News Liste Age of Darkness: Final Stand

Age of Darkness: Final Stand – Exile’s Return - Patch Notes
Age of Darkness: Final Stand
18.01.24 04:51 Community Announcements

The Exiles Return update features several major content updates, gameplay improvement, and bug fixes.


  • Act III of the Campaign
  • A new Survival hero, Aurelia
  • Various updates and fixes including:
  • [list]
  • Formations
  • Performance and Pathfinding improvements
  • Spanish localization
  • 3D Hero Select Screens

Balance Changes

  • Increased Merek’s Armour per level from 51/60/64/74/85/97/105/115/125/140 to 51/64/77/90/103/118/133/154/175/200.
  • Increased the shred damage to Merek’s Halberd Hurricane ability from 2/3/4/5/6/6/7 to 3/4/5/6/7/7/8.
  • Aelis
  • Increased Aelis’ Health per level from 90/140/190/240/300/410/520/600/720/850 to 110/160/210/270/240/450/560/660/780/910.
  • Reduced the max Health sap of Aelis’ Queen’s Rage ability from 30% to 15%.
  • Units
  • Increased the Pikeman’s engagement range from 0.7 to 1.3.
  • Increased the Pikeman’s damage from 10 to 13.
  • Increased the Pikeman’s knockback from 0.025 to 0.35.
  • Reduced the Pikeman’s production cost from 200 Gold to 175.
  • Removed the Pikeman’s production cost from 5 Stone to 0.
  • Increased the Pikeman’s health from 75 to 90.
  • Removed the Flamer’s knockback from 0.2 to 0.
  • Increased the Harbinger’s ability buff duration from 10 seconds to 25.
  • Reduced the Harbinger’s attack time from 3.5 to 2.75 (+27%).
  • Reduced the Harbinger’s production cost of Dark Essence from 2 to 1.
  • Reduced the Harbinger’s production cost of Gold from 600 to 450.
  • Increased the Harbinger’s shred damage from 0 to 2.
  • Increased the Arbalest’s movement speed from 1.1 to 1.2.
  • Increased the Sentinel’s movement speed from 1.1 to 1.2.
  • Increased the Lightbearer’s heal range from 6 to 8.
  • Increased the Lightbearer’s number of units healed from 4 to 12.
  • Increased the Lightbearer’s attack range from 0.75 to 1.25.
  • Buildings
  • Reduced the Bellows Tower construction cost from 25 Iron to 22.
  • Reduced the Bellows Tower construction cost from 50 Stone to 45.
  • Reduced the Grand Ballista research cost from 3000 Gold to 2000.
  • Reduced the Grand Ballista construction cost for both Iron and Stone from 75 to 60.
  • Increased the Trade Bazaar’s Max Storage capacity of Wood from 400 to 600.
  • Increased the Trade Bazaar’s Max Storage capacity of Stone from 300 to 400.
  • Increased the Trade Bazaar’s Max Storage capacity of Iron from 200 to 300.
  • Reduced the Trade Bazaar’s gathering speed of Wood from 180 seconds to 160.
  • Reduced the Trade Bazaar’s gathering speed of Stone from 270 seconds to 220.
  • Reduced the Trade Bazaar’s gathering speed of Iron from 360 seconds to 300.
  • Increased the Trade Bazaar’s sell price of Wood from 1 Gold to 2 per unit.
  • Increased the Trade Bazaar’s sell price of Stone from 2.5 Gold to 4.5 per unit.
  • Increased the Trade Bazaar’s sell price of Iron from 4 Gold to 10 per unit.
  • Malices
  • Reduced Economy Drought’s negative effect from 30% to 15%.
  • Reduced Hazy Skies’ negative effect from 25% to 15%.

Additional Changes

  • Added additional tutorial pop-ups.
  • Added the ability to ctrl click units to deselect them.
  • Pathfinding and Map Tile refactors for more reliable long distance pathfinding.
  • Garrisoning refactors on how we handle units entering / exiting towers.
  • Added Spanish European language localization.
  • Added Spanish Latin American language localization.
  • Gameplay battle audio has been refactored and better optimised for more overall clarity.
  • Objective UI pings have been given better spatial positioning relative to their visuals.


