The next demo version is live, featuring improved jump targeting, UI scaling, prologue tuning and many small fixes.
Jump targeting: this is a significant improvement. While you're aiming your jump, there's now a visual indicator on the HUD, so you can get an idea just about where you'll end up. The indicator stays visible during jump countdown, so you can judge whether the jump is satisfactory, or should be cancelled.
UI scaling is also in the build. I can't really test this properly myself, so I'm relying on player feedback. It should be working. Is it working for you? Let me know.
The prologue now requires you to use the autopilot at the start. This is to make sure players know it's there and how to use it. For all the expert space jockeys, have no fear: the initial objectives have been rearranged, so you'll be free to take manual control in no time.
More updates are coming soon. Sounds are on the list, but in the near future I'll be focusing on improvements to playability/UI, to make the game's systems easier to understand and use.
Thanks for playing, and keep the feedback coming!
The dev