News Liste Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game

Patch 1.05 now available
Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game
03.12.17 14:22 Community Announcements
[b]IMPORTANT: For the moment Version 1.05 is available through the Beta tab (versions 1.02 and 1.03 can be found there too) while 1.04 is still the default version (this will be changed later).[b]

Savegames of patch 1.04 are not compatible with patch 1.05.
As a general rule (with few exceptions) mods for patch 1.04 do NOT work with patch 1.05, but can be easily updated (instruction here:)

Very short list of changes (compared to patch 1.04):
  • we modified the CV Sprites which caused the CTD Issues with the latest AMD GPU Drivers;
  • added auto-attachment options for land and air brigades and improved the existing naval brigades auto-attachment logic;
  • added comprehensive information on tool-tips of brigades and units about their modifiers and attributes; improved the tooltip of the effects of domestic policies and added color to effects values (and to minister effect values too);
  • now the tooltip displays actual ESE bonus and days duration;
  • added new events to offer territories to Romania and Finland after Bitter Peace in exchange for their joining the Axis;
  • added event chain for Deutschland merchant U-boat in 1914 scenario;
  • improved event chain of Austro-Hungarian concessions to Italy in 1914 scenario (now possible choices are Trento (historical) / Trento and Trieste / Trento, Trieste and the Dalmatian coast from Split to Dubrovnik);
  • added event chain for the partition of the People's Republic of Poland between allied DDR and SOV in 1933 scenario;
  • many ministers and cabinet fixes, for every scenario (thanks to our contributors for their help);
  • 4 new techs (Advanced mining - 1935, Advanced oil extraction - 1935, Modern mining - 1946, Modern oil extraction - 1946);
  • a few fixes to bugs and glitches in the map;
  • new TAGs, new commands, new triggers, new misc.txt options - modders will love this!

This is just a short list, read the complete changelog and everything else about this patch at the Paradox forum.