  • Fixed a crash related to units moving to an invalid tile.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when the Mini-Map refreshed.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when the game is changing the mouse cursor state.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur during the first Death Night in the Survival gamemode.
  • Fixed some crash outliers in the pathfinding code and now gracefully handle errors.
  • Fixed multiple crashes by refactoring functions surrounding units exiting some buildings for consistency and reliability.
  • Fixed some issues with accessing data for abilities for heroes and agents.
  • Fixed a crash occurring when transitioning from the World Map to the Main Menu.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when pressing ‘T’ multiple times on the loading screen.
  • Fixed a crash that appeared when alt-tabbing while drivers were being overloaded.
  • Fixed a crash that resulted from killing an Elite Nightmare in Campaign.
  • Fixed a crash in Mission 4 that occurred if Edwin died during ‘The Light in the Dark ll’ objective.
  • Fixed a crash in Mission 4 when loading a manual save created after completing the 'Rebellion Blockade' objective.
  • Fixed a crash in Mission 4 that could occur when defending against Nightmares within the Rebellion Outpost.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when loading into Mission 5.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur in Mission 7 if Vizargo entered a Cutscene in Serenity mode.

Performance Improvements

  • Moved a number of VFX from CPU to GPU simulation.
  • Improved client launch loading time.
  • Reduced VFX Draw Calls and Overdraws across Entities, Agents and Buildings.
  • Improved UI Invalidation and Texture Caching to prevent unneeded Layout calculations.
  • Refactored our Cutscene Action system on how we cache Cutscene Actions.
  • A number of core data oriented systems have been optimised.
  • Improved Gate performance by maintaining more state over time.
  • Minimap now remembers more state and refreshes the landscape only when required.
  • Reduced calls to our Campaign Trigger system.
  • Reduced the number of Entities ticking per frame, including additional culling.
  • Building animations culled by the player camera frustum.
  • Reduce texture sizes for less memory usage.
  • Fixed an issue where FPS would drop to single digits when using Ignite on a large group of Walls.
  • Reduce time Loading the game from steam.

Where possible please ensure all drivers are updated to ensure the best and smoothest performance.

