Dear Survivors & Dear Jasons,

Dead Age 2 is on sale at a deep discount the next few days. With the latest update we have some small bugfixes. If you have any problems with Dead Age 2, please use the forum. https://steamcommunity.com/app/951430/discussions/1/
Meanwhile we are working on the next Dead Age with a lot new ideas,
if you want to learn more, just scroll down to " The next Dead Age".
If you want to contribute ideas , suggestions for the next game, use this link:
If you want to support us now, please write a review, so that we also survive on our huge quest. It's really hardcore difficulty level for developers to survive with masses of indie games on Steam.

The next Dead Age
Right now we are in a prototype phase, but we are pretty sure about most of the design points. This will be followed by another 2.5 years of development until 2024. Here's a small list of what we're planning to include.
Planned Features
- The next Dead Age will remain a role-playing game, but there will be more focus on strategy and some simulation.
- There are several bases you can control and much more rooms e.g. cooking, farm animals or wild animals in cages for the hunter or traps for the defense of the bases.
- You will be able to manage many survivors, which now have more attributes e.g. stress or motivation.
- small but also big battles with up to 18 survivors against waves of zombies, this time in real time in the style of Dragon Age or Pathfinder. It is supposed to be faster overall. However, the view remains from the side. This means the characters perform their basic strikes in real time, but you can pause and think of tactics. At the same time, you can again handle many skills, which can also be upgraded in terms of level. More tactics for the opponents are planned, so that the player varies his tactics as much as possible. There should be help with speech bubbles of the party members to tactics, so that players who do not get along with a tactic immediately receive support.
- The focus on strategy is also reflected in the fact that you can conquer or defend areas. The clue is that up to 7 other factions can also conquer the territories, this can result in cool battles and sometimes an alliance with a faction is important to be able to exist at all on the battlefield. Besides, zombie hordes still want to have a say.
- We are also trying to improve the storyline. The focus should not only be on other factions, but also bring the companions more into the action. This will mean that story companions (as in Dead Age 1 + 2) can not die forever, because otherwise you never know who is currently dead and who is still alive.
- Nevertheless, the player can still die and also the numerous non-story characters. Workers or soldiers that you lead to your camps because of events or quests.
- But the game is divided into 3-4 chapters. When you finish a chapter, the player can start at the next chapter. So he does not have to repeat the whole story.
- It also has the advantage that I, as a designer, can make the game a bit harder later on, knowing that not so many "accidental" players will complain about having to repeat numerous hours ;)
- Important decisions and consequences are listed exactly this time, so you can see chapter by chapter which decisions you have made. If you are unhappy with a decision, you can repeat the chapter accordingly.
More news about the next Dead Age game will follow next year.
If you have any problems with Dead Age 2, please use the forum.
And you can always visit us in discord: DISCORD
Have fun and stay healthy!
Rayk (HolyAvatar in Steam Forum) & the Silent Dreams Team