Nichts für Leute ohne Geduld.
467 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.17 15:16
Dead Age macht Spaß. Es ist relativ einfach gehalten aber man muss schon gut überlegen wie man vorgeht. Man darf sich auch nicht vom permanenten Tod abschrecken lassen. Einige mal wird man leider sein Leben lassen müssen aber durch die Upgrades wird man immer stärker.
Von mir gibt es eine klare Kaufemfehlung.
Viel Spaß beim zocken wünscht euch Ghostbustr! ;)
7131 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.22 09:46
Simple survival game in a zombie apocalypse where you manage survivors in defending (and running) the camp, upgrading characters/equipment, and exploring levels (where decisions can make a difference in game). The story is also surprisingly decent especially for the cheap game price. Definitely enjoyable until you cleared the main story once before getting bored of the repeated combat and exploration.
+Roguelike design with characters permadeath (especially if you don't read the notes properly hahaha) with random drops and characters plus equipment upgrade and achievement medals kept me replaying repeatedly to farm a stronger character.
+Decent plot/decision making with actual outcome/difference in story [spoiler] (pity though that we don't get punished for romancing Lydia else it will be even more interesting hahaha). [/spoiler]
+Daily camp activities need to be planned (resource management) in advance as you move closer to the ending else you will face yet another early game over (get used to it haha).
-Turn-based combat is okay but as time goes on, you will get bored of it due to the repetitiveness. Basically, breakthrough one specific punk/zombie and everyone whack the same fella before moving on to the next. Ability differs slightly across all enemies and you will learn to know which one to aim first as times goes on.
-The dice roll can be really weird; failure or negative chance happens very often even if your character has 90% to 95% chance of success...
-Certain plot in game can piss you off [spoiler] especially you invested a lot of time in the character. [/spoiler]
-They don't let you romance the best girl; [spoiler] Trish! [/spoiler]
Nicht Empfohlen
50 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.21 06:06
681 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 10:41
744 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.21 04:52
Dissolve 6 kg of sugar in 30 liters of warm water and add 200 g of yeast. Put in a warm place. For the smell, you can add currant or cherry branches, or dry dill. After 6-7 days, the leaven is ready.
You will get moonshine for the treatment of a zombie virus - 6 liters.
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157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 15:56
586 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.21 18:23
If you like RPG with Apocalypse zombie then you should give a try ~
489 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 03:27
Its not perfect, but for an indie group to make this, its really nice. Theres a casual mode, and a harder more punishing mode as well from what I can gather. It can be somewhat repetitive to say the least, but overall I fell I can get my moneies worth no problem. Thanks for the game Devs.
The Devs put a message asking about a review, and I shall review!
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1067 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 09:22
Had potential if they just put in a bit more thought on user accessibility
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119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 20:48
Get the Idea yet?
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30 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.21 21:43
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95 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 12:04
Initially it looked interesting, but it quickly wore very thin, there wasn’t much strategy to use and at one point I just wanted to skip the day due to low health but had to go to a battle zone to ‘waste’ a day…
So, unfortunately, this is just bad all over for me. One to avoid.
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1096 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 23:22
Basicaly, you have 42 days, each day you HAVE to go through 1 of the locations to farm loot. And each location has 20, TWENTY areas, and in each one of those areas you have to fight bullet sponges in order to progress, and if you fail a skillcheck after that during an event, most of the time you have to fight AGAIN! So your routine consists of the same boring fights just for the sake of endless grind while RNG is trying to screw you over.
Sure you can skip those raids and sit at the base every day, but that will lead to a quick game over because raiding locations is the only way to get loot.
You cant skip animations, you cant make the gameplay faster, you just have to sit through this bullsh1ttery for 20+ hours, and thats on CASUAL. I cant imagine just how tedious it gets on normal/hardcore.
And after beating the game once you dont want to touch it ever again. Theres no replayability, its linear. You can only get different survivors and those arent changing the gameplay in the slightest. Well, you CAN make your starting character stronger to make your life less painful, but I would rather not play it again at all.