Fixes & Changes

  • Fixed an issue where Catapults could move in Siege Mode.
  • Fixed an issue where the Veil did not render when panning over the Crystal during a Death Night.
  • Fixed an issue where Watch Towers did not show correct Death Night paths during the Final Stand.
  • Fixed an issue where the vision and ranged defensive building's UI replaced resources buildings with a solid shadow UI.
  • Fixed an issue where Elite Nightmares could change if the game was reloaded before discovery.
  • Fixed an issue where playing your first game the 'Welcome' popup did not appear.
  • Fixed an issue when discovering the Crystal the notification would infinitely pulsate if the game was paused.
  • Fixed the cogwheel icon failing to grey out while having insufficient resources for multiple structures in the 'Wood workshop'.
  • Fixed an issue where the Hero Ability UI would disappear if a Hero was selected while receiving a “Research Complete” notification.
  • Fixed an issue where map generated Nightmare cracks were overlapping on top of each other.
  • Fixed an issue during the Final Stand, Crystals could take damage and be destroyed a second time.
  • Fixed an issue where hovering over a destroyed crystal showed a full health bar.
  • Fixed an issue where the Final Stand UI did not display.
  • Fixed an issue where a survival game could start with no SFX.
  • Fixed an issue with the Cattails and Water Reeds size and wind movement.
  • Fixed an issue where Nightmares could get stuck pathfinding on Points of Interests during Death Nights.
  • Fixed an issue where large siege units had poor pathfinding around corners of terrain and buildings.
  • Fixed an issue where Nightmares could spawn insight the light of your base post Death Night completion.
  • Fixed an issue where rick-clicking to move would sometimes use an old input location.
  • Fixed an issue where Hero abilities would trigger in a different location to the spell indicator.
  • Fixed an issue where activating Violent Volley on top of set dressing did not damage enemies.
  • Fixed an issue where Units would play their Walk animation in-between attacks.
  • Fixed an issue where the Fire Tower required the Braced Tower to be researched beforehand.
  • Fixed an issue where no farm tiles were displayed in builder mode.
  • Fixed an issue where Aelis did not use or trigger her idle Attack animation.
  • Fixed an issue where Harbingers would leave Axemen on 0 HP without killing them.
  • Fixed an issue where Elite nightmares had incorrect damage displayed and applied.
  • Fixed an issue where selected units will not finish their moving path when using move queue hotkeys.
  • Fixed an issue where Aelis' Queen's Rage would linger on units after being killed.
  • Fixed an issue where Cyrus displayed as having 1 armour above his health bar.
  • Fixed an issue where the Burster UI rings were displayed at a smaller size then the blast radius.
  • Fixed an issue where Edwin's enlighten perk displayed as a 0% gain.
  • Fixed an issue where the Armour icon displayed incorrectly when generation from depletion to full.
  • Fixed an issue where Cyrus’ Caltrops FX would disappear early.
  • Fixed an issue where resource Veins would spawn too close to each other.
  • Fixed an issue where a building training units sold wouldn’t give the population back.
  • Fixed an issue where the selector did not appear on shift selected buildings.
  • Fixed an issue where a tutorial pop-up would overwrite the currently opened UI.
  • Fixed an issue where rally points would not render if the building wasn’t in frame.
  • Fixed an issue where Edwin’s Flame Shield dealt no damage.
  • Fixed an issue where Merek’s Crushing Weight ability can be cut off by an Auto Attack in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue where SFX continued to play when the game was paused.
  • Fixed an issue where the pause menu SFX was audible when transitioning from loading to gameplay.
  • Fixed an issue where Hero ability UI HUD elements disappeared after any research completed.
  • Fixed an issue where Vizargo's Serenity ability's attack SFX persisted after the ability ended.
  • Fixed an issue across all campaign missions where Rebellion banners changed to The Order banners after a load/save.
  • Fixed an issue where during mass building upgrades the SFX multiplied.
  • Fixed an issue where Nightmares could lock in animation state while moving.
  • Fixed an issue where double clickin on buildings would not display the selection on all selected buildings.
  • Fixed an issue where when building in the radius of a Food Hut, Farm or Refined Farm, the reduced farm yield was incorrectly calculated.
  • Fixed an issue for Lightbearers where the flame bloom was too bright.
  • Fixed an issue where Spitters did not deal damage to buildings.
  • Fixed an issue where Merek's Jump Smash didn’t land consistently to the location.
  • Fixed an issue where Nightmare and Unit animations would lock when disengaging from combat and returning to their original position.
  • Fixed an issue where the 'Return to Game' button fails to function after quickly clicking the 'Load' button twice.
  • Fixed an issue where gameplay would not pause during cutscenes.
  • Fixed an issue where certain entities were grey.
  • Fixed an issue where the skip cutscene UI element was displayed in World Map.
  • Fixed an issue where the Camera did not display the Campaign Map correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where a random faction style will be chosen for the HUD and UI styling.
  • Fixed an issue where the Cutscene transition to gameplay lost focus on the characters after resuming.
  • Fixed an issue where the time of day notifications appeared in Cutscenes.
  • Fixed an issue when pressing the spacebar to pause the game would not pause dialogue audio.
  • Fixed an issue where the highlight on Main Menu would stop working after coming back from Campaign Menu.
  • Fixed an issue where the Campaign ‘Upgrade Keep' UI was visible when in its disabled state.
  • Fixed an issue where the Alderin units did not receive the Horrify stats upon becoming Horrified.
  • Fixed an issue where after being defeated the camera moved to the corner of the map.
