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DARQ Comic Book Trailer!
12.02.22 19:19 Community Announcements

DARQ Comic Book is finished!

A 60-page DARQ graphic novel, over 1 year in the making, is finally finished and ready to be released. I'm super excited to share with you this trailer:

(epic voiceover alert: sound ON)


Art Directed by a former Disney, Dreamworks, and Universal Studios artist.

Comic Books on Kindle?

Speaking of Kindle, I didn't know it would make for an awesome reading experience of a graphic novel, but it actually does. It can be viewed on any device and it allows for reading in the full page mode as well as in the panel mode (in which you scroll through individual panels, one by one). It surprisingly works very well for comic books.

Huh? DARQ has a story?

As you might already know, the story of DARQ is not told in the traditional, direct way. The events shown in the game are highly symbolic and cryptic, not unlike dreams. Inspired by David Lynch, I always wanted DARQ to be open to interpretation like dreams are. I love watching theories videos and reading people's thoughts about the meaning of the game. There are no right or wrong theories, they're all fun & super creative. To this day, however, I never stumbled upon a theory that comes close to the story that I had in mind when creating DARQ. It's not the only "right" explanation of DARQ. It is my explanation, one of many. I chose to share it with you through this graphic novel, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I & an amazing team of talented people enjoyed making it.

More than just a story.

The graphic novel answers many questions about the game and reveals numerous secrets hidden in it. But there's much more to it. It also greatly expands upon the DARQ Universe with new characters, new locations & events not shown in the game. These 60 pages represent a full-fledged story in which the events shown in the game are just the tip of the iceberg.

I hope you enjoy this treat while we're preparing for the announcement of our second game. As always, thank you all for your support - our second game is big and ambitious. Making it wouldn't be possible without you. Stay tuned & have an awesome weekend! ːlloyd_in_loveː