More improvements this week! We've got bug fixes out the wazoo as well as steady gameplay improvements. You should start to notice even more streamlined gameplay!

As always, be sure to post in our Community Discussion area for things you are running into, be they issues or ideas! We're always on the hunt for bugs, so please be sure to speak up!
Love you guys, thanks for all your support!
- Fixed issue with the camera sometimes not being positioned correctly when choosing for suppression or provoke using the mouse.
- Fixed issue with enemies sometimes floating.
- Fixed issues where Breeder was not using root motion and sometimes falling through the floor.
- Fixed stairs that soldiers could get stuck in at the motel in the parks.
- Fixed doors at the motel in the parks not flying off when kicked.
- Fixed issue in parks where encounters would set the player to load in at the beginning of the parks.
- Fixed doors at Ranger Station in the parks sometimes positioning the soldier backwards when kicking open.
- Fixed doors at Ranger Station in the parks not flying off when kicked.
- Fixed icons not displaying for gas systems and triggers on the workbench and equipment screens.
- Fixed talking character indicator not properly positioned on some resolutions during dialogue.
- Fixed bug where sometimes a Breeder would not die properly and be stuck standing in place.
- Fixed bug where sometimes a revived enemy wouldn't be able to do pathfinding and would just run forward.
- Fixed soldiers facing the wrong way when opening doors from some directions at the park visitor center.
- Fixed encounter at the park visitor center not starting if the player takes the back entrance.
- Fixed stairs in the parks that soldiers could get caught on.
- Fixed trigger for the encounter at the bait shop in the parks not working.
- Fixed doors in the parks sometimes glitching out when opened.
- Fixed floating tree in the parks.
- Fixed dungeon elevator list not properly displaying on some resolutions.
- Fixed pathing issues with the Nightmare battle in the parks.
- Fixed enemy that might spawn at a bad spot in the caves.
- Fixed soldier max health not properly increasing with soldier's health stat when leveling up.
- Fixed some input issues with a controller when navigating diagonally on skill trees.
- Fixed bushes and trees in the residential area that could be walked through.
- Fixed a door entrance to a house in the residential area that was previously unusable.
- Fixed a rug in the residential area that couldn't be pathed to in command mode.
- Improved enemy ability to react to shots fired at them that miss
- Fixed doors in residential area that did not fly off correctly when kicked
- Fixed door icon on the map showing up sideways.
- Fixed issue where enemy might get stuck in the wall of the Utility Tunnels during the Infiltration quest.