News Liste Dawn of Andromeda

Major patch is now available!
Dawn of Andromeda
20.06.17 15:33 Community Announcements

Hello everyone,

We are happy to tell you that we prepared a hefty update. This update includes some significant UI improvements, adds a new animation for custom races, bigger galaxies, features a new option to disable the camera smoothing effect as well as well as some important bug fixes, balance changes and AI improvements. In addition, the update brings official German language support.

  • New Animation for the custom races
  • Added option to disable zoom/camera movement smooth effect
  • Slow learner and Fast learner now proved a -2 and +2 bonus/penalty respectively
  • Added Select button in ships list menu, enabling the player to select ships from there and without moving the camera, making selecting a ship and sending it somewhere a much easier and faster process
  • Bigger galaxies in average, big and huge settings
  • It's now possible to close certain windows by pressing their respective button in the top panel by clicking again
  • Tweaked the AI to be slightly more aggressive
  • Improved AI’s handling of certain proposals, namely peace deals and promises
  • A default text has been added for custom races if they don't have a description
  • Rebalanced the Kri to be slightly less powerful
  • Council characters now level up faster (base XP gain is now 8 instead of 5)
  • Removed "We're all done here" achievement as it was impossible to finish
  • Economic victory is now won when the player has 700 Cr instead of 800 Cr
  • Got rid of the Clear Research queue button as it wasn't that useful and caused confusion and in some cases frustration
  • Implemented a new system to prevent future updates from wiping save files and allowing users to load older save files
  • Made some very minor tweaks to the default camera smoothing movement effect
  • Adjusted position of certain UI elements in some menus namely council tab in government system, ships&designs and planets&colonies menu

  • Fixed "won with race X" achievements not being properly triggered or wrong ones being triggered
  • Fixed eras with survival objectives not finishing
  • Fixed typos in certain tooltips
  • Fixed typos in Codex menu
  • Fixed units losing their experience after reloading a game
  • Fixed "scientist asks to destroy space monster X" event reward being lost after reloading a game
  • Fixed wrong weapon being shown in the 6th slot when editing a design
  • Fixed survival counter being reset after reloading a game
  • Fixed ruins, vacant buildings etc in planets being surveyable after reloading a game despite having been surveyed before
  • Tentatively fixed ships going off lanes bug
  • Fixed "Ruins/Crash site/etc found on Planet X" emperor log item not being delete after respective planet has been surveyed
  • Fixed some rare instances where ships would ignore a command to survey when sent from another system to it’s destination
  • Fixed a certain AI variable not being correctly saved, causing the AI to potentially make some apparently weird decisions after reloading a save file