Attention Soldiers!
The Arma Weeklong Sale is here!
Pick up Arma Reforger for yourself or a friend at 20% off!
You can also grab Arma 3 for 75% off, with Arma 3 DLCs at 25% to 50% off.
This sale only runs from January 22 to January 29.
For even more in-game assets, scenarios, mods, and other types of content, visit the Arma Reforger Workshop in-game. Here, you'll find tons of free items shared by talented community content creators.
To get in touch with other members in our community, you can always jump into the Arma Discord server, head over to the /r/arma subreddit, and discuss in the Bohemia forums.
Finally, be sure to follow Arma Reforger on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and right here on Steam!