5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 10:54
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74 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 10:34
I had to use cheat engine to speedhack to speed it up, but it was still boring. I requested a refund even though I paid less than 3€ for it.
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258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 18:47
The graphics could be made in the early 2000s. The gameplay (if you could call it that) is boring and repetetive.
The Story is just uninteresting and lackluster.
The concept of a management/turn-based zombie RPG is actually really interesting, but this game doesn't even come close to nailing it in its execution in my opinion.
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77 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 23:49
4161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 02:35
Note: if you buy this, prepare for perma-death. Your decisions and actions may cause it within your party. also, do not be tempted to cheat to find out who a specific party member is when the time comes. it ruins the tension. I don't even want to spoil the event by describing it. Trust me, you will know when it arrives. Just stay on task and meet the posted deadlines for quests to keep the clock rolling. I learned some tough lessons on that one.
Character customization is plentiful, lots of classes and abilities to level up. Spread the duties out and mix strengths among your party. It will help in the long run.
Weapon, Ammo and Gear Crafting. Lots to do here and work for. Keep the ammo and healing serums coming.
Reasonable story line. Engaging (very shallow though...this isn't an epoch.) But is services the game play well enough.
Some tough battles and scenarios to get through with some replay elements to keep you coming back a few times. (I like the points at the end of the campaign to spend on the next play through.
Automatic Rifles... Stock up, level up and bring your team with them. The most reliable weapon and satisfying to shoot.
Repetitive at times
Once you gain enough power points in certain areas (i won't spoil that here), you become a bit OP.
Some of the characters are useless on the road and within the camp. Wish the combat and party system allowed for larger parties and encounters to engage with some of the team. Otherwise, they are wasted at camp harvesting or crafting garbage items.
Once you clear this twice, you really know what to expect, so it might spoil later runs other than changing your starting character class.
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720 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.20 23:04
Edit: after 12h I must say: Do not buy it. It is too repetitive and the menu is too annoying.
+Turn fights
+nice drawing and graphic style (I like that comic style. it reminds me on XIII)
+in sale it costs only 2,50€ which is worth it
repetitive, but anyhow something addicting because you want to get into higher levels, crafting more, etc.
-start of game is confusing, because of confusing menu (e.g. starting a trip alone, because the menu was not intuitive
-release 2016 really? well...
-no explanation for the use of items you found, which cannot be used yet, because you did not skill crafting on high level. e.g. you found petrol, shall you keep it because its rare (you may craft something good in the future?!) or can you sell it because it is expensive?
-does not feel like a full PC game, even more like a mobile game
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3684 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.20 09:41
• Turn based zombie rpg that plays out like a 3D version of Adventure Quest from 2002.
• Repetitive battles, lack of enemy diversity, and slow paced game.
• While there are various in game content that should keep the player busy in theory, it causes game progression to be even slower.
• Honestly, a game that players would have enjoyed during the rise of games of the Zombie genre in 2006-2010, but definitely not a game I would have expected from 2016.
• The overall game feels like a 3D flash game, animation quality similar to turn based flash games from early 2000s.
• While the background in certain stages do bring the feel of a zombie apocalypse, due to in-game mob designs, it doesn't enhance the overall atmosphere.
• The 2D drawings and 3D characters don't seem to match in style.
• Personally can't recommend this game for $14.99. Other games at this price include Stardew Valley, Don't Starve Together, Tomb Raider, Hollow Knight, and Elder Scrolls IV. Mediocre story line, graphics, and the slow game play plays a large part, but while in theory, this game provides content to the players, after about 2 hours, there was a lack of enjoyment from playing the game.
• Recommended if on sale... 50% or more.
• Character stats and skill points don't matter in the sense where certain builds are necessary to optimize parties to finish game play.
• The game tells the player what to do at every step, and most of the choices are common sense.
• While mob difficulty might rise as the game progresses, there is a lack of change of tactics to match the increasing difficulty.
Computer Requirements:
• No performance differences between Sandy Bridge, Haswell, and Kaby Lake intel processors.
