That being said, we're still hard at work. This is definitely an ongoing process and the game will continue to be updated with more tweaks, fixes, optimizations, improvements and additions.
We'll be looking to you guys in reviews and comments in the forums for more bugs and feedback. Post up, let us know, and we'll do everything we can!
Here's your changelog for the new update, going live soon!
- Fixed Breeder that was set to level -251 in the parks
- Made it so the user can't manually save during cutscenes.
- Fixed bug Where Dead Men Tell Tales quest could be broken by taking a certain path to get the documents before the proper quest step.
- Fixed floating bottle in Pegram's pub.
- Fixed some sidewalks in the urban hub that weren't showing projectors for active character or vision.
- Fixed bug where Dead Men Tell Tales quest could become uncompletable by skipping a quest step.
- Fixed issue where stat comparison for attachments was showing incorrectly for "None" option or for attachments affecting range in the first slot.
- Fixed some audio not being properly affected by the audio settings.
- Fixed incorrect half-cover in the office.
- Made half-cover in office use more efficient implementation.
- Fixed loot crate in office that might spawn inside an object.
- Fixed the Russian translation for the Full Heal ability to not say without a medpack when it requires a medpack.
- Fixed hitman and assassin tactics which were not working.
- Fixed issue where sometimes soldiers would be seen as shooting with their guns aimed at the ground when crouched.
- Optimizations to player squad AI calculations - spread out across more frames.
- Optimization for idling enemies to not do animation root motion calculations.
- Optimization to move enemies without animation root motion if the player won't notice.
- Optimization to turn off enemies who are far away.
- Objects in the office can now be leaned from appropriately.
- Fixed rocks in the urban outskirts at the beginning of the game that the player could walk up, but wasn’t supposed to be able to.
- Fixed XM-25 showing up as a rifle instead of an assault rifle.
- Fixed issues where human enemies would sometimes walk backwards too quickly.
- Fixed issue where human enemy might try to go outside of the pub during the battle at Pegram’s Pub
- Fixed med and explosives crates not spawning the right kind of loot in dungeons.
- Fixed issue in multiplayer where sometimes a loot crate would be in the same place twice.
- Made enemies more reactive to being shot from behind.
- Gave human enemies a wider view cone for detecting player characters.
- Fixed co-op game over issues
- Fixed storage locker causing incorrect state on the opposite player in co-op
- Fixed some issues with players not standing back up when getting knocked down in co-op
- Fixed soldiers sometimes pointing gun at the ground when using suppression in cover.
- Added an advanced Mk13 rifle for mid level enemy snipers.
- Added an SVD rifle for high level enemy snipers.
- Raised accuracy on all sniper rifles that the enemy uses.
- Reduced the damage penalty imposed on human enemies.
- Lowered reaction time on human enemies.
- Raised the time enemy has lost sight required for enemy to need to reset their reaction status.
- Reduced accuracy penalty applied to all human enemies.
- Fixed issue with Pharmacy encounter where sometimes enemies would not move into the encounter.
- Started implementing functionality to award better guns as loot in New Game+.
- Added loot tables and stats for new New Game+ loot.
- Fixed issue where sometimes the line above the selected soldier ends up lower on screen than it should be.
- Fixed an issue where under certain conditions client characters would spawn slightly below the floor and fall through.
- Fixed a discrepancy with the minimap near the power station.
- Changed the graveyard encounter to work more like originally intended
- Fixed an issue with player foot circles in high grass
- Fixed an encounter trigger that could have been skipped