Bright Memory: Infinite's special Lunar New Year update is now live!
This update features two brand new DLC's (Cheongsam costumes and weapon skins), new ranged attacks for existing enemies and bosses, a special Lunar New Year-themed main menu, as well as over 40 optimizations and fixes.

Additional Fixes and Optimizations
- Reduced enemy assault rifle damage by 20%
- Reduced enemy sniper rifle damage by 15%
- Reduced damage dealt by shield-wielding enemy by 20%
- Removed sniper rifle enemy soldier from aircraft
- Fixed issue in Close Call where sniper rifle ammo is set at 40 (only applies to new saves)
- Reduced the time it takes for Giant King's and Six-armed Emperor's attacks to reach player
- Fixed issue where using Aerial Slash will cause player to jump through overhead objects
- Fixed issue where picking up special ammo of unequipped weapon will cause that weapon's ammo capacity to overwrite equipped weapon's ammo capacity
- Adjusted checkpoint in Close Call
- Adjusted checkpoint after sneaking mission in Surrounded
- Optimized firing sound of assault rifle
- Optimized firing sound of enemy's sniper rifle
- Reduced attack speed of Six-armed Emperor and counter window
- Reduced recoil when firing handgun special ammo
- Fixed issue where player staggers towards direction of attack when attacked from behind
- Fixed issue where SRO Shelia skin is not displayed properly in Surrounded
- Fixed issue where Mountain Beast can attack player even when outside firing range, causing player to not take any damage
- Fixed issue where player can get stuck at the stairs of the Xuan Kong Pavilion in The Primordial Flood
- Fixed issue where the arm of the Six-armed Emperor is now displayed correctly
- Fixed issue where the engine sound continues to be heard even after enemy boat is destroyed
- Fixed Six-armed Emperor animation during cutscene
- Fixed issue where the shield of fallen enemies can block player's Aerial Slash attack
- Enhanced elite soldier's shield
- Fixed issue where Blitz Slash does not hit multiple enemies
- Added guides onto the wall in Changes
- Optimized map construction in Surrounded
- Reduced number of pagodas in the combat area of the Giant King battle
- Made relinquaries brighter and more recognizable
- Optimized performance in front of the temple in Changes
- Optimized performance of reed field in Close Call
- Optimized collision around ammunition boxes
Limited-time free content
- Addition of New Cheongsam (New Year) and Cheongsam (Blue Flowers) DLC's*Becomes paid DLC after end of Lunar New Year sale
- Addition of Lunar New Year-themed decorations to main menu
- Changed skin of doll located in vehicle
- Addition of new ranged-attacks for Giant King and Sex-armed Emperor
- Addition of Magma Mountain Beast (spits fire)
- Addition of Double-Axe Ancient General (releases electric)

- Increased Exo unit's energy recharge rate by 20%
- Addition of marker and sound effect when hitting enemy vehicle with missile during car chase battle
- Reduced the possibility of error windows appearing for certain operating environments
- Optimized sliding motion to prevent getting stuck on certain objects
- Optimized visual when firing at armored vehicle in Surrounded
- Optimized warning message when starting new game to make it stand out more
- Fixed issue where framerate drops during certain events in Changes
- Reduced screen shake when hit by enemy's melee attacks

- Increased Blade Slash Whirlwind level 1 damage by 40%
- Increased Giant Blade Slash damage by 25%
- Increased Shock Punch damage by 25%
- Reduced assault rifle's recoil action
- Adjusted defend function so that defending in succession will reduce counter possibility
- Elite mechanical soldier and double-anchor ancient soldier will now have a 50% chance of activating super armor mode when attacked and their attacks will no longer be interruped by player attacks
- Increased Elite shield soldier's movement speed, attack frequency, attack range, and armor
- Increased double-anchor ancient soldier's attack range
- Increased assault rifle enemy soldier's attack frequency
- Increased Six-armed Emperor's eagle's attack frequency

- Fixed issue where players can go through overhead objects when using Aerial Slash attack
- Fixed issue where frame rate drops when launching DX12 version using memory card with less than 6GB
- Fixed issue where the shadow of the boat does not move in accordance with the boat when ray tracing is turned on
- Fixed issue where special effects turn white for certain graphics cards
- Fixed issue where reversing during car chase battle can cause player to exit mission area
- Fixed issue where Aerial Slash attack can miss certain shorter objects
- Fixed issue where player can fail to reach the opposite shore if sliding or dodge button is pressed while sliding down slope in restaurant
- Fixed issue where enemy is reeled in even though grapple crosshair is not aimed at enemy
- Fixed issue where Tian Yu Emperor continues attacking if player uses Aerial Slash attack when attempting to execute Tian Yu Emperor
- Fixed issue where player can accidentally climb onto some roofs in Close Call
- Fixed issue where a player can still die even if they used the grapple while falling off plane in Close Call
- Fixed issue where ancient soldiers in Changes will spin continuously when stepping on boulders
- Fixed issue where Six-armed Emperor's bell can land on the wrong spot after being blocked by pillar
- Fixed issue where grass on the ground in Surrounded can block the Light Blade attack

Bright Memory: Infinite Lunar New Year Sale now on!
Cheongsam Costume Skin (available for free during Lunar New Year Sale from 1/28 to 2/4)