  • Fixed an issue when playing a mission after already completing it would replay the map animation.
  • Fixed an issue when selecting a mission and spamming continue the camera would reset.
  • Fixed an issue where some areas on the World Map were linked incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue in the World Map where lines appeared in map sky.
  • Fixed an issue where after destroying enemy buildings the same tile space did not yield any Food.
  • Fixed an issue where the Building plan circle range indicators displayed after the building plan has been closed.
  • Fixed situations where the main menu music could play over the top of cinematics.
  • Fixed issues related to attack pathfinding against buildings.
  • Fixed a problem where pressing the spacebar during a loading screen would load the player into a black screen.
  • Fixed an issue in the World Map where Aurelia’s Staff was missing its flame.
  • Fixed an issue where if a Lightbearer died within a Death Night Veil fog, it would remove it.
  • Fixed an issue where Ballista Towers did not deal damage to buildings.
  • Prologue Mission
  • Fixed an issue where using "F1" or "F2" would select units you don’t control.
  • Fixed an issue where buildings existed in the FOW that shouldn't be there.
  • Fixed an issue where the Dunstock Cinematic played even if the player failed the Prologue Mission and selected ‘Return to Map’.
  • Fixed an issue where Merek faced the wrong direction in the Cutscene after completing the 'Lingering Remnants' objective.
  • Fixed an issue where Edwin and Vizargo could be moved outside the bounds area during the 'Lingering Remnants' objective.
  • Fixed an issue where Crawlers were visible in the final Cutscene.
  • Fixed an issue with Hero pathfinding in the first Cutscene.
  • Mission 1
  • Fixed an issue where a Militiaman fails to appear in the cage after loading a save.
  • Fixed an issue where units had inconsistent pathfinding when moving around wooden fences.
  • Fixed an issue where Edwin and Aurelia would walk through a closed Gate in the final Cutscene.
  • Fixed an issue where objective markers remained on the Minimap after completion.
  • Mission 2
  • Fixed an issue where an Iron Talon dialogue line repeated twice.
  • Fixed an issue where the Food Hut objective counter was broken.
  • Fixed an issue where the game got stuck on loading an auto-save after failing on objective: ‘Time Until Debris is Cleared’.
  • Fixed an issue where incorrect VO played when claiming the Norfolk Pikemen.
  • Fixed an issue during the 'Build a Training Hall' objective, it failed to complete when the Training Hall was built before the objective.
  • Fixed an issue where a Gate would not open blocking the player from completing the mission.
  • Fixed an issue where attacking specific buildings and units broke pathfinding.
  • Fixed an issue where the Training Hall objective markers did not display.
  • Fixed an issue where optional objective markers would display as main objective markers.
  • Fixed an issue where reloading a specific Checkpoint caused buildings to not render and player control groups to reset.
  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect portrait would display during a Pikemen’s dialogue.
  • Mission 3
  • Fixed an issue where exploring the south-east during objective: ‘Treading the Raven’s Soil’ autocomplete.
  • Fixed an issue when right clicking on the gates would make the unit's animation stutter.
  • Fixed an issue where the barrel positions on the Keep were incorrect.
  • Fixed an issue where the Nightmare wave minimap skull icon disappeared too soon.
  • Fixed an issue where the scouting marks from "Treading the Raven's Soil I" are still displayed on the minimap after the objective is completed.
  • Fixed an issue where objective "The Locals I: Reach the Norfolk Village" completed by itself.
  • Fixed an issue where Edwin and Theda would have their VO overlap in Cutscenes.
  • Fixed an issue where the ally Storehouse became controllable before the Iron Talon Tower was destroyed.
  • Fixed an issue where Norfolk villages had buildings that you owned in them.
  • Fixed an issue where some Iron Talon Soldier’s failed to pathfind correctly during the ‘Circling Vultures’ objective.
  • Fixed an issue where freeze spikes were observed each time a Nightmare wave spawned.
  • Fixed an issue where the second last Nightmare wave would get stuck on terrain.
  • Fixed an issue in the Norfolk village to the west where fire VFX would trigger on the Wooden Workshop.
  • Mission 4
  • Fixed an issue where Theobold remained on the players team after choosing the Rebels side after the Cornered Rats Cutscene.
  • Fixed an issue where the last cutscene on the Order Stronghold still had the Keep's Narrator talking.
  • Fixed an issue where the 'Defence is under attack' or 'Unit killed' prompt displayed in the unexplored area after completing 'Reach the Rebellion Quarry' objective.
  • Fixed an issue where a minimap marker appeared near the ‘Enforcer Ova’ cage after choosing the Order narrative.
  • Fixed an issue where Walls were missing from Order Stronghold during Cutscene.
  • Fixed an issue where after selecting the ‘Rebellion Quarry’ option at the ‘Crossroad’ objective there are two soldier units that don’t become controllable.
  • Fixed an issue where there was an extra voice line during the first Cutscene.
  • Fixed an issue where the Crystal breaking SFX did not play in the opening Cutscene.
  • Fixed an issue where collision was missing on a gateway when choosing to side with the Rebellion at the Crossroads.
  • Fixed an issue where the health bar of enemies failed to display after choosing any choice from 'Cornered Rats'.
  • Fixed an issue where Soldiers and Sentinels had zero vision after being captured.
  • Fixed an issue where the Triage Tent at the Rebel’s Quarry remained assigned to a neutral faction and did not resurrect units.
  • Fixed an issue where ‘Light in the Dark 2’ the Triage Tents were not targetable by Nightmares.
  • Fixed an issue where an Arbalest from ‘Lone Survivor’ choice did not clear FOW.
  • Fixed an issue where Alderin units in the Order Stronghold appeared stuck and did not move towards Nightmares.