• About 4 hours can be expected per playthrough, but due to the nature of the game, it's challenging to stay entertained if trying to complete in a day.
• Expect a couple days for all achievements due to the slow pace of the game and some RNG.
1195 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 11:48
This must be a pretty good game because I can't seem to stop playing it. I like the concept of the game very much. Combat is very slow and EXTREMELY repetative so know that going is. Pretty fun overall, but get the game on sale for sure.
1612 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.20 05:56
1331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 03:29
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3352 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.20 01:49
Micromanaging a hero leading a group of strays in a 'small' zombie world,
despite the fancy animations, bloom textures of the characters, enemies and environment.
Interface looks amateur.
Meticulous care required when reading details of tasks, job and survivor moods. Taking accounts on stocks, items and survivor Health and ammo, 'double check' before moving on.
Too slow Paced.
Unfriendly and Awkward controls all over the screen, within management of jobs, item equips and usage, to the bulk of clicks just to perform an attack.
Clickfest over the same few spots on the screen just to get job and attacks done.
Despite the arrays of crafts, focus is all on shotguns and heals.
Repetitive grind over the few location just to secure enough food, tools and materials to get by.
Lacks a turn meter to show who is next in line to act in battle, flawed when stunned opponents got woke after being hit despite the stun work.
Picking up healing aids when having full medical inventory deem that item unusable, unless using off inventory item first... to switch places in the limited storage.
Manual saves to save yourself some griefs as heavily RNG.
Managed to hang on with help of manual Macros over the clickfest for the entire game.
Game emphasized on necessity for 'REPEAT' RE-Runs for achievements, unlocks of specialized upgrades and perks, yet, already bored and a struggle during the first few run ...
Tedious to complete 41 days, just to unlock each love affair achievement.
Playable but too much a drag for a Completionist.
Flawed, for the Full Price tag to worth the effort.
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592 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.20 20:33
The progression of RPG elements is a nice touch, but every character lacks detail about who they are. I’m a police officer, or I’m a nurse. Okay? Were you the clerk, did you specialize in a certain field, were you the janitor? I mean, a lot of the characters lack a full fledge background, story, or more information about who they are. You try to see it based on the very limited dialogue, but compared to other RPGs, this is very concerning when you jump into a genre that is more story and knowledge than anything else.
The survival aspect of the game was done well enough. You gather supplies by searching the same zones over and over and over again. You’ll get anything from cloth, to food, to gun components. You’ll take those back to your camp and make med-kits, guns, or clothing to help you further down the line. You’ll also have access to a shop to sell some of your findings to make a killing in materials (currency). What I found the hardest of anything was the lack of tools and most of it was through the quests you’d get (you get some via exploration as well – if RNG doesn’t hate you). The RPG attributes and skills were an iffy one with me. You’d get to choose between picking points into weapons/combat oriented or skills that benefit the camp. I found this to my dislike because it should have been separate. So everything I learned is either or? I see the point of it to prolong the ‘survival’ bit of it, but other survival games did fine as well keep it separate. Some of said skills help with guarding from raiders/zombies attacking in the night, hunting, or building items to be used.
With the attributes none of it really added up either. I had someone who is level 3 Cunning and they still get hit like they’re a wet paper bag. So, if block is at 20 is that 20% to block, 20 less damage? I mean, a lot of the stats in here were not informative enough to know what is going on stat wise. There were no clear instructions on what or how it was used while in combat but did become more useful for jobs around the camp. I also didn’t like how far the gaps were between certain skills were to make a change. So what does selection 16, 18 (stat) do compared to selection 20 with a higher chance of block and level 3 guard selection? No idea, it was never explained. That’s a big issue when you add RPG elements into a game that one must detail what they do here, there, and up against enemies. Raises the chance of what? That is throughout a lot of this game. What chances is cunning at the third selection when guarding and with 6 block? No idea. Again, 6% chance of blocking, less damage, how does this affect the enemies in turn?
