Do you want to know more?
The most important thing to note is that you will not have to engage with our Patreon in order to keep getting the most out of the game. There will be some crossover in terms of background material, the odd story link and NPC mentions -- much like the Cincinnati Stories DLC. So if you want to dive deeper into the world of cpd, this is the way to go, but it is absolutely not required.
Tiers and content
We're starting off with a couple of monthly subscription tiers, plus the odd bit of free content (there's a free story on there already). We'll have at least one update per month, and maybe more. These will take the form of standalone stories, serialised narratives, flash fiction, dossiers, background material and more. Expect a few thousand words per month.
In future we might add tiers for things such as unique artwork, merchandise and comic strips. We'll have to see how it does.
The game
It's also worth noting that work on the game will continue apace. Patreon will take some time out of the schedule for sure, but working on straightforward fiction is far faster that writing the non-linear content that the game requires. Overall, productivity might well increase, with the crosspollination of ideas and inspiration between the different aspects of the project. The roadmap is still on track, and there's a lot more content planned, especially when it comes to ticking things off the content wall.
On that note, look out for body modding and Zara in the near future. There's no specific in-game content for the Patreon launch, but there will be for our third anniversary event in just a few weeks. More on that soon.
And, as ever, if you want to stay involved, our Discord server is as buzzing as ever. Thanks for reading, and see you there!