  • Fixed an issue where the Sole Survivor Cutscene had incorrect UI Portraits.
  • Fixed an issue where there was a missing collision from the side of the cage attached to a wall within the Order Stronghold.
  • Fixed an issue where in the second Cutscene an Alderin Enforcer was freed from Jail without context.
  • Fixed an issue where the attack animation of the enemies can be seen through the FOW.
  • Fixed an issue when protecting Aurelia did not tick as complete on the Mission Success screen.
  • Fixed an issue where some VO across cutscenes had no audio.
  • Fixed an issue where Aurelia and Edwin were missing dialogue lines during the 'Reach the Nightmare Source' objective.
  • Fixed an issue where there were missing audio barks just before entering the Nightmare wave during the objective 'The Light in the Dark II’.
  • Fixed an issue where Aurelia slid into position during a cutscene when she should have been walking.
  • Fixed a sequence issue where, in the middle of the 'Cornered Rats' Cutscene, players came back out to make a choice and then returned to the Cutscene.
  • Fixed an issue where Nightmares stuttered in place until the player was within their aggro radius.
  • Fixed a visual problem in the Rebellion Narrative cutscene in Mission 4, where the 'Below Tower' cutscene looked incomplete.
  • Fixed an issue where Alderin units moved and pushed 'Edwin' during the 'Mediate' choice Cutscene.
  • Fixed an issue where the game would get stuck when loading a manual save after the ‘Rebellion Blockade’ completion cutscene.
  • Fixed an issue where the Solider’s “By the light we must retreat” dialogue line had no audio.
  • Fixed an issue where completing the mission would fade to black and not continue to the Mission Success screen.
  • Fixed an issue where Edwin’s pathfinding during cutscene was rigid.
  • Fixed an issue where Edwin would face the wrong direction in multiple Cutscenes.
  • Fixed an issue where the player would not gain Norfolk survivor reinforcements.
  • Fixed an issue where collision was observed missing from the Dark Crystal asset.
  • Fixed an issue where the first Nightmare wave did not spawn when reaching the Crossroads.
  • Fixed an issue where an Enforcer had missing audio barks.
  • Fixed an issue where Nightmare waves failed to spawn during the ‘Sancturary in the Quarry’ objective if ther player had previously skipped Cutscenes.
  • Fixed an issue where during the Cornered like rats encounter a missing string table entry could popup.
  • Mission 5
  • Fixed an issue where a player was able to place an Iron Quarry where no Iron was available.
  • Fixed an issue where the game got stuck on loading a manual save after saving the game at the end of the first Cutscene.
  • Fixed an issue where the Nightmare Breach VFX were visible through the FoW.
  • Fixed an issue where a negative value was displayed for the ‘Food Ration’ in the ‘Economy Panel’ at the start of the mission.
  • Fixed an issue where the Mission Success screen displayed incorrect information.
  • Fixed an issue where Norfolk Villagers would face the wrong direction within Cutscenes.
  • Fixed an issue where the player could not place a Quarry ontop of a Gold resource vein.
  • Fixed an issue where the Nightmare waves at spawn had rigid pathfinding and targeting.
  • Fixed an issue where objective markers failed to appear on the mini-map during the mission.
  • Fixed an issue where resource Chests failed to appear inside the Point of Interests.
  • Fixed an issue where an Order Soldier was speaking but not present within a Cutscene.
  • Fixed an issue where enemy archers failed to eject out of destroyed Towers.
  • Mission 6
  • Fixed an issue where Volatists would spawn from a destroyed Weaver Gate.
  • Fixed an issue where Cyrus’ character mesh was hidden when unconscious on the ground.
  • Fixed an issue where the game got stuck when the 'Find Cyrus' cutscene ended and enemies that were present behind the wall were eliminated before completing the objective.
  • Fixed an issue where Aurelia and Vizargo appeared to walk in opposite directions during a Cutscene before destroying the final Weaver Gate.
  • Fixed an issue where some prison cells to be opened did not have markers or levers.
  • Fixed an issue where Order banners would display as Rebellion banners on Towers after save loading the mission.
  • Fixed an issue where skipping cutscenes in Mission 6 could result in dialogue lines repeating after the cutscene.
  • Fixed an issue where unconscious Cyrus was incorrectly displayed as level 1.
  • Fixed an issue where Vizargo and Aurelia where clipping in one another during a Cutscene.
  • Fixed an issue where Edwin was no longer controllable after a Cutscene was skipped.
  • Fixed an issue where revealed FOW did not dissipate.
  • Fixed an issue where the collision on some entities lost its collision.
  • Mission 7
  • Fixed an issue where the old Campaign Select Menu displayed once the player had loaded an autosave.
  • Fixed an issue where Projectiles did not render correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where the Health bar of Theda and her units appeared in green instead of blue.
  • Fixed an issue where Aurelia and Vizargo's levels could incorrectly reset to 1.
  • Fixed an issue where no destroyed buildings were visible whereas the fire FX for them were.
  • Fixed an issue where Merek’s Crushing Weight ground telegraph wasn’t always visible.
  • Fixed an issue where objectives markers for Training Halls and Siege Factories did not disappear after completing the objective.
  • Fixed an issue where objective markers for Weavers did not appear.
  • Fixed an issue where Merek was seen idling in the woods to the east.
  • Fixed an issue where Aurelia was seen idling in the woods to the east.
  • Fixed an issue where Elite Nightmares failed to pursue the player after engaging combat.
  • Fixed an issue where Vizargo is facing the incorrect direction during a Cutscene.
  • Fixed an issue where the Ignite research was not unlocked from the start of the Mission.
  • Fixed an issue where Aurelia could be killed instead of retreating when encountering her throughout the mission.