This is where the combat becomes disappointing. Why is this particular zombie ineffective at everything! Melee, long range, traps. WHY is he ineffective? I look at the zombie and there is no stats, no buffs, no debuffs. Just in-effect-ive! Why did another zombie block all three of my party members attack with the same information? Is this vagrant a tank when he’s one of the first zombies you see? Is he even a tank? Do they have a random hidden stat that no one knows? And this is why stats are important in RPGs because so you can know how to counter things, but unfortunately there is so much RNG in here it wouldn’t make a difference. From blocking all your gunshots, to running low on AP. Even AP is odd at times. Wait for a round. The round you’re in against enemies, or when you start a new round? Does it restart if you go to the next zone? I mean, we’re missing out on a lot of the combat information and the descriptions are vague about it all.
Now what pushed me over to deleting this game? When you fail you start completely over. Okay, I get that because it’s a survival game, but we’ll help you cheat in the next round – basically you’ll get perks so your guy doesn’t suck so much next round. But now you do everything over again, with the same repetitiveness, storyline, dialogue, limited events, same pictures; that you’ve seen all in the first few hours again – No. Also, the lack of character customization is a drag too. Why do I have to play this Jack guy? Yes, I can rename him, but playing Jack is boring. What if I want to spice up my own character? What if a female wants to play a female character? Those options don’t exist and with RPGs, you have the option on how you want to look (even if limited) and this was rather forced. I guess there were also romance options too, but I didn’t see this in the game.
Between the lack of details, to RNG heavy, to lack of information on stats, boring combat, and limited RPG elements; I found this game to be boring and extremely repetitive. Now, since it’s an Indie Dev and I support such small companies and teams, I’ll say it’s a game worth its price, but I cannot continue on. If this game is something down your alley and want to try out a game knowing there are flaws, then I think you might enjoy this title.
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132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.20 22:44
It says defend your camp against hordes of zombies but as far as I can tell all that involved was putting a person on guard duty for the day (so no gameplay)
Also I hated the animations.
It feels like it would be an acceptable mobile game.
It is not worth £10.99, I payed much less.
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440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.20 14:15
Now about the game:
It is a turned based combat, similar to Final Fantasy.
You have kind of a base camp and can go exploring or do a job.
Doing a job means, that the character won't be available for one in-game day, then you get the results.
Exploring means, you get waves of combat until you decide to return to base. After every victory you get a reward, like ammunition, food or other loot.
This part is really repetitive and I got bored of it very soon.
Now to the positive aspect: You sometimes have role-play elements like decisions (weather you help a person or not, do a job or don't) or skill trees. These elements are very minimalistic and infrequently appearing.
All in all it ain't no bad game, but not really worth the money. Get it in a bundle or on sale and you'll have something for mindless evenings.
After playing some more, I have to add some more aspects:
+ nice battle visuals (esp. if you like that Final Fantasy style)
+ nice replay bait (after dying you get skill points for your next character, every slot is ironman)
- repetitive, repetitive, repetitive: the enemies are the same couple of trashmobs over and over again; the places you discover are same couple of spots over and over again; the decisions are the same ones again...
- a very simple gamemech demotivates me to play the game: you leave some people behind to do tasks like hunting or crafting and take the rest of your survivors with you to battle waves.
550 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.20 01:12
overall would say it was pretty good, story kinda dropped in quality after a while. graphics are aight. still gonna buy the second one when it comes out (on sale of course)
826 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 19:22
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1386 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 22:42
There are many problems with the game, nothing game breaking but just so you get an idea:
- Terrible UI
- The game is full of Illogical moments. This is a selection:
(1): If your guard dies while defending your base against zeds you will lose his/her equipment. Ladies, fish and gentlemen we are talking about a post apocalyptic scenario here, we live by and die by our equipment so this does not compute at all. Hello! Anybody home?
(2): You can use the first aid skill to heal your companions while combating zombies but not outside of combat because why would we want that? Doh!
(3): You cannot split resources like ammo or first aid supplies.
(4): Revolvers and semiautomatic pistols use the same ammo but submaching guns and pistols don't. Because this is a different alternative reality where there are only 4 different calibers of ammo (I know a lot of games are guilty of this but that is no excuse).
