- Random Events: Over 20 new exciting events that can occur at any time, adding even more variety to the game, from rail replacement traffic, charter requests to employee illnesses
- When starting a new sandbox game, you can now choose starting money, research, subsidies and the map starting size
- The range of bus stops is now visually displayed
- Lines can now be activated and deactivated to pause them temporarily or not activate them immediately after construction
- New airport data: Only passenger airports are now displayed and the passenger numbers generated are dependent on the airport size
- During line construction, the line duration and the number of connected buildings and POIs are now displayed directly
- Editing lines now works reliably so that buses only use the new line and timetables from the next day onwards

- Performance improvements for high number of shifts and bus stops
- Fixed random lags under macOS
- Optimized loading time
- Disk space consumption of large savegames extremely optimised
- When buying a new bus you can now cancel the purchase in the paint shop
- Tank size of the buses is now displayed
- The standard buses supplied can now also be deactivated if you only want to use certain buses
- Fixed bug that buses disappeared in rare cases when transferring between depots
- Fixed bug that buses were not shown in depot in rare cases, although they were there
- Bug fixed that defective buses were sometimes not shown in the list of defective buses
- Fixed bugs with assigned parking spaces
- Defects on buses now occur more randomly
- Fixed bug that buses could get identical number plates
- Fixed bug that smoke particles were not displayed on modding buses
- Employee salary can now be adjusted for all employees with the same experience level with one click
- Bus drivers now no longer have core working hours but come to work for their shifts
- Fixed bug where staff were coming to work late from home
- Fixed bug where stress indicator was not working for staff in external depots
- Salary range of employees is now adjusted to their experience level
- Added distinction between tram stops and train stops, which are now also taken into account in the passenger simulation
- When clicking on several buses / stops on the map at the same position, a selection box is now displayed
- Fixed bug that at some stops it was not shown correctly how many passengers were waiting
- Fixed bug that buses flew over the map in rare cases
- Optimised sorting of bus stops in different languages
- You can now zoom out further in the map view
- Incorrect preview images of objects corrected
- Fixed error when building wall objects
- Fixed bug that armchairs could not be deleted and moved in the Service Centre
- You can now manually cancel the shifts of buses on the map that they go directly back to the depot after completing the next tour
- Fixed bug that shifts were regenerated every day, even though there were no changes to the shifts and you had to reassign them every day
- Fixed bug that shifts were not started in time
- Fixed bug that shifts failed without reason
- Fixed bug that shifts were partially assigned to bus drivers from other depots and thus the shifts could not be carried out
- Fixed a bug when assigning vehicle groups to shifts
- Line colours can now be freely selected via a colour picker
- Visual improvements in the display of deleted or edited line courses
- After creating a line, the depot can now be selected directly
- Improvements in the feedback of the clients of public service lines
- When building lines, POIs now no longer count as reached by waypoints
- Additional trip intervals available in the timetable
- Fixed bug that trip times were not displayed correctly when opening the timetable for the first time after an edit
- Bug fixed when copying timetables
- Fixed bug when updating timetables
- Fixed a bug when saving timetables
- Adding waypoints afterwards no longer resets the journey times
- It is now brighter at night
- The company name can now be changed
- Waiting time of the service centre is now displayed in the UI
- More data volume selection levels added to mobile phone contract
- New animation when unlocking a medal
- Running costs of external depots (rent and maintenance) are now partially subsidised (this may change the running costs if the subsidy rate changes)
- Balancing the rewards of tasks
- Fixed bug that text fields sometimes got focus for no reason
- Fixed graphic error in the financial overview
- Added error message when saving cannot be done due to a full hard drive
- Added confirmation messages before overwriting a savegame
- Weekdays are now displayed correctly in Chinese
- Fixed bug that F1 messages were not possible while the game was paused
- Fixed bug that postcodes were not found in some countries, e.g. Poland
- Fixed a bug that caused passengers to write bad reviews in spite of a very good overall rating.
- Many other small bug fixes and improvements
Note: With the new update, the initial loading of existing savegames may take longer once.

We would like to thank you once more for 100% positive recent reviews and your ongoing support!