Known Issues

  • Using old saves in the new update will cause various unintended gameplay behaviour.
  • Observed an issue where some player may lose their campaign progression.
  • In Mission 4 the Rebellion Outpost cutscene will hang at the end and will require the player to hold esc to skip.
  • Have observed issues with target priority losing functionality and not working as intended.
  • Load times have increased, we are looking into reducing this.
  • Have observed issues with ranged unit garrisoning within Towers.
  • In certain situations the player can instantly transport Garrisoned ranged units from one tower to another tower in the map.
  • In a rare occasion Heroes may auto-attack with a fire FX.
  • Alt-tabbing during gameplay may cause alt functionality to lock and will require another press to unlock.
  • Survival Death Night Crystal Cutscene pan over moments have performance issues.
  • When double clicking on building whilst using a Hero’s ability spell indicator the UI stays on screen.
  • Pressing ‘-’ will display a ping mouse cursor and requires a second press to de-activate.
  • Enemy units in campaign won’t agro onto attacking Ballista or Below Towers.
  • In survival Death Night music may not always play.
  • Have observed performance hitches in Mission 6 when a Hero’s ability is cast for the first time.
  • In survival collision is missing on the Dark Crystals.
  • Throughout Campaign, save/loading can cause objective makers to behave unintentionally.
  • In survival performance drops when camera displays death night crystal exploding.
  • In survival performance drops when camera displays Final stand UI pop-up.
  • Some UI Prompts remain untranslated across all languages.
  • Building a Lumber Yard won’t highlight trees within its radius.
  • In some cases Heroes and Units can get stuck on terrain set dressing during Campaign Missions.
  • Merek’s Halberd Hurricane can miss in some cases when used in a group of Nightmares.
  • Buildings may display construction VFX when the camera focuses on them while navigating throughout the map.
  • Player can mouse over and see the enemy building yield and attack radius’ in Fog of War.
  • Player can see all objective locations early on the Mini-Map in Mission 9.
  • Player may be able to incorrectly path through the enemy’s gates in Campaign.
  • Minimap objective pings in Campaign are not always persisting in some Missions.
  • In some missions background music may not play correctly or at all.
  • Character Models can stand and clip with the Character Pedestal on the World Map.
  • In Mission 5 the player will see incorrect Objective Information on the Mission Success screen.
  • Dialogue Barks may be playing multiple times within Campaign Missions, specifically in Missions 9.
  • Save Loading throughout the campaign may cause issues with Progression triggers for that mission.
  • In some cases in Mission 10 the player may have Death Night fog appear in their base when it shouldn’t.
  • In Mission 10 there is some delay between abilities being telegraphed and cast in the final fight.
  • There are some issues with Cutscenes missing characters during Mission 9.
  • Cutscenes may play twice when skipped in certain situations.
  • In some cases Units will get stuck running on the spot when trying to reach unreachable terrain.
  • Cinematic Subtitle Timing is not matching to Cinematic Audio for Dunstock, Storm Eye and the Final Cinematic.
  • Player can see objective locations early on the Mini-Map in Mission 9.
  • Dialogue Barks may repeat within Campaign Missions, specifically in Missions 9.
  • In some cases the player will see missing Audio across cutscenes throughout the Campaign.
  • In some cases Units given to the player during Campaign may not be marked as controllable after their corresponding cutscene trigger.