(5): There are no bolt action or lever action rifles but there are Uzis and AK47s because it's dear season in zedtopia.
(6): Tiny winy spoiler: At some point there will be a moment of betrayal and you have to choose one person to throw out of the camp excommunicado-like without any investigation and hope that is the real Judas.
(7): Gold-tipped bullets do more damage than steel or brass. Must be gold poisoning.
(8): Money has been replaced by resources like rations, material and tools. For some reason you always carry the tools with you on your missions so thieves can steal them instead of hiding them under your mattress.
(9): You can eat food items to replenish health during missions but not (food rations).
(10): You cannot eat food items between missions because they are not rations so you can go starving while you have tasty burgers in your backpack.
(11): A failure to pick a lock will result in an ambush even if there are three guys on the mission because apparently it takes three guys to pick a lock and no and can be a look-out.
(12): If your guard fails to defend the base other people within the base might also die because apparently the guards are too stupid to raise an alarm.
Apparently there are several endings. I got two the first and last time I played it. Hope you enjoyed the review. Have a nice day.
7316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 10:35
There are many great turn-based rogue-likes that I like. As a big fan of the genre, I usually forgive minor issues with the UI and poor art style.
Crafting between dungeon runs, micromanaging the team and hunting for exquisite materials to craft something new and exciting is what usually keeps me going despite any downsides. The Darkest Dungeon is the pinnacle of the genre, as far as I'm concerned: a gritty, dark adventure with lots of cool RPG-elements and outstanding voiceover.
I love everything about tDD. Maybe, it is the main reason why I do not like this game very much. I like it just enough though.
One of the biggest problems this particular game has is the UI. It is not just terrible, it is outstandingly unusable and outdated. It takes several clicks to put a new piece of gear. You have to endlessly click and scroll to select the right pages in the menu. The fight interface layout is very clunky with targets being not selectable. Instead, you have to choose from several buttons like in a Gameboy Pokemon game.
The UI is certainly something that will make many people, who would otherwise love the game, request a refund immediatelly. It is not acceptable in this day and age to have such a clunky interface. However, the game is relatively cheap and there are upsides that make the issue sufferable.
The visual style of the game is also outdated but endearing. It reminded me one of my favorite games, my gulty pleasure of times when I was not yet spoiled by fancy graphics and sleak artwork. The game was GORKY-17, a very simple, also turn-based RPG game about an accident ([spoiler]turns out an incident[/spoiler]) in a secret closed city somewhere in Russia. It was quite ugly but had the same 3D style and the Russian voiceover was funny enough to keep me playing.
Dead Age is not a beautiful game. Animations are stiff, models of enemies are mostly copy-pasted with slight differentiations in textures, artwork on icons and menu elements is acceptable yet nothing of particular value or interest. Again, the level of graphic will most certainly prevent many people from enjoying the game which is good due to...
The gameplay loop is very simple yet rich enough in content to warrant at least one playthrough. The game does try to offer some replayability (which I humbly accepted since I'm weird that way) yet new playthroughs do not bring anything new to the table. Having one or two differnet survivors does not affect your playstyle or most effective gear setups. You just read a couple of new text lines. That's it.
You will ALWAYS have Sharon who will help with crafting more stuff and Terrence who will be the best choice for damage dealing in late game due to being expert rifle user. You will ALWAYS max out primary weapon and put 3 points in each medic/melee to get max health and not waste resources. You will ALWAYS forgo engineering due to lackluster supportive abilities.
A very surface-level critique should be aimed at various stats that slightly adjust your playstyle. For example, if you want to have an efficient buffer, you have to max out the medic skill which will give the ability to boost perception by 60% for two rounds. It is only useful if you have two range weapon users, don't have enemies with high defense AND a buffer who is going first. Otherwise, the outcome of the fight will be nearly the same with or without a buff. You will need to boost the buffer's reflex to increase his initiative. It is not an easy or a hard thing to do due to stats being distributed randomly to weapons and gear you craft. So, you can either be extremely lucky and have the fastest medic in the world or be extremely unlucky and have a subpar healer with non-existant combat stats. Again, it will not affect the outcome of the game that much. Examples like this are many and not deserve even a single letter of criticism — would be a waste.
