• Added Fishing Hamlet and Hospital environment assets!
• Added spacing option to the VTT export menu to increase the range of the capture beyond the grid size.
• Added “F” command to focus the camera on the selected items.
• Added “Focus on selection” button to the taskbar.
• Added “Undo/Redo” commands to Terrain Tool actions, done through “Ctrl+Z” and “Ctrl+y”.
◦ Compatible with “Enable/Disable” terrain
◦ Compatible with biome changes.
◦ Compatible with Texture paint actions.
◦ Compatible with Terraform (raise, lower, level, smooth) actions.
◦ Compatible with Liquid paint actions.
• Fixed a bug that’d lock camera zoom commands if an item spawn action was cancelled.
• Increased camera movement bounds on low heights.
• “S” key will also cause a “pull back” effect on the camera after reaching the bounds. Similar to the zoom back effect.
• Fixed a bug that’d rotate the camera 180º on its Y axis at certain points when zooming back at the max height.
• Fixed Terraform “Raise” and “Lower” height modes to that they are smoother.
• Fixed terrain covering the floor tiles.
• Fixed max view distance on Table top and Cenital views to allow for full map visibility.
• Fixed terrain brush not adapting to the terrain height.
• Fixed brush scale command interacting with Undo-action. Now brush commands wont trigger while holding the “Shift” key.
• Removed inactive buttons from the taskbar. These will be added in the future once their functionality is implemented.
• Fixed a bug that’d apply camera speed changes whenever the slider was modified, even if the user cancelled said changes.
• Improved image export quality.