To avoid spoilers, please find the Beta changes pinned in the comment section below.


We greatly appreciate everyone who has taken the time to let us know about these bugs and crashes you’ve encountered. If you come across any bugs or crashes in the future, please report them to us either through the Steam forums, our Discord server in the ‘player-support’ channel or using the in-game bug reporting tool.

Till next time Protectors of the Light…

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Have a question about the game? We have a handy FAQ we’ve posted on the Steam forums that you can view. If your question hasn’t been answered there, we’ll be doing our best to keep up with questions here, on the forums and our Discord server.
Speaking of which, you can also chat with our team and ask them questions on our official Discord server here!

Age of Darkness: Final Stand
Logo for Age of Darkness: Final Stand
Release:07.10.2021 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: PlaySide Vertrieb: Team 17 Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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Age of Darkness: Final Stand
29.11.23 12:00 Community Announcements
Save 33% on Age Of Darkness: Final Stand during the Steam Autumn Sale
Age of Darkness: Final Stand
22.11.23 14:00 Community Announcements
Vote for Age Of Darkness: Final Stand in the Steam Awards!
Age of Darkness: Final Stand
22.11.23 08:46 Community Announcements
Age of Darkness: Final Stand – Hold the Line with Formations
Age of Darkness: Final Stand
02.11.23 12:00 Community Announcements
Age of Darkness: Final Stand – October Dev Diary
Age of Darkness: Final Stand
31.10.23 10:30 Community Announcements
Save 33% on Age Of Darkness: Final Stand during the Steam Scream Sale
Age of Darkness: Final Stand
26.10.23 17:00 Community Announcements
Age of Darkness: Final Stand – September Dev Diary
Age of Darkness: Final Stand
29.09.23 06:01 Community Announcements
Age of Darkness: Final Stand – v0.10.1 Hotfix Update – Out Now!
Age of Darkness: Final Stand
13.09.23 13:00 Community Announcements
Age of Darkness: Final Stand – v0.10.0 Update – Out Now!
Age of Darkness: Final Stand
05.09.23 13:00 Community Announcements
Age of Darkness: Final Stand – Exile’s Return coming this winter!
Age of Darkness: Final Stand
28.08.23 02:00 Community Announcements
Age of Darkness: Final Stand – August Dev Diary
Age of Darkness: Final Stand
23.08.23 06:01 Community Announcements
Age of Darkness: Final Stand - July Dev Diary
Age of Darkness: Final Stand
11.07.23 13:00 Community Announcements
Save 33% on Age Of Darkness: Final Stand during the Steam Summer Sale
Age of Darkness: Final Stand
29.06.23 17:01 Community Announcements