So that was just nitpicking. In terms of the gameplay loop in general, I don't have any particular criticism. Yes, there could be more types of gear, more crafting recipes, more enemies, more cool random encounters... But, it is a cheap game made by a team of passionate game developers consisting of what, like three guys (or gals). The effort is appreciated and what the game has to offer in regards to gameplay mechanics is enough to warrant a sequel if it is priced fairly.
Well, it exists. It is poorly written. It offers several different endings. It has romance. So... It must be decent, right? Not at all. The dialogue is, as pointed out by one of the reviewers, is written by a school-grade level writer. It lacks in every conceivable aspect. Especially, romance. I've read shoujo manga for children that had more emotional impact and complexity. I think that most teenage TV shows have more sophistication in terms of developing a friendship or a love story even in a couple of lines of dialogue.
Look, The Darkest Dungeon has just as much text information between missions to go along. Yes, it is much better written and throughthrough. Dead Age could use a spare buck or two to throw at a freelancing writer who would do a much better job than what they came up with.
But, enough bashing. The story serves its purpose and allows for at least some background for quests and some random events. The world-building is thrown out of the window. You don't find any clues to what the people of the Dead Age world experience, you don't get any substantial random encounter that explain something about the world, you don't get anything of interest. At some point, you stat just skipping all texts because they are just useless bits of information that do not help with establishing what is happening in the world outside of your small camp of survivors. Again, hiring a very cheap writer would have helped immensely in this regard.
This game is not good. Objectively, it is a poorly written, poorly animated, poorly exectured... You get it. Subjectively, it is a nice concept. I'm a sucker for post-apocalyptic settings and zombie-related media. I love things like 28 Days Later, Train to Busan, Mad Max and such like. Having an opportunity to get into the survival mood and chop up some zombies is highly appreciated. There is just not enough games like this.
The Darkest Dungeon, Swordart: The Pit and a couple of other titles come to mind. These games are infinitely better than Dead Age. However, DA offers some of the mechanics of the games above in a zombie-apocalypse setting which is something that you can't find elsewhere. So, I guess I begrudgingly recommend it to a very specific type of gamer who likes exactly these things in this exact order of importance:
- Zombie-killing (you'll have to kill a lot of them)
- Surviging in a zombie-infested world
- Crafting and scavenging
- Micromanagement
- Maxing out gear setups
Disclaimer: I have a lot of hours played, but the game was running in the background while I was working. I loved multiple playthroughs, don't get me wrong, but the game does not have as much content as my amount of hours played suggests.
11410 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.20 19:58
Bought this game on a huge discount and cost me around $1, and so far 90 hours game play it's so worth it.
If I can make some inputs for Dead Age II, I would suggest that some the missions could be improved, for example the near the end quest, the traitor. First of all, if you have to kick people out of the camp, you should be able to strip the weapons and equipment away (I just finished a quest with her in my core team with the best equipment equipped on her), especially we really need it for the last fight. Secondly, it is so rushed that you have to make decision on the spot with really little clue (or even misleading clues from the game) to go forward on to make your decision on who to cast away.
Other than that, the game is superb. After two play through, one casual and one hardcore, I might even going to play few more play through to finish all the achievement. If that happens, it is going to be the first game on steam that I will have completed all achievement.
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359 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.20 06:13
The reason I'm giving it a thumbs down is because of the price. (If it were cheaper, I'd probably have given it a thumbs up.) Even though this game has nice graphical presentation, there is no way a game this shallow deserves a price tag over £10. Maybe buy when on sale, but don't expect much.
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133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.20 23:28
When “Dead Age” came out (during the Zombie Survival game rush) it turned a lot of heads. Is it possible that this was a zombie game and that it *GASP* wasn’t an online survival game??? Can such a thing even exist? Well, yes it can. Dead Age shocked everyone when it was announced because it was touted as a turn-based RPG zombie game. Too bad everything else about this game sucks.
Right off the bat, as soon as you boot up the game, you will see that everything looks like crap and I mean everything. The menus, the characters, the combat system, everything just looks so … bad. The game is just ugly to look at and you have to look at it a lot if you want to progress.
So how does it play? After you finish the tutorial and learn the ropes you start at your base of operation. Here you can craft items, level up survivors, look at quests, equip items and other sorts of rpg things. It can be a little confusing at first but it works well.
Just like in many games of this genera, you have to keep your base up and running, you need to have supplies like food, water, medicine, weapons and all that other stuff. You also need to do quests for the survivors you gather which brings us to the next phase: the turn based phase.
While you divert your eyes from the horrible looking characters, zombies and the environment, you will be happy to know that you can take it easy because you have all the time in the world to make a decision on how to proceed with your lovely turn-based combat.
You can control a party of up to three characters (including the main character) and you can fight up to three zombies at the same time as well. Each of you, including the zombies, gets a turn to do something and you do it. It’s just like any other Turn-based RPG.
Uggghhh, but, ughhhh, I mean…
Ok, so I’ve been complaining about graphics a lot and that’s really not nice from my end but, this game, just looks and plays so generically. I mean, the battles themselves look so ridiculously lame. The zombies charge at you, scratch you and go back to their spots. You can also, go to them, melee bash them and go back to your own spots. I mean, yes, I know this is how Turn-based RPGs work and YES, I have played quite a few of them, but, this is not how you do a turn-based game. In old JRPG games like Final Fantasy, you do the same thing as I described above, but it looks cool, the characters look cool, the abilities look cool, it’s dynamic. In Dead Age, everything is just so generic. It looks like someone is poking the zombies and the survivors with a stick going: “Come on, it’s your turn! Don’t forget you signed the contract” while the poked actors sigh and unwillingly do what they were supposed to do with zero effort.
Ok, so I’m going to try really hard to ignore just how bland and boring the combat and the graphics look.
So how do the battles play? Well, not so great. Once you have gotten ready from your base, you pick a destination and you simply go through waves and waves of zombies until you think you’ve had enough and then you return to your base. As you are going through the waves, the zombies get a bit harder but never too hard. While they don’t hit hard, there are quite a few zombies you have to go through in order to do ANYTHING in this game. So naturally, you will lose your HP progressively and that’s where my biggest frustration with the game comes along.
The biggest problem for me was healing. In most turn-based rpgs you have a healing spell or items that heal you. Now, of course, we can’t have a healing spell in a zombie survival game and since it’s a survival game, items are scarce. What you end up with, is a turn based game where you can almost NEVER heal your party. I think that’s what the devs were going for, they wanted to make it as hard as possible but COME ON, did you have to make it THAT inconvenient.
So let me just paint a picture. I figured it would be essential to keep my team topped up so I invested my skill points into the medical skills. With that I learned how to make a first aid kid. To make a first aid kit, you need bandages and some syringes. So I set out to find me some bandages and syringes. I fought 3 battles and nothing. I got a bunch of crafting items and ammo, but no syringes nor bandages. Another 3 battles later, nothing. My party was at about half their health and I still gained nothing. I just kept finding items that I didn’t need. Finally, when I was at the brink of dying I found some bandages, just enough for a single Med Kit. I retreated from the battle and went home.
This was like going to the inn in RPGS, you get to rest, heal up and… oh, you only recover about 20% of health from sleeping? Ughhhh. Oh well, let’s at least make that health kit and get some more health. What’s that? It takes an entire in-game DAY to craft the Med Kit and I will lose the opportunity to finish a quest? Finally after crafting a med-kit, it only healed like 30% more and by that point I wasted 2 days where my supplies were running low and my survivors were bit***ng about not having enough food.
Since I was at the brink of starving I had to send survivors to go hunting for food and when they came back with more food, they ate about half of it the next day and proceeded to bit** some more!
Once my character finally died during a battle, the game informed me how I would have to start over but to not give up. Seeing how I was such a good sport and how I earned a few challenges I was awarded medals that would give me permanent upgrades in my later playthroughs so, as the game said, there was no reason to quit playing.
Here are a few reasons to quit playing: the game isn’t fun, it’s ugly to look at, the characters are incredibly generic, the music is forgettable and as you are playing you are constantly wondering why you are even playing this game in the first place.
No, this game is not worth getting. I praise the game for being bold and trying something new with the Turn-based RPG system but, come on, couldn’t you have put in a bit more effort into it. It’s not the worst thing in the world, but it’s not worth playing either.
Next game: Dead in Vindland
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1450 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.20 21:27
- Good sense of progression.
- Base management was simple and fun.
The Bad
- Going out to explore is painfully grindy.
- Clunky user interface.
- Combat is boring and very bland.
- All enemy types are just bullet sponges.
Dead Age is great for the first few hours. Then many of the little annoying game design decisions start to pile up, making the game feel like a chore to progress through.
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1730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.20 04:10
The problem with the Dead Age is that both parts of it are painfully dull. During the “tabletop” part you are either buying, or crafting stuff. You'll also need to put some guys on guard to avoid being robbed. And that's pretty much it. That's all you can do there. And as for the JRPG part, you can fight the enemies in four different areas (twenty fights per area with only two of them being available at the beginning), you can use either melee, or ranged weapons and... you can heal. That's it. Nothing else. No special moves, no interesting items to use, no combined attacks, or other cool stuff from JRPG genre, no proper exploration, no real world to interact, nothing. Just you, re-visiting the same exact places for about 40 days. With nothing but a series of repeatable battles to do.
The entire gameplay in this game is like this – you enter the camp, you craft some stuff, you decide who'll stay on guard while you're off, then you go and shoot some zombies to collect the materials. Repeat. There are also quests. Most of which will be important in one way or another. And that's, probably, the best thing about the game. There are multiple endings, your actions will determine who'll join your group and how it all end, there are romances, etc. It's still a very basic stuff, but well, at least it's something.
Unfortunately, there's also a thing that ruins the entire thing completely. And that thing is permadeath. Sure, something like that is cool to have as an option. And sure, it works pretty well in some fast-paced hardcore titles that don't last long. But the thing is – not only Dead Age is painfully repeatable (remember – only a few locations and only two kinds of attacks), it's also pretty slow. There's no way to skip the animations (there are hardly any options at all), while animations are... well... slow. And since the game is far from being well-polished... let's just say that dying somewhere near the end and being forced to do all the eight-hours-long crap again since very beginning is... not the funniest experience out there. So, if you're going to try this game, make sure to backup your saves often. Oh, and did I mention that you can save only at the end of the day? Well, that's how it is here. “Enjoy”.
As the result, even though Dead Age is obviously better than some other cheap games on Unity, it's not better enough for you to bother. And the $14.99 / £10.99 price tag is obviously a joke for such a dull and limited something. Personally, I bought it with 80% and still, I feel robbed. The worst thing here, though, is the fact that the game tries to rob you of your most important asset – your time. Without rewarding you enough for that.
1320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.20 01:53
10238 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.20 09:18
Dead Age starts out seemingly like your standard Final Fantasy-esque side on 3v3 tactical combat game and, whilst it IS this, it's also a post apocalyptic zombie survival RPG in the vein of Dead State (which is a great game by the way) with similar man-management elements to the non combat section. What is most impressive about it, aside from the fact that it becomes highly addictive, is that you don't always meet the same characters in the same way. In fact, you don't always meet the same characters AT ALL and this saves it from becoming TOO repetitive as well as facilitating it as a vehicle to create a story-like journey that isn't exactly the same each time you play it. It has an element of roguelike about it without being punishingly so. Dead means dead but it's entirely possible, if not ideal, to continue to progress to one of the multiple endings having lost several of your best survivors. In short, it is deceptively simple yet its clever design gives it depth and immersion.
I will certainly be grabbing the sequel as soon as it is available.
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